Chapter 153: ?action

"Team... No, Deputy Minister!"


When Uchiha Kai walked into Diameter and walked into the gate of the security department, his sudden appearance also startled Uchiha Ninja who was on duty inside.


No one in the Uchiha clan now knows the name of Kai Uchiha, especially when he came back with Minato Namikaze yesterday. Even if he doesn't want to know about him, it's very difficult.


The current Uchiha Kai is a well-known powerful ninja in the family, even if he does not have a good relationship with other powerful ninjas.


But he is the captain of one of the three contingents of the security department, and he is also the deputy minister!


"Are you here today?" Uchiha Kai didn't care that the ninja in front of him almost said the wrong thing. He glanced around the hall and asked in a calm voice, "Where are the others?"


"Minister, the others have already patrolled in teams."


The ninja in front of him has a lot of brains, and he changed his name to Uchiha Kai in a subtle way: "But he should be back soon, except for those who have no tasks today..."


"I understand, thank you." Uchiha Ki nodded and suddenly asked, "What's your name."


Kai Uchiha really doesn't know what the guy in front of him is called. There are many people in the Uchiha clan that he doesn't know. After all, that's how he was in the past.


This ninja didn't have any surprises, and it didn't seem to be very unusual for people in the clan to not know each other.


What's more, this is the first time the new deputy minister has entered the Ministry of Guards.


"Minister, Kazuya Uchiha is here." Kazuya Uchiha said very respectfully.


"He is too, hello." Uchiha Ki nodded: "I'll give you a task to call everyone in my team, remember that everyone is here.


But before that, please find Fu Jiu Hangping's younger brother, Fu Jiu Hangtai, who has been here before. Don't be the same as catching a criminal.


Also, is it okay to bring Uchiha Asahi and his son together? "


"Yes, Minister!" Uchiha Kazuya replied in a loud voice, he seemed a little excited.


"Very good, sorry to trouble you. By the way, where is my office?"


Walking into his office, Uchiha Kai found that the office was quite large, but the size also reflected some of its shortcomings, that is, it was too empty.


Since the previous vice-minister resigned, Uchiha Fuyake has not been promoting the vice-minister.


He seems more willing to use this position as a bait to lure all ambitious people.


But now the bait has been removed, and it was sent to Kai Uchiha as a free gift.


After casually sitting at the desk and getting a chair, Uchiha Qi began to wait patiently. Uchiha Qi is not a person who can stay idle.


Now that the decision has been made, let's simply not leave any chance for this group of people. Of course, Kei Uchiha didn't take these guys as human at all.


After about ten minutes of waiting, there was a knock on the door of his office, and the sound was gentle and clear.


"Come in." Uchiha Kei didn't let anyone else's thoughts, he probably knew who was coming.


"Minister." Just as he thought, when the door of the office was opened, Uchiha Asahi walked in with a young man.


This young man, Uchiha Kai, really has no impression. He looks a year or two older than Uchiha Kai, and may be about the same age as Imai Kenta.


This guy looks relatively calm, and his expression is very respectful. The most interesting thing is that he looks at Uchiha Kai with a bit of frenzy in his eyes.


It's not surprising that Uchiha Kai fell. They were born as "marginal people" and they naturally have a lot of resonance.


And Uchiha Kai's fortune also gave these young people some room for fantasy.


"Xujun, long time no see." A smile appeared on Uchiha's face: "Are you your son, Uchihagawa? Very nice young man."


"Thank you for your praise, Minister." Uchiha Asahi and Uchiha Chuan lowered their heads at the same time.


They didn't think it was wrong for a kid who was only thirteen or fourteen years old to call someone older than him a young man.


"Okay, let's talk about the business."


Uchiha Qi stood up slowly, and looked at the two people in front of him without any hesitation: "You guys also know my current situation, so I'll just say it straight, are you interested in coming to work with me?"


Uchiha Keiji was too lazy to go around with them, he directly stated his purpose.


Although Uchiha Kei can slowly play olive branch tossing game with them, but now he has neither the kung fu nor the mood.


He felt that as long as Uchiha Asahi and his son were smart enough, they would know how to choose.


Uchiha Asahi is only a small role in the family, his son is a cannon fodder like Uchiha Kai.


Now that they have a chance to escape their fate, they naturally have to learn to cherish it.


"Of course, Minister!"


Sure enough, Uchiha Asahi agreed almost immediately, and he didn't even ask Uchiha Kai whether it was him or his son.


