Chapter 260: condition

"Don't say, the hot spring is quite comfortable."

Uchiha Qi and Imai Kenta couldn't help but sigh as they walked towards the security department.

I have to say, the hot springs are really comfortable.

This gave him a feeling that the pores all over his body were relaxed.

It just made him a little inexplicable that he happened to meet Kakashi and Matekai when he came out.

When these two guys saw him and Imai Kenta, it was like seeing a ghost.

Uchiha Kai didn't take it too seriously, probably because he didn't expect that he would come to the hot spring too.

"It's quite comfortable." Kenta Imai nodded: "Where are you going now? Are you going back to the security department?"

"I think I can take you to a place."

Uchiha Kai suddenly stopped, and a slight smile appeared on his face: "It's time for us to have a good talk."

When Uchiha Qi and Imai Kenta bathed in the hot spring, he had already learned about the situation at this guy's house.

Just after understanding these things, Uchiha Kai did not continue to chat with him.

He was thinking about what to do, or how to get more benefits from this matter.

Uchiha Kai actually really hopes that Imai Kenta will continue to cooperate with him.

After all, Kenta Imai belongs to the Thousand Hands clan, and he is still very curious about this clan.

Especially after knowing the current internal situation of this clan, he became even more interested.

He was thinking about these kinds of things when he was in the hot spring just now, and now he has almost thought about it.

In order to increase the chips, Uchiha Kai planned to let him follow him, his core underground laboratory.

I'm afraid Ken Imai had already noticed that place too early, when he was dealing with Osamu Uchiha.

As a perceptive ninja, it is impossible for this kid not to feel such battle fluctuations.

Now take him there, and by the way, let Hyuga Aya participate in this matter.

You can also show your strength to this guy from other angles, and at the same time let Hyuga Aya feel her trust in her.

You can kill many birds with one stone, so why not do it?

"Going to a place?" Imai Ken was too stunned, and then seemed to understand something: "Your one hidden underground..."

"Sure enough, you noticed it last time." Uchiha Kai didn't seem surprised: "Let's go, let's have a good chat."

After that, Uchiha Kai took Imai Kenta towards the underground laboratory.

Imai Ken was too hesitant for a moment, and finally followed up with gritted teeth.

Uchiha Kaito has already said so, and he knows that there are not many choices he can make.

Since he came to this guy today, he has actually fallen into a relatively weak position.

And he did have some special ideas in his heart, and if he wanted to realize this idea, he had to do something.

At home, the conversation with Chiju Shojin really broke his heart.

That kind of silent look, and that kind of faint alienation, made Kenta Imai really unable to accept it.

Uchiha Qi guessed the difference in the concept of young people and old people in their clan, and he was not surprised at all.

This guy is so smart, and his performance is here too.

If he can't guess, then it's really strange.

Now he is a little worried about whether this guy knows what he thinks, and what benefits he wants to get from it.

I have to say that although Kenta Imai and Uchiha Kei have only teamed up for more than a year, he still understands the character of Uchiha Kei.

In other words, Imai Kenta will figure out the personality of everyone who is on the team with him.

Then make various appropriate judgments and actions based on these characters and the strength of teammates.

But he felt as if he was being targeted. The last time he teamed up, he actually formed two guys like this.

Walking all the way towards the Uchiha clan, Imai Kenta was silent all the way, and it didn't take long for the two of them to arrive.

Bypassing Uchiha's clan's land and approaching the forest behind the clan, Imai Kenta silently sensed his surroundings.

But soon he frowned, there were indeed a lot of seals and enchantments in the vicinity of this forest.

But it seems that the intensity is not too high, and there seem to be fewer guards here.

Although he knew that there was basically no one in the backyard of the Uchiha family who would come in to look for trouble.

But in such an important place as you, isn't it too casual with just this staffing arrangement?

Do you think that there are too many people who arrange it, but it will attract the attention of others?

Imai Kenta doesn't know so many things, he just looks at everything here based on his own cognition and judgment.

The two of them did not encounter any trouble along the way, and Imai Kenta did sense that several people were coming towards them.

It's just that when those people noticed Uchiha Kai and left silently, it was obvious that this guy had absolute control over this place.

"How did you come?"

When Kai Uchiha took Kenta Imai into the basement and came to the room where Aya Hyuga was, the woman looked at Kenta Imai with some surprise.

"Have your business been resolved?"

"No, but you can consider having an in-depth exchange." Uchiha Qi then found a place to sit down: "Maybe, we can help him."

"Do you need me to leave?" Hyuga Aya nodded, and then she asked.

