Chapter 276: distribution plan

Uchiha Kai and Imai Kenta really didn't expect it.

This old guy who didn't seem to have a good life for a few years, they all planned to let him abdicate in a stable manner, actually chose to commit suicide?

It has to be said that this guy's approach is indeed enough to give people a headache.

His approach can indeed arouse many people to fight against Uchiha Kai, and maybe even make a big deal.

Seeing the distorted face, extremely painful but not saying a word, Qianshou Xiangzhen slowly stopped breathing, and Uchiha Kai didn't know what to say.

Imai Kenta seemed to be a little confused and reminiscent, and the two of them were silent for a while.

But none of them tried to save when Qianshou Xiangzhen made his move.

"Speak, do you have his daily notes?"

After a long time, Uchiha Keicai asked slowly.

"Yes, but when writing a suicide note, remember not to write too much detail, just be vague."

Imai Kenta nodded, as if he still didn't come back to his senses.

"Can you handle those people?" Uchiha Ki nodded and continued to ask.

"Okay, you don't need to call the security department. I'm afraid you have already attracted attention, and we won't be able to end it if things get bigger."

Imai Kenta sighed, then shook his head.

"Aren't you going to chop off his head?"

"Forget it, the expression is already so painful, and it is not that simple to make it look peaceful."

Uchiha Qi and Imai Kenta were talking about each other.

Although Qianju Sho really committed suicide, it caused them some shocking contextual troubles.

But the two of them were only slightly stunned, and then in a few words, they had already figured out a solution.

The level of calmness of the two of them is almost the same. Although Kenta Imai has been hit harder, his performance is no worse than that of Uchiha Kai.

He was still organized and clear about what to do and what not to do.

After clarifying what he should do, Imai Kenta also immediately found some manuscripts of Qianju Shojin for Kai Uchiha.

Uchiha Qi has a wheel eye, imitating handwriting is a simple thing for him, not to mention he has done similar things.

Uchiha Osamu was deceived into the forest by him using a copy of the letter that imitated Uchiha Yong's notes, and he has basically mastered the essentials of imitating these things.

Just as Uchiha Qi just finished writing these things, he suddenly felt as if someone had entered this room.

Looking up, by chance, he found a white-haired man wearing a mask and Anbu costume in front of him.

He didn't need to think about it at all. He knew that this kid was definitely Kakashi. It seems that the disturbance caused by his actions this time seems to be a bit big.

What made him a little confused was that Kakashi's eyes seemed a little strange.

Even if he wears a mask, Uchiha Kai can detect that weird look.

"You're here, Kakashi." Uchiha Kai didn't think much about it, after all, he made such a big fuss, and he didn't think it was a big deal to be weird.

"Well, teacher, they found that there are huge chakra fluctuations here, so let me come and have a look."

Kakashi nodded, then looked at Chisato Shojin, who was lying on the ground: "Suicide? What's going on?"

"It's nothing, I found some interesting things, but some people can't afford it." Uchiha Qi sighed: "Do you need me and you to meet the Fourth Hokage?"

"Okay, so some things can be made more clear." Kakashi nodded: "By the way, Kai, there is something I need to remind you, the perception class found a strange chakra, so... ..."

Perception class?

Uchiha Kei nodded, and then he gave Kakashi a grateful smile.

However, he didn't notice at all, Kakashi's subconscious step back, he began to think.

The strange chakra noticed by the people in the perception class is probably the Susanohu that he opened by himself, right?

In fact, Kakashi normally cannot disclose this news to himself.

But when the kid said it, he could see that he still values ​​his friendship very much.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai felt that it was time for him to reveal something.

Although he will never reveal his kaleidoscope now, but what about in the future?

Especially during the Nine-Tails Incident, it is very likely that he will be exposed.

Uchiha Qizhen didn't dare to hold any illusions, even if Uchiha Fuyue was in front of him to help him "shield from the wind and rain", he knew that he still had to fight.

Especially for his own plan, Uchiha Kai must definitely go to Obito.

He had already thought about how to turn this kid Obito into his 'informer'.

