Chapter 111: ?conspiracy

Uchiha Qi has long seen that this guy is a shadow clone, but Uchiha Qi can see that this guy should be a perception ninja!

Perceiving ninjas on the battlefield is the most troublesome person, so Uchiha Kei chose to deal with him first without hesitation.

What surprised him was that he had been guarding against the sudden attack of the loess, because killing a perception ninja was equivalent to poking their eyes out.

As long as he's not stupid, everyone will protect such a guy, even if it's just a shadow clone.

Loess didn't do anything, and he didn't even mean to stop Uchiha Kai. Uchiha removed this shadow clone with one stroke very smoothly.

Although Kei Uchiha was a little stunned, as a 'veteran' on the battlefield, he obviously wouldn't miss the opportunity for the enemy to lose sight, and he seemed to have guessed something.

The scarlet eyes swept around, and Uchiha Kai came to a rock ninja with a stride, grabbed his neck and twisted it hard.

Released his hand, Uchiha Qi directly came to the back of the other Yan Ninja with a quick body technique, and the sharp ninja knife directly penetrated his chest!

In the smoke, Iwa Shinobi's screams came and went, and Uchiha's scarlet eyes could see everything clearly.

At the moment when the smoke disappeared, Uchiha Qi stood quietly, looking at the loess just a short distance away, with a sneer on his face, and around him were the four dead rocks. Tolerate.

Uchiha Kai's speed is too fast. After getting familiar with the kaleidoscope, the characteristic bias brought by the kaleidoscope has also developed in him.

Besides, Uchiha Kei was an expert in sneak attack. Don't talk about the average Chunin in such a smog. The Shangnin may be attacked to death by him, and even if he doesn't die, he will be shriveled.

"Look, you have no feelings for your subordinates." Uchiha Ki shook the ninja knife in his hand, and looked at the loess with a sneer: "Or, do you want to thank me?"

"Hmph." Loess glanced at Yan Ren who was lying around and sighed: "Indeed, as far as Yanyin Village is concerned, I would like to thank you. But as far as I am concerned, I will avenge them."

"It's really hypocritical." Uchiha shook his head disdainfully: "But it's good news, you Yanren should be planning to have a good talk, is it because Yunren put too much pressure? Or is it the psychology that Captain Minato gave you too much stress?"

"All, but neither." Loess shook his head, then sighed: "You are very sharp and smart, if you were born in Yanyin Village, maybe we would be friends. But at this moment between us There is only hatred, I want to avenge my subordinates, my friends, and Iwanin who died at your hands."

Huang Tu's words seemed a little tired, but the hatred in his tone was very obvious.

But Uchiha Kai knew something interesting. First of all, Iwa Shinobu decided to accept Konoha's conditions and surrendered.

Secondly, the purpose of Loess following and leading these ninjas who oppose the negotiation is probably to put pressure on Konoha so that Konoha doesn't go too far.

Of course, there is a more important point, which is to clean up the disobedient ninjas!

Don't think how loyal and patriotic these ninjas are, they are actually challenging the authority of those in power.

Anyone on the battlefield hates these disobedient guys, because as long as they think they are right, they will do what they want.

Such an approach is very dangerous, and it is likely to push the hatred, contradiction and war between Iwa Ninja and Konoha to the edge of the unknown, so these people need to be cleaned up.

It's just that the senior members of Iwa Ninja know that it will be very troublesome for these guys to die at the hands of their own people, and even severely damage their own morale and shake their foundation.

And Konoha is the best choice, because Iwa Shinobu and Konoha have already had hatred in this battle.

Dying at the hands of Konoha Ninja not only inspires greater morale, but also gives these Iwaninoos more motivation to fight against Yunnin after returning, and at the same time helps the village to clean up troubles, why not do it?

"The executioner will cry twice with hypocrisy, just like the tears of a crocodile."

Uchiha Qi pulled the ninja knife in his hand, and the blue chakra appeared on the ninja knife: "However, let's not talk nonsense, I will send you to meet your companions, I hope they can meet you when you meet. understand what you're doing."

"No, you will go down and redeem yourself like them." The muscles of Huang Tu's body were already tensed: "This is my redemption too!"

As soon as the words fell, the loess came to the side of Uchiha Kai in a flash. The powerful chakra was running wildly in his body, and the ground shattered with one punch, and the violent vibration even caused the surrounding trees to collapse to the ground. !

Uchiha Qi had long since avoided him. He was only thirteen years old, so physical strength was not really his forte.

But this time, Uchiha Qi is not afraid of loess.

And the benefits of the kaleidoscope have already been reflected in him, not to mention that his chakra is almost full!

He is not the self who was in poor condition in all aspects It can be said that the current Uchiha Kai has undergone some transformation.

Looking at the loess indifferently, he found that although the loess was staring at him, he clearly felt that this guy never put his eyes on his face, but only looked at his own body parts.

This is to guard against his illusion, which makes the smile on Uchiha Kai's face even brighter.

If you seek death yourself, then you really can't blame anyone.

The wind and sand were constantly making noises, and bits and pieces of sand and stones floated onto the faces of Uchiha Kai and Loess, but neither of them cared about these things.

The breath of the two people is constantly improving. When the smoke is about to settle, both Uchiha Kai and Loess move instantly, as if two streams of light are converging together!


In fact, whether the loess looked at him or not, Uchiha Kai had already decided to use the power of the kaleidoscope, but Uchiha Kai didn't plan to use the pupil technique.

The insight of the kaleidoscope can be higher than that of Sangouyu, and the dynamic vision has reached an unimaginable peak. The loess is bound to die. This is decided by Uchiha Qi, and he will not let it go!

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

The kunai and the ninja knives were constantly intersecting in midair, and the crisp metal symphony continued to sound, and Uchiha Kai had completely fought against the loess!

One of the two is extremely strong and powerful in physical art, while the other is extremely fast and agile. The intersection of two different types of physical art is like a dance performed on this land.

The only difference is that there have been many wounds on the loess body, and blood has been flowing continuously on his body.

And Uchiha Kai is like a butterfly wearing flowers, one after another brings endless crisis to the loess......