It's just that at the same time as she was asking, she was already packing up Orochimaru's information.

"No need." Uchiha Qi shook his head: "Anyway, you know enough, it's not a big deal to know more."

Kenta Imai pursed his mouth, and Aya Hyuga sat down directly, and Kei Uchiha didn't bother to leave if she didn't object.

It just so happened that she was also curious about what her collaborator had done in other respects.

Her focus is always on the aspect of experiments, and she won't take the initiative to ask about other things Uchiha Kai does.

Apart from knowing from the very beginning that the fourth generation had his shadow when he came to power, the others are really not very clear.

"Well, I didn't expect you to trust this crazy woman...woman."

Imai Ken too weakly complained: "I think you have already guessed my thoughts, right?"

"The right to speak." Uchiha Kai smiled.

"You want the right to speak, not every time you can't help but carry some inexplicable things.

Don't want to work hard to achieve success, but it is worthless to be denied? "

When this fellow Imai Kenta judges Uchiha Kai's character, he is also judging Imai Kenta's character.

In fact, this kid has been seen through by him for a long time. He has also met a lot of people in his previous life, or he himself was also such a person in his previous life.

Just like in order to pass an exam, you must be admitted to a university or something.

Uchiha Kai knew this when he was a child, and it was all requested by his parents.

He can't change anything, he can only do it well.

Over time, he will take these things as his mission.

But Imai Kenta is different, or the world he lived in in his previous life really has nothing to do with this world, whether it is his background or education.

And he never said that he had been ruthless and completely denied since he was a child.

Although he couldn't understand the feelings of Kenta Imai, he seemed to understand something when he saw him running to find him.

It might hurt to feel that way, doesn't it?

Moreover, Japanese society seems to naturally have a way of thinking about the following?

Qianshou Xiang is really the clan elder of Imai Kenta's family, but I'm afraid it has nothing to do with Imai Kenta.

When he came to himself, he mostly hoped that through his own help, he could gain a greater right to speak at home, so as to realize what he was carrying.

As for Chiju Shojin, Imai Kenta probably never thought about how to deal with it in an extreme way.

Probably just let him let go and can't continue playing?

"Yes, I need the right to speak." Imai Ken nodded too seriously.

"I was instilled in my childhood that 'to revive the Senju clan' has no purpose, and at the same time, I was instilled in the goal of 'the power system of the three generations of Hokage is our enemy'.

I have a better solution, and I know how horrible you are.

I don't want my efforts to be wasted, and I don't want to be targeted by you. "

"So you hope to have a deeper cooperation." Uchiha Kai laughed.

"Tell me about your price. If I am satisfied, I will personally visit the person who talks about your family, but..."

"I will still provide the list to join the fourth team." Imai Kenta said directly without waiting for Uchiha Kai to finish.

"At the same time, I will take out all the research reports of the second-generation Hokage-sama.

In addition, the techniques of the Thousand Hands family include the cell research of the second generation of the first generation of adults! "

Uchiha was stunned for a moment, he was not surprised that the second generation would study the first generation of target cells.

After all, they belong to the Thousand-handed Clan, so who doesn't want to master the wood tunnel.

It's just that this kid actually took it out when he knew that he was also researching this thing. It felt like sending a sheep into a tiger's mouth.

But this kid is never stupid. He can make this request obviously in order to obtain a greater reward, or he is already seeking a greater reward.

"Interesting, I just found out that your ambitions are not small." Uchiha Kai smiled brighter: "For paying such a high price, it seems that you hope to get a lot of things, even if you are not even a word. Away, are you so confident?"

"Confidence is something that depends on the individual and the partner." Imai Kenta said calmly: "It's not over yet, do you want me to continue?"

"Of course." Uchiha Qi stood up: "Let's be straightforward, let me see what you can give me, and then I'm thinking about what I can give you."

"In those days, the ancestor Qianshou Hasuma was able to shake hands with Uchiha to make peace with Konoha. I am a ninja of the new generation of Qianshou clan. I have no hatred for Uchiha. We can also shake hands and make peace again."

Imai Kenta said directly: "So, in the future, we will restore our reputation, and we will stand on the same front as the Uchiha family as much as possible without harming our own interests."

"What do you think about this price?"


Uchiha Qi looked at Imai Kenta quietly, and it seemed that the price offered by Imai Kenta seemed very good.

But neither he nor Hyuga Aya shook their heads silently.

This guy, Imai Kenta, really made a bad check!

Except for the second-generation purpose research report, which seems to be more attractive, the other is not a big deal.

