Chapter 248: The power of the kaleidoscope (large


"It seems that Lord Fuyue came out with me, and the purpose was not just to chat."

On a relatively quiet street in Konoha, Hyuga Hizu looked at the flames burning in the distance, and suddenly he asked a question.

Hyuga Hizu is not a fool, Uchiha Fugaku asked himself out without any warning.

And along the way, there is no substantive content.

But now that something like this happened suddenly, he really had a hard time believing that it would be a coincidence.

Even if it is a coincidence, he is more willing to prefer some artificial coincidence.

"Yes, but it's not." Uchiha Fugaku smiled slightly.

"Actually, Rizu-kun doesn't need to worry too much. What I know is that Kai will take action tonight, but I don't know who he is targeting and what his purpose is."

"Really?" Hinata Hizu glanced at Uchiha Fugaku, but he didn't say anything more.

It's just such nonsense, he won't believe it at all.

Uchiha Fuyue does not know who Uchiha Kai is targeting and what is his purpose?

is it possible?

Even if the two of you trust each other, the level of trust will never reach this level.

As the patriarch, do you really feel at ease with such a clan?

Although Hyuga Hizu admired, Uchiha Fuyue gave Uchiha Kai the authority.

I also admire his trust in Uchiha Kai, even to an unbelievable level.

But as the patriarch, there are too many things to consider, and he can't do this step as Hyuga Hizu.

With a little carelessness, it was not just one person who suffered, but a whole family buried together.

Hyuga Hizu looked at Uchiha Fuyake quietly. Uchiha Kai was very energetic. He knew what this kid was going to do to pull himself up too.

Could it be that Aya Hyuga was also involved in this matter?

Thinking of this, Hyuga Hizu frowned slightly.

Although Hyuga Aya was a branch, he was the one who put her in the security department against all the odds.

"Let's go and have a look?" Uchiha Fuyue noticed the silence of Hinata Hizu, and he asked with a smile, "Maybe there are some interesting gains?"

"I don't care, after all, it's too late now." Hyuga Hizu pretended to raise her head to look at the sky.

"And in that kind of forest, if there is a fire, there will be no one in it. If it is an enemy attack, this kind of thing will not be our responsibility, right?"

"What if the so-called enemy is one of your own?" Uchiha Fugaku asked suddenly.

Hyuga Hizu's face suddenly became solemn, and sure enough, there were definitely many unknown factors involved in this incident.

He turned his head and looked at Uchiha Fugaku carefully, hoping to find something from this guy's expression.

But unfortunately, he looked carefully for a long time and found nothing worth paying attention to.

Still so calm, still with a standard smile.

"Apart from us, who else will pass by?" After a long time, Hyuga Hizu asked.

"If there is no accident, the people from Anbu will be present, and Sandaime, Danzo and others will also return." Uchiha Fugaku smiled slightly.

"As for people from other families, I'm afraid they will come over one after another. After all, everyone is very keen. If that's the case, I'm afraid the fourth generation will also be there."

"It seems that you all want to make things bigger." Hyuga Hizu sighed.

"I understand, then since we met on the road and encountered this situation, we naturally have to go over there to see."

"Yeah, we met by chance on the street and encountered such a thing..." Uchiha Fugaku looked at the fire in the distance.

"It's natural to go and have a look."


"Water Escape·Heaven Weeps!"

"Gossip · Soft Step Double Lion Fist!"

In Orochimaru's underground laboratory, Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai both encountered battles.

Entering this basement, they already had a hunch.

But when they actually faced the enemy, they found that they still underestimated the weirdness of these guys.

There are not many of them, but each one's abilities are a little weird.

The most important thing is that they all seem to have no reason, they are just pure combat tools.

These guys' suicidal fighting methods also brought a lot of trouble to Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya.

Especially for Imai Kenta, facing such an enemy, he is more willing to use ninjutsu to deal with it.

It's just that their location is an underground laboratory, if they rashly use the soil escape that he is good at.

With such an accident, I'm afraid they don't need Orochimaru to do anything, and they can bury themselves!

Therefore, he can only use water escape in such places.

Although he is also very good at water escape, just doing this in a place without water will speed up the consumption of his chakra and weaken the power of ninjutsu.

"What's going on with these guys?" Imai Kenta couldn't help but ask after killing a few such monsters.

"You ask me, who am I going to ask?" Hyuga Aya was also panting, her eyes still fixed on the front: "There are eight more, let's solve them all in one go."

After saying those words, she was completely absorbed.

Although these guys are very scary, because they have lost their minds, they are purely fighting machines, which makes them not afraid of death and pain, and it is very difficult to deal with.

