Chapter 27: ?crazy

"Uchiha's little devil, you are courting death!"

The furious Loess has gone completely mad, and both of his subordinates were killed by this **** Uchiha clan boy!

If the first loess can still hold back his anger, it is because he has a very general relationship with that guy, and he really needs to understand what Konoha is thinking.

But Yuanmu is completely different. This is his true friend, a friend who has known and been together since he was a child!

At this moment, Loess doesn't think about information at all, he just wants this Uchiha kid to die.

The degree of danger of the raging loess is unimaginable. Kakashi originally planned to use the chidori to attack him while the loess was distracted, but the speed of the loess' reaction completely surpassed Kakashi's understanding!

At the moment Chidori's tearing sound rang out, the loess one had already squatted down and put both hands on the ground, and his powerful chakra melted into the ground.

The next moment, an earthen wall at least ten meters high rose from the ground, blocking Kakashi's Chidori exactly.

Earth Escape · Earth Flow Wall.

This can be said to be a simple basic earth escape ninjutsu, and in the hands of loess, it has exerted an incredible effect!

However, Lektu, Kakashi's Chidori did not accidentally penetrate this earth wall, but Kakashi didn't have any happy thoughts at all.

Because when his chidori penetrated the earth flow wall, the loess had long since avoided Kakashi's chidori by using this blocked moment, and he punched almost at the same time.

This terrifying punch directly shattered his own ninjutsu and hit Kakashi directly in the chest!

The sound of bone cracks was audible, and Kakashi flew out with blood flowing directly, and then fell to the ground ruthlessly. His chest was hollowed out, and it looked like he was going to die!

Kai Uchiha was really dumbfounded when he saw this scene. Could this kid Kakashi really die like this?


Nohara Lin, who was not far away, also noticed this scene, and she immediately let out some shrill screams, but when she was about to rush over, she was directly kicked by Iwa Ninja who blocked them.

And because of her impulsiveness, Imai Kenta was also forced to encounter some trouble, which was originally a complete defense collapsed at this moment.

Kei Uchiha didn't even need to look at it to know. At this moment, I'm afraid Kenta Imai's idea of ​​killing Rin Nohara is more important than killing that Iwa Shinobi, right?

If it wasn't for worrying that Uchiha Kai had a bad idea at this time, and then summoned Minato Namikaze, I'm afraid he might actually do it without anyone else's attention.

But at this time, Kenta Imai didn't care about this woman anymore. He wished that she would simply attract Iwa Shinobi's attention and be killed.

However, after that Iwanin had knocked Nohara Rin over, his target was on Imai Kenta again. Except for not letting Nohara Rin break through to find Kakashi, he was attacking Imai Kenta at other times.

At this time, Kenta Imai seemed to be unable to take it anymore, and the wounds on his body became more and more numerous.

Uchiha Qi watched all of this silently, although he never paid too much attention to his teammates, let alone the lives of the characters in the original novel.

Because how could he take care of others when he himself might not survive?

But Uchiha Kei had already saved Kakashi "twice" by chance, and Uchiha Kei thought everything was going to be on the right track.

But in the blink of an eye, Kakashi was punched to death by the father of the future four generations of Metokage. This made Kai Uchiha feel that life is more fragile than accidents. Could it be that Kakashi of Wannian Xiaoqiang is this dying?

However, Kai Uchiha has no idea. Kakashi's life and death are uncertain now, and Aya Hyuga is seriously injured, it should be in line with the "most critical moment" that Minato Namikaze said, right?

It's a pity that Kai Uchiha didn't have time to think about these messy things, and after finishing Kakashi, Loess came straight to him without stopping.

That aura, that level of chakra, is typically the look of 'you must die today'!

"I have to summon Minato Namikaze, and now this situation can be said to be terrible..."

Uchiha Kai thought to himself, he immediately used the instant body technique to open the distance from the loess, and at the same time took out the kunai that Kakashi gave to Uchiha Kai and entered the chakra at the same time.

Now Kakashi's situation is not clear to Uchiha, but Uchiha knows that if you don't do something quickly, their entire team will be destroyed!

It's just that luck didn't seem to be on Uchiha Kai's side this time, because Uchiha Kai found that after he entered the chakra, there was nothing around him.

"The difficulty is that the distance is too far and it takes time to prepare? Or is it that Namikaze Minato is busy?"

While dodging the attack of loess, Kei Uchiha thought to himself that this loess had left a deep impression on Kei Uchiha in anime and manga before.

Kai Uchiha remembers that in the fourth ninja war, loess served as the commander of the second unit of the ninja coalition, and once punched the golden horn of the flying tail beast!

And on the battlefield, he also showed a powerful earth escape ninjutsu. When the ten tails were resurrected, he arrived in front of the ten tails with the combined army to start a decisive battle, and used the "earth escape · earth mountain technique" to suppress the outsider golem and the ten tails successively. .

Although he may not be at his peak now, he has already shown the edge of the future.

Not to mention anything else, his punches almost dented the ground with his punches As long as he hits almost every time he hits, Uchiha Kei feels that he can kill him on the spot!

Uchiha Kai feels that he is really going to have bad luck this time, if it is not because Uchiha Kai's writing wheel has extremely strong dynamic vision, plus Uchiha Kai's telekinesis really plays well, otherwise he feels that he I'm afraid it has been labeled as meat sauce!

It's not that Uchiha Kai didn't try to fight back, but Uchiha Kai found that his attack methods were too lacking.

The ability he has mastered is almost like tickling in front of the furious loess. Before, loess would hide from Uchiha Kai's kunai and shuriken, but now he doesn't bother to hide at all.

Before, I didn't want to get hurt or make myself look ragged, but now this guy doesn't care at all.

It can be said that Uchiha Kai couldn't hurt this guy at all from the very beginning of his attack!

Unless Kei Uchiha can get close, and send Kunai into his heart from different angles without him noticing, just like Kei Uchiha attacked the guy named Yuanmu before.

However, the loess is now covered with chakra, and there is no dead angle at all, and Uchiha Kai has no way to deal with this guy.

The more time passed, the more anxious Uchiha became.

Through Sharinyan Uchiha Kai discovered that Kakashi was really dying, and after dragging on Uchiha Kai knew that Iwasin's support would also be in place.

Imai Kenta's side has basically fallen. It's like a cat playing with a mouse, and the mouse is dying.

Looking at the crazy loess in front of him, Uchiha opened his eyes with a hint of madness!

"Since you're not going to let me go, then I'll make you lose all your teammates completely!"