Chapter 283: confrontation

While Uchiha Fuyue and others were gathering, Uchiha Kai was also running towards the security department.

Uchihagawa, Uchiha Ryukage, and Uchiha Jun, who have been on standby for a long time, have been in the security department.

They are among the few who know that tonight is the day when the fourth Hokage wife gave birth, but they don't know who the fourth Hokage wife is.

But now, they seem to know something.

Especially when they saw the huge figure is destroying Konoha, no matter how stupid they are, they know exactly what happened.

However, they didn't move. Except for Jun Uchiha who seemed to want to act as soon as possible, the other two refused.

Both of them have been on the battlefield. Although Kai Uchiha has not given a clear signal before, they will consciously wait for orders from their superiors.

Especially in this case, they firmly believe that their minister will come.

But they also have a time limit just in case.

Once this time is exceeded, they will also act, otherwise Jun Uchiha will not wait here with them honestly.

Fortunately, Uchiha Kai came, even if it was a little slow, he was still there.

"A major accident, I don't talk nonsense anymore, nine tails came out."

Uchiha Qi said directly: "Now entering the highest state of emergency, Chuan and Liuying, you two immediately convene all teams and prepare to enter the front line."

"Yes, Minister!" Uchiha Chuan and Uchiha Ryukage didn't say anything nonsense.

They nodded immediately, and then each fired their own flares.

"Chunjun, your team is a bit complicated, so I don't plan to put you on the front line."

After Uchiha Kai glanced at the movements of the two, he turned his head to look at Uchiha Chun.

"Separate your teams, leave one for the guys hired to guard the prisoners, and move the prisoners to safety if necessary.

Others went to evacuate residents and put them into shelters, you know. "

"Minister..." Uchiha Jun frowned: "I can take a detachment to the front line, and the nine tails suddenly attacked. I think many people may not have the opportunity to prepare, so..."

"What you have to do is not to prove your own ability, but to complete my task well."

Uchiha Qi interrupted her directly: "Do you understand?"


Uchiha Chun was silent for a while, and then she nodded slightly unwillingly.

"I see, Mr. Minister."

Uchiha Chun seemed to feel a little embarrassed.

Although there was nothing wrong with Kai Uchiha's order, someone did need to stay and evacuate the residents of the village.

But don't forget, Konoha is a ninja gathering village!

Although there are not as many ninjas as civilians, there are some things that I am afraid they do not need to do.

Those ninjas will do these things spontaneously.

But she knew that she could not disobey Uchiha Kai's orders.

This seemingly kind guy is essentially a conceited and cold person!

Five minutes, only five minutes later, all the members of the security department have all arrived.

Even those who were still participating in training, members of the fourth detachment came spontaneously.

Seeing so many people, Uchiha Kai had to reassign a bit.

He still did not choose to let Uchiha Jun follow them to the front line.

Instead, let Uchiha Jun lead the people of the fourth team to help evacuate those who have little combat power and need protection.

"Are you all ready?"

Uchiha Kai looked at the members of the security department in front of him, and some even had traces of battle on their bodies.

Apparently they had had some contact with Nine-Tails before, but they still chose to see the flare.

"Ready!" The answer was deafening.

"Then let's go!"


When Uchiha Kai was ready, the fierce battle in Konoha Village had already started.

Although there is no Hokage in Konoha, the coordination of Konoha is not comparable to other villages.

Under the call of those families, the elite ninjas of the entire Konoha quickly mobilized, and they quickly gathered around the nine tails.

It's a pity that the nine tails are really not something that ordinary people can deal with.

Countless figures jumped up and down, looking like countless ants, harassing the huge Nine-Tails.

All kinds of ninjutsu emit bright rays of light in the sky, but unfortunately they have little effect.

Often, at least one or even several ninjas were killed by the ninja being photographed with one paw.

Coupled with his terrifying chakra, Konoha Ninja's attack can only be regarded as slowing down its pace, but it cannot be stopped.

