Chapter 202: ?Suggest

, Update the latest chapter of this Uchiha Too Cautionary as soon as possible!

After the New Year Festival, with the Namikaze Minato officially in front of Hokage Rock.

Dressed in a white and red royal robe and a Hokage hat, after showing himself well, the curtain of the four generations of Hokage was officially opened.

Namikaze Minato's appointment is not a real secret to many big families who have known it for a long time.

But for many small families without intelligence sources, it was a result that surprised them so much that they were stunned.

To survive in the melting pot of Konoha, it is necessary to make various political investments and future investments.

For the small family, choosing the right one will allow them to have a clear interest orientation in the future Hokage's tenure.

On the contrary, once they choose the wrong one, their future development may be stagnant or even reversed.

The surest way, of course, is to choose the most steadfast and easily identifiable goal.

For them, this goal is naturally Orochimaru.

It's just that this time the three generations of Hokage's approach really made them stunned.

The three generations of Hokage did not choose their favorite disciple, but chose a disciple.

This made them struggle, and at the same time, they couldn't help thinking, did Orochimaru really do something that shouldn't be done?

It can be said that the emergence of a fourth-generation Hokage disrupted the deployment of many people, but it also made many people feel happy.

There are too many ups and downs in Konoha, and Uchiha Qi is unwilling to participate in these things, and there is no need to participate.

Also on the second day after the fourth Hokage came to power, Uchiha Fuyue hosted a family meeting.

He also announced two pieces of news that drove the entire family elite crazy.

The first is that the Great Elder Uchiha Shin died in a fire, and no further discussion is allowed.

And the second thing is, the head of the security department, from now on is Uchiha Kai!

In fact, it is not difficult to imagine what kind of impact it will have on them when this news is released.

The fact that Uchiha Kai killed Uchiha Shin is actually no secret to these elites in the family.

Uchiha Kai almost swaggered into the bamboo forest of Uchiha Shin, without any intention of concealing his whereabouts.

When there were signs of battle inside, these elites wanted to go in, but were stopped by the patrol team and the security department that followed.

They knew that this was probably a political infighting, and they had expected this day to come, but they didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

And the result also made them terrified, especially those Uchiha elites who firmly followed Uchiha Shin.

They really didn't expect that Uchiha Kai would completely disregard the seniority and the young, and he would do it if he said it.

The result is even more unbelievable. Uchiha Kai won, all the elders committed suicide, and Uchiha Shen was separated from the body.

Although it can be seen that Uchiha Shen is self-inflicted, and he has chosen a wrong person to have such an end.

But this can't be forgotten, this is the result of Uchiha Kai!

And now their patriarch Uchiha Fuyake announced that the person who killed the elder in the true sense became the minister of the security department.

And Uchiha Shin died in a fire, which is almost a death sentence for their hardliners!

Compared with the desperation of the hardliners, the internal situation of the peaceful doves is somewhat complicated.

Some people think that Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Kai are actually on their side.

Otherwise, they wouldn't be so ruthless against Uchiha!

The siding and choice of political struggles, a little carelessness can lead to a total loss.

Although they were a little displeased with Uchiha's ruthless hand, at least their choices were the same.

It's just that some people are not so optimistic.

Since Uchiha Qi and Uchiha Fuyue can take action against Uchiha today, what about tomorrow?

Is it possible that when they disagree, they also do something to themselves?

No matter what they thought, the matter had been completely decided.

A leaderless hardliner, and a peaceful faction with internal differences, it is difficult for them to unite to oppose anything.

What's more, they don't necessarily cooperate with each other themselves. It can be said that in such an environment, Uchiha Fugaku once tasted the rights that he should have as the patriarch.

It's just that he also knows that he can't get lost in this feeling, he still needs to move on and keep working hard.

"It looks like everything is going well."

After the clan meeting ended, Uchiha Kai did not return home, but came to Uchiha Fuyue's home.

Maybe it was too late, they did not go to the pavilion by the pond to drink tea, but in Uchiha Fugaku's room.

Uchiha Mikoto gave them time, and she and Itachi were busy with other things.

It's just that Uchiha Kai seems to have noticed that Uchiha Mikoto's lower abdomen has bulged slightly.

This made Kai Uchiha realize that I am afraid Sasuke will also be born, right?

Time is such a thing, it always moves steadily forward without knowing it.

"Yes, but you have to be mentally prepared." Uchiha Fuyue nodded, and then his expression became a little serious.

"I've set a precedent, and let the Uchiha people who are not the patriarchs become the ministers of the security department. I am afraid you will have great pressure at work."

"Probably, but the problem is not too big." Uchiha Qi didn't care too much.

"But there is one thing I need to tell you in advance, Uchiha Tsubasa and Uchiha Chiya, it is impossible for these two to continue to serve as my sub-captains."

Uchiha Tsubasa and Uchiha Chiya, the two sub-captains, can be said to be completely loyal to Uchiha Shin, the Great Elder.

Although they maintain respect for Uchiha Fugaku, they will never approach.

Such a person Uchiha Qi will never use, even if they all have three-gou jade writing wheel eyes, their strength is definitely not weak.

But their identities and backgrounds, and the fact that he was sent to the hospital when they met with Uchiha for the first time, they already had a grievance between them, and it was impossible for Uchiha to use the two of them.

What's more, if it wasn't for the two of them because of the mission of the Security Department, let them investigate the Orochimaru thing.

I am afraid that when Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Shin go to war, they will not be absent.

It can only be said that it is a pity, Uchiha Kai actually wants them to be present, although it may bring huge trouble to Uchiha Kai.

But it can clean up a bunch of troubles at one time, which is more in line with Uchiha Kai's idea than when it is being cleaned up slowly.

"I see." Uchiha Fuyue was not surprised.

He knew that Uchiha Kai would not use these two people, but he was a little puzzled: "So do you have a suitable candidate?

If not, Qijun is best to use them temporarily and make a smooth transition, after all, they are people who can be absorbed. "

Uchiha Fuyue's words are very pertinent. If Uchiha Kai has no suitable candidates, it is not a good thing for Uchiha Kai to forcibly unplug them.

What's more, these two people are considered by Uchiha Fugaku and can be absorbed.

He naturally didn't want the two of them to die because of their confrontation with Uchiha Kai.

Getting rid of the leader, recruiting other members, and making them people who can serve themselves is the policy they set early in the morning.

"With the candidates, Kenta Imai can be the captain of my current team." Uchiha Qi said directly: "As for the positions they vacated, Uchihagawa can be qualified for one."

"Kenta Imai? Uchihagawa?" Uchiha Fugaku frowned.

Kenta Imai knew that this was the first group of outsiders to join the Security Department, and he was also a teammate of Kai Uchiha.

This kid's performance on the battlefield is very general, except for the extremely tenacious vitality, there seems to be nothing special about it.

But think about it carefully, isn't this kid Uchiha Kai just the same on the battlefield?


This kid actually hides the writing wheel eye, and even the level of the writing wheel eye has reached the level of a kaleidoscope!

So is it understandable that Kenta Imai, who has almost the same experience as Kei Uchiha, is actually a guy who is good at forbearance?

The same type of people are attracted to each other, so Uchiha Kai will give priority to this guy?

In other words, in fact, this kid has mastered some unknown secrets of Uchiha, so Uchiha kept him around.

If you don't say anything, everything is fine, and what you say is easy to deal with?

I have to say, Uchiha Tomiya really deserves to be the patriarch for several years, he is very good at thinking and observing some things.

Although Uchiha Fuyue felt that this was all his own conjecture, and there was not enough evidence to support it, he had to say that his guess was inseparable.

He has no objection to the matter of Kenta Imai. The security department needs a big integration, so such a civilian ninja is a very good choice.

As for Uchiha Chuan, he only knew that it was a team leader chosen by Uchiha Kai who had gone to the battlefield and his father was Uchiha Asahi.

"Imai Kenta is no problem, your teammate, I believe in your choice." Uchiha Fuyue thought for a while before he said: "But Uchihagawa doesn't seem to have anything to prove his ability, so it doesn't seem like he hastily made him the sub-captain. All right?"

"What if he has a wheel eye? Didn't those tell you?" Uchiha Qi's mouth showed a slight arc.

"Although the level is not high, it's just Shan Gouyu's writing wheel eye, but I think it's enough? All he needs is the experience of time, and I also believe in his ability."

"It turned out that he opened the Sharinyan?" Uchiha Fuyue was a little surprised. He remembered the reports of his own guards a few months ago.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but take a careful look at Kai Uchiha.

At that time, he was guessing that the so-called Uchiha Chuan opened the writing wheel, which was likely to have something to do with Uchiha Kai.

It's just that Uchiha Fuyue can only be curious about this kind of thing, it is impossible for him to ask.

He knew that this kid would never share such a secret with him, so he simply left it behind.

Nodding a little Since there is a writing wheel, then it is qualified.

The head of the security department is Kei Uchiha, so he can arrange this by himself.

"Yes, since you believe him, and he also has enough potential." Uchiha Fuyue said calmly: "Then, so be it."

"Yes." Uchiha Kai nodded: "I believe that the two of them will do their job well."

"There is one more question." Uchiha Fuyue seemed to have thought of something: "There are three teams, you only chose two captains, what about one more?"

"There is no goal for now." Uchiha Qi spread his hands: "So, let's take a look when the time comes."

"I have a suggestion for you, how about you?"

"Patriarch, please speak."

"Uchiha Jun, what do you think?"
