Chapter 80: ?Metkay

After the clan meeting ended, Uchiha Kai was quiet for a while.

On the basis of insufficient intelligence, Uchiha Qi would not act casually, otherwise he would be really miserable if he was exposed.

Therefore, Uchiha Kei still lives his normal 'busy' life, not doing various records or reading books every day, or having a good practice with Kakashi.

Kakashi's progress is so fast that Uchiha Kai himself is speechless. It seems that after finding the most suitable way, Kakashi's level is really improving.

According to Uchiha Kai's thoughts, I am afraid that the current Kakashi will only need a few breaths to solve the battle against Kakashi when he is on the battlefield!

Is this the real genius?

Uchiha scratched his head, he suddenly wondered if the Hatake family is also a descendant of Otsutsuki, is it that Kakashi can reach the level of Naruto Uzumaki and Sasuke Uchiha, and even if they don't have anything in the future?

Of course, this is just a thought. The world of Hokage is still very face-worthy. Your face is born in a family of descendants of Otsutsuki, so you are at least a few grades ahead of others on a basic basis.

Think about the kid Otsutsuki Sheren. This kid has almost zero actual combat experience, but relying on Otsutsuki's blood and Tenseigan, he was stunned and almost had a fight with Naruto.

In the words of Kai Uchiha, this is simply a pig with such strength, can it achieve this level?

Uchiha Qi already has the foundation of his bloodline. Although his talent is very poor, he has information that others do not have. This is the main reason why Uchiha Qi believes in his future!

"But that's all in the future. Without the current efforts, there is no future? Besides, I have a lot of things to do."

There are indeed a lot of things about Uchiha Kai, and the most important thing now is to find out Uchiha Yu's direction of action and his specific strength information.

At this time, he was missing the woman Hyuga Aya a little, because with this woman, I am afraid that many information problems do not require him to go out in person.

But Uchiha Kai will never go to that woman to cooperate, Uchiha Kai can find her in such a dangerous thing, isn't this a trick?

Originally, Uchiha Qi had already had some bad thoughts about this woman, and was thinking about when to get rid of this trouble, how could he still send some clues in the past?

I'm afraid that woman will definitely confess to Uchiha Kai as soon as she finds out about this. After all, she has offended Uchiha Kai a lot, and she is not very at ease.

Walking slowly on Konoha Street, Uchiha Kai began to think about what he should do first. Should he first find out what this guy is doing, or should he first find out his strength?

Just walking, a green figure suddenly stood upside down and hurried past Uchiha Kai's side. That speed was faster than that of ordinary people. I don't know how much.

Uchiha Qi was stunned for a moment, and soon he laughed, if I am not mistaken, that guy should be Matekai, right?

And just when Uchiha Kai was laughing, suddenly the upside-down green figure retreated back, and then stopped steadily beside Uchiha Kai.

"Kai?" Matekai looked upside down at Uchiha Kai, and then called out in surprise.

"Well, long time no see, Kai." The corner of Uchiha's mouth twitched, but he still nodded: "You're still so energetic."

"Of course!"

Kai propped up his hands and stood up steadily, with a full of energy on his face, he extended his thumb to Uchiha Kai, revealing a mouth of big white teeth.

He said cheerfully: "Of course, this is my youth! By the way, Kai, I haven't seen you for a long time, since you became a hero, I have rarely seen you, and Kakashi too Same."

"It's okay to be a big hero, I just did what I was supposed to do." Uchiha Qi took a step back unconsciously, but there was a lot of sweat on Matekai: "As for not coming out for so long, That's because I'm recovering from an injury, and Kakashi is about the same."

As he made a thumbs-up gesture, the visible beads of sweat were drifting outside, and Uchiha Qi didn't want to be stained with these things on his body.

When there is no danger to his life, Uchiha Kai will not deliberately show indifference to these relatively "simple" guys.

What's more, Uchiha Kai's plan also requires him to make more friends, instead of being as cold as a deck of cards to everyone.

"No, you are a hero!" Speaking of this question, Matekai became serious: "If it weren't for you, I'm afraid the form of war would not have changed so well."

"Okay, let's not talk about this." Uchiha Kai shook his head decisively: "Even if I am a hero, I kicked you when I was in school. Does it make any difference?"

"It's a big difference!" Matekai also seemed to remember the incident when he kicked Obito and Uchiha Kai, which made him involuntarily rub his head: "Are you really not that good back then.... , let's not talk about this, Qi, since we came out, how about we discuss it?"

"Next time." Uchiha Qi immediately shook his head: "I'm going to the mission hall to see. Although I don't have any plans for a mission I will go and see the mission to know what's going on recently."

Uchiha Kai had not made a decision before, but now he has made up his mind, that is, go to the task hall to see the task.

Although the tasks of the Security Department and the tasks of the task hall are basically two systems, but there are many people in the task hall, maybe Uchiha Kai can get some interesting things.

Gathering intelligence is to filter from various details, and Konoha's mission hall can be regarded as a place with many people.

Outside spies want to obtain information, in addition to lurking inside Konoha for a long time, they will also try similar channels to get the information they want.

Even if he doesn't get the news he wants in the mission hall, he will not be disappointed. After all, not everyone is the protagonist, and he can get what he wants by coming here.

The big deal is that he can visit the security department and see if he can get anything by the way.

As a Uchiha clan, he is indeed qualified to go to the security department, especially the head of the security department is Uchiha Fuyue.

It wasn't a big deal for Uchiha to visit the patriarch, although the timing wasn't right.

And due to the issue of identity, he could not access the attendance records of the security department, but he could still do a simple visit.

If you really get something like the attendance route that Uchiha uses, then what Uchiha Kai has to do is to figure out some of his abilities, and then ambush him on the way.

"So it is!" Kai gave Uchiha Kai a thumbs up again: "Then come on, I have to work hard!"

"Uh..." Uchiha Qi took a step back and nodded: "Well, let's work hard together..."