Chapter 128: ?Perfect knife technique

"Lin, be careful."

Kakashi pulled down the mask that was in front of his eyes, and a scarlet double-goose jade writing wheel suddenly appeared in his eyes: "I will protect you well."


Lin said something softly, although she nodded forcefully, at the same time she took out a kunai and looked around vigilantly.

The Hidden Mist technique caused a lot of trouble to their sight. Nohara Rin knew that she really couldn't help right now. All she had to do was not to cause trouble to Kakashi.

And Kakashi is also a little anxious now. He is not afraid of these mists. He is really not afraid. With Obito's eyes, he can see through these mists dimly.

Therefore, he could see the strategies of these Kirin Shinobi. These Kirin Shinobi wanted to defeat the two of them one by one, and they also focused more on Nohara Rin.

"No, they have to set their goals on me!"

Kakashi thought to himself: "I have to deal with one person quickly and make them realize that I can't catch Rin before I kill them, so that the firepower of these guys can focus on me."

Thinking of this, Kakashi looked at Nohara Rin again. Nohara Rin's fighting level may be average, but she can still do it with a little resistance.

But the problem is that they are facing Anbu of Kirin Shinobi, a group of guys who are good at sneak attacks and **** methods. Kakashi really doesn't think Nohara Rin will be able to resist.

After thinking for a while, Kakashi decided that he couldn't be so passive. Once he was entangled by two mist ninjas, he only needed one mist ninja to solve Nohara Rin.

Thinking of this, Kakashi leaned forward slightly, and his right hand pressed against his knife.

His swordsmanship was learned from his father. Although his father died early, he also learned everything he should have learned.

Slowly controlling his breathing, Kakashi closed one of his eyes, leaving only the shackles to observe everything around him.

Suddenly, the mist ninjas moved. These mist ninjas acted separately. Two rushed towards Kaka and one towards Nohara Rin.

Kakashi didn't move, he still stood there calmly.

It was getting closer, and it was getting closer. At this moment, Kakashi took a deep breath, and suddenly a kind of bright brilliance that could cover the bright moon and the stars burst out in his writing wheel.

In his eyes, all the splendid brilliance of the world lost its color, and turned into black and white that did not deserve to have color!

Then, a blade of light shot up into the sky. It didn't have any color, but it seemed to contain any color.

It tore the world of black and white in half in an instant, so sharp that it was unmatched!

At this moment, Kakashi expelled the breath he had inhaled earlier.

He didn't look at the misty ninja who was slashed by him in front of him, nor did he look at the other guy who slashed at him with a knife.

He kicked his feet hard, and suddenly his whole body floated towards the rear, and along the way he threw a handful of kunai at one that mist ninja.

Immediately afterwards, the ninja sword in his hand slashed towards the mist ninja who rushed towards Nohara Rin.

Everything is so smooth, everything is so fast and sharp!

Mist Ninja, who rushed towards Nohara Rin, reacted quickly. He immediately raised the knife and blocked it in front of him, just in time to get Kakashi's ninja sword out.

It's just that Kakashi's sharp blade still made a cut on his body, and then Kakashi kicked him hard, causing the Mist to roll out in a state of embarrassment.

Kakashi landed steadily, he didn't go back to see Nohara Rin, he was still immersed in the experience just now.

This was the most perfect knife he used, without any extra movement.

Perfect timing, perfect angle, perfect strength, perfect speed, everything is flawless!

And when the knife was cut out, the whole world returned to its previous color. In this colorful world, Kakashi silently looked at the two misters, and couldn't help feeling emotional.

Sure enough, Uchiha Kai's ideas and proposals are right, and this is his most correct path!

It is the best choice to combine his father's swordsmanship with Uchiha Obito's writing wheel eye, and integrate ninjutsu into it, the most suitable choice for him!

Looking at the ninja sword in his hand, it bloomed with blue chakra like the one from Uchiha Kai. This sword was still extremely clean and did not stain with any blood.

And the mist ninja who was slashed by Kakashi before suddenly fell to the ground at this moment, a cloud of blood burst out from his chest, and then he fell directly to the ground and didn't move.

"Obito, thank you for your eyes, for letting me see everything clearly." Kakashi thought silently in his mind: "Ki, thank you for your suggestion, which made me walk out a new path."

Thinking of this, Kakashi became more confident, although he knew that it might be difficult for him to enter the state just now.

But after having such an experience, Kakashi believes that he can do better and more perfect in the future.

But that is the future, what he has to do now is to kill these two mist ninjas as soon as possible!

Taking a deep breath, Kakashi's writing wheel eyes tightly locked the two Mist Ninjas, and the killing intent in his eyes almost overflowed.

"Lin, stand back and I'll deal with them." Kakashi said calmly, "Hide away, it won't take too long."

"Kakashi..." Lin clenched the Kunai in her hands, and finally she nodded seriously: "I see, I will wait for you."

After speaking, Lin immediately turned around and left here She ran towards the forest behind her.

The two misters watched Nohara Rin leave, but they didn't dare to make the slightest change.

Because they know that if they mess around casually, they are likely to be killed by this white hair in front of them!

The two looked at each other, then they both nodded in agreement, and the next moment they both rushed towards Kakashi in unison.

And Kakashi's expression was still calm, a more dazzling chakra emerged from the ninja sword in his hand, and he moved when he watched the mist ninja attacking him from left to right...


Lin quietly ran towards the forest. She felt too much unwillingness in her heart. She found that she was in a state of protection from beginning to end.

Before Obito, and their mentor Kaminin Minato-sensei, and then Kenta Imai and now Kakashi, Rin felt that she was really useless.

However, Nohara Rin also made up her mind, she must keep up with their footsteps, she must not be a dragging role, she must not be dragging Kakashi and causing their retreat!

Nohara Rin thought to herself, and soon her speed slowed down, this should be considered a safe distance.

Nohara Rin breathed a sigh of relief, but the next second she felt the sound of a kunai suddenly coming from behind her, and she immediately jumped up to avoid the kunai.

It's just that her movements were still a little slower. Kunai brushed the ends of her hair and flew over, and at the same time shot off a few of her hair.

Nohara Rin landed a little embarrassedly, but before she had time to react, she suddenly felt a sharp pain in her neck, and then her mind became a little confused.

"I'm sorry, Kakashi..."