Chapter 26: ? Brawl

"This is... Chidori!"

When Uchiha Qi heard this voice, he immediately figured out what was going on. Although Uchiha Kai didn't think Kakashi had recovered his chakra now, it would be great if he could make a move.

In a three-on-three situation, in fact, as a team, Kai Uchiha and the others shouldn't choose heads-up.

The best way for them to deal with it should be to gather the strength of the two to forcibly kill one, and then try to find a way to deal with the remaining two.

But it is a pity that the three of them don't seem to trust this thing at all, so they rarely have more than two cooperation in their battles along the way. Even if the opponent is stronger, they would rather fight themselves.

At this time, each of the three of them looked embarrassed, but they had no idea of ​​helping each other.

No wonder Konoha will instill the concept of teamwork in the selection of Genin in the future. I am afraid it is because of a guy like Kei Uchiha that he is forced to make such a choice?

But this has nothing to do with Kei Uchiha. The relationship between him, Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai is mutual distrust but forced to cooperate with each other.

If they have a choice, I am afraid that none of them will choose this task, even if they must do this task, they are more willing to choose a team of 'Silly White Sweet'.

Therefore, if there is no cooperation, they can only play their own way, but Uchiha Kai seems to have better luck than them, because Kakashi comes to the rescue at this time!

After Uchiha Kai landed, Kakashi immediately rushed over to face the loess with a chidori on his chest.

As a result, the loess was indeed disrupted by the attacking pace, but this guy reacted super fast and erected an earthen wall in front of him.

Uchiha Kai breathed a sigh of relief. Just when he was about to do something, Uchiha Kai noticed that Kakashi had pulled out his right hand, jumped up, and attacked the loess again!

Seeing this scene, Uchiha Kai was stunned, is this guy here to make trouble or something?

Although Kakashi's sudden appearance disrupted Loess's attack, his rush attack also disrupted Uchiha Kai's attack!

I have to say that the lack of cooperation is really deadly, or that Kakashi is used to others cooperating with him.

Unable to do anything, Uchiha Kei can only try to cooperate with Kakashi, but this is a bit embarrassing for Uchiha Kai, he is not Uchiha Obito.

"What a mess."

However, there is no other way, Uchiha Kai can only try to keep up. Chidori is a very special and terrifying ninjutsu, and its piercing and explosive power is simply incredible!

But this ninjutsu also has a fatal flaw, that is, this ninjutsu requires space for sprinting, as well as ultra-high dynamic vision in high-speed movement.

Thanks to Uchiha Obito's contribution, the problem of dynamic vision has been solved. It can even be said that this ninjutsu was actually invented for the Uchiha Kai family.

But there is another problem that cannot be easily solved, that is, this ninjutsu needs space to sprint.

Although Chidori has restrained the earth escape, the loess is not a simple thing. As the son of the third generation of earth shadows, he did not rely on his father's reputation to climb up.

He saw the advantages and disadvantages of this ninjutsu almost immediately, so he naturally wouldn't give Kakashi room to sprint. Facing Kakashi's second attack, he remained calm, as long as he blocked this one Offensive, then he can naturally take this guy to clean up obediently!

But Uchiha Kai won't make him comfortable. Uchiha Kai knows what he has to do now, that is to contain this **** loess attack, but Kakashi has a chance to give him a fatal blow!

Kei Uchiha knew very well that as long as the loess was taken care of, the remaining two Iwanin would not be able to make any waves.

Loess is Tuying's son, and most likely Tuying's only son. If something goes wrong with this kid, then they will be in trouble.

"It really did a 'good thing'."

To a certain extent, whether Uchiha Kai wants to or not, he and Kakashi's attack can contain the other two Iwanin.

But at this moment, Uchiha Kei didn't bother to think so much. He quietly glanced at the situation of the other people, and Uchiha Kei was a little relieved.

Aya Hyuga is worthy of being a member of the Hyuga clan, and this woman is far more fierce than Neji and Hinata in his memory. It can only be said that the battlefield is the real catalyst for ninjas.

Although this woman was crushed badly, her 'tortoise shell' performance as a Hyuga clan was really not bad. Although she was beaten to the point of bleeding from the corners of her mouth, she still managed to persevere.

As for Imai Kenta and Nohara Rin, the situation doesn't seem to be too bad. I have to say that Imai Kenta, who looks like he can only 'fake a smile', seems to be hiding really deep.

With the 'Pendant' of Nohara Rin, he was able to withstand another Iwanin attack. One can imagine how powerful this guy is, as expected of someone who has lived on the battlefield for eight years!

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi immediately attacked the loess again. Kakashi's second attack had already reached the eyes of loess, but loess did not rush to avoid Chidori this time.

It is impossible for Chidori who is so close to cause any damage to the loess It can be seen that Kakashi is a little anxious, but this is understandable, after all, his state is not good, and he is not the future That super 'five to five'.

When Kakashi was kicked and the loess was about to follow up, Uchiha had already inserted his way into his path.

Kuwu fiercely aimed at Loess's chest and stabbed in the past. This time, it was fast, accurate, and ruthless, forcing Loess to stop. The somewhat annoyed Loess avoided Uchiha Kai's Kuwu again. He punched Uchiha Kai fiercely.

Uchiha Qi immediately jumped back, but the loess showed his amazing ninja qualities.

His extremely fast knot seal then pressed his hands to the ground, and the chakra immediately poured into the ground.

Uchiha Qi was much calmer than he had imagined. The writing wheel in his eyes turned slightly. When he was about to land, he pressed his right hand hard like the ground, and his body floated to the side. These soil spears passed through the debris. Shadow stuck on the ground where he was about to land.

Uchiha Kai stepped on the ground and started circling and dodging again. His body was fast and slow, constantly changing the speed and angle, stopping suddenly, accelerating instantly, and changing the angle.

After all kinds of difficult movements were made by Uchiha, they were smooth as if they had been practiced hard for thousands of times, without the slightest jerky and abrupt feeling.

Regardless of these earth spears or the kunai with the detonating talisman thrown out after the loess, they were all dodged by Uchiha Kai.

I have to say that Kai Uchiha, who uses a shackle, and Kai Uchiha, who does not use a shackle, are simply two ninjas who are not at the same level.

It's just that the loess also seems to feel that it will be fruitless to entangle with Uchiha Kai. He once again set his target on Kakashi...