But on the contrary, such guys have no reason of their own, they will only attack mechanically.

As long as you have a lot of actual combat experience, there is a lot of room for manipulating against such a guy.

In fact, Hyuga Aya has already noticed what is the source of the strangeness in these guys.

If there is no accident, it should be exactly the same as the thing on Uchiha Kai!

It's just that the amount of these guys is much larger than that of Uchiha Kai.

So much so that Aya Hyuga also noticed that many people's bodies have undergone qualitative changes.

This qualitative change is not a good result, but a development in the direction of 'trees', and it has even sprouted!

"This kind of power is too dangerous, even me, almost... No wonder this guy Uchiha Kei has always been so careful." Hyuga Aya thought silently.

"But does this count as the completion of the mission? No, according to Orochimaru's style, I am afraid that this will be the same as what Uchiha Kei said last time when faced with Orochimaru.

You must speed up, find something you can take away and leave quickly, and if you have enough time, bring a corpse up. "

When Hyuga Aya thought of this, she immediately rushed forward, and the azure blue lion in her hand burst out with terrifying fighting power!

"We're going to speed up, or I'm afraid we'll be buried here alive!"


A hand-knife overturned a masked root ninja, and the figure of Minato Namikaze slowly emerged from the shadows.

Glancing at the ninja lying on the ground, Minato Namikaze turned his head and walked directly towards the deepest part.

He didn't kill him, probably because of his self-knowledge as a Konoha ninja and the subconscious influence of Hokage, he couldn't bear to attack these people.

Even if he knew clearly, these people would not recognize his identity at all, nor would he show mercy to his subordinates.

Walking forward silently, Minato Namikaze suddenly disappeared in place with a flash.

And in his original position, some ground thorns had already appeared.

It's just that these thorns didn't exist for too long, and they just turned into pieces of the ground.

With the disintegration of these thorns, a figure fell from the air.

Continuing quietly, Minato Namikaze killed a lot of ninjas along the way, and even he was almost exposed several times.

I have to say that the defense at the base is really strong, and Minato Minato is a bit secretive.

The quality of these root ninjas is indeed very high. Even Ninja Minato, who is very good at assassination, was almost discovered by them and exposed and failed the mission.

And this place also has a lot of enchantments and a huge number of traps.

It is conceivable that if an inexperienced person ran in, he would have been caught long ago, or he would have died directly in these traps.

"This place is like a fortress!" Minato Namikaze thought to himself, "It's really hard to imagine such a level of defense."

It's really hard to imagine, such a place, such a defense really makes Minato Namikaze unbearable.

Who is this guy guarding?

To guard against the enemy? guard against one's own people?

Minato Namikaze's eyes turned cold. He knew that after he became this Hokage, there were a lot of things that he couldn't intervene or know.

But he didn't expect that this kind of defense has reached this level.

He even found that the ninjas here basically have curse marks on their tongues, which is to prevent them from telling information that they should not say.

This kind of situation made Minato Namikaze feel chills, and at the same time, he was more determined to do what he wanted to do.

Although he didn't know exactly where those materials were hidden, there were only two places, one was the database and the other was the Danzo room.

And he also thought that if these materials are not destroyed, then the possibility of being sealed is very high.

Uchiha Kai asked himself to come, not only because he was exceptionally good at sneak infiltration, but also because he was also good at sealing and breaking seals!

His wife is Jiuri from the Nine Tails, a descendant of the Uzumaki clan.

Relying on his relationship with his wife, he also learned a lot of sealing techniques.

Taking a deep breath, Minato Namikaze separated a shadow clone.

After assigning Kunai, they began to search the bunker separately.

Minato Namikaze's perception is very strong, and it didn't take him long to perceive some of the chakra fluctuations of the sealing technique.

Walking in this direction, Minato Namifeng also placed a few root ninjas on the way, and it didn't take long for him to come to this inconspicuous room.

"This is...."

Namikaze Minato found that this humble room was full of traps.

And there is a small box in the middle of the room, and there are two root ninjas on guard beside the box!

The most terrible thing is that Minato Namikaze seems to be able to perceive that this sealing technique seems to be more troublesome than he imagined!

But at this moment, an angry shout suddenly sounded in Minato Namikaze's ear.



"Jiraiya? Why are you here too?"

When Sarutobi Hiizan, Shimura Danzo, Koharu, and Mito Gate Yan came to the forest where the incident happened.

They noticed the first time that the burly man with long white hair like a hedgehog was standing outside the forest.

This person is naturally Jiraiya, one of the three generations of purpose disciples.