The only person who can cause great harm to the nine tails is Uchiha Fugaku.

But now he has psychological scruples, he really doesn't dare to casually show his kaleidoscope, and now he only dares to use his fire escape to deal with it.

"As expected of the Nine Tails!" After seeing the injury caused by his fire escape healed in an instant, a drop of cold sweat dripped from Uchiha Fugaku's forehead.

He had read some of the family's documents, which naturally recorded the name of the nine tails.

Of course he knew that Kui was treated as a pet by Madara Uchiha.

But he met and really did it, and without using a kaleidoscope, he found that this guy was really terrifying to the extreme.

Even he was wondering if using the kaleidoscope by himself would be effective!

In Konoha's nearly fifty years of history, the seal has always been extremely stable.

Even if the seal was weakened during production, the first Hokage and the second Hokage were still alive at that time, and the Nine Tails had no chance of escaping.

And the current Nine-Tails Pillar Power Vortex Shin Kuna is known as the perfect Pillar Power.

Under her seal, Nine Tails has never been out of shape.

But now everything has changed.

The more and more obvious three-hooked jade writing wheel eyes were reflected in Jiuwei's eyes, which more and more reflected how powerful Jiuwei was controlled.

When Uchiha Fuyue felt unusually troublesome, suddenly two people appeared behind them with a group of Anbu wearing black combat uniforms and masks.

"Uchiha Fuyue, lead your people out of the battle sequence." The two were Mito Menyan and Chuan Koharu, Mito Menyan said coldly.

"What do you mean?" Uchiha Fuyue's face was a little ugly.

Of course he knew what it meant, but he didn't expect these two guys to be so unscrupulous.

And regardless of the current situation, and how much damage this will cause to their Uchiha clan.

Or, these two guys simply took this opportunity to do so?

Their relationship with Danzo may not be worse than the relationship between Sandaimu Hokage and Danzo.

They are all disciples of Hokage II, and they are all classmates!

Not to mention the inheritance, the fact that Uchiha Qi beheaded Danzo alone is equivalent to making their hatred infinitely magnified.

Now, the reflection of Sharinyan clearly appeared in Jiuwei's eyes. I'm afraid these people will never miss such an opportunity.

Obviously they are seizing this opportunity now, and plan to kick the Uchiha clan directly away.

After the Nine-Tails Incident is over, I will be making plans, even liquidation!

"The meaning is obvious. Now we need you to leave temporarily. You have more important tasks."

When she turned to bed, Xiaochun's words seemed a lot gentler, although her voice also seemed a little cold: "The evacuation of the residents and the task of protecting the residents will be left to you."

"Is this what Hokage-sama meant?" Uchiha Fuyue's face became more and more gloomy, and he seemed to be a little lucky that he didn't open the kaleidoscope.

"No, but Hokage-sama isn't here, we..." Mito Gate Yan took Uchiha Fugaku's words, but he was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"What can you do?" At this moment, Uchiha Kai's voice came over.

As his voice fell, the faces of Koharu and Mito Menyan changed.

They turned their heads together with the patriarchs of all the families, and then they saw Uchiha Kai leading at least two members of the squad over.

This guy Uchiha Kai is now an extremely dangerous figure in the eyes of all the family patriarchs and these two advisors!

It was this kid who led people to attack Orochimaru's laboratory, and then led people to chase Danzo and kill Danzo and his subordinates!

It can be said that this is a very dangerous person.

A person who doesn't care about your identity at all, once you are his mission target and will resist, he will let you sleep forever!

Everyone present here is very envious of such a "tool". In their opinion, this is the best "tool" of Uchiha Fugaku.

But none of them like to be targeted by such 'tools', and the result is very bad.

"Ki-kun, you're here." Uchiha Fuyue sighed in relief.

The person who has mastered the greatest power of the Uchiha clan is now Uchiha Kai.

This kid also has a kaleidoscope, and he came here to make Uchiha Fuyue feel a little more relaxed.

"Well, I was on patrol just now, and it happened that the patrol team of the Hinata clan was attacked."

