Chapter 187: ?4 generations of Hokage (middle)

In the kingdom of fire, the four giants of Konoha gathered in one office.

Their expressions were relatively calm, because they all knew what the purpose of their coming this time was.

They were already mentally prepared, and Nara Shikahisa, who was sitting beside them, lowered his head even more.

"It's a pity, the three generations of Hokage did a good job."

Sitting at the forefront, Daimyo of the Kingdom of Fire fanned the fan in his hand, and said with emotion after reading the report submitted by the three generations of Hokage and others.

He himself still has a certain favorable impression of the three generations of Hokage.

Not because of anything else, but because the three generations of Hokage were in power, the two battles in the ninja world were handled well, making the country of fire a victorious country.

The relationship between daimyo and daimyo is not like the relationship between village and village.

Because the relationship between the big names in each country is not necessarily too bad.

And there may be a blood relationship between them to some extent.

After all, it is normal for high-level executives to intermarry each other for certain purposes and interests.

For them, the so-called ninja war is actually just a game, and ninjas respect them only because they have money.

And in some morals, the country does need a prestigious family to run it.

They won the ninja war and they have a lot of face, and they can get a lot of benefits, of course they are happy.

But if they lose, they will naturally not be happy. Not only will they lose face, but they will also lose a lot of things.

When Danzo heard the words of the name of the country of fire, his face suddenly changed.

His eyes were calm and sharp, and he felt the pressure of the fire country daimyo who looked directly at him.

The fire country daimyo immediately picked up the fan and fanned it. He hoped to use this method to cover up his embarrassment and his fear from the bottom of his heart.

Danzo feels so bad for him, if he can, he really doesn't want to face this bandaged man at all.

"If you want to go back to the source, it is precisely because the three generations of Hokage are too naive that the village has been pushed to that point."

Danzo's voice was steady and powerful, while Sandai Hokage closed his eyes and said nothing.

"Although this negotiation has got enough information because of Minato, but we also need a Hokage who can lead the village to change. A person who implements the Ninja Code, we need such a talent."

"Oh...." The land of fire daimyo gently fanned his fan: "Is there a suitable candidate?"

Danzo paused for a while, and then he said firmly: "The person I recommend is Orochimaru, one of the legendary three ninjas."

As soon as Danzo's recommendation was finished, it immediately aroused whispers from officials of the Daming Prefecture.

The story of Orochimaru is still widely spread, even in the kingdom of fire, there are all kinds of rumors about him.

Whether it's his performance on the battlefield, or...

Recently, there has been a lot of uproar in Konoha, he secretly arrested Konoha civilians and ninjas to do experiments.

It can only be said that Orochimaru's reputation is too great, and the entire ninja world, whether he is a ninja or not, has heard of him more or less.

"What do you think of the three generations of Hokage?" The daimyo of the country of fire did not make a Hokage. He looked at the three generations of Hokage. In fact, to him, whoever is a Hokage is the same.

At this time, Hokage III slowly opened his eyes. He thought for a while before slowly saying: "It can be said that Orochimaru was indeed a brilliant genius in the era of war."

Hearing this sentence, Danzo's mouth involuntarily showed a smile, but the words of the three generations of Hokage were obviously not finished.

After a short pause, the three generations of Hokage continued: "However, there is malice and ambition in his eyes. I can't entrust Hokage's Chunin to such a person..."

"Three Hokage!" Danzo couldn't help it now, and he couldn't hold back either. He really didn't expect Three Hokage to suddenly make such a decision.

Although the result of the vote is that Orochimaru is behind, this kind of thing is not irreversible for them.

The superior of the third generation was an order directly issued by Hokage II. He skipped the election and even skipped the dialogue with the daimyo of the land of fire.

It can also be seen from this that the strong ninja village does not take the daimyo too seriously.

That being the case, they can completely secretly revise the voting for the election, as long as they pass the Jounin confidence vote, everything will be over!

However, Sandai actually changed his mind. His decision not only surprised Danzo, but also the officials of the Kingdom of Fire.

The three generations of Hokage ignored Danzo, and he looked directly at the daimyo of the country of fire: "I recommend Minato Namikaze."

"Jiraiya's apprentice?" Turning to bed, Xiaochun turned to look at Sandai Hokage: "That is, the third generation's apprentice."

"The elite ninja who is known as the golden glitter." Mito Gate Yan probably knew the awakening of the three generations of Hokage, and he also said a word very cooperatively.

Daimyo of the Land of Fire seems to be very interested in this proposal, although he has no idea who Minato Namikaze is.

