Chapter 217: ?Fighting (below)

Orochimaru knew about Kenta Imai's situation, but it was actually a very accidental discovery.

Orochimaru finds a suitable place in Konoha to build his own laboratory.

Among them, Kenta Imai used the forest as a training ground.

Imai Kenta does have a very good perception ability, but it's really not that difficult to keep an existence like Orochimaru from being discovered.

Fortunately, Orochimaru discovered this guy and noticed his unusualness.

After some thoughts, Orochimaru also used his influence to conduct some investigations on Imai Kenta.

The results of the investigation made Orochimaru a little surprised, because the report on the bright side showed that Kenta Imai was just a civilian ninja.

Without a family-style elite education, his grades at the ninja school were mediocre.

After the outbreak of the Second Ninja War, he was directly sent to the battlefield by graduation, and there was no remarkable performance on the battlefield.

This kind of person, this kind of experience will not attract the attention of Orochimaru,

But he who has seen the training of this little guy knows that this is no ordinary person.

After realizing that something was wrong, Orochimaru also started a relatively in-depth investigation, and the results made him somewhat inexplicable.

This kid is indeed not an ordinary person, or the people behind him were not ordinary people a few decades ago.

However, because of a policy, they fell into the current situation.

After Orochimaru understood these things, he completely buried the results he got in his mind, and he had no plans to share it with the three generations of Hokage.

In fact, he knows what Konoha looks like now, and he can only regret that there is no way to see the glory of this family again.

As for this kid, Orochimaru simply doesn't know it, and it can be regarded as leaving some thoughts for this once brilliant family.

Only now, this little devil has grown up and has become his own opponent.

This makes Orochimaru very funny. Sometimes even a great screenwriter can't make up such an inexplicable story.

"Then let me see, apart from her, what kind of power does the most hopeful person in your family have!"

Orochimaru's long golden pupils shrank slightly, and the next moment he changed his tactics.

In other words, Orochimaru is now serious!

"Long shadow snake limbs!"

He blocked Imai Kenta's ferocious knife at will, and Orochimaru approached Imai Kenta with a weird twist.

In an instant, his left hand turned into several long snakes and covered Imai Kenta.

Imai Kenta was very calm, the ninja sword in his hand was slightly deflected, and he stabbed Orochimaru's left hand with a terrifying blade!

Bang, the ninja knife and the snake head collided, and the long snake in Orochimaru's hand turned into smoke.

The two figures crossed, and at this moment, Orochimaru suddenly had a fatal pause.

Although this pause was only a fraction of a second, it was staggered from Imai Kenta's figure!

The long sword exuding blue chakra aimed directly at Imai Kenta's abdomen and stabbed it.


Imai Kenta's body turned into a cloud of smoke directly, and a few wooden boards fell on the ground.

The coordination of Orochimaru's body is terrible. He suddenly stopped while moving quickly, and then launched an attack. Many people may not be able to react at all.

But Imai Kenta reacted. Although he didn't write a round eye, his reaction nerves were very developed and frightening. The moment he sensed the crisis, he used the avatar technique.

Landing steadily on a tree, Kenta Imai glanced at his arm, there was a bloodstain on it.

Obviously, he was still injured by Orochimaru.

After all, with such abnormal and exaggerated body coordination, no one can stand it.

It's just that such an injury was nothing to Imai Kenta. He took a deep breath and stared at Orochimaru, ready to attack at any time.

"Interesting, a talent like Ken Tai-kun is really satisfying." Orochimaru licked his tongue: "However, the game has just started, are you ready?"

"Master Orochimaru is really powerful, but Master Orochimaru didn't find out. Has anyone come over?" Ken Imai rarely spoke, but he still remained focused.

"Huh?" Orochimaru paused, and soon he seemed to receive feedback: "People from the security department? Is it support? Do you think this is enough to deal with me?"

"It's hard to say whether I can deal with you, but I can be sure that I'm safe." Kenta Imai said calmly.

"I know Uchiha Kai too well, this guy will never let himself get into trouble.

So on the surface, this action was just me and him, but I knew he would never be that stupid. "

That's right, Kenta Imai really knows Kai Uchiha too well.

He knew that this guy would never go deep into someone else's territory alone!

Although some are forced to help, but Imai Kenta is not stupid.

If it wasn't for the fact that Kei Uchiha wouldn't be alone, he wouldn't have fought with Orochimaru!

The choice of Orochimaru to fight is also because he has his own mind. He knows that he is not Orochimaru's opponent, and he has no idea of ​​testing his strength.

The main reason is that he didn't want to go to that basement at all. If the basement collapsed, he would be dead!

"So the person he called will definitely not be any simple stuff, because it's you who will be confronted."

Imai Kenta glanced at the entrance of the basement, and then sighed: "Besides, I know even more that the ten minutes Uchiha Kei said is nonsense.

It would be good for him to come out in 20 minutes. All I can say is, Lord Orochimaru, I am afraid that your laboratory will be cleaned out by him. "

"It's really interesting, you really know your captain." Orochimaru laughed a little: "The relationship between the two of you is really wonderful. Forget it, I'll speed up."