Uchiha Ki nodded, and then said: "Unfortunately, there was no time to support, and the nine tails appeared.

I have sent Aya Hyuga to the rescue, and I have assigned two teams to evacuate the residents, and the rest will come with me to fight against the nine tails. "

"Is that so?" Uchiha Fugaku nodded, but Nara Shikahisa seemed to think of something: "Who attacked Hinata's patrol?"

"It's a guy in a black robe with a spiral mask." Uchiha Qi said calmly: "And, that guy has a wheel eye."

Writing wheel eye, another writing wheel eye.

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone present was a little surprised.

But seeing such a calm Uchiha Kai, they also seemed to feel that things were a bit complicated.

Is it possible that Uchiha really has someone left behind to cause such a tragedy?

"What nonsense!" At this moment, Mito Gate Yan suddenly said loudly: "I don't care what happened to you, don't you intend to obey our orders?"

"What are you?" Uchiha Kai sneered, and suddenly his eyes turned scarlet.

"Have you forgotten that I am someone who has access to certain materials, what qualifications do you have to tell me these things?"

Uchiha Kai's voice was very loud, and everyone present seemed to sense something was wrong.

Especially after noticing the appearance of Mito Menyan clenching his teeth and his veins bursting out, it made them realize that something was even more wrong.

Suddenly, Jiuweishu felt a threat and suddenly screamed in the sky.

The terrifying chakra began to condense, and the pitch-black chakra group became larger and larger, and a depressing and terrifying aura emanated from it.

Uchiha Kai and the others suddenly felt a little suffocated in their hearts. The next moment, Nine Tails roared and ejected the tailed beast cannon from their mouths.

With a bang, the world shook.

"That's....tailed beast jade?"

"The goal is to..."

"Hooying Rock!"


After Namikaze Minato dealt with Kushina's affairs, he did not rush to the battlefield immediately.

Although he was impatient, as a ninja he did not forget what he was going to do.

Nine-tails are too strong, and he needs to find out some information about Nine-tails before he can fully grasp it.

As Hokage, he had to determine the scope and area of ​​the village's destruction by the Nine Tails.

Combining these two points, he can act.

To ensure that the village is worry-free while subduing the nine tails, and then seal the nine tails back into Kushina's body to ensure that Kushina is fine.

Therefore, the best observation point is naturally the Hokage Rock towering among the clouds and overlooking the entire Konoha!

Especially on his own statue, where his imprint is left.

Thinking of this, Namikaze Minato directly activated the Flying Thunder God Technique.

In just an instant, he appeared on the tip of his statue's hair.

The white Hokage Yushen robe was slightly raised, and at a glance he had a panoramic view of the chaos in Konoha.

However, at this moment, with his appearance, the Nine Tails seemed to have a feeling.

"So sharp?" Minato Namikaze frowned.

Looking at the sky and screaming suddenly, he began to gather terrifying chakras.

In the blink of an eye, a pitch-black chakra group appeared in the Nine Tails beside his mouth, and Minato Nakamo knew that his idea was going to fail.

But no matter what, he can't let Nine Tails' goal come true, no matter what, he can't let Nine Tails idea come true.

Namikaze Minato could see that it was the Tailed Beast Jade.

He who has been with Kushina for so long and sat in the position of Hokage, how could he not know how terrifying the power of the Tailed Beast Jade is.

As the nine tails roared and spewed out the tailed beast cannon, Namikaze Minato suddenly felt an incomparably huge pressure.

It seems that the surrounding space has been squeezed to become extremely heavy, and all the materials that exist between them are smashed at the same time.

Deep ditches appeared in the earth, and the terrain shed a layer of skin directly under the impact of the tailed beast jade!

Namikaze Minato frowned, he knew very well that this hair-tailed beast jade might disappear, including Hokage Rock!

"It has to be stopped!"

Minato Namikaze made up his mind, and his hands were immediately sealed.

The specially-made Kunai was held in front of him, and a tadpole-like technique appeared, forming a simple pattern.

