Chapter 145: ?journal


Kakashi was deeply traumatized, and it was really not something Uchiha could help with. He needed to get out of this predicament through his own efforts.

Namikaze Minato is obviously also very clear that some things need to rely on Kakashi himself.

Therefore, he is not asking Uchiha to help or anything. He intends to find time to have a good chat with Kakashi.

Uchiha Kai is also very happy, anyway, there is still one day left to return to Konoha, and Uchiha Kai is not going to do anything today.

He wanted to take a good rest and take a look at the book from the Uchiha Madara base.

After attacking Uchiha Madara's base, Uchiha Kai was also a little guilty, but he was really worried that his torch would burn the soil.

Therefore, he was careful along the way, and he dared to see what he got from Uchiha Madara.

But now that he's back at the camp, Kai Uchiha can relax a little, and he's figured it out.

Even if he set fire to Madara Uchiha's base, as long as the body of the ten tails is still there, then it doesn't matter if Bai Jue is partially burned by himself.

This thing is a resource that can be continuously regenerated, and there is absolutely no need to worry that Obito will find trouble for himself because of this.

"However, it is considered a ruthless hole in Obito, and I don't know how much of those weapons and equipment are left."

As Uchiha Kai walked towards his tent, he thought silently: "But I really envy this kid. Although Madara Uchiha played a fool on the spot, he did get the favor given by Madara Uchiha."

Who is Madara Uchiha?

The real strongest Uchiha clan!

This guy's understanding and control of Sharinyan, as well as his own understanding of Uchiha's evolutionary path!

Although he is dead, but with the help of Hei Jue to teach, the achievements of Uchiha Obito's Obito are obvious.

The future Uchiha Obito has been hiding behind the scenes, stirring up the entire Ninja Continent.

However, Uchiha Qi is envious and envious, and it is absolutely impossible for him to go to Uchiha Madara, not to mention the assumptions he had thought before, he will not agree with a bomb in his heart!

"What's more, it's not that I don't know the evolutionary route of Sharonyan. There will always be a way to take it slow."

Uchiha Qi shook his head: "The only thing that is troublesome is Indra's Chakra. It seems that that thing is the key to the eye of reincarnation?"

Uchiha Kai was suddenly stunned here, and then he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

What are you fooling around with?

Although the kaleidoscope already exists, how many times have I used it until now?

The Eternal Eye did not appear before he started to think about the Samsara Eye?

Uchiha Kai found that he seemed a little swollen, although he not only turned the loess, but also forced him to turn around and run.

But in fact, Uchiha Qi knows that although he is powerful now, he is really not enough to see in the future.

Loess did not inherit his father's bloodstain elimination, Obito just opened his eyes and was not proficient in using it, and his basic skills were poor.

It seems that there is really not much to be proud of by doing these two by yourself.

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Kei stopped thinking about so many messes, kept polite and greeted the Konoha ninjas around him, and walked into his tent.

Most of the places where frontline ninjas live are mainly tents and caves. Of course, there are also some ninjas who use earthen to make earthen houses.

Uchiha Kai and the others don't have this spare time, so naturally they come as simple as possible.

Walking into the tent, Kai Uchiha saw Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai sitting there. They were a team and naturally lived together, and their tent was also very large and there were several small partitions in it.

It can be said that the sparrows are small but have all the internal organs, but only at this stage can they use such tents.

Uchiha Kai didn't forget that when he returned from blowing up the bridge, he lay directly in a cave.

"Aren't you going to rest?" Uchiha Qi glanced at the two of them and then walked towards his small room: "Oh, well, I was just busy yesterday, and the two of you put those corpses of Mist Ninja away. Have you cleaned it up?"

Although some things have been openly confessed, how to get along will still be the original model, and the relationship between them is not that good for the time being.

Unless there are outsiders, the three of them will involuntarily present the image of a "good teammate who trusts each other".

Otherwise, the three people who know the bottom line, I am afraid there is no need to talk together.

Uchiha Kai's attitude did not arouse their disgust, on the contrary, they thought it was the most normal attitude.

"It's cleaned up." Hyuga Aya's expression remained the same as before, without any change: "The captain has spoken, do we dare not listen?"

"That's fine, nothing happened." Uchiha Qi stopped at the door of his room: "Otherwise, if those two guys come back to find you, you may not be able to bear it."

I'm afraid I can't stand it, this guy Qing's strength is still very good.

