Chapter 105: ?Be careful of Iwatoshi

After arriving at Konoha's camp, Uchiha Kei and the others found a place to rest, while Namikaze Minato and Tomohisa Kopei went to listen to the report.

Kakashi and Rin Nohara looked a little depressed, and they sat on the side with no desire to speak.

Kei Uchiha and others also understood what their situation was. There was nothing they could do. They lost their close friends and teammates in the country of grass. Such pain was indeed difficult for them to heal.

After all, these two are not Kai Uchiha, Aya Hyuga, and Kenta Imai. These three are truly indifferent and silent.

Uchiha Kei didn't talk to Kakashi and the others, but his eyes were on Imai Kenta.

Although this guy is still the one with the fake smile on his face, the aura on his body seems to have become deeper, which makes Kei Uchiha a little curious.

What exactly is this guy hiding, and what level of strength he has achieved, these are very elusive things for Uchiha Kai.

As for the woman Hyuga Aya, it seems that she has worked hard during this period, but Uchiha Kei has some understanding of the Hyuga clan. He is just curious about how far this woman's soft boxing has reached.

The Hyuga clan is also really interesting to say. They have huge advantages in the stage of Shimonin, Chunin, and even Shangnin, but once they reach a higher level of battle, they will stop.

Even the most powerful Hyuga Hizu may have the same strength, but once Tenseisen is opened, even a rookie ninja can step into the level close to Six Paths, right?

"A typical step to the stomach is either unremarkable or too strong to understand."

Uchiha Kai's evaluation of the Hyuga clan is still very impressive. Indeed, they had some soy sauce in the fourth battle. The only one who died among the twelve strongmen was the Hyuga clan.

But at the back, Toshito Otsutsuki, who had almost zero actual combat experience, opened his Tenseigan and almost knocked over the battle-hardened Naruto Uzumaki. This was a typical example.

Shaking his head, Uchiha Qi didn't have much interest in the history of the Hyuga clan, and the grievances between their clan and their branch families had nothing to do with him.


Just when Kai Uchiha was full of thoughts, Minato Namikaze and Kopei Tomijiu walked up to them.

Uchiha Kai and the other five immediately stood up, and then looked at the two of them calmly or earnestly.

Namikaze Minato didn't talk nonsense either, he took out a map and laid it out in front of them, then took out a pen and drew a few circles on it.

"According to the information, Mist Ninja haunts around here." Minato Namikaze pointed to the circles and said, "There is no pattern at all, and there is no clear purpose for the time being. They attacked our search team. Therefore, we The mission this time is to find them around here and figure out what their purpose is."

"Yes." Uchiha Kai and the others replied immediately.

"Also, I may not be able to follow you all the way on this mission." Minato Namifeng sighed: "Teacher Jiraiya told me that the negotiations are now in a stalemate, and he needs me to participate in this meeting with him, and he will report it. To Hokage-sama, so this time the search is led by Captain Tomohisa."

Namifeng Minato did not follow the mission to attend the meeting?

Among the five people present, except for Uchiha Kei, who was not surprised, the other four frowned more or less, but the quality of wartime ninjas prevented them from asking too much.

They just need to follow the orders and complete their tasks, and they don't have to worry about other things.

But Namikaze Minato is still Namikaze Minato, he knows that everyone has doubts, so he simply explained the reason himself.

In fact, the reason is very simple, that is, Iwa Shinobi really has a decent idea of ​​ending the war, but it was impossible to negotiate for a long time in the negotiation.

To be honest, the conditions given by the three generations of Hokage are already very low, and it can be said that they have betrayed the sacrifice of the **** Konoha ninja.

But the three generations of Hokage can't do anything. Konoha has fought four villages in a row, and it can be said that he has reached the level of physical and mental exhaustion.

If Iwa Shinobu is really as stinky and hard as a stone in a rage, and would rather fight on two fronts to drag Konoha down, then the three generations of Hokage will become Konoha's sinner!

The three generations of Hokage are not like this guy Uchiha Kai. He has absolutely no idea of ​​Iwa Shinobi's true thoughts, and he has no idea of ​​Tsukage's fear of Namikaze Minato.

Therefore, under unknown circumstances, he couldn't afford to gamble nor dared to gamble, and he was more willing to give up some interests in exchange for peace.

But even if Iwa Shinobu planned to surrender, they didn't want to let themselves lose too much, so the two sides stalemate.

As a war hero, Minato Namikaze will have enough power to speak in the talks. Nara Shikisa, who is in charge of this negotiation, believes that the appearance of Minato Namikaze will give Iwanin enough pressure.

And Nara Shikahisa is very smart. He knows that Jiraiya has already had enough of the situation here So he asked Jiraiya to persuade Minato Namikata to let him stay temporarily and participate in the talks.

As for Namikaze Minato's original mission, they were sure that Uchiha Ki and the others could do it, not to mention that Namikaze Minato also has Flying Thunder God!

"So I will give each of you a set of kunai." Minato Namifeng said and finally took out six kunai and handed them to Fu Jiuhang and others: "Kakashi, Qijun, you all know this kunai. The usage of chakra transmission at critical moments, I will come as soon as possible after receiving the information."

"We understand." Uchiha Kai and the others replied immediately.

There is really no way for Namifeng Minato to be pulled away by Jiraiya. Jiraiya can also be said to be the supreme commander on the battlefield now, and of course he has the right to mobilize ninjas.

And there is no problem with his procedures. He will report this to Hokage, so as long as Namikaze Minato is willing, it will be fine.

Obviously Minato Namikaze couldn't refuse his teacher, so he could only choose to stay, even if he actually preferred to do the previous task.

"But before you set off, I have to remind you." Minato Namifeng watched everyone put away the kunai, and suddenly said in a low voice, "Although we are negotiating now, once you meet Yanren, don't be merciful. "

"Huh?" Uchiha and the other five were stunned for a while, but then they nodded.

"This is not for you to take revenge." Minato Namifeng was worried about their misunderstanding, and then explained: "There are some people who are unwilling to negotiate on the side of the rock ninja. They are hunting Konoha ninjas now, and even if we want to fight back, we can't. Killed all the Iwanin. So you need to be careful and judge by yourself, don't trust them, understand?"

"Understood, Captain Watergate."