Chapter 190: ?Dialogue (below)

"I can promise you this condition, you paid so much."

Uchiha Fuyue looked at Uchiha Kai firmly: "What do you want?"

Uchiha Tomiya really made a psychological decision. He needs to satisfy Uchiha Kai, at least in some aspects of the family.

Kai Uchiha did a lot of hard work, satisfying him not only for the situation, but also for the future of the Uchiha family.

Moreover, if he can be stabilized in this way, so that he will no longer worry too much about the Eternal Eye, then naturally it will be better.

However, Uchiha Fugaku also knows that they are all owners of kaleidoscopes, and they all understand the consequences of overusing their eyes.

Therefore, although Uchiha Fugaku thought so, but he did not hold the mentality of fluke, hoping to pass the risk.

Smart people don't take chances. Whether it is the best outcome or the worst outcome, they will make mental calculations.

Just like Uchiha Kai, although he knew that Uchiha Fugaku might not fight him, he had better look ready for battle.

This is not only an attitude, but also seeking a complete solution.

"Security Department." Uchiha Kai directly stated his answer.

"You want to eliminate internal troubles, and I need enough right to speak. Then, I want the security department. You know how my current unit is doing, and how to reform it. I believe I have the most right to speak!"

The Security Department is the most important department within the Uchiha clan that expresses rights and status to the outside world.

It's a pity that this department is just a hot potato in Uchiha's eyes.

If it wasn't for worrying about the huge pressure within the clan, Uchiha Fugaku would have thought of giving up this department.

But with the entry of Uchiha Kai, he originally just wanted Uchiha Kai to have the initial right to speak in the family.

He was surprised to find that under the transformation of Uchiha Kai, the performance of one of the teams was completely in line with his ideas.

Therefore, Uchiha Kai came up with this idea, which made Uchiha Fuyake think about it seriously.

If Uchiha Kai's transformation is reasonable and appropriate, then this guy's status in the family will probably not be lower than his own in the future!

Uchiha Fuyue sighed. He knew that Uchiha Kai had great ambitions, but it was the first time he discovered that this kid was so big.

The most important thing is that Uchiha Fuyue really has no reason to reject him. Did he let the security department rot in his own hands?

Although he can find a way to copy Uchiha's plan, but it will only intensify the contradiction between the two, which is not in his interest.

"Wait until the fourth Hokage takes over, the head of the security department, that's you." Uchiha Fugaku stared at Uchiha Kai: "Congratulations, Kai-kun."

"Very good, in fact, it's not a loss for you to do this, because I am also for the family." Uchiha Ki nodded, he expected Uchiha Fuyue to agree.

"Don't say it in such a high-sounding manner, you don't care about the Uchiha family at all, you only care about yourself."

Uchiha Fuyue snorted coldly, but he didn't forget this.

"Although I'm for myself, my surname is Uchiha." Uchiha Kei said indifferently.

"No matter what I think, but outsiders don't think so. At least, now we are grasshoppers on the same rope, aren't we?"

Uchiha Kai's words did not make Uchiha Fuyue agree, because Uchiha Kai is simply a person.

If he really wanted to leave, I'm afraid not many people would be able to react, and then organize forces to intercept him.

But on second thought, if this guy had such a big family business, would he still leave so easily?

And what Jun Uchiha once said came to his ears.

If you can properly solve this problem, then you will definitely find a way to tie this guy tightly.

Kai Uchiha doesn't know what Uchiha Fuyue is thinking. Since he wants to solve the problem, he has to say it.

It can be seen that the attitude of Uchiha Fugaku is not bad, it is an attitude that wants to solve the problem completely.

Then Uchiha Kai will also shift the topic to the issue that he is most concerned about now.

"Okay, this problem and its solution, let's get down to business now." Uchiha Kai's expression became a little serious.

"I don't know what the patriarch thinks about the eternal kaleidoscope that may be born."

"Perhaps, we can prevent it from being born." Uchiha Fuyue seemed to think of a countermeasure. He took a deep breath and finally gave his answer.

The main contradiction between him and Uchiha Qi now is the eternal kaleidoscope that may be born!

And the best way to stop this contradiction is for the two of them to hold a pair of kaleidoscopes each.

In this way, the two pairs of eyes cannot be merged, and naturally there will be no eternal kaleidoscope.

And without the eternal kaleidoscope, many problems between the two of them seem to be able to be solved.

Although it is a pity, it has to be said that this is an effective method.

Uchiha Kai frowned, what kind of method is this?

Although the problem has been solved, this is simply tearing down the east wall to make up for the west wall!

