Chapter 97: ?kaleidoscope


"This voice..."

Uchiha Qi broke out in cold sweat, because he never imagined that things would turn out like this!

Uchiha Kai is now 100% sure that he is probably caught in an illusion.

It's just that Uchiha Qi can't figure out when he fell into the illusion, and Uchiha Qi really can't understand why he fell into the illusion.

Although his eyes still have three hooks, but his foundation is a kaleidoscope, no matter how strong this person is, he can't do it so quietly!


Uchiha Qi took a deep breath, he seemed to have guessed who this guy was.

The current Uchiha family is still in Konoha, and it is not clear how many kaleidoscopes Uchiha Kai still has, but there is only one person Uchiha Kai knows, that is Uchiha Fuyake!

And in terms of body and acuity of movements, this guy is definitely not an old guy, he thinks he is a young or middle-aged man.

No wonder this guy said he was the patron saint of Uchiha, no wonder he kept persuading Uchiha to stop, no wonder he hoped that Uchiha would turn back, this guy is the patriarch of the Uchiha clan!

After thinking about these things, Uchiha Qi really had a headache. He has put so much effort into making this guy believe in himself, but how did he find himself?

He didn't think he had left many traces on the scene, otherwise, he would have been caught by the search teams of other Konoha families long ago, right?

"Who the **** are you?" Uchiha Qi took a deep breath and looked around with a wary expression: "How on earth did you find me."

"The traces of the scene." Uchiha Fuyue's voice came from all directions, and the place where Uchiha Kai was already turned into a black and white place, where reality and illusion could not be distinguished: "You did it very cleanly, but You still left a mark."

"Traces?" Uchiha Qi frowned, while he was thinking about what to do, he was also thinking about what traces he left.

After a while, Uchiha Kai's face became ugly: "Is it that Kunai?"

That's right!

Uchiha Kai finally remembered that the only trace he left behind was the Kunai who was cut by himself with a ninja knife and then thrown directly at him by Yuchi Uchiha!

Uchiha Yong is a user of Sharinyan, and if he wants to solve it one-on-one, unless he is also a user of Sharinyan, it is impossible for many people to besiege to cause the little traces on the scene.

I am afraid that only Uchiha's battles in this world will be like this. The Kuwushou may have been covered with knife marks, and it just so happens that Uchiha Kai uses a ninja sword!

"It's very smart, it's a pity." Uchiha Fuyue's voice was still so silent, but there was some regret in his tone: "Now tell me, what do you mean when the Uchiha family will perish."

"Do you really think you're going to win?" Uchiha Qi suddenly sighed, he seemed to have figured it out: "Your technique is very good, but this level is not enough."

"You are indeed a genius, Uchiha Kai."

Uchiha Fuyue's voice became a little indifferent: "But you have stopped here, I don't want to kill you, you are a genius with vision and vision, many things can be discussed well, but unfortunately you made a mistake. Besides, you really Do you think that my technique is only this level? Do you think that when the writing wheel has reached the three-gou jade, it has already reached its peak?"

"Of course not." As soon as Uchiha Fuyue's voice fell, Uchiha Kai suddenly showed a sneer: "Because, I also have these eyes!"

Suddenly, the three hook jade in Uchiha Kai's eyes spun wildly, and a strange triangle-shaped diamond has quietly appeared in Uchiha Kai's eyes!

At this moment, Uchiha Kai saw everything. He saw that the masked man who was half-kneeling on the ground was just a phantom, and the real Uchiha Fuyue with a mask was not far from him.

In Uchiha Fuyue's eyes, a miniature version of the kaleidoscope with the same shape as Uchiha Itachi, but with three more origins slowly revolved in his eyes, but at this moment, his eyes revealed more panic!

That's right, Uchiha Fuyue was really terrified at this moment, because he never dreamed that he had already overestimated Uchiha Kai, but in the end he still underestimated this kid!

Kaleidoscope writing wheel eye, this is a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye!

How on earth did this kid get these eyes?

Has this kid been hiding?

Uchiha Fuyue was extremely uneasy in his heart. He forced himself to calm down, but he couldn't do it, and Uchiha Qi also took this opportunity to attack!

At the moment when the kaleidoscope was opened, Uchiha Qi had almost figured out what the illusion was. This illusion formed a special space, somewhat similar to the moon reading.

But obviously this is not the same as the monthly reading in Uchiha Kai's memory, but whether it is monthly reading or not, some information has already appeared in Uchiha Kai's mind.

The hands were sealed, and the pupil power and chakra erupted at the same time. With the mental power of Uchiha Kai, while Uchiha Fuyue had not completely recovered, Uchiha Kai had already seized the control of this illusion space!

In this black and white space, the white moon in the sky is instantly dyed red, making this black and white space exude the same charm.

In just a moment, the white moon has turned into a scarlet eye, and it exudes endless blood, dyeing the entire world completely bloody!

In that scarlet scorpion, there is also a strange triangle-shaped diamond slowly turning.

That appearance is exactly Uchiha Kai's kaleidoscope!

"How is that possible?" Uchiha Fuyue naturally felt the strange power and this strange scarlet Seeing the huge scorpion in the sky like Uchiha Kai's kaleidoscope, he exclaimed involuntarily.

"Nothing is impossible." Uchiha Qi said calmly and silently: "You are slack, and I am always alert. I said that your level is only like this, and you have stopped here!"

"How did you get these eyes?" Although Uchiha Fuyue was wearing a mask, his voice seemed to calm down: "Kill your best friend? Relatives? Or..."

"I can tell you before you die." Uchiha Qi snorted coldly: "I have seen too many teammates die, especially some who died for protecting me... So please, please Come down with them!"

As soon as the words fell, the blue chakra appeared on the Uchiha Kai Ninja sword again, and the powerful momentum was even more terrifying with the appearance of the Uchiha Kai Kaleidoscope.

Uchiha Qi was ready to attack, as if he was ready to attack at any time, but at this moment Uchiha Fuyue put his hand on his mask and slowly took it off.

"You finally took it off, otherwise I don't know how it will end..."