Chapter 88: The difference between 0 hands and Uchiha

"Master Yong has always been a very hard worker. He often goes to training after patrol missions."

"Is that so? No wonder Yong has such a high reputation, so it's not a vain name."

"Master Qi, be careful..."

Uchiha Asahi looked around in horror, for fear that Uchiha Kai's words would be heard by others.

Fortunately, there was no one around, which made Uchiha Asahi relieved.

Uchiha Kai found him early this morning, and then asked for the relevant information Uchiha used.

Uchiha Xu knew that the relationship between the master and Uchiha Yu seemed to be a bit bad. For the sake of this young promising guy, Uchiha Xu very honestly told Uchiha Kai what he knew and heard.

He very much hopes that Uchiha will not be so impulsive and get himself into trouble, but it seems to have little effect now.

Is this the pride of genius?

Uchiha Asahi is a little helpless. It is natural for a young genius to be proud, but it is not a good thing to be too proud to become conceited.

Many people know about Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Yong, but they have no substantial conflict under the suppression of the patriarch.

Now Uchiha Kai is asking him about Uchiha Yong's situation. I'm afraid he is taking some precautions, right?

"Don't worry, don't be so afraid, do I still fail to do something to him?" Uchiha Qi looked at Uchiha Asahi with a funny look: "You know that I don't have a good relationship with him, it's normal to know in advance. "

"I understand, Mr. Kai." Uchiha Asa lowered his head, he didn't know whether what Uchiha Kai said was true, but he could only show his belief in any case: "But in the future, similar things..."

"I know what you mean, don't worry, even if I say it in front of him, it's no big deal."

Uchiha Qi waved his hand indifferently: "But thank you for the information, let me know how powerful he is, and I have a direction to work hard."

"Is that so?" Uchiha Asahi showed a sincere smile: "Then I hope that in the future, Lord Qi can surpass Lord Yuanyong and become the first strong person in the family."

The first powerhouse in the family?

Uchiha Kai smiled and didn't respond. Uchiha's family in Konoha, the first strong man really has nothing to be proud of.

Because in the future, any Uchiha who lives abroad can easily destroy this family.

Of course, if it is to make him the No. 1 powerhouse in Uchiha, I am afraid that Kai Uchiha would not dare to take up this topic easily.

Because the first powerhouse of Uchiha was resurrected after more than ten years, and then showed the world what Uchiha's power is.

With a random wave of his hand, Uchiha Kai left here, he has got everything he wants.

Through Uchiha Asahi's words, Uchiha Kai confirmed that what he found yesterday in the shadow clone was completely in line with his conjecture, which was equivalent to giving Uchiha Kai an excellent opportunity!

Through yesterday's observation, Uchiha Kai found that Uchiha used a lot of training items, and among them, he also found traces of fire escape ninjutsu.

"With this kind of training, it will naturally cause a lot of movement." Uchiha Qi thought to himself: "If this is the case, the movement caused by me and him may not attract the attention of others so quickly. "

Indeed, it is natural for a person who has the habit of training ninjutsu to make a big noise no matter how quiet he is.

But there is one thing Uchiha Kaifen is clear about, and that is where the difference between training and combat lies, and that is continuity and continuity.

It is impossible to continuously perform ninjutsu in actual combat, and it is impossible to perform the same ninjutsu all the time, which is completely different from practice.

Therefore, once Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Yong fight, they will be discovered sooner or later.

So Uchiha Qi estimated that if he fought back and forth with Uchiha Yu, I am afraid that he would be discovered in ten minutes.

Unless Uchiha Kai directly uses the kaleidoscope to write the wheel eye, and then uses the pupil technique to directly suppress Uchiha Yu, then it can achieve the effect of a quick fight.

It's just that Uchiha Yu's strength makes Uchiha Kai a little scared. With the research and records of his pupil technique, he has basically mastered some things.

The first point is that his pupil technique is not only related to his own chakra and pupil power, but also to the enemies he faces from his teammates.

In fact, when he performed the pupil technique, it was a suppression process of chakra and pupil technique.

His own chakra and pupil technique are combined with each other, so that the enemy he faces falls into the effect of his pupil technique.

In fact, all pupil techniques are similar in this point. Basically, except for the people with eternal eyes, which one is not going to be stretched after performing a few pupil techniques?

Looking at Uchiha Itachi's performance in returning to the village after the death of the third generation, it is completely a super typical. After Amaterasu read and used it once, Chakra and Tongli were about to run away.

And Uchiha Sasuke is actually similar, his forced battle makes his eyes blind faster than anyone else!

How long has Sasuke Uchiha's kaleidoscope opened?

Although there is no detailed description in the animation, Uchiha Qi also remembers that there is not much time at all. The maximum estimate is about a month But in this month or so, he will go blind!

His fighting intensity was exceptionally high. First, he was abused by the four shadows in turn. If Uchiha Obito didn't appear in time, he might have been cleaned up by the three generations of soil shadows.

Relying on Xiangling to recover Chakra and the injury, he was qualified to continue, and finally caught up with Danzo and killed him.

However, the battle with Danzo had exhausted his chakra and pupil power, and then he also fought with Kakashi's team, which directly caused his pupil strength and chakra to be completely exhausted, and finally became blind.

Uchiha Qi didn't want such a situation to happen to him, especially since he still has eyes that are biased towards speed, it is very easy to have the rhythm of continuous use of the pupil technique.

Once the chakra is exhausted and he is forced to use the pupil technique, he is finished, and when the enemy's chakra is higher than him, his chakra will be consumed extremely fast.

"Hey? In that case, how does the tailed beast control it?"

Uchiha Qi suddenly realized a point. If his pupil technique is closely related to Chakra, how can those tailed beasts be controlled?

But soon Uchiha Kai knew that he was stupid. He was not a member of the Thousand Hands family, that group of people who completely relied on unbelievably huge Chakra to suppress the tailed beast.

He is a Uchiha, and he can completely suppress those tailed beasts with the illusion of Sharinyan.

Maybe the Kaleidoscope Shaker is born to restrain the tailed beast, and the illusion tailed beast released by it can't bear it at all. Uchiha Qi believes that as long as he exercises well, he can also use the kaleidoscope to control the tailed beast!

"Speaking of which, the tailed beasts are really miserable." Uchiha Qi sighed: "The spirit of the Uchiha clan oppresses them, and the flesh of the thousand-hand clan oppresses them. It is really sad to the extreme."