Uchiha Tomiya really doesn't need Eternal Eye, because this guy never used his kaleidoscope in the original book.

Although I used it once at my place, the intensity of that use was also very mediocre.

It can be said that although the Eternal Eye also has great temptation for him, compared with the current stability, it is not on the same level at all.

He can turn his eyes away and pursue the greater peace now.

But Uchiha Qi couldn't do it. He had already provoked Obito, and he had provoked Obito once. He needed Eternal Eyes!

Uchiha Kai has the cells of Bai Jue, which is equivalent to Uchiha Kai's cells of the Thousand Hands Pillars.

But the problem is that Kai Uchiha is very greedy, and Kai Uchiha really wants to figure out the secret of the Eternal Eye.

His dream is to get to that point by cracking the secret of the Eternal Eye, and then learning Uchiha Madara to use Shirai's cells.

Aya Hyuga has only been studying medical ninjutsu for how long, and Kai Uchiha doesn't dare to trust her level too much.

Secondly, Uchiha Qi is not too afraid to believe her character, at least for now, Uchiha Qi still dare not believe it completely.

Uchiha Kai's mind was spinning rapidly, he had to think of a way.

But after thinking about it, he found out that Uchiha Fugaku's method seems to be the best method at present.

This makes Uchiha Kai very puzzled, this development has exceeded Uchiha Kai's expected plan.

"Although this is a good idea, I wish I had such eyes even more." Uchiha Qi frowned, and he looked directly at Uchiha Fugaku.

"Even if I don't need it, I want to find out what it is. If necessary, I can destroy it after I figure it out!"

"What exactly are you trying to figure out?" Uchiha Fugaku had to pay attention at this time.

Uchiha Kai actually had the idea of ​​destroying the Eternal Eye, which made Uchiha Fugaku puzzled.

What exactly does Kai Uchiha want to know?

Or, this kid has discovered some unusual secrets and plans to study the secrets of the Eternal Eye?

Uchiha Tomiya really guessed something, but unfortunately Uchiha Kai didn't tell him at all.

Although they have said before, that is, the research data is shared by both parties.

But the problem is that these materials are all public, and he has also checked them, and it seems that he has not found too many abnormalities.

After opening the kaleidoscope, there will indeed be a certain degree of enhancement. For example, he Uchiha Fugaku, after obtaining the kaleidoscope, the chakra has been enhanced.

Moreover, his use, understanding and power of the technique have been greatly enhanced.

This is caused by the improvement of the quality of chakra, which is basically the same as Uchiha Yu's performance, so he is a little unclear about what Uchiha Kai found.

As for the situation of Osamu Uchiha, he is not so clear.

In fact, even if I showed him Osamu Uchiha's report, I'm afraid he wouldn't figure it out so quickly.

Because of the lack of information, and the ability of the kaleidoscope to be strange, it is not surprising that there are various increases.

After all, Uchiha Fuyake is not Uchiha Kai. This guy has the support of future plots. He knows too many things that others don't know.

After thinking for a while, Uchiha Fuyue gritted his teeth: "Yes, I will let you fuse, but there is a condition!"

"As long as I don't go too far, I don't think I'm too picky." Uchiha Qi nodded calmly.

"I don't want the fusion data. I don't ask about the experiments you will do after fusion. I can even let you figure out the capabilities of these eyes."

Uchiha Fuyue looked at Uchiha Kai tightly: "But, only one year. After a year, I want these eyes!"

"The patriarch has good measure, and the patriarch has calculated very well." Uchiha Kai revealed a sneer.

"Give me a year of research, and after a year, these eyes will belong to the patriarch Then am I at a loss?

Besides, isn't the patriarch not afraid that I will kill you all within this year and then monopolize these eyes? "

In fact, Uchiha Fuyue's conditions were basically accepted by Uchiha Kai.

Although Kai Uchiha has ambitions, he also accepts reality.

A year is enough for Uchiha Kai to let Hyuga Aya learn the key medical ninjutsu.

Even if he really can't trust her, Kei Uchiha can find a way to specifically find or intimidate a medical ninja who conducts research in this area.

And if he gets the Eternal Eye Calculation from Uchiha Kai, he will have at least a half-year buffer period after a little delay.

If the timing is in place, maybe he can intercept Orochimaru when he is running, and he will have greater confidence at that time.

Other people's eyes are always other people's eyes, and Uchiha Kai, who is not his own, doesn't think it's really good.

Moreover, he needs a sense of security, and Uchiha Fugaku also needs a sense of security.

If you don't study it thoroughly, Uchiha may not be able to learn about Obito, and he can also use white cells...

Just don't become a Uchiha tree man...


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