Chapter 131: ? Capture

"Captain, is our mission her?"

In the forest not far from where Kai Uchiha and the others were fighting, a few masked Mist Ninja Anbu were quickly evacuating.

And one of them is carrying a **** his back - Rin Nohara!

They were the murderers who attacked Nohara Rin. In fact, they discovered the battle of Uchiha Kai and others very early, so they also took this opportunity to sneak over.

There are more than a dozen people in their party, and their mission is a very secret mission.

That is to capture this Konoha ninja and seal some 'interesting things', and let her return to Konoha to break out!

Although they couldn't figure out why there was a specific target, but as Anbu, especially Anbu in Kiriyin Village.

They know that some things cannot be explored by themselves, all they have to do is complete the task.

"Yes, it's this woman." The leader of Kirin nodded: "Although I don't understand Mizukage-sama's order, the hatred between us and Konoha is totally worth the risk."

"Indeed, how could it be so comfortable for Konoha to win?" The other Kirin Anbu nodded as well: "But the elders don't seem to believe us, otherwise..."

"Okay, don't say this." Captain Mist Ninja interrupted the guy directly: "We just need to do our own tasks. And don't forget that illusion, but she can't kill herself."

"What a poor woman, I don't know if she will collapse..."

Anbu of Mist Shinobi said something in a low voice, but when he saw the captain's staring eyes behind him, he immediately shut up: "We'll deal with it."


"It's not bad, two kinds of blood follower boundaries?"

Little by little, the ninja sword in Uchiha's hand was pulled out from behind Terumi Mei, and by this time Terumi Mei had been paralyzed by "Arashiki".

Uchiha Kai has already determined that this woman is Terumi Mei, the woman who ended the nearly ten-year shadowless state of Kirin!

It just makes Uchiha Qi puzzled, why is this woman here?

He really couldn't figure it out. Could it be that because of his appearance, he inadvertently turned into a little butterfly?

However, Uchiha Kei doesn't care either. It doesn't matter if Wu Lun is alive or dead, and it doesn't matter whether this woman is the future Mizuyage or not.

Terumi Mei died, maybe someone else could come to top the tank.

Just like Obito was chosen by Madara Uchiha, it was actually a helpless and coincidental choice.

After all, the Fourth Raikage is going to hold the Five Shadows Conference, and the reason why that elder is also dead.

Uchiha Kei looked at the woman in front of him with an indifferent expression. Although she was wearing a mask with her back to Uchiha Kei, she couldn't imagine that her current face was definitely not good-looking.

After Uchiha Kai completely pulled out the ninja sword, he lightly pulled the sword and then the ninja sword fell on Terumi Mei's neck.

At this moment, the thick fog is also slowly dispersing, probably because the fog Ninja was almost killed, and no one can control this technique properly.

"Tell me, what is the purpose of your coming here?" Uchiha Qi asked in a calm voice, but he was still paying attention to the surroundings. God knows when Obito will appear.

"Humph!" Terumi Mei snorted coldly. Although she was desperate, she didn't want to pay attention to Uchiha Kei at all.

"Interesting, the mouth is very hard, right?" Uchiha Qi said with a smile: "It's okay, I'm a little bit patient, especially for someone like you who has a double blood and a limit, but I have a lot of patience. "

"Kill me, I won't say anything." Terumi Mei was very hard-hearted. Although her voice was a little weak because her body was paralyzed, it was extremely firm.

Uchiha Kai showed a smile, did this woman really think she didn't dare to kill her?

Isn't the purpose of these Kirinanbu Anbu coming here to open up Obito's eyes?

Even if this woman doesn't say anything, Uchiha Kei won't take it too seriously.

Looking at the woman who was half-kneeling on the ground, Uchiha Kai had no mercy.

Although it is a pity why she would take this mission, her ending is already doomed.

Anyway, they all die. What's the big difference between dying in your own hands and dying in Obito's hands?

Besides, Uchiha Qi himself is also afraid of trouble. The only criterion for getting into trouble is to make trouble disappear completely.

The loess is his fate, so he can do it again and again and again and again to survive from the hands of Uchiha.


Just when Kei Uchiha was going to be more straightforward and let this woman leave without pain, there was an angry shout not far away.

Uchiha Kai frowned. Although the knife in his hand was still on Terumi Mei's neck, he did stop.

He raised his head slightly, but what made Uchiha Kai a little dumbfounded was that this guy Ao actually walked towards him with Hyuga Aya on his back.

However, Ao also seemed to know that he couldn't go too close, otherwise, it would probably cause some inexplicable misunderstanding, so he stopped at a distance of 20 meters away from Uchiha Kai.

"Stop!" Qing's voice was calm and indifferent: "Let her go, or I will kill your companion."

"Do you have a problem with your brain, or do you think I'm too deceived?"

Uchiha Qi looked at Qing with disdain and the corners of his mouth drew a radian: "You actually want to exchange a person from the Hyuga branch for a mist ninja from Shuangxueji? You haven't slept. Are you awake?"

Aki Uchiha's words made Qing's face turn dark. Indeed, I'm afraid no one would be foolish to do such a business!

It's just that Ao had some complaints in his heart, why did Terumi Mei want to reveal the fact that he was a twin, but he also knew that he probably didn't reveal that Terumi Mei had already died a long time ago.

Qing has white eyes. Even during the battle, he has been observing the surrounding situation with white eyes.

Therefore, he knew how troublesome these little devils who looked only thirteen or fourteen years old were!

Looking at the entire Kirin Shinobi team, he and Terumi Mei are the only ones left, and the others are already dead.

The guy whose waist was cut open by Uchiha finally lost signs of life because of excessive blood loss.

It can be said that they were careless. It can also be said that the candidates Konoha sent out this time are all fierce and ruthless, but in any case they have failed.

What Qing has to do now is to protect the most valuable person in their team, that is, the woman with double blood that was captured by that Uchiha kid!

Qing took a deep breath and said slowly: "Let her go, I also let go of this woman from the Hyuga family, and I promise you that I won't shoot at you, how about that?"

"Oh? It's a very good proposal." Uchiha Qi tilted his head, but his hand moved slightly: "But, why do you think that you will definitely defeat me? Just by your white eyes?"

While speaking, the ninja sword in Uchiha's hand was gently pulled, and a little bloodshot appeared on Terumi Mei's neck...