Chapter 151: ? obedient person

Uchiha Fuyue cannot deny Uchiha Kai's words. Strictly speaking, he is Uchiha Kai's accomplice.


Taking a sip of tea quietly, Uchiha Fuyue was thinking, when did he become like this?


From the outspokenness of Uchiha Kai, to tell the truth of the security department that others dare not tell?


Since Uchiha Kai showed his kaleidoscope?


Uchiha Fuyue wasn't sure, but he was sure that he was persuaded by Uchiha Qi and the kid's unique and accurate judgment of the current situation.


Possessing power is just the basis for having an equal dialogue with yourself.


But the key factor that really made Uchiha Fuyaku willing to compromise and cooperate with him is Uchiha's unique political mind and smart brain.


A person who is only powerful can never truly be called a strong man.


Because their vision and pattern are not enough, they can easily become pawns in the hands of careerists. In the end, they may even seem unable to help themselves when they die.


It is true that power can break all conspiracies, but there is not enough brains to see through these conspiracies. A 'car' will always be a 'car', and it will always be controlled by a 'will'.


Silently brewed two cups of tea, Uchiha Fuyue handed the tea to Uchiha Kai and asked calmly, "I've prepared the equipment for you, when are you going to do it."


"It's this time." Uchiha Qi took the teacup respectfully: "Although we can't achieve our goal 100%, we all have similar experiences and know what kind of stimulation is the most powerful for him. It's fluctuating, so I think we should be able to succeed."


"Hopefully." Uchiha Fuyue nodded. Although he also hoped to succeed in this kind of thing, he couldn't force it too much.


How difficult is it to open the eyes of a kaleidoscope?


The basic condition is that you need the three-gou jade writing wheel eye, and it does not mean that you can open the kaleidoscope if you have the three-gou jade, it only means that you have this basic condition.


Some people in the Uchiha family have made similar attempts, but without exception, they have all failed, and they are still driving crazy.


Those who participated in the experiment killed their lovers, relatives and even their children with their own hands, but it turned out to be useless.


And they also went crazy because of their own behavior. Those who went crazy turned around and killed all the clan elders who let them participate in the experiment.


This incident caused a lot of opposition in the Uchiha clan, so the experiment was stopped.


Uchiha Fugaku himself also hates such experiments. The reason why he accepts it is that he knows that his eyes may not be used for a long time.


On the other hand, it is because the object of the experiment is the person who needs to be cleaned up.


That's right, Uchiha Fugaku has realized some of Uchiha Kai's thoughts.


Catching a pair of brothers to make a kaleidoscope is simulating something!


The superposition of these two key points made Uchiha Fugaku agree to this extremely cruel plan.


It is precisely because of this that he did not take Uchiha Yu as a person at all.


Such a guy who is not even a human being can only be regarded as garbage and waste. It is better to use waste than to die like this.


Thinking this way will not put any psychological pressure on Uchiha Fugaku, which is why he can so decisively and cruelly destroy Uchiha Yugi again.


"By the way, is this mission related to your Namikaze Minato?"


Uchiha Fuyue probably didn't want to discuss the topic of Yuchi Uchiha, so he directly asked a topic that he was more interested in.


After all, the cooperation between Uchiha Fuyue and Uchiha Kai was born on the basis of 'protecting the future of the Uchiha family'.


If you really want to get out of this cooperation foundation, it may be impossible for the two of them to have any relationship.


"I talked a lot and talked a lot." Uchiha Qi picked up the teacup and spun it gently in his hand, but didn't let any tea drip out: "The result is also very gratifying."


"Oh?" Uchiha Fuyue's eyes lit up when he heard the words: "Tell me, what did you say to him, and what did he say at the same time?"


Looking at Uchiha Fugaku, who was in a hurry, Uchiha Kai didn't laugh at him, because Uchiha Kai could understand his mood.


Isn't his performance an expression of his desire to survive?


As the head of the Uchiha clan, this guy is under too much pressure.


It is not only how to appease the members of the clan, but also how to strive for the best interests for the clan, and finally, the balance between the clan and the village must be considered.


Like Kei Uchiha, who simply thinks about how to survive, he belongs to those who survive in difficult situations.


The only difference is probably that Uchiha Kai is facing death, while he is facing the invisible blood and blood.


Thinking of this, Kei Uchiha simply said everything he and Minato Namikaze said and did.


Uchiha Fuyue listened very carefully, and after hearing Uchiha Kai directly and fully stated the plan, he couldn't help frowning.


But when he heard that Minato Naikaze finally agreed to cooperate, his brows involuntarily loosened.


"Qijun, you are in a hurry."


After Uchiha Kai finished talking about everything, Uchiha Fugaku sighed: "Although the result is a good result, it's really not a good thing to take out all the trump cards at once."


