Chapter 220: ?

The moon was shining, and Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Fugaku stood side by side.

And on the ground not far in front of them, there was still a kunai.

After Uchiha Kai got the news of Minato Namikaze, he directly found Uchiha Fugaku who was reading a book after dinner.

Uchiha Mikoto seems to be complaining a little, probably means that there is still something to do so late, so can't you wait until the next day?

The helpless Uchiha Fuyue could only explain a few words, and it could be seen that the patriarch still loves his wife very much.

After solving these things, Uchiha Fugaku asked what was going on.

After Uchiha Kai's answer, Uchiha Fugaku also immediately realized what was going on.

The fourth generation has been in power for more than a month. Although there are some things that can't be rushed, this more than one month is enough for the fourth generation to see a lot of things clearly.

This time, I'm afraid I'm going to ask the two of them something related.

Unsurprisingly, this is probably a more progressive manifestation of the breakdown of the relationship between the fourth and third generations.

Taking advantage of the waiting time, Uchiha Keiya and Uchiha Fugaku had a good conversation about what to say when facing Namikaze Minato later.

In fact, Uchiha Kai already had a draft in his heart about this matter. He briefly talked to Uchiha Fuyue, and Uchiha Kai didn't say more.

After some thought, Uchiha Fuyue also agreed with the idea.

This is a good opportunity, a chance to show one's greater value, and at the same time let Namifeng Minato give a higher return.

Waiting quietly, about ten o'clock, Minato Namikaze suddenly appeared beside the Kunai on the ground.

Raising his head, Minato Namikaze looked apologetically at the two Uchihas in front of him. They knew that they were a little late.

But there is no way, now his wife Kushina is pregnant.

And as Hokage, he really has very little time to accompany him, even if he is just a puppet now.

"Sorry, I'm late." Minato Namikaze said embarrassedly, "Because some things were delayed, so..."

"It's alright, Shidaimu, we just arrived." Uchiha Fugaku shook his head: "I don't know what Shidaimu has to do with us."

In fact, this guy fully knows the purpose of Minato Minato Namikaze looking for them, but some things still have to be said by Minato Namikaze himself.

It's not that he and Kai Uchiha want to ask Minato Namikaze for something, but Minato Namikaze also asks them for something.

They are a cooperative relationship, they are an equal relationship, not a subordinate.

Uchiha Kei also stood there calmly and did not speak, and he was also waiting for Minato Minato to speak.

"Hey, I'm a little embarrassed to say it." Minato Minato sighed, and then he turned his eyes to Kai Uchiha.

"Qijun, I am afraid that a few months ago in the country of grass, when you and I talked about some taboo topics for the first time, those words you said were fulfilled."

"Is that true?" Although he said it vaguely, it was no surprise that Uchiha Kai had a bottom line in his heart.

He nodded: "Although it's a pity, I have to say that my original idea was correct."

"It seems that the fourth generation is not happy in this position." Uchiha Fugaku also sighed.

"Actually, it's not surprising, you're too young, and you don't have much governance experience.

Even if you have a lot of ideas and ambitions, the three generations will not give you a chance.

You are just their frontrunner, you can only do things according to their ideas. "

Uchiha Fuyue still has a lot of resentment towards the three generations of Hokage, and he will not miss this opportunity.

And he is very shrewd, and there is no big problem with what he said. This is how Namikaze Minato feels recently.

Although he mixed his own emotions in it, Minato Namikaze's emotions at this time were probably not high, and he couldn't hear it.

At this time, he would not miss this opportunity to be able to give Minato Minato Namikaze a veiled blow.

"So I want to ask you a question."

Namikaze Minato didn't seem to hear Uchiha Tomigaku's words, so he asked directly.

"In this situation, what should we do?

Regarding Uchi Ichibo's reform plan, I have already submitted it, but it was directly rejected.

Even I can see that Sandaimu-sama has never read it at all, and there are too many proposals..."

"It's not surprising, as the patriarch said, you are actually just a person behind the scenes, and the three generations of Hokage and his old teammates are the real people behind Konoha."

Kei Uchiha interrupted Minato Namikaze: "Anbu shouldn't be in your hands now, right?"

"Yes, except for Kakashi, Anbu's orders to me are basically perfunctory." Minato Namikaze did not deny it.

"Also, in Konoha, in addition to Anbu, there is a department similar to Anbu.

Their name is Gen, and they are led by Danzo.

Recently, their movements have been very strong and powerful. "

Minato Namikaze took the initiative to reveal to Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Fugaku something that he shouldn't have said at all. His move also made Uchiha Kai frown.

This is an expression of complete trust in them!

But if you think about it carefully, Namikaze Minato has a really close relationship with them now.