Naikaze Minato can't die, Uchiha is very clear about this, otherwise, wouldn't his efforts be in vain?

Since he can't die, there are bound to be all kinds of huge deviations in everything he is familiar with.

Such a deviation may be very fatal to him who hopes to master everything.

But Uchiha Kei is also human, he also has his own emotions, and only his own feelings and judgments.

He can't let everything develop for the so-called plot and ignore all the people around him.

Although for his own safety, he really wanted to kill Danzo for the so-called plot.

Therefore, in order to avoid being exposed too abruptly, some abilities can be taken out for people to see.

Although doing so may expose yourself to certain abilities now.

But it can avoid some unnecessary troubles, such as showing a kaleidoscope in the future.

Exposing one's own ability is a gradual process, and the intensity should not be too violent.

He believed that after knowing that the user of certain abilities was the Minister of Security, the people in the perception class would not be stupid enough to be aggressive.

After all, the current Hokage is not the third generation of them.

After handing the suicide note of 'Shojin Senju' to Imai Kenta, Uchiha Kei followed Kakashi to the Hokage office.

The two of them didn't talk too much along the way, and Uchiha Qi kept thinking about how to explain this to Namikaze Minato.

And how to present Imai Kenta and the Senju family behind him in front of Namikaze Minato.

In Kakashi's mind, he was still constantly recalling the scene he saw at the hot springs.

Although he knew that he might have misunderstood something, Kakashi didn't dare to ask these things.

It didn't take long for the two of them to come to the Hokage office together.

A distance of less than ten kilometers is really not a distance for an accelerated ninja.

When Kai Uchiha and Kakashi pushed in the door, he unexpectedly found that there was an acquaintance here.

Masato Yamanaka, the guy who was carrying out the mission of covering Minato Namifeng and rescued him in order to survive the disaster, did not expect him to appear here.

"Lord Hokage."

He nodded slightly to Masato Yamanaka, and then Uchiha Qi walked to Minato Minato and bowed slightly.

"Ki-kun, I'm afraid I'll disturb your office." Minato Minato Namika smiled, and this attitude surprised the Yamanaka Masaru beside him.

"It has been dealt with, and some interesting things have been found. Please allow me to report back later."

Uchiha Qi said calmly: "I heard Kakashi say that Hokage-sama is looking for me for other things."

"Yeah." Minato Namifeng nodded: "That's right, Yamanaka Kamijin seems to have found something unusual, and he is worried about it, so.... this matter still let Yamanaka Kaminin come. Explain."

Hearing Naikaze Minato's words, Uchiha Kai turned to look at Masato Yamanaka.

Although he already knew what was going on, he didn't want to expose the fact that Kakashi provided him with information.

Yamanaka Masato was a little surprised by the relationship between Uchiha Kai and Minato Namikaze. He didn't expect that the relationship between the two seemed to be too good.

Could it be because of those supporting joint missions on the battlefield?

Masato Yamanaka, who couldn't figure it out, didn't dare to think any more, and he immediately began to explain the reasons for these things.

It was no different from what Uchiha Kai thought.

Probably the only thing I didn't expect was that the first time I used the second state in the village to kill Yuru Ryoma, I was already noticed by the perception class.

I have to say that the people in the perception class are still very good and responsible.

At that time, it was probably because no one was caught, or Danzo himself felt that he was at a loss, so he was shelved.

"I think I understand, Masato-kun." After Yamanaka Masato finished talking, Uchiha Ki nodded and said.

"I'm sorry to have caused you some trouble. What you have noticed, I'm afraid it's really a technique of mine."

"A technique?" Masato Yamanaka was a little dumbfounded, so the evil and cold Chakra is actually one of your techniques?

However, Masato Yamanaka didn't dare to say anything more. He didn't dare to say how evil and terrifying this Chakra was now.

"Yes, a technique, it is a secret technique." Uchiha Kai nodded, and then his eyes turned into a scarlet state of three hooks.

As his eyes changed, that special and terrifying chakra also appeared on him.

These chakras quickly wrapped Uchiha and formed a row of ribs similar to armor.

