Chapter 100: ?Clear obstacles

Uchiha Fuyue himself doesn't know how many times he has been emotional. Anyway, every time he contacts Uchiha Kai, he feels that he still underestimates this kid in the end.

Whether in terms of strength or intelligence, he completely underestimated this 134th boy!

Now the specific strength of Uchiha Kai is unknown, but Uchiha Fuyue is not willing to start hands with Uchiha at all, because Uchiha Kai also has a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye!

With these eyes, it can basically be said that even if 'Shadow' faces this kid, even if he is young, he would not dare to say that he can win!

This is the deterrent power of the kaleidoscope and the charm of the kaleidoscope!

In terms of intelligence, or whether it is combat IQ, strategic IQ or political IQ, Uchiha Kai has shown his unique understanding and ability beyond imagination!

Such a kid Uchiha Fuyue knows that he may not be able to control himself, and now Uchiha Fuyue recalls the words he said at the small pond, and everything he thought at that time felt a little ridiculous.

However, Uchiha Fugaku's state changed very quickly. Since he couldn't control it, he cooperated. He was drinking tea by the pond and watching the fish. There was just one player missing to play chess together.

"Is it Danzo?" Uchiha Fuyue sighed, and then immediately changed his attitude: "The one who is making trouble? Oh, Danzo is..."

"I know who he is, the patriarch." Uchiha Qi noticed the change in Uchiha Fuyue's attitude, but Uchiha stopped him when he saw that he wanted to introduce the scene: "When I was on the battlefield, my former captain When interrogating the enemy's Shangnin, many of them know the darkness of this ninja from their mouths."

"That's right, he is Konoha Shinobu." Uchiha Fuyue nodded: "The person you are talking about is probably him, because he has always dreamed of being a Hokage. And he also has such strength and resources to do it. to it all!"

Uchiha Fuyue is not stupid at all. On the contrary, he is very smart. Uchiha Kai just said a word and he has already thought of a lot of things.

Orochimaru is almost the default Hokage, but this kind of thing suddenly broke out at this most critical stage, and the most important thing is that public opinion seems to have erupted.

It's not that Konoha didn't try to cover up, but the three generations of Hokage gave them some vague orders, but it was useless at all.

It can be said that if there is no one here to help the flames, and it is still those who have the strength to do it, Uchiha Fuyue will not believe it at all!

If Danzo takes office, I'm afraid the Joinin vote of confidence will not pass. Even if it passes, the three generations of Hokage may not let this happen.

Uchiha Fuyue can see it very clearly, not only him, I am afraid that all Konoha's ninja clan will not like this so-called Ninja Darkness!

Actually, Uchiha Kai himself thought it might be Danzo. Although Danzo has been supporting Orochimaru, his inner purpose is to be Hokage himself.

As for why he supported Orochimaru later, it was probably because of the incident in the Land of Rain that other people's hands were severely damaged...

"If that's the case, then it's interesting." Uchiha Fuyue pondered for a moment and then nodded: "Orochimaru was pulled into the water by Danzo, and Princess Qianshou has already left Konoha, and Jirai is also unwilling to do so. Inherit Hokage. Then there are only two final possibilities..."

"Find someone young and strong to be a puppet, or continue to sit firmly on the throne of Hokage."

Uchiha Qi directly finished Uchiha Fuyue's words with a gloomy smile: "But from the current point of view, Konoha has lost so much, and the three generations are already old, I am afraid he really has to make a choice, and his choice... ..”

Speaking of which, Uchiha Fugaku didn't say any more. Obviously, he already knew what might happen.

He just guessed, he didn't dare to jump to conclusions until everything was really settled.

If the three generations of Hokage really don't care and continue to sit in this position, then whatever they think is false.

Although the probability of such a thing is low, it is very likely to happen. Uchiha Fuyue feels that he may have to prepare for it.

"But everything has to plan for the best and the worst."

Uchiha Fuyue completely treats Uchiha Kai as a person like himself. Although he is a little defensive, he still says directly to Uchiha Kai: "Should we create some pressure?"

"It's not necessary. Instead of creating these pressures, it's better to find a way to get in touch with a member of the future four generations of Hokage and express cooperation, and then find a way to help him promote more."

Uchiha Qi said calmly: "Besides, there are many ways to gain the right to speak in Konoha, and it doesn't have to be Hokage."

Indeed, to have the right to speak in a place does not necessarily have to be the highest leader, hiding behind their backs would be a better choice for a family!

Uchiha Qi has seen many such examples abroad in his previous life. He believes that as long as the operation is done properly, it is not too troublesome, and the safety factor may be higher!

Uchiha Fuyue is very interested in Uchiha Kai's words. How could the Uchiha family not want to get Konoha's right to speak?

"I see, Qi-jun." Uchiha Fuyue nodded: "This is a very constructive proposal, but I'm afraid both you and I need to do it. Namikaze Minato has a better relationship with you, and he My wife and my wife have a better relationship."

"Of course, I know." Uchiha Ki nodded: "I will find time to see him."

"By the way, Qi-kun, you said before about the method of controlling Konoha's right to speak..." Uchiha Tomiya asked just now.

"It's very simple to form an alliance of interests." Uchiha Qi said calmly: "There are many ways to form an alliance of interests, both in business and politics. And there are also many options to choose from, such as the big ninja family, Small families or even some commoners can do it. Once this alliance of interests is formed, it will become a huge group, and even if three generations are still on stage, they will not act rashly, right?"

Indeed, when an interest group is huge in number and has enough people to stand in line, no one dares to ignore this force easily!

Uchiha's words are obvious, he has almost pointed a way out: small family and commoner ninjas.

The big family is basically united around Hokage now, and the Uchiha group and their group probably won't have much chance, but it's not impossible to try a little.

Their main core targets are still those small families and those civilian ninjas.

It’s ironic that I have to say that although the three generations have been working on improving the status of commoner ninjas and small clans, in fact the big clan still dominates.

Only a very small number of small family carp jumped over the dragon gate, thus becoming the benefit of Konoha's rights and interests.

"How to do it specifically?" Uchiha Fuyue listened very seriously, and he asked directly.

"Fund them."

Uchiha Qi smiled slightly: "Subsidize these people you usually despise, or invite them to do business together, give them enough benefits to help them improve their status and gain their support and trust. By the way, those doves are not very good at doing things. These things, just let them go. But before that..."

"Good idea, really a good idea." Uchiha Fugaku sighed: "But before that..."

"To clear obstacles, for example, those hardliners..."