Everything happened in an instant, and the dark tailed beast cannon was already in front of him.

But an amazing scene emerged.

The space seemed to be opened up, and the terrifying tailed beast cannon fell into an inexplicable and deep space.

The entire tailed beast jade was quickly absorbed without any aftermath.


In the distance, a dazzling light rang out.

Accompanied by the loud bang, Minato Namikaze glanced there, and was also secretly shocked.

"The power is so great. If the blow just now hit the Hokage Rock, half of the village will be affected."

A cold sweat appeared on Minato Namikaze's forehead.

I don't know if I was frightened by this tailed beast jade, or if transferring this tailed beast jade consumed too much of his chakra and energy.

Suddenly, Minato Namikaze's expression changed, and the Kunwu in his hand was swept out.

But his pupils shrank, because his Kuwuqi penetrated directly into the opponent's body, as if the person in front of him was a phantom.

"This is....."

Although a little surprised, Namikaze Minato remained calm.

Soon he finds something interesting, because when his kunai pierces the opponent's arm.

The feeling of blurring disappeared suddenly, and the right arm was firmly held by the opponent.

"Your opponent is me, and, it's all over, golden glitter!"

A slightly low voice came out of the mouth in black, and the writing wheel under the mask spun.

The inverted space vortex appeared, trying to **** the opponent into his unique divine power space.


Namikaze Minato Minato groaned, and he felt an irresistible strong gravitational force coming out.

He even felt that his body was being stretched infinitely, as if he was about to throw himself into another space.

In the face of such a situation, Namikaze Minato was still very calm.

The opposite technique was very strange, but he noticed that this technique seemed to have some similarities with his Flying Thunder God.

That is the power of space contained in it!

Namikaze Minato knew that he couldn't be pulled in, and obviously he couldn't let go of fighting here.

"Flying Thunder God's Technique!" Thinking of this, he directly activated his best ninjutsu.

Uchiha Obito shook his hand and looked at the disappearing figure in front of him.

Then he shook his head and said in a low voice: "Fly away again, is the movement very neat, it seems that next time I have to absorb you faster."

Turning his head, Uchiha Obito glanced at Kuo in the distance, who was being besieged by Konoha and a group of ninjas.

But most of the attacks can't do any damage to the nine tails at all, on the contrary, the aftermath of the battle between the two sides caused great damage to Konoha.

"It seems that Nine Tails will be fine for the time being, and this guy Uchiha Kai hasn't moved for so long.

I don't know if it's his eyes that don't work, or he doesn't want to be exposed.

If that's the case, let's deal with Namikaze Minato first, and then deal with Konoha. "

Uchiha Obito whispered, and then ripples appeared in the space, and his figure gradually disappeared.


"That's... Watergate's space-time barrier?"

Not far from the nine tails, Qiu Dao Ding Zuo Dao immediately guessed what the situation was when he saw this scene.

Even if it is night now, because Konoha is already full of fire, the situation on Hokage Rock can barely be seen clearly.

Even if he couldn't see it clearly, Choji Akimichi, who used to team up with Minato Namikaze, knew something about it.

To be able to do this, apart from having a deep grasp of space ninjutsu like Flying Thunder God, there is really no way.

But Namikaze Minato did boost his morale.

The terrifying tailed beast jade, which seemed to destroy everything, was transferred like this. I am afraid that no one will not be enthusiastic about such a shocking scene.

That is their Hokage, that is the one who protects them!

Invisibly, Namikaze Minato raised his prestige severely among all these Konoha ninjas, including those family patriarchs.

Even if it is passive, it has achieved full effect.

"Okay everyone, although I don't want to pour cold water, but..." Just when everyone wanted to cheer, Uchiha Kai suddenly spoke.

"I think we are still busy. We are all Konoha's ninjas. It is impossible to watch Naruto-sama working hard, and we are just cheering and shouting on the side?"