Uchiha Qi wouldn't foolishly show his state completely, although a lot of people in that civilian area saw it before, but so what?

All he needs to do at this moment is to show an attitude.

Even if Imai Kenta's control is really not good, there are still people who choose to report to Minato Namikaze, and he doesn't need to worry too much about the direction of things.

With such a chakra appearing, Minato Namikaze frowned.

This kind of Chakra does make people feel bad, and it can even be said that it makes people feel evil subconsciously!

And Masato Yamanaka swallowed his saliva, this is the feeling, this is such a chakra.

He really didn't expect the person with such chakra to be Kai Uchiha!

The atmosphere at the scene seemed to be a little depressing. When Uchiha Qi put away these dark chakras, it slowly returned to normal.

"This is the secret technique of the Uchiha family, and it needs to cooperate with the already extremely high Chakra control of Sharinyan."

Uchiha closed his own writing wheel, and then said casually: "Probably Zhengren-kun noticed this breath because I was experimenting with new techniques."

"Is that so?" Masato Yamanaka nodded.

In fact, he didn't believe Uchiha Kai's nonsense at all in his heart. Now that Chakra of this level is far away, he may not be able to perceive it.

Where is the same as before, it is simply a cold breath rushing into the sky!

But he also knew that he shouldn't worry about these things anymore.

So he immediately bowed slightly: "Since it's Minister Qi, then I think our perception class doesn't need to worry about these things. I'm sorry for disturbing the work of the two of you, and I hope you forgive me."

"No, it's been hard work Yamanaka Jōnin." Minato Namikaze smiled: "After all, Yamanaka Jōnin is considering the safety of the village, so you should go back first."

"Yes, Hokage-sama." Masato Yamanaka nodded, and left the Hokage office immediately after taking a look at Uchiha Kai.

For a time, only Uchiha Kai and Namikaze Minato were left in Naruto's office, and of course Kakashi hidden in the corner.

"Qi-jun, what are you doing this time?" Minato Minato rubbed his brows helplessly: "It's not going to have a good impact on such a sensation in a residential area."

"Sorry, Captain Minato." Uchiha Qi was also a little helpless: "I didn't think about doing it, but they didn't seem to let me go."


"Thousands of hands?"

Namikaze Minato listened quietly, and after Uchiha Kai told the story from beginning to end, his face became a little weird and surprised.

The prestige of the Senju family is actually more concentrated on Tsunade, the legendary Sannin, for Minato Namikaze.

But as Hokage, Namikaze Minato also came into contact with a lot of new things.

Just like the case of the Qianshou family, he has learned a lot more than before.

He can now be considered to know why the first Hokage can be called a ninja who calms down the troubled world.

Of course, he also knew the past of the Uchiha family, and also knew the existence of such terrifying characters as Madara Uchiha.

Madara Uchiha is a taboo topic after all, and not many people know about it, but Minato Naikaze is Hokage.

It is not difficult to understand why he will regard Uchiha Obito as Uchiha Madara in the future.

That's probably because he knew Madara Uchiha, but what he knew was very one-sided.

It is only known that Madara Uchiha has a strong strength and successfully controlled the nine tails.

If this guy is not dead, then the possibility is too great.

It's just that he ignored Uchiha Obito, who was believed to have died outside and had not recovered his body.

"I didn't expect them to be like this now."

After a long time, Minato Namikaze let out a sigh of relief: "I've heard about the second-generation Hokage-sama's policy, but I don't know what happened after that.

I really didn't expect a policy to actually allow a big family to be buried like this. "

"Yeah, this kind of thing is hard to say clearly." Uchiha Ki nodded.

"Actually, I didn't expect things to turn out like this. If I hadn't accidentally discovered the difference in this kid, Imai Kenta, I'm afraid I wouldn't have expected things to develop to this point.

I didn't even expect that Senju Shojin, who has been down for decades, still hates Uchiha so much. "

"However, you can be considered to find a buried family, although things are a little troublesome." Namikaze Minato couldn't explain his current emotions.

