Chapter 82: ? Unexpected intelligence

Uchiha Kai actually didn't want to use this method. After all, what if he made a mistake and Uchiha Hiroki's approach was reasonable and reasonable?

And doing such a thing in front of outsiders will always leave a bad voice in the clan.

But Uchiha Kai looked at Uchiha Hiroshi's face and was annoyed, especially since this guy was completely against himself and caused so much trouble over the Kakashi issue, which indirectly affected his plans.

Although from another angle, Kei Uchiha might want to thank him, after all, Kei Uchiha couldn't find a suitable experimental body so quickly without him, but seeing this guy Kei Uchiha made him feel unhappy.

And Uchiha Kai's current approach seems impulsive, but it is actually after consideration. He has reached this point in his relationship with these hardliners, and he is determined to engage Uchiha Yu.

And the worse the relationship is with the hardliners at this time, once the Uchiha Yong action succeeds, these hardliners will doubt themselves, but they will definitely not be so strong.

Such traces are too obvious, Uchiha Kai has shown his wisdom, the hardliners can't go too far.

What's more, even if you doubt it, Uchiha Kei is not without his back, thanks to Orochimaru-sama.

"Kai..." Fujiu Hangping was dumbfounded, not only was he dumbfounded, but even those ninjas of the Uchiha clan were dumbfounded.

In all fairness, Hiroki Uchiha wasn't that unbearable, but I'm afraid he didn't expect Kai Uchiha to act without any warning at all.

Looking at Hiroshi Uchiha who was in pain on the ground, Kei Uchiha shook his head, and he simply turned his head to look at the other Uchiha ninjas.

These guys immediately became vigilant after noticing Uchiha's gaze. Obviously, they were very worried that Uchiha would suddenly attack them.

"Don't worry, I'm not crazy, it's a personal grudge." Uchiha Qi spread his hands: "Also, Fujiu Hangping is my guide, and has helped me on the battlefield, so I think I Are you qualified to find out?"

Those Uchiha ninjas were slightly relieved when they looked at Uchiha Kai's attitude. The pressure that Uchiha Kai gave them was indeed a little big.

Not to mention the status of this guy in the family, just coming back from the battlefield alive and opening the Sangou jade writing wheel eye is not something that ordinary Uchiha clansmen can resist.

Now Uchiha Kai's attitude and explanation have given them a step up, and these guys are not people without self-knowledge.

"That's right, Lord Kai." At this moment, a Uchiha ninja said suddenly, he didn't feel any difficulty in calling a 134-year-old kid a 'sir': "This little...the person we caught The name is Fujiu Hangtai, and we only arrested him because he violated the public security regulations and did not listen to the warning."

"That's not the case!" Fujiu Hangtai, the kid who was arrested, suddenly said, "My brother came back from the front line, and my mother and I went to pick him up, but you didn't let us go there at all. My brother came down from the battlefield. Can't you let me see him?"

"Then do you know the consequences of doing this?" A Uchiha ninja suddenly became angry: "If you take the lead in rushing in alone, how many people will you learn from you? In case of a stampede accident, the consequences will be yours. Can you be responsible? Don't you wish they didn't die on the battlefield, but in your 'passionate' embrace?"

"But....but...." Fujiu Hangta was choked by this Uchiha ninja, and he didn't know what to say.

Hearing this, Uchiha Kei probably knew what was going on, which made him roll his eyes.

This is a trivial matter in the first place. It can even be said that the security department did nothing right. Just imagine that everyone rushed in like this kid, so what was the final result?

I'm afraid there is nothing wrong with the ninjas, but the ordinary family members of these ninjas will suffer!

It's just that the natural arrogance of the Uchiha clan makes them disdain to explain anything, and the Uchiha clan's practices are also relatively rough and one-sided propaganda by caring people, which makes the Uchiha clan more and more unpopular.

"I understand." Uchiha Kai nodded, and he looked at these Uchiha members: "I'm sorry to stop you, but sometimes I think you spend some time explaining to them, and you won't make trouble. So much. After all, they are the hero's family, and it's understandable that the family is emotionally excited, isn't it?"

"Ah... Yes, yes, Master Kai." The Uchiha ninja was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "It's because we weren't thoughtful enough."

"And you, kid." Uchiha Ki nodded, then turned to look at Fujiu Hangtai, not caring that this guy was as big as himself, he said directly: "Your brother is a hero who returned from the battlefield, you too It's inevitable to be excited after not seeing him for a long time, but you should follow the rules or follow the rules, otherwise there will be consequences. I don't think any of you can afford it, right?"

"I..." Fujiu Hangtai wanted to say something, but he was directly pressed down by Fujiu Hangping, and said to Uchiha Qi at the same time: "I think he is wrong, Qijun, thank you. "

Uchiha Kai nodded. Although he couldn't see the kid's face, Uchiha Kai didn't bother to care so much.

He is indeed not a member of the security department. What he did can be said to be completely overstepping, but he didn't care that much.

Fujiu Hangping is his guide to Junin, no matter what the actual relationship is, it is enough for others to know that they have this level of relationship.

Besides, Uchiha Kei didn't intervene to forgive the fact that this kid made a mistake. His only problem was that he taught Uchiha Hiroki a lesson.

Probably this kid really realized his problem, and he stopped making noise after that, and followed those Uchiha ninjas honestly.

And Uchiha Hiroki was kicked hard enough by Uchiha Kai, he could only be carried away by other Uchiha ninjas Looking at the tragic image of this guy, Uchi Bo Qi felt very comfortable. This kind of guy moved his hand when he moved his hand. Uchiha Qi wanted to see if he would find someone to help.

"Thank you, Kai." Fujiu Hangping looked at his younger brother's back, and although he was still a little worried, he didn't forget to say to Uchiha Kai.

"It's alright, it's just a small matter." Uchiha Kai shook his head and said indifferently, "But is your brother quite young? He looks about the same age as me."

Tomohisa Kopei looks to be in his thirties, and his younger brother seems to be about the same age as Uchiha Kai.

This made Kei Uchiha a little curious, and Tomijiu Hanghei seemed to feel a little embarrassed about this topic. He touched his nose and didn't answer directly.

Uchiha Qi was too lazy to ask about these things, he still had his own things to do.

With a wave of his hand, Kei Uchiha turned around and left: "Captain Tomohisa, I'll go first. I'll find a way to talk about your brother, although it may not work."

"Excuse me, Qi." Fujiu Hangping seemed to be relieved: "It seems that this war has changed you a lot. It changed a lot when you first met with us."

"Really?" Uchiha Kai smiled: "Probably, this is a kind of growth."

"Indeed." Fujiu Hanghei smiled: "You are very different from some Uchihas I used to know."

"Oh? Captain, did you know some Uchiha ninjas before?"

"Yeah, otherwise you wouldn't be in my team. Speaking of which, that guy is very powerful. His name is Yuchi Uchiha."
