Chapter 262: disappointment

"Itachi, what kind of person is your teacher?"

Uchiha Mikoto has just given birth, both she and the newly born Sasuke Uchiha need to rest.

Therefore, Uchiha Itachi was 'driven' out by Uchiha Fuyue. This kid is too clingy to his younger brother.

After coming out, Uchiha Itachi naturally followed Uchiha Shisui to find a place to train.

It's just that he was a little bit inattentive, which made Uchiha Shisui unable to do anything.

He could only ask something else to divert the kid's attention.

However, Uchiha Shisui is very curious now, what kind of charm does this person known as the "genius" of the Uchiha family have.

He had heard of Kai Uchiha's experience, and he also knew the reputation of this 'genius' in Konoha.

This is a war hero, a man who has accomplished the impossible!

And after the genius returned to the family, the tide was rising and it was a little scary.

In less than a year, he changed from an ordinary clansman to the second most powerful figure in the family!

At such a speed, even if he doesn't know much about these messy things, he still has a clear grasp of the security department that everyone in the family yearns for, and what kind of authority it has!

It's not that he didn't ask the third elder about the person Uchiha Kai.

But unfortunately, the third elder and others seem to be very afraid, this young man who is only six years older than Uchiha Shisui.

They never take the initiative to say anything about the genius.

Even after mentioning his name, Shishui could feel the anger and fear in their eyes.

But the elders feared him, and the others liked him very much.

At school, Uchiha Shisui often heard good things about Uchiha Kai.

Even people who originally didn't like the Guards and caused them to hate Uchiha would try to get along with Shisui.

This situation made Uchiha Shisui even more curious.

What kind of existence is this person who makes the elders jealous, but is popular among ordinary people, and why is he so contradictory?

Uchiha Shisui, who couldn't think of and couldn't ask the answer, could only focus on Uchiha Itachi in the end.

He remembered that Uchiha Itachi once said that Uchiha Fuyue asked Itachi to worship Uchiha Kai as a teacher.

Moreover, Itachi seems to have also gone to the security department to find Kai Uchiha.

The sensation caused by that incident was quite big, because few people knew about the relationship between the two people before.

In other words, the relationship between Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Fuyue.

Shishui felt that he might be able to get a good understanding of this powerful family figure from Itachi.

"Teacher..." Uchiha Itachi seemed to be a little distracted.

But when he mentioned Uchiha Kai, he came back to his senses: "Teacher... The teacher has not recognized me yet... But the teacher is a powerful person with a high vision."

Probably because he thought about the current situation of himself and Uchiha Kai, it turned out that because he was so happy with his younger brother, his mood suddenly dimmed a lot.

The words of Kai Uchiha last time really left an indelible impression on him.

And his father also agreed with Uchiha Kai's words, which made Uchiha Itachi try to learn these things.

But he is too young, and he really can't jump out of the bottleneck where he is now.

In the end, it was Uchiha Fuyue who gave him an example to clarify his confusion, and let him know how naive he was.

At the beginning of the three wars of the ninja world, the reason why Sand Ninja attacked Konoha was that they had disappeared.

But once it is combined with everything in the Land of Winds, this war is simply a transfer of domestic conflicts, while at the same time consuming the excess labor force because it cannot produce farming.

The darkness inside made Uchiha Itachi really stunned. He never thought that things would be so terrifying and complicated.

"Don't recognize you? Isn't it?" Uchiha Shisui looked stunned: "You are a genius! Why is this?"

"Kai... The teacher said that the children of the Uchiha family, who is not a genius boy..." Uchiha Itachi recalled the words of Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Fuyue, and finally sighed.

"Mr. Qi believes that the talent of strength is only one aspect, and another aspect is one's vision.

In his opinion, my vision is limited. If I can't break through my own limitations, I am afraid that I will not be recognized by him for the rest of my life. "

"Are you limited by your own vision..." Uchiha Shisui was stunned for a long time, he couldn't understand the meaning of this sentence at all.

To be precise, he doesn't know what the so-called breaking of his own limitations is, and this kind of statement is also very elusive.

Uchiha Shisui was only an eight-year-old after all, and he couldn't figure out these things.

After thinking about it, he could only sigh, knowing that he might not be able to ask anything.

Because it can be seen that Uchiha Itachi respects the Minister of the Security Department very much, even more respect than those of the clan and ordinary people outside the clan.


"Your family lives here?"

Uchiha Qi followed Imai Kenta to a civilian area, which is not so remote.

And along the way, he also met a lot of ninjas and greeted them.

