Chapter 200: ?Finish

, Update the latest chapter of this Uchiha Too Cautionary as soon as possible!

"I don't know why, but Uchiha Shin died, and I suddenly felt a little empty."

In Uchiha Fugaku's mansion, by the familiar pond.

Uchiha Qi and Uchiha Fuyue sat looking at each other, and Uchiha Chun made tea for them.

Uchiha Fuyue held a teacup and looked at the light blue tea in it, he sighed faintly.

The feeling is subtle and real.

In the past six months, the person who has always been his main opponent died like this.

And it wasn't because of what he defeated, there was a complicated sense of gap in his heart.

But this may be a good thing, a big trouble is solved, and many things that remain will become unusually easy.

The value of spiritual leaders lies in their ability to unite people and designate appropriate courses of action and plans.

Such people are scarier than a thousand or ten thousand ninjas.

Without them, no amount of armed forces would be scattered sand.

But with them, these armed forces can truly exert their terrifying power.

"Do you think you have no rivals?" Uchiha Qi sighed: "If you really think so, then I can only say that your partner is really unqualified."

"I know, Qi-jun, I know." Uchiha Fuyue didn't care about Uchiha's attitude.

He sighed: "It's just a little emotional. Anyway, he used to have a good relationship with my father and a good relationship with me. I didn't expect..."

Uchiha Kai did not speak, and he had heard a little about the relationship between Uchiha Fuyue and Uchiha Shen.

It's just a pity that such a relationship has slowly deteriorated and irreconcilable contradictions have arisen over time.

They stand in different camps, in different interest circles, and due to their special identities, they are destined to cooperate or oppose each other.

The ending now is that Uchiha Fuyue wins, so he can sit here stably.

If he loses, although he may still be the patriarch, he also loses everything.

"Forget it, the matter has passed, and all this can be regarded as a full stop. It was announced that a fire broke out in the Uchiha clan."

Uchiha Fuyue shook his head, he no longer wanted to worry about this matter.

He raised his head and looked at Uchiha Kai: "Ki-kun, can I ask you a question?"

"Please speak." Uchiha Kai nodded, although he didn't know what he wanted to ask, but Uchiha Kai didn't mean to refuse.

"What are you going to do next?" Uchiha Fuyue took a deep breath: "Today, I hope to have a good understanding of Qijun's plan. Besides, we haven't sat and talked like this for a long time."

"Plan?" Uchiha Qi looked at him strangely: "Our plan, I have never concealed anything, and is it not being realized gradually now?"

Uchiha Qi actually knew of Uchiha Fuyue's thoughts of course, but Uchiha Qi didn't intend to say it in detail.

Some things need to be modified over time and many unpredictable factors, and these things can only be operated by Uchiha Kai himself.

It's not that he doesn't trust Uchiha Fuyue, but that many things are too forward-looking, such as the "Nine Tails Incident".

Kai Uchiha knew about this and could prevent it from happening.

But for himself, in order for Uchiha to show his attitude, he would just let it happen.

Just looking at Uchiha Fuyue's attitude, Uchiha Qi knew that if he didn't say anything, then the troubles would become more.

After thinking about it for a while, Uchiha Kai simply said something more interesting, something that could impress Uchiha Fuyue.

And these things are also considered by Uchiha Kai, but it is uncertain whether they can be realized in the end.

Uchiha Qixin sneered, since you want to know, let's see how you plan to deal with it.

"Ki-kun, you know what I'm talking about." Uchiha Fuyue looked a little serious.

"I've been working **** what you asked me to do, but I need to know a direction, a more precise direction."

"The future path of the Uchiha family? Or, how to get more right to speak after the fourth generation is in power."

Uchiha Qi glanced at him mockingly: "The range of the mind of the patriarch is really big, and he has already started to think about the future."

"Ki-kun, I am the patriarch of the Uchiha clan, and I have to consider and be responsible for many things."

Uchiha Fuyue didn't pay attention to Uchiha Qi's words: "Ki-kun, you are my collaborator, and soon you will be the minister of the security department. These are also things you need to consider."

"It seems that the patriarch really trusts this woman." Uchiha Qi knew that he had guessed right.

But he did not answer immediately, but looked at Jun Uchiha.

It can be seen that Uchiha Fuyue seems to really trust this woman, which makes some of Uchiha's stereotypes about this woman have to be changed.

There are generally only two situations to trust a woman in this way.

One is that this woman has real talents, and the other is that this woman is a lover.

Uchiha Qi felt that he had better put the position of this woman first.

After all, people like Uchiha Fuyue, I am afraid that there is no other mood in such a situation.

