Chapter 84: ? the situation is not right

After getting some information on Uchiha's strength, Uchiha Kai also began to prepare to find a way to get Uchiha's inspection route.

Since everyone has already decided to start, then Uchiha Qi will definitely be merciful and will never delay for too long.

Kei Uchiha and his team have been back in Konoha for some time. Although the battle on the front line is basically over, they are still at war before the negotiations are over.

It is not impossible for their team to enter the country of grass once again, and of course it may be to perform other tasks.

Not only them, any combat power is really not worth wasting.

Kai Uchiha remembered that Kakashi and his team entered the country of grass again after that, and were designed by Madara Uchiha, who had information in advance.

In that battle, Nohara Rin was stuffed into her body with three tails, and in order to protect Konoha's safety, she chose to die at the hands of Kakashi when they were besieged by Kirinanbu Anbu.

And this move directly affected the future of the two of them. Uchiha Obito, who witnessed all this with his own eyes, opened the kaleidoscope just a few months after opening the writing wheel!

Madara Uchiha knows too much about the writing wheel, and also too much about the human heart.

It is precisely because he saw the goodness in Uchiha Obito's heart that he forcibly distorted this kind of "goodness" into "evil", how dark a person is when he is depraved!

In front of this man who is about to enter the earth, the complexity of human nature is played to the exact same extent, and how terrifying the destructive power caused by Obito who has fallen into the "evil", the future has already given the answer.

In Uchiha Kai's view, the Minato Namiba team is actually a replica of the future Kakashi's seventh class, it's just that the people who go to the dark have changed.

Kakashi prefers Sasuke so much not only because Sasuke is a descendant of Uchiha, but more because he sees his own shadow in Sasuke, right?

Uchiha Kai is a little worried now that he may have to cooperate with them in this mission, because their team has cooperated with Kakashi's team.

Although Kei Uchiha did have the idea of ​​participating in this mission, he knew even more that when he returned, it would not be long before the fourth Hokage was elected.

So before he leaves Konoha, he plans to solve some things that he can solve, for example, Uchiha Brother Yu, he plans to do it before leaving.

Even if you can't get two, you can get one.

After all, Orochimaru's turmoil is getting bigger and bigger, and the disappearance of a Uchiha at this time may have the effect of adding fuel to the flames.

Besides, it's hard to say what the situation will be after he returns, maybe the security department will start to watch more deadly.

However, when he thought that it would take time to try to stimulate the kaleidoscope, and that the life-sustaining device also needed to find a way, Uchiha Kai had a headache.

"Suddenly I found out that it seems that I have neither money nor much time." Uchiha Qi sighed, and it was indeed a little embarrassing to be like him.

Now Uchiha Kaito is thinking about whether he should just do some tasks and make some money?

But after thinking about it, Kei Uchiha felt that it was not right. If he missed the things he wanted to participate in because of these tasks, it would be really bad.

With a helpless sigh, Uchiha Kei felt that he was taking a step by step now. He really had no choice but to try to see if he could borrow some money like Uchiha Fuyue...

"Master Kai." Just as Uchiha Kai was thinking wildly, someone suddenly called out from behind him.

"Huh?" Uchiha Ki looked back strangely.

It's been a month and a half since he came back to Konoha. With his popularity rising quietly in Konoha and his qualification to join the clan, many Uchiha ninjas have begun to call him "sir".

"Lord Qi, the patriarch wants to see you." This Uchiha's clan is quite respectful: "The patriarch is now in the security department..."

"I see, I'll go right away." Uchiha Ki nodded, indicating that he understood.

When Uchiha Fuyue was looking for him this time, Uchiha Qi had already prepared himself mentally. After all, he beat up a member of the security department in the street.

This kind of thing is also quite shameful to say, but Uchiha Kai has a good reason, and he handled this matter very properly.

Except for the people who stopped the security department and hit Uchiha Hiroki directly, he didn't think Uchiha Tomiyatsu would go too far.

It took a while for Uchiha Kai to come to the security department, and Uchiha Kai soon realized that everyone here seemed to be a little too serious.

Especially when they saw Uchiha Kai, the kind of eyes they showed was very complicated, which made Uchiha Kai feel very funny.

As for? Didn't he just hit Uchiha Hiroki?

Is it possible that this guy is still very famous and prestige in the security department?

With this kind of doubt, Uchiha Kai walked into the security department, ignoring the eyes of the ninjas inside, he went directly to Uchiha Fugaku's office.

"Come in." As Uchiha Kai knocked on the door, Uchiha Fugaku's voice also followed.

Uchiha opened the door and entered, and he found that there was only Uchiha Fuyue alone in the office, and Uchiha Hiroki was not here at all.

This made Kei Uchiha a little surprised. The main lord who was beaten was not there, and he could only explain one thing. I'm afraid Uchiha Fuyue himself didn't take this matter too seriously!

"The patriarch." Although he had already guessed it, Kei Uchiha bowed honestly.

"You don't have to pretend like this, can't you guess when you see this situation?" Uchiha Fugaku shook his head Then he pointed to the chair beside him and said, "Sit down."

"Yes, the patriarch." Uchiha Ki nodded, and then silently sat on the chair: "I don't know if the patriarch came over to me, is there anything else?"

"What do you think?" Uchiha Tomiya asked with some playfulness: "Your analytical skills are very strong in my opinion, and you are also very smart. Guess what, why did I come to you?"

My analytical skills are strong because I know what will happen in the future!

Uchiha Kaixin cursed secretly, but he quickly thought about Uchiha Fugaku's purpose.

Since Uchiha Hiroki is not here, and Uchiha Fugaku's attitude is not angry, then it is basically sure that this guy is not here to trouble him.

The biggest possibility is routine. After all, he is the patriarch, so even if he is optimistic about himself, he cannot show too much.

Suddenly, Uchiha Kai seemed to think of some possibilities.

Last time, Uchiha Kei said about Konoha's relationship with Uchiha, and Uchiha's unceremonious criticism of the security department at the family meeting is very disgusting.

The combination of Konoha's high-level approach and the Uchiha clan's own approach makes Uchiha more and more estranged from Konoha.

This time, as a Uchiha, he taught the guards a lesson. It can be said that he slapped those hardliners in the face.

Could it be that Uchiha Fugaku has plans to change?

And you are the 'wedge'?

Or, did his actions make him feel that he catered to Konoha's ideas, and then planned to let himself enter Konoha's Anbu as a spy?

Suddenly, Uchiha Kai couldn't help but think too much...