But the Qianshou clan was hidden in it, which really surprised him.

This place still has a patrol route in the security department, but they didn't realize that this place is so unusual.

It can only be said that it is greatly hidden in the city.

"Yeah, didn't think so?" Kenta Imai nodded, and then greeted some ninjas passing by.

Without exception, these ninjas have some doubts about why Uchiha Kai came, but they have no malicious intentions.

Basically, they all nodded slightly and left, neither friendly nor distant.

"I really didn't expect it." Uchiha Ki nodded: "Perhaps I never felt malicious, so no one found out. Or maybe the maliciousness is too deep, and it's almost the same everywhere."

"Don't say this, in fact, as a bystander, everything you have done is already very good."

Imai Kenta casually rubbed the head of a kid, and then his voice was a little low: "By the way, you said earlier that the mission center, this location..."

The position of the mission department is really not as good as imagined.

Because the mission department is not a place for a fighting ninja.

There is no doubt that the Senju clan are fighting ninjas.

The mission department is also a very important position for Konoha.

However, as the position of the administrative project, once the Qianshou clan enters, I am afraid that they will also be relieved of their military power to some extent.

How could Kenta Imai not think of this, in his opinion, the best choice for the Senju family should be to enter Anbu.

"This is the most suitable position for you I can think of." Uchiha Qi glanced at him calmly: "As for the others, I don't think you need to think too much."

"Why?" Imai Kenta frowned, "You know where I want to be, it should be Anbu, right?"

"Yes, of course I know." Uchiha Qi nodded calmly.

"Unfortunately, Anbu was originally the result of discussions between us Uchiha and Shidaimu.

We didn't get many positions. Apart from us, there are other families that are worth attracting. Do you think you have a chance? "

Kenta Imai didn't know how to answer Uchiha's words directly. According to him, I am afraid that the fourth generation will not consider Qianshou.

Anbu needs not only powerful people, but also people who are completely loyal to the Fourth Hokage.

At some critical times, Anbu is also a key department that shows Hokage's attitude.

Their Qianshou clan did not have any particularly powerful and conspicuous people, they did not express their loyalty to the fourth-generation Hokage in advance, and they did not show a super representative of interests.

It can be said that the Qianshou family does not have a good chance at all.

Even if they have powerful people, they don't show it.

Even if they still keep in touch with many small families, no one knows.

In such a situation, how could the four generations of Hokage let them enter the Anbu of the core?

It's really not that Uchiha Kai is stalking it, but that they themselves lost this opportunity!

"It seems that Anbu has no time to think about it." Imai Kenta sighed: "What about the Ministry of State Affairs? I think there should be a lot of space for the Ministry of State Affairs?"

"You haven't even sat down in the task department, so you're thinking of the government affairs department?" Uchiha Kai smiled disdainfully.

"There shouldn't be too many vacancies in the Ministry of Government, but it's up to you to figure out who these positions will be allocated to.

Don't expect me to speak to you here, because none of Uchiha has any ideas in this regard. "

"I knew..." Kenta Imai touched his head helplessly.

"This time it's the fourth team, will there be a fifth team and a sixth team in the future?

Are you planning to let the Security Department contract all security measures in Konoha? Such a big ambition..."

"Is it very smart? I am so obvious?" Uchiha Kai smiled indifferently.

"Ambition is the driving force for a person to move forward, and you come to me to show that you are also ambitious.

It's just that the intensity of ambition and purpose are different. Don't laugh at a hundred steps, it's meaningless. "

Uchiha Qi was really surprised that Imai Kenta's brain was turning so fast, but the smarter he was, the better.

Uchiha Qi doesn't want his partner to be a piece of wood, or a character with a lack of brains.

In that way, although you can completely control the other party, what is the meaning of cooperation.

Wouldn't it be better to kick the other party directly and then go it alone?

While chatting in a low voice, the two also walked to a quaint wooden house, which looked a little out of tune with the surrounding houses.

The old-fashioned style and old-fashioned decoration, as well as the special patterns and the family emblem hidden in the patterns, all tell Uchiha Kai that the owner here is a very nostalgic person.

It's probably the same people who think about the old days, and they always have hatred and resentment in their hearts, and then they can't tell the reality...


Qianshou Xiangzhen was sitting in his cabin, and he lowered his head and looked at the book in his hand seriously.

These books were written by the second-generation Hokage Senju Tobirama, and they contain a lot of his knowledge and discussion of Hokage's rights.

This is Chiju Shojin's favorite book to read.