But the ninjas who can see these Konoha are not very harmonious, and he doesn't mind cooperating.

Of course, he also noticed Danzo's ugly face, and he immediately realized that there might be some entanglement of interests here.

As a daimyo, he can't participate in Konoha's internal affairs, but he is happy to see this happen.

"Minato is still too young!" Danzo gritted his teeth angrily and stood up. His behavior also shocked the Fire Nation's daimyo.

The three generations of Hokage also stood up simply: "He won the battle of Kannabi Bridge, and he was also a great hero in leading the end of the Third Ninja World War.

If it wasn't for his negotiation with Iwanin, the war would not have ended so smoothly, and Konoha's interests would not have been better protected. "

"I object!"

Danzo shouted, and he looked directly into the eyes of the three generations of Hokage, hoping to interpret more information.

It's a pity that what he read from the eyes of the three generations of Hokage was only one kind of firmness and one kind of consciousness.

As everyone nodded in agreement, Danzo knew at this moment that he had failed, and he had failed completely...


In Konoha Village, Minato Namikaze stood on the balcony and watched the falling snow, his mind was a little ups and downs.

There are still two days before the results of the general election, and Minato Namikaze is also very nervous now, especially after the three generations of Hokage went to the capital of the country of fire, he was even more unable to meditate.

Namikaze Minato is a person who likes to be quiet and read books at the same time. When he has no assignments, he will choose to read books rather than stand on the balcony and watch the snow fall.

"Minato, why are you still not sleeping?" At this moment, a voice interrupted Minato Naikaze's thoughts. Wave

Feng Shui Men immediately showed a smile, turned around and looked at the figure with red hair, this was his wife Kushina.

"Ah, I'm thinking about something, I'll go back right away." Minato Minato Namika smiled, and he couldn't tell that he had any thoughts in his mind before.

"Really, you didn't pay attention to such a heavy snow."

Kushina helped Minato Minato take care of the snow stains on his body, and then continued: "I don't know what you are thinking about all day, but I don't want to know about your men, but you are in this state all day long. Not like you!"

"Sorry...." Minato Namimo touched his head embarrassedly, and found that he really didn't seem to be very good at pretending to be stupid.

But it is really difficult to make him not think about it. As a Konoha ninja, I am afraid that there are very few people who have no idea about Hokage.

Although he knows it's still early, because even if it is announced, it will not be until the spring of next year before the new generation of Hokage can officially take over.

And he also knows how much public opinion Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Fuyue have led in this period of time.

But at this time, it was really hard for him to suppress his restless heart.

"Okay, you need to apologize like me." Kushina helped Minato Namifeng pull the collar, and then continued to say with a slight dissatisfaction.

"Even if you want to apologize, it's not about this! Kakashi is your only disciple now, and you actually asked him to go to Anbu. It's hard to meet him now."

"This..." Speaking of this question, Minato Namikaze became even more embarrassed: "You know, Kakashi..."

"I know what you mean, Minato." Kushina shook his head: "Kakashi has experienced too many things that he should not undertake at his age, but I think he needs enlightenment more than entering Anbu."

Minato Namikaze sighed helplessly, he didn't know how to explain this matter.

Kakashi really needs enlightenment, but Uchiha Kai has already done it, and he has also worked hard.

Only if the effect is really mediocre, he will accept Kai Uchiha's proposal.

Now that he thinks about it, he seems to understand what Kai Uchiha means Since he wants to be Hokage, he will naturally have someone who belongs to him in Anbu.

And Kakashi is a very good choice. Kakashi who entered Anbu can not only restore his mentality, but also be regarded as a fuzi who will stay in Anbu after he succeeds in the competition in the future.

Minato Namikaze sometimes also thinks about how Uchiha Kei thinks so many things at his age.

And Uchiha Fuyue, the husband of his wife's best friend, what kind of decision did he make to trust and cooperate with him?

Psychologically shook his head silently, Namikaze Minato felt that he couldn't think clearly and couldn't figure out these things.

Lightly stopped Kushina, looking at the full moon in the sky and the falling snowflakes, Minato Namikaze felt that this moment was beautiful.

However, this kind of beauty is only temporary, and a better tomorrow needs to be created by themselves. At this time, Namifeng Minato's mentality begins to stabilize.

Maybe it's the influence of this scene, maybe it's the person I love standing next to me.

But all this doesn't matter, there are still two days before many things will be settled.

In two days, he will know whether his cooperation with Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Fuyake is going to be more in-depth or just come to an abrupt end...


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