He did not expect the question of the Thousand Hands Clan.

But I have to admit that such a huge family that still maintains close ties with many small families.

They're coming out, and it's really a good boost for Namikaze Minato.

In particular, there is one Imai Kenta in this family. This kid is not only teammates with his collaborator Uchiha Kai, but it seems that they get along pretty well.

Secondly, this kid and he have also carried out important tasks together.

But this kid Nagao Minato can be trusted, but other people, Nagao Minato, don't dare to accept their surrender without knowing the depth.

The key question came out, Uchiha Qi wanted to improve the power on his side.

Whether it is for their Uchiha or to deal with the three generations, it is a good choice to win over this family.

However, others directly chose to refuse to cooperate because of their long-standing hatred.

Even if they were subdued by Uchiha Kai, the actual controller of this family actually came to show a "shower", and then went to the Pure Land and reported it to the ancestors.

This time, Namikaze Minato couldn't help but want to scold people. This old man chose to commit suicide after failing to besiege Uchiha Kai, which is equivalent to splashing Uchiha Kai's dirty water.

If the Senju family has no one who can control the situation, then this guy's actions are basically equivalent to cutting off cooperation with Uchiha.

It is also equivalent to severing the cooperation with Naruto!

"Is there anyone else... who can control the situation?" Minato Namifeng pondered for a long time, and finally asked slowly.

He didn't mention Tsunade's name. First of all, Tsunade is not in Konoha at all, and secondly, he is a disciple of the third generation of Hokage.

Namikaze Minato really doesn't know how Tsunade-sama has feelings for Hokage III.

It's not clear what her feelings are for the Qianshou clan hidden among the commoners, and it is even less clear what the relationship between the suicidal Qianshou Xiangzhen and her is.

Therefore, Namikaze Minato did not dare to think about the princess of the Thousand Hands clan at all.

He can only think about what other people in the Qianshou clan can do, and then he thinks about what he can do.

"Actually, Imai Kenta can do it." Uchiha Kai said the name without much thought.

"Kenta Imai?" Minato Namikaze frowned, "He's still so young, can he do it?"

"The current Qianshou family, I am afraid that some blue and yellow have been lost." Uchiha Kai nodded.

"And most importantly, the thinking of the younger generation seems to be different from the thinking of the older generation."

Namikaze Minato frowned, he had already heard Uchiha Kai say this.

The young people of the Qianshou family do not have the same thinking as the older generation.

This is why he hopes to find someone who can lead the Thousand Hands Clan, and then do something by himself so that they can get rid of the hatred that is completely unworthy of being remembered.

The Qianshou family has such a foundation, and young people will be the future.

But now, is it really appropriate to find a person who is only seventeen or eighteen years old to control a huge ethnic group?

"How do you want me to cooperate with you?" Although it felt inappropriate, Minato Namikaze still asked.

Having worked with Kai Uchiha for more than a year, he knows very well that this 13- or 14-year-old boy has a basis and ideas for what he says and does.

Since Uchiha Kai mentioned this Imai Kenta, it can only mean that he is very optimistic about Imai Kenta.

Although there may be friendship in arms, Namikaze Minato believes that Uchiha Kai will not joke about this kind of thing.

"Although it seems embarrassing to say this, let's give some benefits." Uchiha Kai seemed to think for a while.

"Kenta Imai has gained certain benefits, and going back has greater persuasive power.

It was their dream to revive the Qianshou family. With practical benefits, he could have more room for manipulation. "

"With such operating space, he has more right to speak and exert his influence among young people?"

Namikaze Minato immediately guessed what Uchiha Kai was thinking, but after thinking about it, he glanced at the boy angrily.

"You've already thought about it, right? I said that according to your level, how could it be possible to watch that old guy commit suicide in front of you. It turned out to be like this."

Uchiha Kai smiled, and did not refute anything, nor did he feel any embarrassment.

It's not surprising that Minato Namikaze guessed it, it can only be said that Minato Minato Namikaze really knows himself better.

So Uchiha Kei didn't have anything to hide. He directly expressed some of his thoughts and the thoughts of the Senju clan where Kenta Imai belonged.