There are many power institutions in Konoha, but the most effective ones, and the ones that can get the most actual power, have three power institutions.

They are the Ministry of Government, the Ministry of Missions, and the Ministry of Health.

These three major power institutions cover almost everything the whole village needs.

However, in order to supervise and isolate the Uchiha clan, Qianshou Tobirama forcibly created a department with power that can reach no limit or be restricted.

That is the Ministry of Guards.

The power of the Security Department is an institution used to supervise and maintain stability in the village.

In fact, the existence of such an organization can be significant or small. After all, Konoha is a village where ninjas gather.

When Senju Tobirama was in power, the security department was severely restrained.

When Senju Tobirama passed away Sarutobi Hiizan and others came to power, the Security Department became a 'notorious' place through a series of means.

In this regard, he has always believed that what Senju Tobirama "did" was right, but he very much recognized what Sarutobi Hizan did.

But Hiruzen Sarutobi's other actions also made him hate these people.

Because they actually took advantage of Senju Tobirama's policy, and then through uncontrolled intensification, the Senju family has now been beaten to the bottom!

It can be said that, to a certain extent, Chiju Sho-sama's hatred for Sarutobi Hiizan is no less than his hatred for the Uchiha clan.

In his opinion, these two groups of people are damned people.

But what he never expected was that a strange thing appeared in these two groups of people.

In Sarutobi Hiizan's master-apprentice system, there was a person like Namikaze Minato.

According to Imai Kenta's understanding, the fourth-generation Hokage may have been associated with the Uchiha clan before he came to power.

Moreover, the fourth-generation Hokage does not seem to agree with the approach of the third-generation Hokage, and he is not willing to become a puppet who is tied.

Such a character made Shojin see a certain opportunity. A person who is good at change and remains suspicious of Sandaimu and others is definitely an opportunity for them to rise again!

In addition to Namikaze Minato, there is also a character in the Uchiha clan that makes Chisho Shojin extremely vigilant, that is Uchiha Fuyake.

Uchiha Fuyue didn't seem to have any obvious performance before.

But in the recent period of time, what he has done has really made it difficult for Qianshou Sho not to put him in a position of great importance.

This Uchiha Fuyue has been very low-key before, and seems to be mediocre.

But since Orochimaru caught Yuchiha, everything has changed drastically.

First, contact and win over various small family ninjas and civilian ninjas through various means, and then use Imai Kenta's teammate Uchiha Kai to use his hands to change the current security department.

At first, Sho-san hadn't figured out what all this was about, but now he knew.

That is Uchiha Fugaku has thought of a way to change everything.

He keenly grasped the consequences of Orochimaru's incident, and even more aware of the potential of this person, Namikaze Minato!

It is difficult to say whether the fermenting of the Orochimaru incident was caused by this guy doing something behind.

But with the rise of Namikaze Minato, he handed over the entire security department to Kai Uchiha, which has already shown how resolute this guy's methods are.

Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Kai have a certain friendship in arms, allowing Uchiha Kai to gain a foothold in the security department.

This is a huge positive signal to the wind and water gate.

At the same time, Uchiha Kai was picked up by him. It can be said that the important department of the Security Department is still in his hands.

After the reform of the Ministry of Guards, coupled with the relationship with the fourth generation of purpose.

It is only a matter of time before the Security Department slowly regains its reputation and becomes an important authority in Konoha!

Uchiha has re-emerged, how could Qianshou Xiang really endure that the Qianshou family is already at the bottom?

Uchiha has the kid Uchiha Kai, doesn't their family have the same young man as Imai Kenta?

They are not the unlucky Hyuga clan, it is difficult to have such a similar person, but it is a separate family!

But now Kenta Imai has deviated from his idea.

The young man carefully cultivated by this family actually wanted to cooperate with Uchiha.

Let's go together to build the fourth unit of the Guard that expands Uchiha's ambitions, this is definitely not what he allows!

"Knock knock knock..."

Just when Qianshou Xiang was really full of thoughts, there was a knock on his wooden door.

This made Qianshou Xiangzhen come back to his senses immediately, and he was a little confused about who came back to him at this time.

But no matter who sees each other first, let's talk about it. After putting the books in the bookcase, Qianshou Xiangzhen suddenly felt that something was missing in the bookcase.

But he didn't have time to think about it at all, and he quickly returned to his previous position.

"Come in." Qianshou Xiang said calmly.

As his voice fell, the wooden door was quickly pushed open, and the two walked in one after the other.

