Chapter 11: ? The stimulation is not deep enough

For the next few days, Uchiha Kei has been advancing according to his latest plan. They dealt with some guarding Iwanin and rescued some Konoha captives who were relatively easy to rescue.

I have to say that this thing is really useful at this time. Relying on the white eyes of Hyuga Aya, they passed by the Iwanin guards with a large number of people again and again, and they also attacked a lot of people again and again. Single squad.

A few days later, the number of Uchiha Kai and his team has almost reached 20 people, but what makes Uchiha Kai feel dissatisfied is that there are only two of these people, and the rest are basically Chunin.

There are basically two kinds of situations in this era—the one worth cultivating, and the cannon fodder.

Needless to say, those who are worth cultivating are basically protected, and they will not go to the most dangerous places to perform tasks.

And cannon fodder?

Does this thing count as human?

There is no intelligence information, and the strength can't be seen. Basically, they are guys who died in the unknown AOE category.

It can only be regarded as an extension of the facade, and at the same time, I hope that they will be lucky to pick up a head or make a knife.

Kai Uchiha and the others are actually a bunch of cannon fodder. Although they are a little better than those miserable Genin, they are just big cannon fodder.

Fifty steps to laugh at a hundred steps doesn't make any sense, anyway, Uchiha Kai is very self-aware.

As for why there are so few Jōnin, in short, the strength and adaptability of the Jōnin are very strong. Unless they are unlucky and besieged by a few guys, it will be difficult for them to die.

The frontal battlefield is not a sneak attack. The sneak attack is caught by surprise and the reaction time is poor.

But there is time to react on the frontal battlefield - although there are some unexpected things, but there are people around, maybe someone will block it.

Moreover, the concentration of Jounin is terrifying, and the chances of surviving or being captured are too small.

Therefore, Junin is basically killed or escaped, and the essence of being captured is that he is unlucky, so Uchiha Kai has very few Junin among them.

As the main force, the Chunin became the biggest gain, which can be said to be quite miserable.

But fortunately, these people also have some cautions, for example, they think that this time anything has nothing to do with them, they need to go back to the back of Konoha.

After all, it's not that everyone doesn't care about their own lives, but fortunately, Junin, who was rescued by Kai Uchiha and the others, played a role.

Masato Yamanaka can be said to have done Uchiha and the others a big favor. With him suppressing these people, and the Yamanaka family and Uchiha's surnames, in the end, these Konoha ninjas could only obediently choose to participate in this mission.

"But my experiment is a bit of a drag."

Before the rest of the night, Uchiha Kei also took time to think about the problems of his own experiments and do some inconspicuous experiments by himself.

He does know the evolutionary path of Sharinyan, but Uchiha Keiza has no way to break this obstacle, and the stimulation of mental power seems to be not enough for him to cross this stage.

Although Kai Uchiha's mental power is really strong, with his continuous research during this period of time, he can clearly feel that he seems to be facing a 'wall'.

This 'wall' is airtight, and no matter how his mental power hits and penetrates, this 'wall' will not move at all.

This made Uchiha Qi depressed and depressed at the same time. He was happy because he seemed to have found a 'node', but he was depressed because he couldn't get past this 'node'.

"Maybe the stimulation is not deep enough?" Uchiha Qi thought silently: "But what can stimulate me the most? Although I still can't bear it, I can indeed face the passage of life relatively silently, and I don't seem to have What kind of emotional sustenance?"

In fact, the so-called 'killing the closest person with one's own hands' cannot be the destruction of a spiritual sustenance, causing people to have an incredible mental shock when their hearts are extremely collapsed or even distorted.

Of course, it doesn't necessarily have to be done. Seeing that Sasuke killed Uchiha Itachi himself, didn't he also do it?

But later, he was opened by a few words from Uchiha Obito. In fact, his inner world was distorted by Uchiha Obito's words, resulting in strong guilt, hatred and other emotions, and his spirit reached extreme abnormality. The threshold of , thus opened the eyes.

"Sure enough, the Uchiha family are all insane." Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai complained in his heart, but he quickly reacted: "Except me, I am not insane."

The research has not been fruitful for the time being, and it is not convenient for Uchiha to make research records in this environment, so Uchiha can only temporarily stop after several attempts.

Their tasks have to continue, especially in recent days, they have also felt the pressure.

After all, it is the rear of the Iwanin army. It can be said that almost all of this place is a patrol of Iwanin, and no one can leave alive if they don't pay attention to them.

The next day dawn, UU reading Uchiha Kai and the others set off.

They are still assigned as a normal team. There are many advantages to doing so. For example, if a certain team is discovered, then that team will find a way to solve the problem by itself.

Whether it is from the perspective of attracting the enemy or from the perspective of escape, it is much more powerful to have fewer people behind enemy lines than to have fewer people.

Quietly lurking in the tree, looking at a camp in front of him, Uchiha Ki quietly made a gesture behind him.

Obviously, this is another prisoner concentration, and they have been attacking this kind of place these days.

However, it seems that their luck is not very good today, because through the eyes of Hyuga Aya, they found that there are a lot of ninjas here.

Obviously, Uchiha Kai and the others' recent actions have caught the attention of the rock ninjas. They have also increased their control over the Konoha ninjas, and...

The intensity of their interrogation.

"The fourth corpse." Hyuga Aya quietly came behind Uchiha Kai, her voice was silent and cold: "There are only seven people in total, and now there are only three left. Yamanaka Kamijin let us get ready and save if we can. Come down, you can't just attract Iwanin's attention and then retreat separately to distract their attention."

"As expected of Konoha's Joinin, I really listened to Hokage-sama." Uchiha Qi whispered mockingly: "Okay, I understand. Whether they can survive or not depends on their lives. And, and so on. People are talking, and it is convenient to retreat."

"I don't need you to remind me." Hyuga Aya was clearly prepared. And Imai Kenta nodded honestly, looking like a ninja who obeyed orders honestly.

But just as Uchiha Kai and the others were about to move, suddenly a messenger eagle flew over...