Chapter 117: ?Do you want to be Hokage (2)

"Okay, what Qi-Jun wants to say, I'm all ears."

With Uchiha's assurance, Minato Namikaze was relieved.

No matter what Uchiha Kaisuo and him, no matter what the result is, Namikaze Minato can get that information.

Moreover, Minato Namikaze was indeed a little moved. In the bottom of his heart, he really hoped that he would have the opportunity to touch Hokage's position, otherwise Minato Namikaze might really turn around and leave.

It was this hope that kept Minato Namikaze, and Uchiha Kai's guarantee gave him some confidence.

It's just that Minato Namikaze was a little amused, Uchiha Kei seemed to be convinced of himself.

Although Minato Namikaze admitted that he had indeed 'bited the hook', he did not make up his mind.

With a slight sigh in his heart, Minato Namikaze seemed to have discovered a weakness in himself, that is, he couldn't give up and miss the position of Hokage at all.

Even if he knows that he will have opportunities in the next ten or twenty years, it does not mean that he has no ideas now.

"When Captain Minato was back in the village, did he hear any interesting news?" Uchiha Ki saw Minato's appearance and knew that he could talk to him now.

"Interesting news?" Minato Namikaze frowned, and now he can only follow Uchiha's rhythm thinking: "Ki-kun is saying...Master Orochimaru?"

Namikaze Minato is not a fool either. Although he knows that he is not playing, he has been following some developments.

For example, when Orochimaru was in the village, he knew that there seemed to be some problems with public opinion, but Minato Namikaze was very smart and did not participate or stand in line.

Namikaze Minato didn't let himself get involved, whether it's to protect himself or really don't care, he believes that in the end there will be a result that everyone is satisfied with.

But now that Kai Uchiha brought this up, it seems a little abnormal.

Kai Uchiha represents the Uchiha family. If it was a month or two ago, Minato Namikaze might not have thought about what he said.

Because at that time, Uchiha Kei was just an ordinary 'family fringe', but now it is different. He who owns Sangoyu is the deputy head of the Konoha Security Department!

And Uchiha Kai's strength is also very terrifying, he actually defeated and can kill the loess!


Status determines the right to speak. Although Uchiha Kei doesn't like it, he knows that he can only follow the trend.

He could see what Namikaze Minato was thinking, so he didn't care: "It's the matter of Mr. Orochimaru, I think Captain Minato must have a good understanding of it, right?"

"I do have some understanding, but I don't know much." Minato Namikaze spoke more cautiously now: "And Lord Orochimaru must have been misunderstood..."

"Is it misunderstood, who knows?" Uchiha Kai shrugged and said meaningfully, "But this is a very good opportunity, isn't it?"


Namifeng Minato's face is calm, but his heart is full of turbulent waves!

He now has a clear idea of ​​what purpose Uchiha Kei had kept him to talk about. It turned out that the Uchiha clan planned to push him into Hokage's position!

Thinking of this, Namikaze Minato already has the answer in his heart, and it is very simple to refuse directly!

First of all, Namikaze Minato does not believe that the Uchiha family has this ability. The second and most important point is that no matter whether Uchiha has this ability or not, he will break with his teacher in the end!

Namikaze Minato couldn't help but have a sneer on his face when he thought of this. This smile didn't match him at all.

Uchiha Qi glanced at it and felt that something was wrong. After a little thought, he knew what was going on.

This made Kei Uchiha a little depressed. The **** members of the second-generation Hokage family forced the Uchiha family into monsters.

And the **** Uchiha clan went crazy and made their reputation stink.

"Ki-kun, I don't think we need to talk about this matter anymore." Minato Namikaze took a deep breath: "And I don't have a chance in the future for Hokage's position, although it may take a long time, but..."

"But you don't want to break up with your teacher, Lord Jiraiya, right?"

Uchiha Kai shook his head, and he looked at Minato Namikaze calmly: "Did you make a mistake? You and your teachers broke up, there is no benefit to us, we have to give you the opportunity to naturally It is to achieve the goal through the most normal and hidden means, and to let the three generations of Hokage make their own choices."

"Is that so?" Namikaze Minato looked at Uchiha Kai with some doubts. He was completely bewildered by Uchiha: "But why? Why did you choose me? And who are 'you'?"

"It's very simple. If you want to come, Captain Watergate knows more or less."

Uchiha Kai smiled: "The system left by the second-generation Hokage-sama makes the Uchiha family have to drift away from the village, and some people in the family advocate tough treatment of Hokage.

If it develops to a terrible time... Therefore, we have to choose to protect ourselves.

Why I choose you is actually very simple Because you are a disciple of Jiraiya, you are the reserve team of Naruto, you are born as a civilian ninja, you are the only one who can treat the Uchiha clan with equal opportunities people. "

Uchiha Kei paused when he said this, while Namikaze Minato fell into contemplation.

Indeed, Namikaze Minato dreamed of becoming Hokage and would naturally understand the structure of the village, and he also saw a lot of problems.

Among them, the current third-generation Hokage is actually a group of people who inherited the will of the second-generation Hokage. When facing the Uchiha clan, their methods and methods... made him a little speechless.

It's not that Namikaze Minato didn't think about it. After he became Hokage, he'd find a way to change all of this.

However, through Uchiha Kai's story, Namikaze Minato found that he was still a little more tender.

Under the series of practices and persecution of the three generations of Hokage and others, or their heirs, it is difficult to say whether uncontrollable conflicts will break out at a certain point in time.

At that time, no matter what the result is, I am afraid it will not be what Minato Namikaze expects, and the worst thing is probably to lose both.

Seeing Minato Namikaze falling into silence, Uchiha Kai showed a smile: "As for 'us', there are actually only two people, one is the head of the security department, and the other is the deputy head of the security department."

"Fuyue, and Qi-jun?" Minato Minato Namimo came back to his senses and muttered something.

For a long time, he suddenly sighed, his blue eyes looked directly at Uchiha Kai, and he said in a calm voice, "Can you tell me your thoughts, practices and specific plans?"

"Of course." Uchiha Kai's smile grew wider: "After all, we will be partners, right?"

Fish, the hook is firm.