Chapter 173: ?Sprouting (I wish everyone a healthy Dragon Boat Festival)

There was a winter snow not long ago, and it was the coldest time when the snow melted.

However, Konoha Village is completely shrouded in an atmosphere of enthusiasm. In the streets, the laughter of the new generation of children is echoing.

The thick snow became their best plaything, and snowballs whistled in the open field.

Under the trees, there are tall snowmen piled up everywhere, of all kinds, with their hands and faces flushed red, but they never tire of it.

The ninjas prefer to warm a pot of hot wine in the tavern and chat about some things they are interested in, which is a great enjoyment in this weather.

For Konoha, the war has basically ended, except to cherish the memory of former companions and those who gave their lives for the war.

The topic is naturally inseparable, the current hottest Naruto election.

As for those candidates, there are many eloquent commentators, as if the candidate is himself.

In most people's mouths, the most mentioned is Namikaze Minato.

For this very sunny hero, most of Konoha's ninja like it.

The Third Ninja World War pushed him to a legendary position, and the Battle of Kannabi Bridge was even written into a script and sung in Konoha.

Of course, the names of Kakashi Hatake, Kei Uchiha, Kenta Imai, Aya Hyuga, Rin Nohara, and Obito Uchiha also appeared in such a script.

It's just that they can't match the popularity of Namikaze Minato.

Now that there are only a few weeks left before the Chinese New Year, the third Hokage has announced that a new Hokage will be selected the day before the New Year's Eve, so as to ensure that tomorrow will be the era of the fourth Hokage.

In other words, the time until the general election is running out, and there is only one to two weeks left for the full reckoning.

And the tavern where Kai Uchiha and the others were located was also shrouded in an eager environment at this time.

The heat released by the heater permeates the interior, making people feel warm and comfortable as soon as they enter.

Chunin and Shimonin of Konoha Village like it very much, and even the figure of Joinin can be seen often.

Not far from them, some ninjas holding wine glasses were talking non-stop.

There was obvious drunkenness on his face, and the whole hall was noisy.

Kei Uchiha looked at these ninjas with a smile on his face, and at his signal, Kenta Imai and Aya Hyuga involuntarily looked at them, and began to pay attention to what they were saying.

"Hiccup, Dawu, who do you think will be elected in the Naruto election this time?"

A guy in a chunin uniform who looked drunk burped and asked, and the person he was questioning was a ninja at the table opposite him.

Dawu is a ninja in his thirties. He participated in the Second Ninja World War and the Third Ninja World War. It can be said that he has witnessed most of Konoha's battles up to now. And he and this drunk guy were comrades-in-arms who fought in the Land of Tang during the Third World War. The relationship between them is also not bad, it can be said that they are the people who can really give their backs to each other. Even if they are not from a team, even if the war is over now, their relationship is still good.

"How can I know about this kind of thing, why are we just Chunin, not big people, how can we know the current situation." Dawu shook his head with a smile.

"However, Minato Jonin's reputation and achievements are very good, so there should be a great chance. However, I have never been to the battlefield of the Grassland, so..."

Speaking of which, Dawu sighed and took a sip of hot wine.

With the hot wine in his throat, Da Wu felt the residual warmth of the hot wine before continuing: "So, my heart is still more inclined towards Lord Orochimaru.

During the Second Ninja War, I served in Yu Ninja Village. If it weren't for the legendary Sannin, maybe we would have sacrificed many more ninjas!

But it's a pity that Tsunade-sama has left, and Jiraiya-sama seems to be unwilling to run for election..."

The drinking ninja shook his head, took another sip of wine and said, "Sir Orochimaru is of course very strong, but he is a bit too aloof and not something that ordinary ninjas can get close to.

Also, in the last Ninja World War, it was Minato-sama who attacked Kannabi Bridge and ended the war. In terms of credit, Minato-sama was more powerful.

After all, the merits of Sannin belonged to three people. I still think that Minato-sama will win this time. "

This drunk ninja in his twenties can be said to be a new generation of ninjas.

For the three ninjas who became famous in World War II, although these new generation ninjas are very respectful, they also know how terrifying their strength is.

Compared with the same generation of Namikaze Minato, they still prefer the latter. The most important thing is that he served on the battlefield of the land of grass.

For him or the ninjas of his generation, Minato, who rose in this ninja war, is the closest hero to them.

Even a guy like Kei Uchiha is a genius and hero that they talk about.

It's just that Kai Uchiha and the others are rising stars. Before the Kannabi Bridge mission, they had never heard of Kai Uchiha and their names.

And the investigation that followed made them a little speechless, because the three of them, including Kei Uchiha, all belonged to that kind of team that changed one after another.

In their opinion, this is really no different from a disaster star.

However, just after he said his words of support for Minato, the ninja on the other side slapped the table and said angrily, "Fuck!"