It's just that his sudden appearance here made Hizan Sarutobi feel a little strange, and at the same time his face became a little unpleasant.

It's not that Jiraiya's appearance can change anything, but because he doesn't even know when Jiraiya comes back.

He couldn't be sure when Jiraiya came back.

If he came back long ago, then it would be interesting to appear here.

If you just came back, then everything makes sense.

Sarutobi Hizan naturally hoped for the second situation, but he always felt that Jiraiya's appearance at this time was too coincidental.

"Ah, teacher." Jiraiya also looked back at Hizen Sarutobi: "You're here."

"Well, can you come and see such a big thing?"

Although he was thinking about various possibilities, Hiizan Sarutobi still showed a kind expression to Jiraiya.

"What happened here, and when did you come back?"

"I received the news that the child of Minato became Hokage, so I came back to see it. I didn't expect to encounter such a thing."

Jirai doesn't like lying either, but as a ninja, how could he not master the skill of lying?

"Is that so? Well, it's hard work for you." Sandai Hokage nodded, but he felt more and more that things were getting a little weird.

Turning his head and looking around, the surrounding area of ​​the forest has been controlled by the Ministry of Guards.

And he also noticed that a group of people from Anbu had already stood on the tree and were looking at the forest.

Sarutobi Hiizan's eyes were faint, and the guy who took the lead was Kakashi.

This also shows that this Anbu team is completely obedient to Namikaze Minato.

Sarutobi Hizan shook his head, he was disappointed.

He is basically sure now that his disciple Zilai is probably going to turn to his disciple?

Otherwise, he would never appear here by such a coincidence.

Otherwise, the security department would not have taken control of this place so quickly.

Otherwise, Kakashi and the others wouldn't be here so soon.

Although this incident really disappointed him, it also worried him a little.

But he felt that he should trust Danzo and his other disciple, Orochimaru.

Taking a deep breath, Sarutobi Hizan noticed that Hinata Hizu and Uchiha Fugaku were slowly approaching behind him, and his irritability intensified.

Whether the two of them came together on an appointment or met by chance, it was the same for him.

It's completely conceivable, I'm afraid more people will come over later.

Sarutobi Hizan raised his head and looked at the fire scene. For a moment, he really hoped that it would be burnt down completely!


Uchiha Qi took a deep breath, his eyes had turned into a pair of bizarre triangle-shaped diamonds, and at the same time, terrifying chakra erupted from his body.

These chakras are incomparably dark, but like black veils, people can clearly see the included Uchiha Kai.

When these chakras completely covered his body and formed a bone-like armor, he tilted his head slightly and looked at Orochimaru.

At this time, Orochimaru's face was full of enthusiasm, as if he had discovered a new continent, he couldn't stop.

It was the first time that Kiu Uchiha had seen such a look. Maybe this is the kind of person with a research spirit.

The expression that only appears when you see something you don't know and are interested in, right?

But unfortunately, Kai Uchiha is not Sasuke Uchiha.

Also he is not Uchiha Itachi, just waved the ninja sword, Uchiha Kai was ready.

"It's the perfect power." Orochimaru muttered to himself, subconsciously he licked his tongue.

"Ah, it's okay." For some unknown reason, the ninja sword in Uchiha Kai's hand disappeared, and it was replaced by a power that was as black as ink.

"Are you ready?"

"I hope Minister Qi will not let me down."

The long sword in Orochimaru's hand also glowed blue, and he became serious at this moment.

"This sentence....."

Uchiha Kei said softly, he had appeared in front of Orochimaru before his words could be said as a complete person.

"I should have told you!"

The pitch-black ninja knife cut through the sky and slashed directly at Orochimaru's head.

This kind of speed is totally different from before, and Uchiha Kai is serious now!

Orochimaru is a veteran powerhouse after all, and he also reacted to such a terrifying speed.

I saw his body twisting strangely like a snake again, and while he was able to avoid this knife, the long sword in his hand also stabbed towards Uchiha Ki's chest fiercely.

What Orochimaru never imagined was that Uchiha Kei didn't dodge at all.

Facing Orochimaru's long sword that pierced his chest, suddenly a huge arm emerged from the skeleton armor on his body.

This dark arm grabbed Orochimaru's long sword, and Orochimaru was slightly surprised by this strange situation.

In just a moment, he thought of the countermeasures. He immediately let go of the long sword, and a terrible chakra erupted from his right hand.

"Ninfa, Hidden Shadow Snake Hand!"

Countless poisonous snakes suddenly appeared from his right hand, and the stench was simply disgusting.

With such a close-range raid, Uchiha Kai naturally had no way to dodge instantly—unless he used the pupil technique.

Just in the face of this level of attack, it is impossible for him to waste a lot of his pupil power.

The kaleidoscope turned slightly, and suddenly his dark chakra burst into a more terrifying aura.

At the moment when Orochimaru's densely packed venomous snake was about to touch Uchiha Kai, the chakra covering his entire head spread out from the bones of his body.

And these chakras are still spreading, this cold and terrifying atmosphere makes Orochimaru feel a little ashamed!

Soon, the dark chakra on Uchiha Kai's body condensed another arm.

The size of the skeleton armor kept getting bigger and bigger, and the dark chakra formed a skull on top. What's even more terrifying is that there are actually a pair of scarlet eyes in this skull!

These densely packed venomous snakes were completely blocked from this giant.

There were even a lot of poisonous snakes, who died on the spot because they encountered the dark Chakra.

Kai Uchiha didn't move, the pitch-black giant suddenly raised his head, and the terrifying power was about to explode!

As soon as Orochimaru's face changed, he seemed to be directly focused by this punch before he had time to react.

This terrifying punch directly penetrated his body, and under the action of huge force, the next moment Orochimaru flew upside down!

Uchiha Kai's face was still calm, he didn't care about the Orochimaru who was beaten to death by his own Susanoo.

He could see very clearly that Orochimaru had gathered a huge amount of chakra the moment he punched out, which made him think of a technique in an instant.

"Do you know that you are bored, Orochimaru." Uchiha Qi said calmly, "Do you really think I can't see?"

Just as Uchiha Kai's voice fell, Orochimaru's body suddenly shook.

Then, Orochimaru, who was punched through the chest by Susanohu's punch, suddenly opened his mouth, and a wet Orochimaru crawled out of the corpse's mouth.

This guy's face still maintained a frenzy, but he was covered in mucus and looked a little nauseated.

But even so, Kai Uchiha had to admit that this 'big snake-style substitute technique' was really easy to use.

"Is it a very powerful substitute technique?" Uchiha Kai's tone was still indifferent.

"However, the flaws seem to be quite large, and a large amount of chakra must be prepared in advance for transformation, and it cannot deal with emergencies.

But the benefits seem to be obvious, it can remove all the negative effects, but your chakra is also reduced by more than half. "

"It really deserves to be a higher-level eye than Sangou Yu's writing round eyes." Orochimaru licked his tongue: "You can see through my technique at a glance, it's really amazing."

Orochimaru stood up slowly. At this time, he could no longer see any signs of injury before.

And his eyes are no longer pure fanaticism, and seem to have become a little greedy.

It seems that some decision was made, and Orochimaru immediately began to seal.

The next moment, a huge smoke spread, and a terrifying and huge purple long snake appeared at his feet.

This long snake is more than fifty meters long, but it doesn't look very high because it hovers, but even so, humans still seem so insignificant in front of him.

"Wanshe?" Uchiha Qi looked at Orochimaru quietly: "Is this your last trump card?"

"Orochimaru, what price do you need to pay for summoning me, I don't need to say... eh?"

Wan Snake said with an unhappy expression, but he stopped halfway through: "This is... Susanoh?"

"Are you very knowledgeable?" Uchiha Kai suddenly showed a smile: "However, if it's just this level, then that's it."

While speaking, the dark chakra on Uchiha Kai's body erupted again.

The terrifying skeleton began to be covered with meridians and flesh and blood, and soon he was wrapped in a coat-like chakra, forming a real person!

A cold and terrifying aura spread through the forest The continuously extending flames seemed to be affected by this aura, and actually stagnated slightly.

The faces of Orochimaru and Wanshe became a little dignified, it was the first time they had seen such a terrifying aura!

"Are you ready?" Uchiha Qi said silently: "We've played long enough, and it's time to end."

Shut up, Uchiha Kai's pitch-black Susanoo pulled out the long sword behind him.

Swipe away with a knife, the earth shakes and the mountains shake!


"Damn it! How could this be?"

In the dark basement of the root, Minato Namikaze kept shrinking the light of chakra in his hands.

It's just that the small box in front of him has no intention of being unsealed at all.

Beside him lay two black-clothed ninjas, both of whom were killed by him.

This time he didn't control it, because these two were too dangerous.

Namikaze Minato didn't know how many times he tried, but he found that he couldn't break the seal at all.

He, who is familiar with seals, knows that once he forces himself to act, the box will be destroyed directly!

"Calm down, you have to be calm."

Namikaze Minato kept telling himself that he couldn't even care about the cold sweat on his cheeks.

But at this moment, the earth seemed to tremble violently... Recommended reading: "Reading Archives 2013"