"Minister Qi is right." Yamanaka Hai nodded: "Everyone, we have more important tasks now, we have to drive these nine tails out of Konoha!"

Although Yamanaka Kaiichi is not a very good and inspiring person, his character and his relatively simple words are even more convincing.

It's just that the ordinary ninjas heard encouragement, but the family patriarch with relatively high status and the two advisors understood the meaning of Yamanaka Hai's words almost immediately.

This is another way to recognize the Uchiha family!

It can be seen from Yamanaka Haiichi's tone, not to mention that Yamanaka Haiichi should not be regarded as a single person.

Zhuludie will never split up when they express their stance, and their three families are considered a community of interests.

It’s really not to talk about advancing and retreating together, and they won’t be in a situation like ‘just a ninja who plays with shadows, has a manipulative spirit, and can get fat’.

What he said probably already represented the position of the three families of Zhuludie together.

Moreover, the influence of these three families in the entire Konoha high-level is unparalleled, and their expressions immediately stabilized those who were originally suspicious of Uchiha.

But at the same time, it made Mito Menyan and Chuan Koharu's faces extremely ugly, and the atmosphere seemed a little dignified for a while.

"Sorry... we're late."

Suddenly, a sound broke the solemnity.

Everyone turned their heads to look, but they found that Hyuga Hizu and Hyuga Hipsari came over accompanied by the girl Hyuga Aya.

The two brothers seemed to be injured and their faces did not look very good.

This suddenly reminded them of what Kai Uchiha said before, but they still need to ask to be sure.

"It's alright, you two." Nara Shikahisa walked to their side and asked with some concern.

"We heard from Minister Qi before that he and his men found out that you were attacked, but they didn't have time to support them, so you just..."

"Ah, we were attacked." Hinata said with a sigh.

"It's a man with an orange spiral mask and black clothes. It looks like a Uchiha. The means are very powerful, we..."

Although Hyuga Hizu didn't say much, everyone present knew what it meant.

There is absolutely no problem with the information provided by Kai Uchiha.

I am afraid that the people they met this time are indeed from the Uchiha family.

But this Uchiha is probably not Konoha's Uchiha, but a person who is left behind and has a huge hatred for Konoha.

The family patriarchs present were not ignorant people, and they naturally knew something about that year.

Could it be the person who left in the past, the descendants left behind or what?

Or, did someone who stole the power of Sharinyan come to attack Konoha?

After all, Kakashi can, so can others?

"Everyone! The fourth generation suddenly disappeared with a man wearing an orange mask and a black robe!"

At this moment, Hyuga Risai suddenly said.

I don't know when he has rolled his eyes: "Just now, Lord Hokage, the fourth generation, was on Hokage Rock, but suddenly a man in black attacked him.

And he disappeared together with the man in black. The man in black was dressed like the one who attacked us before! "

Hearing this sentence, the people present suddenly became clearer.

Although the Uchiha family does not know if there are any special powerhouses hidden, the most powerful ones are Uchiha Fuyue and Uchiha Kai.

Since both of them are here, it basically means that this matter has nothing to do with them, at least it has nothing to do with these Uchihas who are present.

However, the fourth generation suddenly disappeared to deal with the man in black, and they naturally needed to do some effective work.

"We will deal with the nine tails and wait for the fourth generation to return." Uchiha Kai said at this time.

"Kenta, you go and call the seal team, Aya, your patriarch needs to rest now Those who can fight Hinata let them follow you.

Monitor everything around you and find Hokage Shidaimu as soon as possible. Chuan, Liuying, the rest of you come with me. "

"Yes, Mr. Minister." All the ninjas of the security department left and replied.

"We're together." Nara Shikaku took a step forward: "We are also Konoha ninjas, don't forget us, Minister Qi."

"Yes, Uchiha's little.... Minister Qi, and Fuyue Patriarch, let's go together." Qiu Dao Dingzuo also laughed, and then stepped forward.

Soon, all the ninjas of the Konoha family and those ordinary ninjas gathered around them.

Only the two elders looked extremely gloomy.


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