Namikaze Minato listened quietly, thinking while listening, and he didn't speak for a while after Uchiha Kai finished speaking.

After thinking for about four or five minutes, he nodded: "The appointment of the task department can be issued. If you trust him, I can try it. But this kid can't let him go to the sky in one step, let him be responsible for the A-level task."

"No need to give special care." Uchiha Kai shook his head: "B-level task force is fine, but let their people enter these departments to exercise more to expand the number of grassroots."

The mission department is divided into many groups, and it is set to deal with each mission level.

The highest one is naturally the minister who oversees the overall situation. This minister seems to be from the Nara clan.

It is really unclear who Uchiha Kai is, but it is very likely that it is Nara Shikahisa's father.

There are five groups under his command, corresponding to different task levels.

Among them, E-level and D-level have the most tasks, after all, this type of task is often the most.

If it goes up, it is a B-level task. At this stage, there will be no less tasks, or even quite a lot.

Because this level is the most in line with the mission stage recognized by the ninjas.

Not safe, but not too dangerous either.

Because it may evolve into a ninja conflict, the price will not be cheap.

This group is also the easiest place to come into contact with all kinds of ninjas.

As for A-level, S-level, and only Hokage can determine the war mission Super S-level, in fact, it is not as popular as imagined.

At first, Minato Namikaze wanted Imai Kenta to go to the A-level task force, so that he would have more time to study with the current minister, and examine the ability and loyalty of this guy.

But Uchiha Kai made this proposal, and Namikaze Minato had nothing to refuse.

Looking at his social skills and his work ability first, it seems to be a good choice.

Therefore, Namikaze Minato directly nodded and approved this matter. If he gave such a little benefit to win over a legendary ethnic group, although it is lonely now, it is also a very cost-effective thing.

"Then just follow Qi-jun's will."

Minato Minato Namikaze said, "I'll take a look at this kid's resume. You can also give me his security department's resume. Speaking of which, you're missing a squad leader."

"Indeed, but there are also people who can top it." Uchiha Kai smiled indifferently.

"Maybe we can find Tomohisa Joinin's younger brother to take over, maybe we can recruit a ninja from Uchiha, or even a ninja from the Hinata clan. The security department is not short of these ninjas."

"Also, now your security department is probably not selected by you except for a few families, and it basically includes most of the ninjas."

Minato Namikaze laughed: "In this security department, all ninjas are the same, equal, which is really exciting."

"Sooner or later, Hokage-sama can realize his ideas in Konoha, but I am afraid that Hokage-sama will be very tired by then."

Uchiha Kai shook his head, then changed the subject: "By the way, I wonder how Anbu's situation is now?"

The Anbu incident was considered one of the first places Uchiha Kai and the others went to deal with it.

It's been a while since Danzo died, and Kai Uchiha didn't care too much about these things.

He only knew that those Deadpools who had gone to Anbu to follow Kakashi have gradually returned, and the things that he wanted to investigate just now have been basically investigated.

"Well, it has begun to be cleaned up step by step." Just as Uchiha Kai thought, Namikaze Minato gave the answer directly.

"According to Kakashi's intelligence, we have basically figured out which people belong to the three generations of Hokage-sama and who are the roots, and now we have begun to gradually dismiss them.

By the way, how is your roster prepared. "

"Four people." Uchiha Qi said directly: "We have prepared four people to enter Anbu."

"Only four?" Minato Namikaze was a little surprised but then he understood what Kai Uchiha meant.

This made Namikaze Minato smile even more, and only letting these people enter Anbu has already shown Uchiha's attitude.

Although he will compensate him in other aspects, the number of places he has freed up will allow him to volatilize more effects.

"Thank you, Qi-jun." Minato Minato Namifeng nodded, but then his face became a little embarrassed: "But there is one thing I hope Qi-jun can restrain."

"Ah? What's the matter?"

"Next time you encounter such a situation, please contact me as much as possible, or use a more gentle approach."

"After all, my child is about to be born, so don't do anything like this again."


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