This time it was a middle-aged ninja who was speaking, and at this time he was also seventy percent drunk.

He stood up and pointed at the ninja angrily, "How can you judge Mr. Orochimaru, do you know how terrifying the war in the Land of Rain was back then!

We not only have to face Rain Shinobi, but also Yan Shinobi and Sand Shinobi. If it weren't for Lord Sannin, how could you fart here today.

And even in this war, Lord Orochimaru led us to fight against Sand Ninja on the battlefield of River Country, and then taught Yun Nin a hard lesson in Tang Country!

What do you know, little brat! "

In anger, he tore off his upper coat, revealing his bronzed skin.

The stab wounds on it are all over, and the density is shocking, and it also represents his record of life and death.

There is a scar at the central opening that extends all the way to the abdomen, which is deep and abnormal.

It made some ninjas beside him stunned, and he didn't know how he survived the injury in the first place.

"Did you see it, it's this scar, it's Lao Tzu who worked hard in the country of Tang this time, and was later surrounded by the troops brought by Yun Ren.

If I hadn't been rescued by the Orochimaru people, I would have died long ago! If Namikaze Minato is not under the command of Lord Jiraiya, otherwise he is also under the command of the Orochimaru!

In terms of merit, Po Feng Minato is even better, what a bunch of ignorant juniors! "

The ninja angrily scolded that he was a Chunin in the Second Ninja World War, but now he is a special Jōnin.

He also participated in the battle in the Land of Rain to achieve the fame of Sannin, and since then, those rescued ninjas have become loyal supporters of Sannin.

This time, he was even in a desperate situation. If Orochimaru hadn't led the troops in time to feel that those Yun Ninjas were completely wiped out, I'm afraid this guy would have died on the spot.

But what he didn't expect was that the young Chunin seemed to become angry too.

Ninjas, especially young ninjas, always care about their face, especially after drinking.

The young ninja who had just started to speak blushed. He stood up and roared angrily regardless of the difference in position.

"Even so, in this ninja war, Minato-sama deserves the most credit. You can't ignore the fact just because you were saved on the battlefield.

Anyway, I support Minato-sama, and this time, Orochimaru-sama also broke out such a thing! "

"What are you talking about, kid!"

"What more do I need to say? Uchiha's group is investigating Orochimaru-sama, but they have lost a branch head of the security department! Although it makes us happy because of the benefits of Lord Kai, and Lord Kai's actions also let us know. The importance of the security department. But the disappearance of the former sub-department and the investigation and speech of the Uchiha clan, are they all non-existent?"

"Little devil, are you looking for death?"

"That's the truth!"

The two quarreled about this, and as they both drank, the language conflict intensified.

In the end, I don't know who moved first, and it quickly turned into a fight.

The ninjas onlookers gathered in a circle and jeered at each other.

But as the disputes between them got bigger and bigger, and more and more hands were involved, the scene became completely chaotic.

Kei Uchiha and the others have been silently watching what happened, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth involuntarily.

Imai Kenta and Hinata Aya also watched the whole development with a cold eye, and now they seem to have understood what Uchiha Kai's so-called seeds are.

And the seed seems to have taken root and is still thriving, and the trend seems to be getting bigger and bigger now.

"Is this your plan?" Imai Kenta sighed: "Since when did you seize this opportunity? Did you start preparing when you found out that such a thing happened to Lord Orochimaru?"

"Almost." Uchiha Kai smiled.

"And the so-called experiment is also for two-handed preparation. One is used to build momentum, and the effect is not bad now. Their disappearance has put some pressure on some people and certain forces.

It can be said that it can be regarded as waste utilization.

As for the other preparation, I won't talk about it for the time being. "

"That's a pity, but I think Qi-kun will still talk about it in the future." Hyuga Aya smiled and shook her head: "So what do you think of the success rate for Qi-kun?"

"Besides this Have you considered what happened after Kai-kun?" Imai Kenta also looked at Uchiha Kai seriously.

"The new Hokage comes to power, can you guarantee that he won't become a puppet?

I really don't think that the New Fourth Hokage you value is a man with a deep heart, even if he has the means..."

Imai Kenta stopped here, there are some things that don't need to be said, the three of them can understand.

Indeed, the four generations of Hokage are very good in all aspects, whether it is wisdom, combat or attitude towards the enemy is enough.

But his background does not allow him to have enough interest groups to support him, and his character will definitely be killed by the three generations of Hokage. I am afraid that he will really become a puppet at that time!

"This kind of thing, we don't need to worry too much." Uchiha Kai smiled and didn't answer the question: "When I think about it, I am afraid that someone will worry about these things more than us."

"You mean, your other collaborator?" A smile appeared on the corner of Hyuga Aya's mouth: "The person who caught the former sub-commander with you? I think, is he your patriarch?"

"Who knows about this kind of thing."

"Yes, no one will know."



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