The ninjutsu information of the Thousand Hands clan?

This guy didn't count wood Dun and the like at all, and most of the Qianshou clan were Water Dun and Earth Dun.

Giving him a Uchiha who can only play with fire and thunder, is there a fart?

As for the high-profile 'hand in hand' that he said, this is simply a more ridiculous thing.

Your status as a thousand-handed clan has not been restored, what do you use to work hand in hand with Uchiha?

How can you stand on the same front as the Uchiha clan as much as possible without involving your own interests?

To put it bluntly, this guy actually gave him some help by holding Uchiha Keisian.

But it's not just as simple as helping him regain the right to speak. I'm afraid it's the vacancy of the fourth generation of Hokage's men to do some articles, and then there will be further cooperation and improvement.

"Your abacus...played pretty well." Uchiha Qi tilted his head: "In the end, the only thing that has any value is the research report of the second-generation Hokage-sama, and the rest are empty talk."

"This is a preliminary condition. To be detailed, we still need Qi-jun's help to do some things." Imai Kenta said with a serious face.

"Also, I think the only valuable thing in your mouth is actually in line with the price I gave."

"It's very valuable, after all, the second-generation Hokage-sama and the first-generation Hokage-sama are brothers." Uchiha Ki nodded, but then he shook his head.

"However, since I already have the research report on Orochimaru, why should I make things so complicated? Besides, can you get it now?"

Uchiha Kai's smiling words made Kenta Imai not knowing what to say.

In fact, he himself knew that the chips he gave were really not that high.

The only thing of value is that research report.

Since Keiichi Uchiha is doing a similar experiment, this report is actually definitely appealing to this guy.

It's just that this guy seems to be overly savvy.

I really can't get my current status, and this guy also has a report from Orochimaru.

Arguably the most valuable thing, now it's just something that can grab Kai Uchiha's attention.

Even if the chips are bright and bright, it won't work.

As long as you analyze the actual ability and actual situation of the other party in detail, and whether your own is really suitable for these things.

It will be easy to find that there are actually useless things under the gorgeous coat.

Imai Kenta understands this, obviously Uchiha Kai also understands this, even Hyuga Aya, a lunatic woman, can understand it.

Uchiha Qi is not an investment, and even if she is an investment, she does not want to cooperate with a dishonest person, he must see enough vested interests.

"Okay, I still have one condition that I can provide." Imai Ken took a deep breath: "But this condition has a premise."

"Let's talk." Uchiha Qi shrugged indifferently: "Since you are all here, naturally you can openly and honestly say everything you want to say."

"I understand." Imai Kenta nodded, then he took a deep breath: "Only if I want to join your experiment!"

"Don't go too far, Ken Tai-kun." Uchiha Kai frowned, this pre-requirement is indeed excessive.

Although Uchiha Kai and the others are studying the cells of the first generation of Hokage, they are the relics of Imai Kenta and his family ancestors.

But this was not done by Kei Uchiha alone.

What's more, what Uchiha Qi got was not from Senju Hashima in essence.

He snatched it from Uchiha Obito.

Bring it from Uchiha Obito, what's the matter with your Senju clan?

If you have the ability, go to trouble with Uchiha Obito, or wait for Madara Uchiha to come back to life in the future, go to trouble with them.

"Don't worry, Qijun, I hope you can listen to me and then make your decision."

Imai Kenta looked a little serious: "I don't know what Qi-kun has about the first generation of Hokage."

"The first generation of Hokage?" Uchiha Qi touched his chin: "Mu Dun? Do you plan to add Mu Dun in the shared art?

Sorry, I have no interest in this stuff.

Besides, this is something you should have added in the first place. "

"Don't worry, Qi-jun, your knowledge of the first-generation Hokage-sama doesn't seem to be profound."

Imai Kenta shook his head: "In addition to Mudun, the first generation of Mu-sama has other very special techniques, which are not weaker than Mudun's art at all."

Is it not weaker than the technique of Wood Dun?

Uchiha was stunned for a moment, and the next moment he seemed to think of something: "Xianju?"

Yes, Uchiha Qi seems to have thought of the only art that can be compared with Mu Dun, and it is the art that Qianshou Hashirama has shown, it seems that there is only fairy art!

The power of Xianshu seems to be very good, and the ability of Xianshu can also improve its own perception ability, the most typical one is Naruto.

In addition, the compatibility of Xianshu seems to be very good.

This thing can be fused with Mudun, with the chakra of the Nine Tails, and even with Susanoo!

