Chapter 120: ?I support you


Looking at Naikaze Minato's back, Uchiha Kai couldn't help showing a smile, the fish has completely entered the fish basket!

Namikaze Minato is this fish, and the plan designed by Uchiha Kai is this fish basket!

Uchiha Kai made full use of the idea and wishes of Minato, and relying on his understanding of the future, he carefully set up a set, a set that completely allowed Minato to enter.

And Namikaze Minato did not escape from Uchiha Kai's calculations, and slowly walked into this set according to Uchiha Kai's rhythm.

The most important thing is that Uchiha Kai really didn't lie to him, everything is true!

Because Uchiha Fuyue and Uchiha Kai will definitely do as they say, let the Uchiha family settle down and integrate into Konoha.

And they will also support Namikaze Minato in other ways, such as fighting against Namikaze Minato's competitors.

Although this kind of practice is disdainful, he is not involved in this kind of thing. Strictly speaking, it has nothing to do with Namikaze Minato.

Even everyone would only think of Orochimaru, or the person who contributed to the flames in the shadows who didn't even know whether it existed or not.

After the meeting of the three generations of Daming said that "Orochimaru's ambition and evil in his heart are not enough to serve as Hokage", Uchiha Kai's commitment to Namikaze Minato can be said to be completely completed.

At that time, Minato Minato will think that it is the result of the secret efforts and help of the Uchiha family, and after Minato Namikaze comes to power, he only needs to make an appointment to meet Uchiha Fuyake, and then Uchiha Fuyue will wait a few months to announce the reform measures of the Uchiha family. Everything is happy.

"But in fact, even without Uchiha's help, you are still the fourth Hokage." Uchiha Qi thought silently: "But I need you to think that it is because of your cooperation with the Uchiha family that you are where you are today!"

It has to be said that with the information of the future to set the present person, it is indeed a very comfortable thing for Uchiha Kai, and what is more comfortable is that he has successfully brought the relationship between Uchiha and the next four generations of Hokage closer. Some.


Minato Namikaze had returned to Konoha's camp in an instant, but he couldn't help thinking a lot along the way.

He is very smart, and he has basically figured out a lot of things through the conversation with Uchiha Kai.

Although Orochimaru, who was almost a default decision, was not completely destroyed by the influence of public opinion, it was very uncomfortable to be secretly manipulated by the Uchiha family.

And his teacher Jirai has no idea of ​​being a Hokage at all.

For Jiraiya, I'm afraid he would prefer to go to the hot springs to peek at other people's baths, and it would be better to write a little yellow book than to be in the Hokage office?

Tsunade had already left Konoha, and even this time, there was no Tsunade's name among the candidates!

Therefore, Namikaze Minato will be the best candidate, he has enough strength and enough glory, and he is also teammates with the contemporary Zhuludie!

The most important thing is that he is still a disciple of Jiraiya, and he is impeccable in terms of 'political blood'.

It can be said that except for being young and having no political experience, everything is perfect!

But the price of youth and lack of political experience may be something that Namikaze Minato cannot accept.

"Hope this doesn't happen."

Namikaze Minato secretly thought to himself, but this matter was said from the mouth of Uchiha Kai, and Namikaze Minato himself didn't know what to do.

Uchiha Kai has shown his unique understanding and wisdom, and this kid is too strong, I am afraid that he will definitely become a great ninja in time...

Or an extremely dangerous ninja.

With a sigh, Minato Namikaze walked towards Jiraiya's room. Minato Minato was lucky this time. Jiraiya didn't run around in his room, which saved him a lot of time.

"Minato, you're back." Zilai also saw his disciple walk in, and immediately laughed: "It looks like you've improved a lot, how is that boy Hangping? What trouble did they encounter?"

"Teacher Jiraiya, Tomohisa Junin has been sent to the medical department, and he has suffered some injuries." Minato Namikaze reluctantly smiled: "The trouble they encountered.... Well, it's an opportunity for us. It's just that the team is led by loess, so..."

"Wait, what are you talking about? What is the opportunity and what is the trouble."

Zilai was also a little dizzy. He patted Minato on the shoulder and asked strangely, "What's wrong? Are you uncomfortable? Or do you feel ashamed when you saw that little girl in the mountains taking a bath?"

Seeing Jiraiya's expression that suddenly became a little lewd, Minato Namikaze felt as if a drop of sweat had fallen on his forehead.

Quickly shaking his head, Minato Namifeng quickly explained: "There's no such thing, teacher! It's like this, Toujiu Shangren met the opposition led by the loess and talked to Yanren, but things have changed in some other ways."

Speaking of which, Minato Namifeng's face was a little dark, and he already knew what the information of Kai Uchiha was before he left.

Although getting this information gave him enough confidence and capital to accumulate political experience in this negotiation, this was also the first gift that Uchiha Qi gave him.

Just the thought of Iwa Ninja's actions made Minato Nakaze feel uncomfortable.

Although he knew that this was probably the best way to do it, he wondered if he could do this decisively while sitting in the Naruto position.

"Is that so..." Jiraiya fell silent after listening to Minato Namikaze's remarks.

After a long time, he sighed and patted Minato Minato on the shoulder: "Thank you for your hard work, Minato. It's also hard for that kid Uchiha Kai. His information is very important."

"Teacher, although rationality tells me that Iwanin is doing the right thing." At this moment, Minato Namikaze suddenly asked, "But sensibility tells me that doing this seems a bit..."

"Not very good, right?"

Zilai also looked at his most beloved disciple, and then he shook his head: "This is war, and endless wars make too many unreasonable things take for granted.

Hatred and the interests of various countries have become an insurmountable barrier, and the constant wars and demands for interests continue to deepen this hatred. "

"Isn't there any way to change all this..." Minato Namikai opened his mouth, and finally he asked a very childish question.

It is indeed naive, because the state-owned countries and villages rely on their own interests as the bond.

Although the secret order issued by the high-level Iwa Shinobi is cruel, it is very important and necessary in times of war.

With a sigh, Minato Namikaze didn't expect his teacher to say anything, but what he never expected was that his teacher actually spoke.

"Of course there is." Zilai also suddenly became very serious: "When people can communicate with each other, it may be able to eliminate most of the hatred."

"Does it rely on communication?" Minato Minato Minato opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say anything.

"Yes, communication." Zilai also nodded: "But if you want to communicate with others, you must have a suitable identity such as Hokage."


Namikaze Minato was stunned for a moment. He had just agreed to cooperate with Uchiha, and Jiraiya actually proposed this idea here.

When Hokage, the communication between people... Indeed, it is only possible to achieve this position. Isn't this my own philosophy?

The Uchiha family also values ​​their own ideas and their attitude towards the Uchiha family, so they put their bets on themselves, right?

Thinking of this, Minato Namikaze suddenly calmed down a lot, and looking at his teacher Minato Minato Namikaze, he suddenly showed his signature hearty smile.

With a smile on his face, he said, "Teacher Jiraiya, I want to strive to be Hokage."

"Okay." Zilai also nodded with a smile: "I support you!"

"I mean, the fourth Hokage."

"No problem, I support you, and I will always support you!"