Chapter 103: ?gather

Although he was very helpless, Uchiha's plan could not be changed, so he still decided to go to the country of grass.

This decision made Uchiha Fugaku a little strange, but soon he seemed to have thought of something, so he simply nodded.

In his opinion, Uchiha Kai may be planning to play an exemplary role. He is now the deputy head of the Konoha Security Department, and his status is not low. His actions can be regarded as conveying some ideas.

Whether it is conveyed to the people in the clan, the senior management of Konoha, or those ordinary ninjas and civilians, this is a positive and good signal.

And Uchiha Kai has a kaleidoscope, coupled with his very cautious personality, Uchiha Fuyue feels that there is almost no possibility of this guy being killed on the battlefield.

What's more, Minato Namifeng seems to be dispatched this time, so Uchiha can also get in touch with him when he goes to the country of grass. Isn't this exactly what Uchiha thinks?

I have to say that after Uchiha Fuyue made up his mind and said something, he scared Uchiha himself. He never thought that he would have so many ways to go to the country of grass.

"Then, Uchiha is going to trouble the patriarch." Uchiha Qi didn't forget this, "Please also ask the patriarch not to expose himself before I come back."

"Don't worry, he's still there, and I've covered his eyes and put nutrient solution on him." Uchiha Fuyue is obviously experienced: "The people who guard him are the people I can trust most, They don't say anything, they don't see anything."

With Uchiha Fuyake's assurance, Uchiha Qi was a little relieved. Although he was careful and guarded against Uchiha Fuyue, Uchiha Qi believed that this guy would not act rashly.

There is no need to investigate the relationship between Uchiha and his family. Everyone knows how indifferent Uchiha is at home, so Uchiha's family as a threat is the stupidest choice.

If he touches his family, the ghost knows whether this little devil will go crazy. A person with no fetters is indeed the most difficult person to deal with.

Even if it is pretended!

It didn't take long for the third generation to release the news, so Kai Uchiha took a good rest for a day and went to the Hokage office to report.

When Kai Uchiha came here, he found that he was the last one who came.

Although the three generations of Hokage hadn't reached the office and the door was closed, he was indeed late.

Aya Hyuga, Kenta Imai, and his guide Kamunin Tomijiu Kohei were already waiting at the door. Besides them, Minato Namikaze, Kakashi, and Rin Nohara were also standing there waiting.

Uchiha Kai is a little strange why Fujiu Hanghei is here, because Uchiha Kai is already a Jōnin, and he has led the team to successfully complete the task.

But after thinking about Uchiha Kei, I'm afraid that the task of Kirin will be a bit of a headache, and it will be better if there are more people.

Of course, there may also be another meaning. Uchiha Kai is the new deputy head of the security department, but there is a civilian Junin who is the captain. There are many sayings here.

For example, to show the authority of the three generations, and for example, the three generations of Naruto pay more attention to civilian ninjas...

"Ki, you're here?" Fujiu Hangping didn't know so many twists and turns. After seeing Uchiha Kai, he called out with a smile, "By the way, thank you, my brother has gone home."

"Oh? Is that so, congratulations, Captain Tomohisa." Uchiha Kai nodded with a smile, but he was a little embarrassed because he had forgotten about it at all, and I'm afraid Uchiha Fuyue helped him.

"Ki-kun, long time no see." Minato Minato also smiled and said hello to Kai Uchiha: "Congratulations, I heard that you replaced Yushinin Uchiha's position in the security department, and was also promoted to rank Deputy Minister."

"Thank you, but you know, I'm not interested in this kind of thing, otherwise I wouldn't be here." Uchiha Qi spread his hands and seemed to care about this kind of thing very much.

However, he sighed inwardly. It seems that the village still pays a lot of attention to the Uchiha family.

Thinking about it, I am afraid that the current attention is only focusing on the mobilization of some major aspects, and it has not developed to the planning of espionage and other operations in the future.

But this is also worthy of Uchiha Kai's attention. I have to say that Uchiha Fugaku is right to be cautious at this time. The ghost knows what will happen if he buys some messy equipment.

"Yo, are you recovering well?"

He simply said hello to Tomohisa Kohei and Namikaze Minato, Uchiha Kai nodded to Kakashi and Nohara Rin, and then walked back to his team.

Looking at the sullen Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai who was still smirking, Uchiha Kai suddenly looked at the woman Hyuga Aya, and said in a low voice with a smile on his face.

"Thanks to Qi-kun, I'm recovering well." Hyuga Aya glanced at Uchiha Kai calmly: "I haven't had time to congratulate Qi-kun, not only has I opened my writing wheel, but my status has risen in the family, which is really worth celebrating. However, Qijun has a high position and authority to participate in this task, it seems that Qijun really loves the village."

Uchiha Kai looked at the woman with a smile on his face. Almost all the people who came out of the big family were like this. Even if she wished she would never see Uchiha Kai again, she had to be polite enough when facing outsiders.

It's just that the yin and yang strangeness in this guy's words is not necessarily much less than that of Uchiha Kai. Of course, this is also because Fujiu Hanghei appeared here and will join this mission.

Otherwise, Hyuga Aya probably wouldn't say that anyway. After all, it's not a good thing to offend someone who is stronger than you.

Even if she has already been offended, she may be a little safer with less stimulation. Unless someone like her is really crazy, she won't break the jar.

Kei Uchiha knew what this woman was thinking, and he really didn't know what to do to her when Fujiu Hangping was there. This was a life-saving charm.

And Uchiha Qi conjectured that her deeds might have stimulated her quite a bit. After all, they used to be "a kind of people", but now they have completely changed.

"Thank you Isn't it normal to work for the village?" Uchiha Kai smiled: "Besides, no one forced me to come, I just miss my two subordinates."

"Sorry, Qi-kun, Captain Tomohisa is here, I'm afraid the captain won't belong to you." Hyuga Aya remained calm, but if someone chose her, would she come here?

Just when Uchiha Kei wanted to say something, he suddenly noticed that the three generations of Hokage had already walked towards them, which made Uchiha Kei immediately shut up with interest.

The third Hokage looks a little tired, but still full of momentum.

Nodding to Fujiu Hangping and Namifeng Minato, his eyes were placed on Uchiha Kai's body and he took a deep look.

However, he quickly withdrew his gaze and opened the office door without saying a word. Uchiha Kai and others immediately followed their respective captains and walked in.

"Long story short, everyone." The three generations of Hokage sat at the desk and put the document on it: "Now the negotiation has reached a critical stage, but according to the front-line intelligence, they have discovered that some mist ninjas are operating in the country of grass, in order to prevent They broke up the negotiation and I have sent some teams over, but Iwa Shinobu seems to be on the verge of making a move. So someone has to figure out the purpose of those Kirin Shinobi.”

Speaking of this, the three generations of Hokage paused. He folded his hands flat in front of his face, and his voice was silent: "I decided to let you two teams set off together. You two teams have the experience of jointly carrying out missions. When you arrive in the country of grass, you can go. Investigate the whereabouts of Kirin and investigate their purpose, this task is very important, understand?"

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Minato Namikaze and Tomijiu Hangping immediately lowered their heads and said.

"The task is urgent, prepare to set off immediately and disband."