Such compatibility is unbelievable, but the difficulty of learning this technique can be imagined.

Uchiha Kai's goal at the beginning was actually the curse mark made by Orochimaru.

Because that spell seal is a kind of magic switch, although the danger is also very high, but this is much simpler than Uchiha Qi to learn the magic by himself.

Even as an alternative, Uchiha Qi also thought about whether to learn Uchiha Madara's practice in the future, and directly absorb the chakra of the celestial being.

But now, Imai Kenta actually said it directly. To come out to take this thing out of fairy magic in exchange.

Uchiha Kai had to admit that he was really moved.

Even if he has more plans, and these plans are certified to be effective.

But there is one thing that must not be ignored, that is, if the information given by Kenta Jing is extremely complete.

Then this can completely give Uchiha Qi a very high understanding of fairy magic.

With this knowledge, he can judge whether he can learn or not.

If he can't learn, to what extent can he directly control such power through Madara Uchiha's method or Sasuke Uchiha's method.

Raised his head and looked at Imai Kenta quietly, this kid really made a lot of money.

The immortal art of Qianshouzhujian is probably the immortal art of those slugs, right?

The slug's lair seems to be called the Shibone Forest, which is almost the most mysterious existence in the original book.

But its magic is less side effects.

At least the eye shadows they made are not so exaggerated, and there are no messy scales on the body.

Uchiha Qi thought about it carefully, and then he asked, "You can get such an important thing? Second, how do you know the integrity of this fairy art?"

"Since I said it, it naturally proved that I have this ability."

Imai Kenta showed a slight smile at this moment: "And as long as I want, I can get it anytime!

As for whether it is complete, you don't need to worry about it at all, since I dare to say such a thing...

Am I not going to die? "

"I understand." Uchiha Ki nodded.

This guy Kenta Imai takes his life so much, he wouldn't make such a joke about his own life.

Otherwise, this guy wouldn't have come to talk to them about this issue at all. Wouldn't it be over if you follow Qianshou Xiang's real practice?

The immortal records of Senju Hakuma, in exchange for Imai Kenta to join his experiment.

And agreeing to this matter is basically agreeing to the conditions he had put forward.

This can make him feel that he has lost a little bit, but what Kenta Imai gave also made Kei Uchiha unable to refuse.

After careful consideration, Uchiha Kai made some decisions in his heart.

He raised his head and looked at Imai Kenta seriously: "Yes, but there are conditions."

Imai Kenta was relieved to hear that Uchiha Qi said that he agreed, but did this guy's next sentence immediately make him nervous again.

This guy is simply a master who will not let himself suffer.

He asked cautiously, "What conditions?"

"You have to convince Aya yourself." Uchiha Kai glanced at Hyuga Aya: "And even if you convince her, your experiment report must be fully shared with us."

Sharing the experimental report is the most basic requirement for Kai Uchiha.

It shouldn't be difficult to persuade Aya Hinata, and Aya Hyuga herself probably won't refuse too much for more experiments.

Although Kenta Imai does not have special eyes, Kai Uchiha is doing some experiments, which can be referenced by Kenta Imai.

In this case, naturally Kenta Imai's information will appear on Kai Uchiha's desk.

Rather than being sneaky, it's better to make it clear, so that this kid can cooperate more with their work.


Imai Kenta thought for a moment and then nodded: "Even if I don't agree, I'm afraid Qi-jun will get these materials. I'm not stupid, I know how to choose. But the information about Mudun..."

"You don't need these things, but I want the relevant information about Mu Dun."

Uchiha Qi didn't give Imai Kenta any chance to speak at all, he said directly: "On the contrary, I can give you a way to walk, in the fourth generation."

"The way of the seal is not a problem for you Uchiha at all, right?"

Imai Kenta shook his head: "However, I can give you a part, don't go too far, Qi-kun.

You know my purpose, why don't I know yours?

We are allies not rivals. "

Saying this, Imai Kenta stood up, and his face became extremely serious.

His eyes swept over the playful Uchiha Kai on his face, and the indifferent Hyuga Aya.

Finally, he said firmly: "What I said before was the most serious thing.

In those days, the ancestor Chishou Hasuma was able to shake hands with Uchiha to make peace with Konoha. I am a ninja of the new generation of Chishou clan. I have no hatred for Uchiha, and we can shake hands and make peace again.

Qijun, what do you think? "

Uchiha Qi looked at him quietly, for a long time he walked up and then stretched out his right hand: "Then, happy cooperation.

But, should I call you Kenta Senju, or Kenta Imai? "


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