Chapter 242: condition

After sending Iori back home, Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya came to a barbecue restaurant in Konoha.

It's not the first time that Kei Uchiha has come to this barbecue restaurant.

The last time I came to this place, I attended a party at the same time.

In the end, he took advantage of that meeting.

Walking into the barbecue restaurant, Uchiha Qi also found some familiar figures - Red, Red Bean and Asma were all in it.

They were having a meal, but when they noticed Uchiha Kai and Hinata Aya and the others, they immediately greeted them.

"Kai, Senior Ling!" Hong said with a smile, "I've seen the two of you for a long time."

"Because I'm a little busy at work, and I have a lot of things to do." Uchiha Kai showed a gentle smile: "So there is very little time, and it is relatively rare to come out."

Kai Uchiha didn't expect that he would meet three old acquaintances here, two of which were his same period.

Hong's attitude is very friendly, and this girl is full of vitality.

On the other hand, Adzuki didn't seem to be so active, she just looked at Uchiha Kai curiously.

Sarutobi Asma was relatively normal, and he didn't know if he was influenced by his family. His expression was neither too enthusiastic nor too unfamiliar.

However, Uchiha Kei thinks it doesn't matter which kind, and Asma doesn't look like a very shrewd person in the original work.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him to be so rebellious when he was seventeen or eighteen, when Konoha really needed talent, he went to the land of fire and became a guardian ninja.

Of course, it's not impossible to see this as a three-generation arrangement. After all, those guardian ninjas came to the conclusion of 'two kinds of jade'.

Some necessary surveillance is still needed, but Konoha is not a sandy village.

But this guy finally took his own life in order to avenge his friend, which made people speechless.

Is it to show your ability and foreshadow the future six generations?

Or are you really mad at the crown, just ignore it?

It's just that kind, his actions are not very shrewd.

Apart from saying that his hard conditions are the best - whether it is from birth to later, his subordinates are pigs and deer butterflies, the others are really not that good.

Uchiha Kei doesn't have much communication with this guy, so it can only be regarded as an ordinary classmate relationship.

"It's really hard work for Kai to change the security department so well." Hong Xiao looked at Kai Uchiha with admiration: "Would you like to join us? We've only just begun."

"No need, today is a team dinner." Uchiha Kai smiled and shook his head: "Ken has been waiting for us for a long time, so I won't disturb you."

"Is that so?" Hong seemed a little regretful, but she didn't force it: "Then next time you have time, tell me in advance that we haven't had a party for a while this year."

Uchiha Kei nodded with a smile, and then he and Hyuga Aya turned around and left.

Aya Hyuga didn't speak the whole time. She kept a smile like Kei Uchiha.

It's not that she hasn't seen Kai Uchiha's gentle smile before, but every time she sees this kind of expression, she finds it funny.

I really imagine that this kind of person who is so cold to the extreme shows a gentle smile and still looks like it. Is it the effect of the good-looking Uchiha clan?

"What kind of eyes are you looking at?" Uchiha Kai seemed to notice that Aya Hyuga was looking at him all the time, and he couldn't help asking curiously.

"It's nothing, I just don't think Qi-jun's smile is so real." Hyuga Aya shook her head and looked back.

"Really?" Uchiha Kai glanced at her, and then continued: "It seems that we all have to learn from Imai Kentao well."

Imai Kenta laughs, and it really makes people feel better.

Only by getting in touch more and more, can we really discover how much negative things are hidden in his smile.

This guy once made Uchiha Kai mistakenly think that he has something to do with Sakai.

Or maybe it became like this after receiving the education of the roots.

But if you think about it carefully, those people at the root will not be bored.

Is it not a waste of resources and combat effectiveness to place an excellent combat force into a cannon fodder unit?

Fortunately, Kei Uchiha thought so, otherwise Kenta Imai might have had an accident.

Facts also proved that his conjecture was correct, and instead gave him an even bigger surprise.

This guy is not a root at all, but an orphan of a thousand-handed clan.

Restraining their smiles, the two silently walked towards the reserved table, and soon they saw Kenta Imai sitting there.

Imai Kenta had already prepared things and seemed to be waiting for the two of them.

"It looks like you came very early?" Uchiha Qi sat down directly: "Is the job handover over?"

"Of course, I don't dare to disobey the rules set by the minister." Imai Kenta sighed: "After all, I'm not Aya-kun, and I still need to report to the security department every day."

Imai Kenta's words are very interesting. Although he is expounding the facts, everyone can understand that his words have some yin and yang strangeness.

The identity of Aya Hyuga was filled in by the third unit of the security department.

But she actually didn't see her in the security department at other times except for the night at the security department, and even sometimes she would go home.

Of course Kenta Imai knew what was going on, he just said it on purpose.