"Ninja: Wan Sheluo Formation!" As soon as he finished speaking, Orochimaru's hands were already sealed.

As his hand clapped on the ground, a psychic formation quickly emerged, and several snakes climbed out of the formation and flew towards Imai Kenta.

Imai Kenta was always vigilant, his ninja knife swiped quickly, and countless snake heads were immediately cut off by him.

Those snakes with triangular heads, Kenta Imai knew at a glance that they were all poisonous snakes.

If this is bitten, he will kneel no matter how strong his recovery ability is.

Orochimaru was not idle either. Taking advantage of this time, he had come to Imai Kenta, and the long sword in his hand stabbed Imai Kenta.

Imai Kenta reacted, he immediately raised his sword to block Orochimaru's sword, but he faced too many snakes!

It's just that he faced too many enemies and couldn't take care of many places.

In order to avoid the bites of these poisonous snakes, Imai Kenta had to keep twisting around, and he couldn't use any escape techniques at all.

This time he was also caught by Orochimaru. He turned around and kicked Imai Kenta directly in the stomach!

"The Hidden Shadow Snake Hand!"

Imai Kenta was kicked away, and Orochimaru didn't stop at all, so densely packed that it was impossible to see the number of poisonous snakes emerging from his sleeves.

Imai Kenta immediately swung the knife to resist, and as soon as he turned around and landed, he immediately hacked to death two poisonous snakes.

It's just that Orochimaru came to him like a shadow.

Another kick, Imai Kenta was kicked and flew out, but this time Imai Kenta seemed to be ready.

He flew out and turned into a piece of wood, while he himself stopped on a tree while breathing.

Orochimaru is really terrible, that understatement seems to be telling him that this guy is not serious at all!

However, Kenta Imai was also slightly relieved, because the person he felt was getting closer.

Sure enough, Orochimaru seemed to feel it too, he shook his head slightly and stopped the movement in his hand.

Raising his head, he still kept a smile on his face: "It seems that this time, I can't have enough fun. I really didn't expect this kid Uchiha Kai to be so taken seriously, and even Uchiha Fugaku came here."

"Uchiha Fugaku?" Imai Kenta looked calm, but his heart was also a little bit tongue-tied.

The patriarchs of the Uchiha clan have all come here. Has Kai Uchiha become such an important figure in this clan without knowing it?

"Forget it, let's stop here." Orochimaru shook his head.

"Actually, I have a question for you. If the laboratory collapses, will you still find evidence?

In other words, the head of the security department died here, so what would happen? "

"Tu Dun·Huangquan Marsh!" While speaking, Orochimaru had completed the seal.

His Huangquan marsh has a huge coverage area, and Imai Kenta predicts that the entire underground laboratory will become the coverage area of ​​this technique!

It's a pity that Imai Kenta couldn't control Orochimaru at all, because those poisonous snakes continued to surround him.

And Orochimaru didn't stop moving, and once again made a seal with Orochimaru's hands on the ground: "Tudun·Iwasubeng!"

In an instant, the entire earth shook.

The next moment, the entire area covered by Orochimaru sank directly, as if everything was buried!

Kenta Imai really didn't expect that his expectations would come true. This guy Uchiha Kai won't really be buried, right?

"Then, I'll say goodbye first." Orochimaru licked his tongue, and his body began to sink: "I can only say that it's a little unpleasant, but it's enough. I hope your captain is still alive."

Imai Kenta casually split a poisonous snake in half, and he gritted his teeth when he saw Orochimaru who was about to leave.

Turning his head to look at the place that had completely collapsed into a swamp, Imai Kenta felt that things seemed to be serious.

But the next moment, the swamp covered by Huangquan Marsh suddenly shook, and a giant black hand appeared from under the mud.

Slowly, a Chakra giant with scarlet eyes crawled out of this swamp, and Uchiha Kai was unharmed under the protection of this giant!

Kai Uchiha's face seemed a little ugly. He knew that Orochimaru had countermeasures, but he didn't expect Orochimaru's decisiveness beyond his imagination!

Looking at Orochimaru who was slowly sinking into the ground Looking at his somewhat surprised eyes, Uchiha Kai shook his head, he knew that he could only let him go.

"Are you all right, captain?" At this moment, Kenta Imai ran to Kei Uchiha's side and looked him up and down.

"Fortunately, I was almost overcast." Uchiha Qi nodded, and then he sighed: "Unfortunately, many things can't be taken out, and many things haven't had time to see, Orochimaru is really too decisive. "

"Then it's a pity to use it." Imai Kenta also seemed a little helpless: "But just survive, Orochimaru is really scary."

"Probably, but..." Uchiha Kai shook his head, suddenly he looked at Imai Kenta, and asked seriously, "Are you from the Senju family?"

"You...don't talk nonsense, what is the Thousand Hands Clan?"

"It's nothing, this is for you. The laboratory below is to carry out this and this research. Well, let's go back."

Uchiha Kei threw a checklist document to Imai Kenta, then turned around and left outside the forest.

And Imai Kenta was stunned, looking at the list in his hand, he felt a little chill all over...


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