With his current position, coupled with the misleading of Uchiha Kai, he really doesn't trust Sanshi Hokage and others, especially some of San Dai Hokage's practices also make him feel chilled.

He now trusts the two collaborators Uchiha more than the one who treats him as a puppet.

As for Danzo's question, Kei Uchiha can fully understand it. Through Aya Hyuga, he already knew about Danzo's death-defying behavior some time ago.

Not only did he provoke Konoha with a future flying in the sky, but he shouted "a bag of rice against several floors" to destroy the warriors of the village.

Even more, he used up his best subordinates.

In the eyes of Uchiha Kai, the root is the key department they use to connect with their past interest groups and keep pace.

Danzo suffered such a huge loss and naturally needed to be reorganized.

This may also be one of the main reasons why the three generations of Hokage firmly hold Anbu in their hands.

But it's all his guesses, and it depends on how ambitious the three generations are.

God knows, will the three generations of Hokage have no plans at all to return the Anbu department that belongs to Hokage.

"It seems that Captain Minato is really having a hard time right now." Uchiha Kai shook his head: "But don't worry, we are not unprepared."

"Is Kakashi?" Minato Namikaze sighed: "I knew you told me at the time that Kakashi entered Anbu for a purpose, but I didn't expect your long-term future."

"It takes more preparation to be prepared. In fact, the idea was not very mature at the beginning. After all, Kakashi was not in a good state at the time."

Kai Uchiha did not deny this: "But now that he has recovered, he can also consider going further."

"Sub-commander?" Minato Namikaze thought for a while, but finally shook his head.

"I can arrange the sub-captain, but I'm afraid he doesn't have enough manpower. Besides, a sub-captain doesn't seem to be able to do anything."

Indeed, for the current situation of Namikaze Minato, the power of a sub-commander is too small.

According to Namikaze Minato's judgment, he can now put Kakashi in the best position, and there is only one sub-commander in a position where he will not receive any resistance.

In a further step, that is the Minister of Anbu!

He does hope that Kakashi can do this and have some arrangements, but unfortunately he really has no one to use.

"Captain Minato has underestimated my thoughts. What can the sub-captain do at this stage?" Uchiha Kai smiled: "I think Captain Minato should also have some arrangements, right?"

"Yes, I asked Kakashi to investigate which members are completely loyal to Sandaime-sama, not me who is currently Hokage."

Although Namikaze Minato used honorifics, there was no respect in his tone.

The actions of the three generations of Hokage really disappointed him a little.

And there are too many secrets hidden in Konoha, secrets that he can't touch.

What are these secrets, he wants to check but can't, because these things are all locked at the root.

According to Hokage Sandaime, these things are not suitable for him to watch, only when he is truly 'mature'.

In such a situation, how can he still respect this amiable, peace-loving third-generation Hokage?

"Manpower, we have prepared it for you." At this moment, Uchiha Fuyue said.

"Qi had long anticipated that you would encounter some difficulties.

So we prepared some in advance. The people of the Uchiha clan are all elites, and they all have a writing wheel.

And they won't probe the secrets of Anbu, they won't do things they shouldn't do, they will obey you and only execute your orders. "

"A member of Uchiha?" Minato Namikaze was stunned, then he glanced at Kai Uchiha.

"Yes, they are the subordinates of the patriarch, the most ninja spirit."

Uchiha Kai smiled: "It's a pure tool, you can use it with confidence.

And, when they've completed the tasks they're supposed to do, they'll quit Anbu.

After all, cultivating them is also very difficult and troublesome. "

Kai Uchiha's explanation immediately made Minato Nakaze understand that the 'members of the Uchiha clan' they were talking about were actually dead servants who protected and loyal to the patriarch!

Every patriarch of the ninja clan actually has such people around.

They have grown up together almost since childhood, and they are both talented.

It's just that they have mastered all kinds of terrifying skills after being taught to obliterate their humanity, but they will only keep one thing in mind - follow the patriarch's instructions.

"Let them enter Anbu?" Minato Namikaze hesitated. He was really worried that these people would do something bad.

"Just let them go to Kakashi's men." Uchiha Kai said calmly.

"Promote Kakashi as captain, let these people in, they will appear in Kakashi when there is a task, and they will be in the Uchiha clan when there is no task. You just need to be them, just a mercenary."

"Is that so..." Minato Namikaze thought for a while, and finally he nodded.

"I understand, I believe that both Qijun and Fuyuejun are smart people, and doing some things will only destroy our cooperation and friendship.

They'll go into Anbu, follow Kakashi, and when this is over..."

Having said that, Minato Namikaze took a deep breath: "The gate of Anbu will also face the members of the Uchiha clan."



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