"Of course I know, but don't I have any other preparations?"


Uchiha Qi looked at Uchiha Fuyake calmly, he put down the tea cup gently: "Also, do you think that after Minato Namikawa takes office, the three generations of Hokage will easily hand over the power in his hands?"


"You mean.... the fourth Hokage will be turned into a puppet?" Uchiha Fugaku was stunned for a moment, and then his face became a little ugly.


Indeed, those who have tasted the taste of power will not give up their power easily.


This is especially true of this long-lived third-generation Hokage-sama. He became Hokage at a young age, and now he has gray temples but still sits on it.


Not only him, but even the other people who maintain his interest group are still like this. It is conceivable how much they do not want their power to be divided.


Uchiha Tomiya knows about Minato Namikaze, and their relationship is connected to a certain extent because of their wives, but he knows Minato Namikaze's character.


Such people are really easy to be controlled to death because of certain factors, such as feelings.


Especially now that he doesn't have any background.


"Yes, so.... We still have a lot to do."


Uchiha Kai smiled playfully: "For example, teaching the fourth Hokage how to control his rights, for example, teaching him how to get what belongs to him."


"What's your plan?" Hearing Uchiha Kai's words, Uchiha Fugaku felt inexplicably relieved, and he asked in a calm tone.


"It's actually very simple, but before that..." Uchiha Qi sat up straight: "How many small families and commoner ninjas have you contacted?"


"Three families, and fifty or so civilian ninjas."


Uchiha Fuyue sighed, with an unnatural wry smile on his face: "You know, a sudden show of kindness doesn't come to bring welcome, it's more likely to be vigilant, especially us."


Indeed, the previous performance of the Uchiha clan was too bad.


So bad that no one dared to trust them, so bad that no one dared to approach them.


To be honest, Uchiha Tomiya's work is not bad, but it is not enough, especially fighting within the entire Konoha's interest circle is not enough to see!


Especially Uchiha Kai's plan is not just a little bit, he also wants to integrate those families who are dissatisfied with the three generations in the future.


"Too little." Uchiha Kai shook his head: "Your work is going to speed up, let me take the lead in this matter."


"It's up to you."


Uchiha Fuyue knew what Uchiha Kai meant, and he sighed helplessly: "Sorry, I'm holding back. If it wasn't for this, I would never have imagined that the reputation of the Uchiha family would be even worse than I imagined."


"Actually, it's almost the same, so we need to change the security department quickly." Uchiha Qi helplessly spread his hands: "I can't be alone, you have to move faster."


"I know, you can only be the bridgehead, and I will follow." Uchiha Fuyue took a deep breath, and then slowly asked, "What about your plan after that?"


Uchiha Fuyue is reluctant to talk about these things. Continuing to talk can only prove one thing - that he is somewhat incompetent and indecisive.


He originally planned to make a step-by-step plan for the transformation of the clan, but now it seems that his approach is extremely wrong.


At present, it seems that this matter can't be taken slowly. The slower it is, the easier it is to cause problems.


Fortunately, he also has the help of this guy Uchiha Kai, Uchiha Kai is really unscrupulous.


In his eyes, I'm afraid he doesn't care about the interests of factions in the family, let alone the existence of clan elders.


"The plan is very simple, but it is also difficult." Uchiha Kai shook his head: "After helping Naikaze Minato to secure the fourth generation of Hokage, what we have to do is to help him get the real rights of Hokage.


He needs support, he needs his own circle of interest, not the circle of interest that listens to him on the surface but actually follows the three generations of Hokage.


After attracting the small family and commoner ninjas our goal is to focus on the middle and big families. As long as this step is completed, the four generations of Hokage will have a certain right to speak. "


"Just a part of the right to speak." Uchiha Fuyue emphasized: "This is not enough, you must know Anbu..."


"Have you heard about Kakashi?"


Uchiha Qi directly interrupted Uchiha Fuyue's words, and he looked at Uchiha Fuyue with a playful look: "Killing his friend with his own hands is against the will of the dead friend, and an invisible wound was torn in his heart, so what? Can he recover well? Let him rely on time? Or..."


"Enter Anbu, let him watch more life and death in the world and forget about it all." Uchiha Fuyue also reacted at this moment: "You mean, you want Kakashi..."


"Ah, after all, he is a disciple of the fourth Hokage, and he is also my good friend."


Uchiha Kai smiled again: "And I will give him enough support, and I will also support the fourth Hokage, so Patriarch, I need your manpower, truly obedient manpower."


"I understand." Uchiha Fuyue took a deep breath and looked at Uchiha Kai with a playful face in front of him, Uchiha Fuyue seemed to have made a decision.


"From now on, they are also the ones who really listen to you. But they will listen to me more. I hope you understand, Qijun."