In particular, he has white eyes, and to a certain extent is very restrained by Kenta Imai.

And that Terumi Mei is the owner of Shuangxuetsu, the combination of these two people is very powerful.

The former saw through Danzo's conspiracy, and the latter beat Sasuke Uchiha, who has a kaleidoscope, in the future.

Since there was no problem, Uchiha Kai didn't bother to think about anything, so he turned around and went back to his room.

"Captain, what's the result of this negotiation?" At this moment, Imai Kenta suddenly asked curiously, "Captain Minato said just now that you provided him with some information so that he could force Iwanin to negotiate. This should not be a secret mission, right?"

"It's not really." Uchiha Qi stopped, and he looked at Imai Kenta with a little playfulness: "You want to know?"

Uchiha Kai has been thinking about what interesting things Imai Kenta is hiding.

It's just a pity that Uchiha Kai has no other place to explore besides knowing that he is very smart and strong.

And this time, the desire for knowledge he showed made Uchiha Qi a little pondered. It is more interesting that a civilian ninja cares so much about things that he does not need to care about.

Of course, it may be that Imai Kenta is more curious, or that there are indeed some 'others' behind him.

But no matter what it is, what Uchiha Qi can be sure of is that this kid is not a member of the elders, nor is he a guy from the roots.

After the family gained a certain right to speak and status, especially when Uchiha Akihaa had already thought about dealing with the woman Hyuga Aya.

He will naturally use the power he can use to investigate his teammates.

Although it was very covert, and many aspects were not as clear as the investigation, he knew that this kid was really not someone from the dark roots.

It is impossible for those who really want them to bring such talents down to their 'cannon fodder team'.

"Out of curiosity." Imai Kenta rubbed his head with a smile: "After all, everyone is a Konoha ninja, and the truce is good for us."

"Really?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head: "Aya-kun thinks the same way?"

"Boring." Hyuga Aya got up and walked towards her room, but instead of going in directly, she stood at the door and looked at Kai Uchiha.

Obviously, this woman is also very curious, what kind of information did Kai Uchiha get, and when did he get it.

Hyuga Aya is really curious about Uchiha Kai now. This guy is insidious, ruthless and cruel, but this guy just let him go when he was most dangerous.

And this person is powerful and full of wisdom, it is really difficult for Hyuga Aya to understand the behavior of Uchiha Kai.

I have to say that I have a big brain hole with this woman. If it wasn't for an accident, and Uchiha Qi was in a hurry to chase after Kakashi, I'm afraid she would have been killed by Qing or Qi now.

"It's actually very simple." Uchiha Qi naturally noticed Aya Hyuga's movements, and he didn't care and said directly: "When we were surrounded by loess and escaped, I was locked by loess."

"It seems that you are lucky, captain." Hyuga Aya looked Uchiha Kai up and down: "The pursuit of the loess doesn't seem to have caused you any trouble."

"There's really no trouble." Uchiha Kai admitted directly and generously: "And this time with the removal of the loess, I also found an interesting phenomenon, that is, he stood by and watched me kill all of him. subordinates."

"Watching you kill all his subordinates?"

Both Hyuga Aya and Imai Kenta were stunned, and then Hyuga Aya immediately understood: "He is... a ninja who wants to use Konoha's hand to clean up his opposition to the negotiation?

Loess personally led the team. As the son of the third generation of Tsuchikage, he must have received some news. Iwa Shinobu plans to negotiate for peace!

Damn, why didn't I find out at the time, and how did you survive on the loess? "

I have to say, Hyuga Aya is indeed smart enough.

He has already felt it from his previous contact with Uchiha Kai, so he was not surprised that he just gave a little hint, and this woman directly restored the original appearance of the matter.

It's just that it's a pity that this woman is in an embarrassing position. The caged bird in the Hyuga's house is really not that easy to turn over.

At least in the original work, Uchiha Kai has never seen anyone turn over, even Hyuga Neji.

As for how did he survive in the hands of loess?

Uchiha Kai didn't answer. After leaving a mysterious smile to Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya, he went directly into his room and pulled down the curtain.

Although he fought all night, Uchiha Kai was not tired. All he had to do now was to quickly see what the book Uchiha Madara left behind.

It's just that when Uchiha Kai just took out the yellowed book and turned it over to read a page, his face became ugly.

"What the **** is this? Madara Uchiha's diary?"