"Don't talk about yin and yang weirdness." Uchiha Kai shook his head: "Let's be practical, I don't think we came here just to eat with you."

"It seems that the minister knows my purpose." Imai Kenta was not surprised by Uchiha's words.

He thought for a while before nodding: "Okay, but before that, I still need to thank the minister. If it wasn't for that action, I wouldn't even know that such a terrible thing has happened."

When Imai Kenta said this, she couldn't help but look at Aya Hinata.

He wasn't quite sure how good Uchiha's relationship with this woman was.

After all, they are also doing some experiments, some experiments that don't reveal any information at all.

It's hard to say that because of such an experiment, their relationship has been eased.

But he still has to be careful, if the woman Hyuga Aya is not clear about what he said.

And Uchiha Kei didn't want this woman to know, so things got a little troublesome.

"You don't need to thank me, after all, that's the first Hokage."

Aki Uchiha turned his head to look at Aya Hyuga, and then said indifferently, "Speaking of which, are you acknowledging your identity?"

"Even if I don't admit it, what's the use? The Minister has probably already thought of it." Kenta Imai rubbed his brows helplessly.

It seems that this woman has really won the trust of Uchiha Kai, even if it is temporary.

But Imai Kenta soon became serious, his face was serious and he didn't show that disgusting smile.

"Strictly speaking, I am indeed from the Qianshou family. There are people in my family with the surname Qianshou, and there are also some of my elders."

Uchiha Kei nodded, looking very calm, but in fact he couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and he still guessed right.

Your own guess and others' personal admission are two different concepts. Even if Uchiha Kai's guess is correct and others don't admit it, there's nothing you can do.

Aya Hyuga is more honest. Although Kei Uchiha said it before she came, she really didn't expect her last team to be so complicated.

"Orochimaru's report makes you feel worried and extremely angry, right?"

Uchiha Qi rested on the table with one hand and leaned his head lazily on his hand: "Thank you, you don't need to, you come to me, it means you are ready, and we are not talking about it."

"Yeah." Kenta Imai nodded, then took a seal with one hand.

Soon, some secret spells appeared around their table.

"It's just mute." After doing all this, Kenta Imai said slowly.

"I hope we can have more in-depth cooperation, I was not optimistic about you at the time.

The first is that I am not sure that you can succeed, and the second is that if you succeed, the fourth generation will become the puppet of the third generation.

But if you succeeded in the first thing, then you will be more prepared for the second thing, and I believe you can do it too. "

"So what?" Uchiha Kai was a little amused.

At the beginning, he was really not optimistic about himself, but the coming of the fourth generation seems to have given him a lot of confidence.

"So I hope for deeper cooperation." Imai Kenta's face became particularly serious.

"Aya-kun can do it, so can I. I'm afraid I'm not as valuable as Aya-kun, but I can do a lot of things, but before that..."

"Want to hear my price?" Uchiha Qi interrupted him without waiting for him to finish speaking.

It's not hard to guess what this guy is thinking. I'm afraid this guy has already made some preparations, right?

Kei Uchiha looked at him quietly, and at the same time was thinking about Kenta Imai's bottom line, or the bottom line of the Senju family.

In fact, if you think about it seriously, the Qianshou clan probably doesn't have a low hatred for the third generation.

And they are probably very eager to return to their former position.

Power needs to be checked and balanced, which Uchiha Kai has never denied.

But how to play, to a large extent he can influence.

After thinking for a while, Uchiha Qi calmly said, "Do you want to rebuild Qianshou and get the rights that belong to you?"

"Although I really want to say that I don't care, my family doesn't think so." Imai Kenta sighed: "Yes, this is our goal."

"If I ask the security department to open the fourth unit..." Uchiha said with a smile But seeing Imai Kenta immediately opened his mouth, Uchiha continued: "Don't worry, wait for me to say. End. In addition to the fourth team, I would like to know your experience in dealing with Sharinyan.

Also, how much influence is left of your Qianshou clan? "

"If the fourth team is formed, I will find a way to provide a certain number of places." Imai Kenta said calmly.

"The experience of dealing with Sharinyan was left by the second-generation Hokage-sama, and I can write it to you.

As for influence, many small families actually keep in touch with us, including the one you Uchiha has drawn over. "

Did Uchiha actually win over a family that maintains a close relationship with the Senju clan?

This kind of oolong is really interesting, but who knows what Qianshou looks like now?

Shaking his head, Kei Uchiha continued: "Very good, if there is enough influence, there is enough value.

The last one, I want to drive Orochimaru out of Konoha, because I need his experimental report.

Don't get me wrong, I got something similar to the first-generation cells, but not from Orochimaru, I can show you some of my booty to prove it. "

"However, how much can you, or you, do to drive away Orochimaru?"

.....Recommended reading: "Reading 2013"

Recommend the new book of the city **** Lao Shi: