Chapter 255: Do I still let you go?

With a sullen face, Danzo kept running towards the roots under the protection of his own men.

He is full of unwillingness and anger in his heart now. He really didn't expect that he would be betrayed.

He was actually betrayed by the person he trusted most!

What Shimura Danzo did can be said to be the darkest and most shameful thing.

But he thought that if it wasn't for his own existence, God knows what Konoha would look like now.

With all these years of dark and high-pressure control, he doesn't feel that he has done anything wrong at all.

He always thought that he was doing the right thing, something that Hokage was inconvenient to do.

He is a shadow, although not Hokage, but he does things similar to Hokage.

Therefore, he also thinks that he is the person who knows the position of Naruto best, and he is also the person who dreams of being in the position of Naruto!

But this period of experience made him very painful.

First, in the Land of Rain, his roots were severely damaged, forcing him to let go of his thoughts.

Instead of thinking about Hokage's position, he turned to support the Orochimaru he designed.

That's right, Orochimaru's private research on the human body was released by him.

He knew that this matter could not be magnified infinitely, because Orochimaru was a disciple of the third generation of purpose.

Is the candidate of the fourth generation of Hokage, is the most likely candidate to be elected to the fourth generation of purpose!

With the blessings of these identities, he was sure that Orochimaru would not be affected.

What if they were investigated?

Once the people of Anbu know what Orochimaru's research is, I am afraid that these Anbu will bring bad luck.

Orochimaru will definitely be fine, because his research was handed over to him by himself, which is equivalent to the approval of the three generations of Hokage!

It's just that he never imagined that the first person who betrayed him was actually his best friend, the third generation of Hokage Sarutobi Hibiki!

He actually denied the possibility that Orochimaru became the purpose of the fourth generation, which is equivalent to giving Danzo a fatal blow!

Because Orochimaru promised that as long as he becomes Hokage, he will give Danzo the position of Minister of Anbu.

Danzo can completely fuse with his roots by controlling the power of Anbu.

Then when everything is ready, you can force Orochimaru to give up Hokage to himself.

But before this dream started, it was beaten and vanished.

He hated, he hated Sarutobi Hizan why he made such a choice!

And today seems to be the backlash that Sarutobi Hizen chose, and the so-called 'young people behind the scenes' he chose fiercely backfired on him.

It's just that this kind of backlash didn't seem to hurt him, but instead backfired Danzo himself!

And the second person who betrayed him was Orochimaru. The damned person who personally handed him the research of Chishou Hashima cells, he also betrayed himself!

The fact that Sarutobi Hizen was attacked was just a manifestation, although he could clearly see the separation between the third and fourth eyes during this time.

But without the so-called 'gift to Jiraiya' provided by Orochimaru, how could what happened today?

How could his Danzo possibly become a bereaved dog, and how could he have fallen to this point?

The damned guy Orochimaru probably left everything, but the documents thrown by Minato Namikaze and his choice were only Danzo, which has explained too many problems.

Danzo is not stupid. On the contrary, he is very smart. He already knows what is going on.

"Blame...." Danzo's face turned gloomy to the extreme: "Blame me for not being Hokage!"

Yes, he is not Hokage!

If he is Hokage, then the sin this time will not be him.

Because the title of Hokage is not allowed to be tarnished, even if this Hokage did do something disgusting.

But as long as he used to be Hokage, he can only try to protect him, and then choose a suitable scapegoat from his side.

Danzo is the shadow of Hokage, he is the Hokage hidden underground, and he is the best scapegoat!

"Lord Danzo, what should we do now?" Just as Danzo was thinking, a ninja at the base suddenly asked.

"Go back to the root first." Danzo thought for a while, and then said in a deep voice: "There is a passage under the root that can leave Konoha. Although it is a semi-finished product, it can also be used, and..."

Besides, Sarutobi Hizen is probably also preparing something, right?

Danzang's eyes were slightly empty, and he just hoped that this time, his old friend would not have any more problems.

"Yes, Danzo-sama." The root ninja nodded.

"Also, let everyone be on alert, and send out a signal flare to get everyone into a state of readiness."

Danzo's voice was still low: "After returning home, pack up all the materials that can be taken away as quickly as possible, and the ones that cannot be taken away... are all burned."

As soon as Tuanzang finished speaking, he suddenly turned slightly to the side.

A hand of bitterness flew past his face impartially.

Then a signal flare appeared in the sky, and Danzo stopped.

His eyes were slightly blank as he looked at the white light shining in the sky, he knew it was a signal flare from the Ministry of Guards!

Looking down slightly, Shimura Danzo soon saw the person he hated to the core.

This is the second time they have officially met, but Shimura Danzo has already surpassed the sky for him!

It's this guy, it's this **** Uchiha clan guy.

If it wasn't for him, he found out that there were some problems with Orochimaru, and also found Orochimaru's laboratory.

I'm afraid such a headache has never happened!

And it was also because of this guy that he lost such an excellent subordinate as You Rulongma.

Danzo has basically decided that his subordinates were killed by this **** Uchiha Kai.

And this damned guy actually survived twice under Orochimaru's hands!

As for the guys named Kenta Imai and Aya Hyuga next to Kei Uchiha, Danzo didn't take it seriously at all.

A civilian ninja and a guy who split from Hinata, what kind of storm can they make?

And these two guys are only Uchiha's subordinates, and only Uchiha is the only one who really causes trouble.

Danzo really wants to strangle this **** guy with his own hands.

"Uchiha Kai!" Danzo looked at the young man in front of him coldly, and then showed a sneer of disdain.

"Just the three of you? I have to say that your courage is really good."

"Kill them! Don't leave a living!"

Before Uchiha Kei could speak, Shimura Danzo gave an order directly, and then he continued to walk backwards.

Uchiha Kai was taken aback, this guy doesn't play cards according to the routine at all?

But if you think about it carefully, it seems to be normal.

This guy is running now, he doesn't have time to blind ink ink with Uchiha.

Moreover, he is also the main driving force for him to be in this predicament. I am afraid he really wants to kill himself, right?

"I'm afraid you won't do it, since that's the case..."

That being the case, Uchiha Kei also plans to do some activities.

In the previous battle with Orochimaru, he has always maintained restraint, and he also knows that Orochimaru is still restrained.

Otherwise, their battle would not have lasted for such a long time, nor would it have spread to such a small area.

When Orochimaru strengthened Uchiha Kai's fire escape, he almost guessed Orochimaru's mind.

It's just that Orochimaru has played a problem with himself.

Maybe it's self-confidence, self-confidence in one's own skills, self-confidence in one's combat experience.

Or maybe lack of information, lack of information about Kai Uchiha, lack of information about Kaleidoscope.

It's not surprising that he was treated so miserably.

And the battle with Orochimaru also made Uchiha Kina's enthusiasm for fighting erupt.

Especially this guy is worried that Ye Changmeng will let Danzo run away, so he really can't take it anymore!

"What's more, I have already got the manuscript of Orochimaru, so let's waste a little bit this time. Tongli... It can be recovered, although it is too slow now."

Uchiha Kai's eyes became extremely dangerous, and the next moment his eyes turned into a pair of kaleidoscopes!

"Leave this to me..."

Uchiha Kai said softly, and suddenly he turned to look at Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai.

"Aren't you always curious about the power of my eyes..."

"Then, take a good look at it."

Speaking of which, a dark chakra suddenly appeared on Uchiha Kai's body.

The extremely cold and dark Chakra quickly wrapped up Uchiha Qi like ink and wash!

These dark chakras made Danzo's subordinates stop subconsciously.

And in the blink of an eye, these chakras have turned into the prototype of a giant.

With the continuous injection of Uchiha Kai's chakra, this giant prototype turned into a real giant at the fastest speed!

And it's not over yet, Uchiha Kai took a deep breath.

His pupil power was not as dead as it was limited, and the strange substance in his eyes began to quickly become active.

"This...this is..."

Danzo, who was about to run away, turned around immediately after feeling the chakra.

He immediately recognized what this pitch-black giant was: "Susanoh? Susanoh! No! No! How could it be possible? How could it be possible!"

"Nothing is impossible, Danzo."

With the injection of Uchiha's pupil power, his eyes probably still haven't adapted to such a change.

A line of blood and tears slowly overflowed from the corner of his eyes, but Kai Uchiha didn't react.

With the continuous injection of his pupil power, the Susanoo covering him suddenly became larger.

The Utengu mask-like helmet covered Susanoo's face, and those scarlet eyes spread through the helmet, making it even more terrifying and deadly!

"Are you ready?"

Kai Uchiha felt the power of Susanoo covering himself.

Feel the frequency of it, Chakra and the special shadow in the kaleidoscope, as well as the passing speed of your pupil power.

Soon, Uchiha Keicai raised his head and looked at Shimura Danzo.

His face was still calm, calm to the point of silence.

Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya had long since escaped, and because of the expansion of Susanoo, they had to leave the place.

"Then, go die!"

As Uchiha Kai's voice fell, the pitch-black Susanoo suddenly pulled out the long sword hanging from his back.

The terrifyingly terrifying chakra erupted in an instant...



Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya looked at this apocalyptic scene.

The deep ravine and the root ninja who all fell to the ground, they couldn't help taking a deep breath.

Terrible, it's all terrifying!

Just a knife, just a knife of this dark giant.

They seem to feel that time has been stopped!

Those root ninjas were almost motionless, and they were directly killed by Uchiha Kai with one knife.

This terrifying scene is beyond their imagination!

Seeing Uchiha Kei still standing there, they all swallowed subconsciously.

They are all thinking about a question in their minds - is this really a person?

It's just that Kenta Imai felt that his entire back was wet. He really couldn't handle this kind of terrifying power.

He is very puzzled now, how did one of his ancestors, Senju Tobirama, kill the owner of a kaleidoscope?

This kind of terrifying power, I am afraid that only another ancestor, Qianshou Shima, can deal with it by relying on Mu Dun?

Unlike Kenta Imai, Aya Hyuga is unusually excited.

Kai Uchiha's eyes became stronger again!

And the stronger these eyes are, the more it proves that the strength of her ancestors is more terrifying!

Both belong to the pupil family, and also belong to the wealthy family.

If they didn't have strong strength, I'm afraid they would have been killed long ago.

Now they have lost such eyes, but it does not mean that such eyes can never be found again.

With such terrifying eyes, is she still worried about her caged bird?

Uchiha can do it, she believes she can do it sooner or later.

The two kept thinking about Uchiha's situation in their hearts, while Uchiha's expression was bitter.

It's just that he turned his back to the two so they couldn't see it.

Uchiha Kai found that he was a little overbearing, although he wanted to show his strength.

And the performance was extremely successful, but the price was that he found that his pupil power was a little bit too much!

He forcibly raised his level of Susanoo, and at the moment he swung that sword, he used the ability of 'Retrospect of Time'.

In an instant, Danzo and the others were all 'slowed down'.

He was extremely vigilant about Danzo.

In the original book, this damned guy relied on the one-handed 'Izanagi' to forcibly resurrect and confuse Sasuke Uchiha.

Although Kai Uchiha wasn't afraid of this move, he didn't want to make too much trouble.

In addition, he had the will to show his strength, so he shot with all his strength.

Rubbing the blood and tears that overflowed from the corners of his eyes, Kei Uchiha sighed silently.

"The consumption is better than the last time against the roots of the Youru family, but the recovery efficiency is still too slow."

Thinking of this, he decided that his 'evolution' had not completely reached the balance between pupil power consumption and recovery.

Don't use your pupil power so recklessly.

He lowered his head and glanced at it. In the distance, Shimura Danzo seemed to be dying, but Uchiha Kai was still a little dissatisfied.

You died under your all-out attack, and it still consumed a lot of your pupil power. Are you still dying?

You should feel that you are dying on the power of the kaleidoscope, and you should feel happy about the power you want to obtain in the future, right?

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Kai released Susanoo from his body.

The terrifying and gloomy aura suddenly disappeared from the forest in this area.

"Is this... the power of a kaleidoscope?"

Following Uchiha's release of Susanoo, Kenta Imai and Aya Hyuga both approached, and Kenta Imai couldn't help but ask.

All this is too terrifying. He is thinking now, did he offend him when he was on a mission with this **** guy, and would this careful guy seek revenge on him?

"Ah, the power of a kaleidoscope." Uchiha Ki nodded: "Unfortunately, this power still has a price. Don't you have your family's information on these things?"

Imai Kenta was silent for a while, and finally nodded.

There is no need for Uchiha to hide anything about the frankness of Keno Uchiha.

He didn't know that Uchiha Kai's frankness was purely because of the fusion of white cells.

Although his pupil power is recovering very slowly now, it is no longer the non-renewable resource it used to be.

That's why he dared to say this kind of thing, because he probably wouldn't even expose his kaleidoscope before.

"Your situation doesn't look good." Hyuga Aya frowned at the blood stains on Kai Uchiha's face.

She is not worried about Uchiha Kai too much, she is worried about whether the same situation will occur after upgrading the white eye.

She completely imagined the process of Baiyan's evolution with reference to the evolution of Uchiha Kai's eyes.

Therefore, Uchiha Kai appeared in such a situation, which made her a little worried.

Uchiha Kai can use the white one, but it seems that the cells of the first Hokage Senju is still enough to make up for the lack, so what about himself?

In what way can you use it?

"Ah, because the eyes haven't completely reached the level I hoped, so if you consume too much, there will still be negative reactions."

Uchiha Qi rubbed his right eye, and then said slowly.

"However, after our previous experiments and fusion, some non-renewable powers have become regenerable powers, although they are not comparable to consumption, but..."

"But with the information on Orochimaru, your situation will get better, right?" Hyuga Aya nodded: "I see, you think you're white-eyed..."

"I don't know, but it's not without measures."

Kai Uchiha didn't wait for Aya Hyuga to speak, and said directly: "So what you have to do now is to study it and see if your genes are the same as Uchiha, and there are hidden parts."

Aya Hyuga nodded. Indeed, this is something that needs to be verified and taken seriously.

The Uchiha family has hidden broken genes in their bodies, which gave Hyuga Aya a big guess.

Do their Hyuga clan also have similar, hidden gene sequences?

How to make these hidden gene sequences show their original shape is also a difficult problem, but these problems are indeed not a good time to think about.

She needs time to do more and more in-depth research, and she also needs the genetic sequence of Hyuga Hizu for comparison.

There is no need to worry about these things, because there is no use in worrying.

She didn't dare to attack Hyuga Hizu at all. Beating is only one aspect, but exposing herself is another aspect.

Therefore, she can only rely on this guy Uchiha Kai to do these things.

Just thinking of Kei Uchiha's terrifying figure just now, she couldn't help but think of the time when they were on a mission together a year ago.

This guy Uchiha Kai is really insidious to the extreme!

This guy, doesn't he want to wait for their most critical moment to expose this power and kill them all?

Shaking her head, Hyuga Aya didn't want to think about the past. The feeling of dancing with wolves made her sweat.

Fortunately, Uchiha Ki is still a normal person who is taboo and needs, otherwise she would not be able to cooperate with this guy now.

"I see." Hyuga Aya stopped thinking about these messy things. She turned her head and looked at the corpse there: "So what should we do here now?"

"The corpses that can be spliced ​​can be spliced ​​together." Uchiha Qi said calmly: "As for the corpses that cannot be spliced, just take their heads back."

Uchiha Kai used the "retrospect of time", and Susanoo's devastating knife, the destructive power caused is unbelievable.

Many root ninjas were directly twisted into two or even several sections. The scene can be said to be extremely tragic.

Kai Uchiha and the three of them don't care.

Mainly, the three of them have experienced at least six years of war. What kind of scenes have they never seen on the battlefield?

They can completely face all this silently.

"Yes, Captain." Imai Kenta and Hinata Aya said at the same time.

It's just that they haven't moved yet, and Imai Kenta suddenly laughed: "It seems that we don't need to do these tiring tasks, and the people from the security department are here."

"Indeed, we've saved the trouble." Hyuga Aya also opened her eyes to look around, and then nodded her head: "Although I don't feel much, but I still don't like it very much."

Uchiha Kai looked at the two guys and finally shook his head.

He doesn't have such a powerful perception ability, and he can still perceive chakra at close range.

Kei Uchiha knew that he probably didn't have the talent for this.

Unless he can learn immortality, otherwise he can only do this.

But where do you go to learn about immortality?

He doesn't think he can have any connection with those toads, nor does he think he can be recognized by slugs.

On the contrary, those snakes seemed to suit his taste, but when he thought of the scales and white skin that didn't look like a human, Uchiha Kei shook his head.

It really can't be done. The big deal is that he has completely fused the white cells and the cells born from the eternal eye.

Find a way to absorb one, you already have the power of the fairy chakra people.

Madara Uchiha got off to a good start.

As someone who knows the plot, if he doesn't make good use of this, then he is a real idiot. UU reading www.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai couldn't help thinking of Jiraiya, Minato Namikaze, and Naruto Uzumaki in the future.

These three people are considered to be very good at immortality in his memory, but he is not very good at playing these three people.

Not to mention the issue of whether we can fight or not, having a fight is basically equivalent to breaking up the relationship, which is too much of a loss.

Uchiha Kei felt that he could only think of a way in the future to see if he could convince them.

However, that is all in the future.

Instead of thinking about that, let's think about the Nine Tails.

"Master Minister." Just when Uchiha Kaixin was thinking about other things, Uchiha Chuan and Uchiha Ryukage had already come to him.

"Well, I remember that you all went to the battlefield." Uchiha came back to his senses and looked at them calmly: "According to the way the battlefield is handled, the ones that can be saved, the ones that can't be saved..."

"We understand." Uchiha Chuan and Uchiha Ryukage replied immediately.

Uchiha Kei nodded and glanced at the corpse there.

Especially Shimura Danzo, the dead man, suddenly showed a disdainful smile.

"Shimura Danzo, I won't let you dance around for so many years.

Letting go of the loess and Terumi Mei, that is impossible, could it be that I will let you go? "
