Chapter 185: ? Hands-on (3)

"Is it all resolved?"

In the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Fuyue calmly looked at Uchiha Yan who was lying in front of him, suddenly he closed his eyes and asked a question.

At this moment, all around him was quiet, and no one could be seen at all.

But as he opened his mouth, a graceful figure soon appeared behind him.

It was Jun Uchiha, she still had a smile on her face, and she didn't look like she had experienced a battle at all.

"It's over, Patriarch." Uchiha Chun said with a smile: "I didn't expect that Uchiha Akira was actually a double agent."

"How is his condition?" Uchiha Fuyue didn't answer Uchiha Jun's question, he just asked calmly.

"I'm sorry Patriarch, he has not carried my illusions." Uchiha Jun also restrained his smile at this moment.

Killing a kin, and an elite kin, is also a burden for her.

"Is that so? I understand." Uchiha Fugaku sighed: "I bleed too much, is it really worth it..."

Uchiha Tomiya is really reflecting on this issue now, because killing his own clan is difficult for him to accept.

Uchiha Fuyake is the patriarch of the Uchiha family. As the patriarch, his mission is to protect this family.

Even if it is necessary, they will be accompanied by this clan to hell!

But soon, Uchiha Fugaku came to his senses, and then a wry smile appeared on his face.

He is indeed a little indecisive, he knows his character, but now is definitely not the time for him to hesitate!

This is a war, a real battlefield. Since it is a war, it will inevitably see blood.

Uchiha Fuyue took a deep breath, he knew that he couldn't have any hesitation at this time.

Now that he has decided to take this step, he naturally cannot tolerate any regrets.

Looking at Uchiha Yan who fell to the ground, Uchiha Fuyue instantly saw a kunai in his hand, and he closed his eyes and his kunai shot instantly.

Turning around, Uchiha Fuyue didn't look at Uchiha Yan's situation at all, he walked out of the clan.

"Clean up here, I'm going out." Uchiha Fuyue said as he walked.

"I understand, patriarch." Uchiha Jun glanced at Uchiha Yan who was lying in a pool of blood, and then nodded: "Is the patriarch going to Uchiha Kai's side? Is there something wrong with him?"

"Ah, I want to go over." Uchiha Fuyue nodded without looking back.

"As for worrying about his problems, forget it. He may be stronger than me, and he is the one who really hides the deepest."

"Patriarch..." Uchiha Chun was stunned for a moment, she really thought that Uchiha Fuyue would give Uchiha Kai such an evaluation.

But soon the smile on her face also appeared, is she the one who is really hiding the deepest?

Only when such people serve the patriarch can the patriarch truly gain control of the Uchiha clan.

It's just that such a talent, how to completely tie it up...


"This is...."

Osamu Uchiha stared in disbelief in front of him, his eyes glowing scarlet, the half-length giant made of pitch-black chakra, his brain is now full of mucus!

Is this Susanoo?

This is Susanoo!

This must be Susanoo!

That kind of cold chakra that made him feel fear and trembling from the heart, that chakra that is like reality, this is definitely the legendary Susanoo who can really destroy everything!

"You....Impossible!" Uchiha Osamu's body seemed to be trembling.

"This is a secret technique unique to the Kaleidoscope Shaker. How could you have such a secret technique! Impossible! Impossible! Unless..."

"Unless what?" Uchiha Kai slowly walked out of the flames.

The dark Chakra giant on his body also slowly dissipated, and finally turned into a dark skeleton and arm to protect him.

"Unless I have a kaleidoscope, right?"

Osamu Uchiha didn't answer, he stared at Kai Uchiha's eyes.

But what made him extremely puzzled was that Uchiha Kai's eyes at this time were only Sangou jade.

He had no idea how Uchiha Kei did it. Could it be that he still brought beauty contact lenses?

But for beauty contact lenses, he can tell them apart just by looking at them.

Now in his eyes, Uchiha Kai everything is normal.

Except for the huge chakra on his body, he is no different from before!

"How did you do it?" Osamu Uchiha stared at Kai Uchiha, and at the same time he pulled up Kai Uchiha's ninja sword.

"I have to admit that you are really strong, stronger than I imagined, but I am ready to go."

"Hey, you are too whimsical." Uchiha Kai shook his head.

"Since you already know that I am working with Uchiha Fuyake, and I also guessed that you have prepared for it both ways.

Then why do you still believe that your information will be sent to the past?

And what if it was delivered? This is a war, a **** war. "

Uchiha Kai directly used the word war to describe all of this, which has completely demonstrated his attitude.

Although Osamu Uchiha wasn't sure about Kai Uchiha's situation, he also knew that today he might have to fight this sinister poisonous snake.