Walking in front was Kenta Imai, and Sho-chan saw this kid and his face suddenly became very bad.

During this time, this kid looked for himself a lot and tried to convince himself to continue to cooperate with Uchiha.

This is simply betraying the Qianshou family!

Has he figured it out, has he decided to quit the Security Department now?

It's just that Qianshou Xiangzhen didn't have time to think about it, and his face became extremely gloomy.

Because he noticed that the person behind Imai Kenta was actually the Uchiha Kai of the Uchiha family!

What does this kid mean?

To bring this guy to this place?

It is true that this kid did a lot of things, such as the list they got when they dealt with Orochimaru for the first time.

Let their Qianshou clan know how hateful the people in the third generation are.

But asking this kid Uchiha Kai to come up with this list to them was not guided by Uchiha Fuyue.

Or it is for the sake of his companions to make his own decisions, which is really debatable.

But no matter what kind it was, this kid really helped them, and Qianshou Xiang really knew that it was wrong for him to miss his appointment.

But they are Qianshou, facing the cunning Uchiha.

What Uchiha Madara did to Konoha, and what he did to Senju Hashirama, are the most memorable!

In Qianshou Xiangzhen's view, although the older generation has left, those who remembered the hatred are still there.

What Uchiha did was a make up, but it didn't affect their next confrontation.

"Uchiha Kai." Qianshou Xiangzhen looked at Uchiha Kai quietly, and it took him a long time to speak slowly.

"I really didn't expect that the head of the security department, who holds great power, actually came to the poor house. I am really flattered by this old man."

"Don't say it if you are flattered. Your polite words are no different from nonsense in my opinion."

Uchiha Qi slowly walked in front of him: "You should know the purpose of my coming here, Senju Xiang is really right?"

Qianshou Sho really frowned, and his eyes dimly looked at Imai Kenta.

Uchiha Qi knows his name, I am afraid it is this kid who said it.

Did this guy really forget what his last name was?

What is the purpose of this kid Uchiha Kai coming here?

Is it to be held accountable?

How is the situation outside now? Qianshou Xiang really has no clue.

But the head of the security department has come, so I'm afraid those members have come too, right?

"Ki Uchiha, do you know what you're doing?" Qianshou Xiang really thought of this, and a sneer appeared on his face.

"Of course I know what I'm doing, and I want to have a good talk with you."

Uchiha Qi seemed to see what Qianshou Sho was really thinking, and he spread his hands indifferently: "Don't worry, it's only me and Imai Kenta coming here this time."

"Hmph, interesting, don't you Uchiha look down on people too much?" Qianshou Xiang really stared at Uchiha Kai: "I really want to talk to me, why are you here?"

"Are you looking down on yourself too much?" Uchiha Kai smiled disdainfully: "Or, are you underestimating me too much?"

Kei Uchiha, who had only spoken a few words with Sho-chan, combined with some information that Kenta Imai once told himself.

He has figured out what this guy is thinking.

This made him feel funny, but also satisfied that some of his actions were good.

Obviously, Qianshou Sho really regarded himself as the agent of Uchiha Fugaku.

Uchiha Kai feels very satisfied with this, anyway, the more people think about it, the better.

It's just this guy's attitude that makes Kei Uchiha unsatisfied now.

Even if he regards himself as the agent of Uchiha Fuyue, does he still think he is some kind of wealthy family?

The weakening of the Qianshou family is an indisputable fact. Even if there is a chance for them now, can they really seize this opportunity and really climb up again?

Kei Uchiha is really not optimistic about this, and what he misses is completely missed.

Confidence is a good thing, but overconfidence is arrogance.

"Don't forget, although you are still surnamed Qianshou, you are no longer the Qianshou you used to be, otherwise Kenta Imai wouldn't use this name."

Uchiha Qi slowly sat opposite Qianshou Xiangzhen: "But Uchiha is still Uchiha Even if it is no longer Uchiha, we have retained our reputation and rights. "

"Don't go too far, kid." Although Qianshou Xiangzhen's face was still calm, everyone could see the gloom in those eyes.

"That's the truth, you have nothing to argue about."

Uchiha Qi didn't care about this guy's thoughts at all, and he continued: "Although we are not very good now, but we seized the opportunity, we found a way and paid for it. So, what about you?"

Qianshou Xiangzhen clenched his fists, and he looked at Uchiha Kai coldly without saying a word.

And Uchiha Kei showed a touch of sarcasm: "Betraying the olive branch we threw, and want to profit from it? I have to say, you really disappointed me."


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