"Well, since you want to hear it, and you trust her."

Uchiha Kai knocked on the table with a smile, and then said with a smile, "I wonder if the patriarch knows how the interior of a village is divided?"


Uchiha Fuyue didn't know why, Uchiha Kai talked about this inexplicable topic, and he didn't know how to answer.

"I don't know, Qijun, what do you mean?"

"It's very simple, think of the village as a society, then many things need to be chosen."

Uchiha Qi smiled and dipped his hand in the tea, then drew a frame on the table: "This frame is the village, and it contains all the people, just like that pond, we are all fish in it."

"So what?" Uchiha Fugaku sighed.

"You know, my dream has always been to jump out of this pond, sit quietly in the gazebo drinking tea, and watch the fish in the pond making noise.

But now I know that I used to be too naive, few people can get away from it, at least now I am..."

Uchiha Fuyue shook his head. His initial wish was really to escape this 'cage', but now he knows that it is really difficult for him to escape.

Because he has merged with this 'pond', he cannot leave the water inside.

Once the fish leaves the nourishment of water, it will lose its life.

Even if Uchiha Fuyue is very thoughtful, he knows that it is really impossible for him to be able to control himself while holding the power.

Unless something happens, unless...

"Actually, it is difficult for anyone to come out, but we can hide behind him, guide it, and change it."

Uchiha Kaichi was not as pessimistic as Uchiha Fuyue, he smiled slightly and then drew on the table.

"There are actually two ways to divide the village, one is horizontal division and the other is vertical division."

"Cross-cutting, vertical-cutting?" Uchiha Fuyue lowered his head and looked at the table, the next moment his pupils could not help but grow up!

Uchiha Kai drew two pictures on the table, and these two pictures are just an identical frame, but their dividing lines are different.

As Uchiha Kai wrote some words in these divided areas, Uchiha Fuyue immediately understood what Uchiha Kai meant.

He also seemed to understand what Uchiha Kai meant by 'instruct it, change it'!

"You... When did you think of these things?" Uchiha Fuyue seemed to be shaking a little, but he soon forced himself to calm down.

"So, what do you think the four generations of Hokage-sama will make?"

"No matter what choice we make, what we have to do is to mix Uchiha into it." Uchiha Kai showed some smiles.

"It doesn't matter whether the blood family, the commoner ninja, the one in power, or the one under control.

In fact, as long as one grasps a degree well, there will be enough benefits to be obtained anywhere.

We're not really the topmost layer after all, but we're not the bottommost layer either. "

"I understand..." Uchiha Fuyue took a deep breath: "So, can Qi-jun specify the correct treatment plan for the two forms?"

"Not for now." Uchiha Kai shook his head, then stood up and planned to leave.

"Because all this needs to depend on the choice of the fourth Hokage-sama and his attitude.

I like to plan, but I don't always stick to a plan, because there are so many variables, and improvisation is what a ninja should do. "

After speaking, Uchiha Kai took a last look at the woman Uchiha Jun, and then he would not leave the place.

Uchiha Fuyue looked at him quietly, and when Uchiha Qi completely walked out, he poured all the tea in his cup on the table.

Under the cover of the tea, all the things Uchiha Kai had painted before disappeared, and Uchiha Fuyue stood up.

He didn't ask Jun Uchiha not to tell what happened today, because he knew that this woman was very smart, she knew what to say and what not to say.

Looking at the falling snow in the sky, he seemed to think of Uchiha Shin, who died at his hands not long ago, and what he said to him at the last moment...


The snow kept drifting, Uchiha Shin knelt on the ground, and the ninja sword in his hand was already on his stomach.

With a calm expression on his face, Yu Guang glanced at Uchiha Fugaku, who was also holding a ninja sword.

He suddenly said in a soft voice: "Fuyue, I haven't called you that for a long time. Don't blame me, and don't be burdened by your mind This is my honor and yours."

"Yes, Uncle Shen."

Uchiha Fuyue nodded, he sighed and said, "I won't forget what Uncle Shen taught me, but the chicks have already grown up.

Uncle Shen, I hope that when we meet in the Pure Land, we can sit at the tea table and drink tea and chat. "

"Yes, after death, there is no entanglement of hatred and interests." Uchiha Shen showed a smile.

"Uchiha Kai is a powerful and visionary person. Although I don't have much contact with him, I can see that he is more ambitious."

"I know, Uncle Shen." Uchiha Fuyue nodded: "I always knew."

"That's good, you must be careful of him. I'll wait for you to make tea in the Pure Land, and wait for you to tell you what the future of the Uchiha family will be like."

"I will, I will..."