Holding Kei Uchiha's ninja sword tightly, Osamu Uchiha stared at Kei Uchiha, and now he doesn't think about why Kei Uchiha is Susanoo at all.

He knew there was no use thinking about it now, unless he could or get out of here.

Looking at his actions, Uchiha Kai couldn't help showing a sneer.

Although the ninja sword became this guy's weapon, Uchiha Kei didn't care.

He didn't use the knife for as long as the Kunai, not to mention now that he still has the protection of Susanoo at this initial stage.

If this can't fix this guy, Uchiha Kei just don't mess around.

And Uchiha Kai seems to have discovered why Uchiha Madara enjoys fighting so much.

"This feels really good, especially when you can't use the kaleidoscope indiscriminately, it's also very interesting to have a good teammate."

Kei Uchiha took out a kunai: "But now is not the time to enjoy the battle, let's get rid of this guy as soon as possible."

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi directly rushed over with a flash, his speed was as fast as lightning.

Holding Kai Kuai Uchiha in his right hand, he stabbed directly at Shuu Uchiha.

At the same time, Susanoo, who was attached to him at the initial stage, also clenched his fists and punched Osamu Uchiha fiercely.

Osamu Uchiha reacted very quickly. He held a ninja sword against Uchiha Kai's Kunai, but Nasu Sano's punch made him not dare to try.

Fortunately, Osamu Uchiha's combat experience is also very experienced. At the moment when the punch was about to hit her, he immediately used a stand-in technique to avoid Susanoo's punch.

Uchiha Qi naturally saw his movements, and strong electric arcs immediately appeared in his hands, and these arcs quickly covered the kunai in his hands.

He shot at the position of Osamu Uchiha, and Kai Uchiha once again launched the telekinesis technique, and his speed was almost catching up with the Kunai he shot out!

The speed of Kunai's shooting that covers the thunder attribute chakra is amazingly fast, but he can still see such a speed clearly with the three-god jade writing wheel eye.

Wei Wei turned sideways and he avoided the Kunai, but Uchiha Kei who appeared along with it made him unable to dodge.

Uchiha Kai appeared beside Osamu Uchiha, his foot stomped **** the handle that was stabbed on the ground, and the kuna flew right in front of him.

Kei Uchiha grabbed it, and at the same time, Susanoo on his body once again punched Osamu Uchiha.

This time, Osamu Uchiha seemed to show his fastest reaction speed.

He almost showed coordination that completely violated the principles of his body, and forcibly turned around to avoid the punch.

And the ninja sword in his hand also stabbed Uchiha Kai's chest fiercely.

Because of his forcibly turning around, he already felt that his body was being strained, but he couldn't care less about it now!


It's a pity that his ninja knife stabbed on Uchiha Kai's Susanoo.

It was like the collision of a real chakra and a ninja sword, once again producing a sound that made one's teeth sore.

At the same time, Uchiha Kai also stabbed his own Kunai, which was nailed to Uchiha Osamu's left arm.

The strong thunder attribute chakra burst out instantly.

Uchiha Osamu also lost control of his body at this moment, and he slowly knelt to the ground with a severe numbness.

"Is it only this level?" Uchiha Kai shook his head: "Then you're done here too."


Osamu Uchiha's eyes were red, looking at the ninja sword stuck in Uchiha Kai's chest, he was angry and unwilling, and more desperate.

I lost, lost to this **** brat, lost to this sinister poisonous snake!

However, he still held a glimmer of hope in his heart, hoping that the information he conveyed would reach the Great Elder smoothly.

As long as it is communicated, then I will have support Then I will have a chance to take revenge!

Although none of his people have come yet, he feels that this is probably stopped by someone.

Such an underground laboratory was built together with Uchiha Fugaku, and it is absolutely impossible to have no defense force.

Soon, Osamu Uchiha's eyes brightened because he heard footsteps, more than one person's footsteps.

These footsteps made him a little uneasy. He didn't know whether it was his support or the people from Uchiha Kai.

But at this time, Osamu Uchiha can only hope that things will develop in a good place as much as possible.

However, when the door was pushed open again, he felt that he really fell into the bottom, because the person who came in was Uchiha Fugaku!

"Looks like you've already settled the battle here."

Uchiha Fuyue looked at Osamu Uchiha who was kneeling on the ground with a desperate face, and at Kiha Uchiha who picked up the ninja sword and prepared to take back the scabbard, he couldn't help sighing.

"Well, it's solved." Uchiha Ki nodded: "What about you? He prepared more than one mouse."

"Don't worry, I know my people very well, everyone. They will keep silent, forever..."



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