"I mean, you are with your son." Uchiha Qi slowly walked to their side: "Do things under my hands, just listen to me, do you understand what I mean?"


Pulling Uchiha Asahi to his subordinates is a whim of Uchiha, but Uchiha thinks it's not bad.


Uchiha Asahi is in the clan, and is basically a guy who is responsible for spreading the word.


If you come to the security department to be your own microphone, even Uchiha Kei is thinking about Uchiha Ryoko's problem, because his cheap mother in this world also works in the security department.


It's just that Kei Uchiha thinks that she is more likely to reject her, and even if Kei Uchiha wants to move, he has to clear up a lot of things.


"I... we understand."


Uchiha Asahi is a smart man, he just hesitated for a second before gritted his teeth and agreed to Uchiha Kai's request.


Listening to only one person, such a request seems a bit excessive.


But he was sensitive and immediately noticed that this was probably a signal released by Kai Uchiha.


A signal that he wants to establish a force that completely obeys his orders, so the sooner he joins the team, the more benefits he will get.


Uchiha Asahi is very smart. If it wasn't for his strength, he didn't have Sharinyan to limit him, I'm afraid he and his son wouldn't be where they are today.


"Very good, Asahi-kun." Uchiha Ki nodded, then looked at Uchiha Chuan: "Kuan-kun, what are your thoughts?"


"I..." Uchiha Chuan was stunned for a moment, and then said as a matter of course, "I listen to my father."


"No, no, that's not the answer I want."


Uchiha Kai stood calmly in front of Uchiha River with his arms crossed over his chest, his eyes calmly looking at the young man in front of him.


"I want your own answer, not someone you listen to. Trust me, it's very important to you."


"I..." Uchiha Chuan was stunned, but he quickly came to his senses.


After thinking for a while, he immediately knelt on the ground halfway: "I am willing to serve Master Qi."


Sure enough, this kid is also a smart person.


This can't help but make Uchiha Kai sigh, there are so many talents in the Uchiha family, why did it end like this in the end?


Kei Uchiha, who couldn't figure it out, didn't bother to think about it. He only knew that he had already got the answer he wanted.


A smart and obedient person, this is the person Uchiha wants, and he is worthy of Uchiha's efforts to try some experiments.




"You are...."


On the other side, on the street of Konoha, a young man looked at the man in Konoha uniform with the Uchiha family emblem behind him, and unconsciously showed some vigilance in his eyes.


"Don't worry, Fujiu Hangtai. Of course I have something to do with you, or do you think I will come here?" Kazuya Uchiha looked at the kid in front of him and showed some disdain: "Our deputy minister wants to find you, Go to the security guard."


"Deputy Minister?" Fu Jiuhang was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes became somewhat inexplicable: "Is it Kai Uchiha?"


"You should say, it's Lord Kai." Kazuya Uchiha's voice became a little colder: "Don't think that your brother is Lord Kai's guidance, and you don't have any sense of awe.


Stop talking nonsense, hurry up, I don't want to take you back in person, so Lord Qi may blame me. "


Fujiu Hangta gritted his teeth. He didn't like what Uchiha said in front of him. I'm afraid few people can stand that proud look.


But Fujiu Hangtai also knew that he probably didn't have any good choices. In fact, he didn't really resist meeting with Uchiha Qi.


After all, Uchiha Kei is his brother's subordinate. Although this subordinate relationship almost no longer exists, Uchiha Kei has helped him.


Take a deep breath Fu Jiuhang nodded his head: "I understand, let's go now."


"You can go by yourself." Kazuya Uchiha suddenly said, "I'm just a shadow clone, I have other things to do, so see you."


As soon as he finished speaking, Kazuya Uchiha turned into a cloud of smoke.


Looking at Kazuya Uchiha who disappeared, Tomohisa Kota felt that he was really looked down upon.


Although he knew that this guy could deal with him, I am afraid that a shadow clone would be enough, but this still made Fu Jiuhangtai very unhappy.


"I don't know what that brother's former subordinate is looking for me to do."




"Hmph, that kid is going to show his authority?"


"Do you really think we are easy to bully? After Lord Yong disappeared, did he think he could do whatever he wanted?"




In the clan of the Uchiha clan, Kazuya Uchiha stood halfway with his head lowered.


He really feels a little miserable now, especially listening to the words of these members of the security department, he always feels that something is going wrong.


And as the news spread, all the members of Yuchiha Uchiha's team returned to the clan, which made Kazuya Uchiha feel that things seemed to be more complicated!


"Hopefully, there won't be any major problems..."