Chapter 286: The showdown of kaleidoscope writing wheel eye (below)

"Fortunately, there is Qiu Dao's medicine, otherwise..."

Through the overlapping of Kunai, Minato Namikaze arranged a defensive barrier around this area.

Although he knew this barrier, he probably couldn't prevent the man in black from coming in.

But it can prevent ordinary Konoha ninjas from coming in, and the man in black has been stopped by Uchiha Kai.

Looking at the nine tails who were completely trapped in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

If it wasn't for Kai Uchiha to remind him, I'm afraid tonight would definitely be a difficult night.

I am afraid that at this time, there are not many things that he can choose.

The ghouls were sealed, and this technique of perishing with the enemy would be his last choice.

This technique only requires a very small amount of chakra, and uses a special seal method to contact the arrival of the **** of death, but the price is the soul of the caster and the caster!

It is completely conceivable, if it really goes that far.

His child Naruto will lose his father and mother on the first day he is born.

Once they die, Naruto's future life may not be easy anyway.

He and the three generations of purpose struggle, I am afraid that there is no room for manoeuvre between them.

Even if Naruto is entrusted to the Uchiha family to take care of, I am afraid that the Uchiha family will not be better after his death.

Even entrusting Naruto to them would be even more dangerous.

"Fortunately, there are calm people like Qijun."

Namikaze Minato turned his head to look at the shadow avatar of Uchiha Kai, and thought to himself.

He really admires Kai Uchiha's calmness now, and he can think so comprehensively in such an extreme situation.

No wonder Uchiha Fuyue values ​​that child so much, it is really his luck that this child can become his collaborator.

In addition to the essential elements of calmness and intelligence, the strength of this child is even stronger.

He has seen how terrifying the kaleidoscope Shaker Eye is, although he defeated the guy wearing the mask.

But he knew better that each kaleidoscope possessed different abilities.

He had seen this in the information that Sandaimu had given him.

He doesn't know what Uchiha Kai's ability is, but he believes that if the child comes over, maybe he can control the nine tails.

It's just that these are not the most important, the most important thing is that he has a kaleidoscope, but he can maintain restraint and calm.

It's not at all like a quality he has at his age.

This may be the potential that a great ninja must have!

At this moment, Minato Namikaze already regards Kai Uchiha as a 'great ninja'.

The same can be called a great ninja like Uchiha Kai. Before this, there was only Jiraiya, but now there are two more - Uchiha Fuyue and Uchiha Kai.

"I can't live up to the help of Qijun and Fuyuejun."

Namikaze Minato looked firm, he supported Kushina with one hand and Naruto with the other, and walked towards the Nine-Tails step by step.

"Qijun said that the nine tails will be divided into three parts, and the yin and yang will be combined for Kushina.

The yin attribute is sealed within me, and the yang attribute is sealed within Naruto.

Now that my chakra is full, just do it. "

The rule of thirds that Uchiha Qi told him didn't think too much at first, but now that he thinks about it, it seems that there are still many things in it.

Kushina has always had the complete Nine-Tails sealed in her body. If a part is rashly lost, no one knows how much damage it will cause.

Therefore, keeping the two attributes in her body would be the best choice!

It's just that she is too weak now, and it may be too reluctant to enter the complete nine tails.

Namikaze Minato and Naruto each seal an attribute, so they can share the pressure on Kushina now.

And of the two of them, Minato Namikaze wasn't sure if he would be the right person to take on the role.

Naruto should be fine, after all, there is the bloodline of the Uzumaki family.

But he is too young to seal too much.

Therefore, Uchiha Kai's distribution method can be said to protect their lives to the greatest extent, and at the same time solve the big trouble of the nine tails.

What's more, Minato Namifeng also felt that if the Nine Tails were sealed in Naruto's body, then once he mastered the power of the Nine Tails in the future, the child's achievements would definitely not be bad!

"As expected of Qijun."

Standing in front of Kyuubi, Minato Naikaze put down Kushina, but his heart became even more enthusiastic.

"Thinking of such a good method in such a short time, this child also pulled Kakashi back from hell, he is already a great ninja!"

I thought about it, but the movements of Minato Namikaze's hands didn't stop at all.

After some quick knots, Minato quickly folded his hands together, and a strong chakra burst out on him.

"Are you ready, Kushina, I'm going to start." Minato said in a low voice, and the delivery of chakra suddenly increased.

At the next moment, Minato Minato took out Kuwu directly: "Fuyue-kun, Qi-kun, you have worked hard for you. Next, I will divide the nine tails, I am afraid it will make you more stressed."

"It's okay, I can hold it." Uchiha Fuyue nodded: "Lord Hokage, let's start."

"I can help continue to control the nine tails, but I must move faster." Uchiha Kai's shadow clone also said, "I'm afraid the shadow clone won't last long."

As soon as the voice of Uchiha Kai's shadow clone fell, the earth suddenly shook violently.

Only then did they notice that the forest in the distance had already erupted into the sky.

This made them realize that I am afraid that Uchiha Kai's body has been caught in the battle, and the intensity of the battle is not low.

Minato Namikaze naturally noticed this, and he quickly forced himself to calm down.

He knew that what he had to do now was to seal the Nine Tails in front of him, and he had to believe in the battle on Kai Uchiha's side.

"Wait for me, I'll be right here after I've dealt with the matter here!"

Namikaze Minato muttered silently, and the Kunai in his hand flew out...



After Uchiha Obito turned around and avoided Uchiha Kai's near-sonic blade, his body was still injured by the terrifying blade.

For him, such a wound is something that can be recovered in a few seconds.

But what made him feel extremely angry was that he himself did not know how many knives he had hit with Uchiha Kai.

The speed of this **** guy is simply unbelievable.

Because you have no idea when this guy will suddenly accelerate and give you a hard blow.

This situation caused a huge break in the offensive rhythm of Uchiha Obito.

He didn't forget that he had been guarding against Uchiha Kai before, and when he found that Uchiha Kai's speed didn't seem to be that fast, he brazenly launched an attack.

The results of it?

Uchiha Qi, this bastard, suddenly changed speed, and the moment the knife stuck in his shot, it broke out, and he almost killed him directly!

If he hadn't really had enough precautions, he would have prepared a substitute technique, otherwise he would be dead!

But even so, Uchiha Kai, who had a useful writing wheel eye, quickly caught up after seeing through all this, and gave him another knife.

And that knife also left a mark on his body. Although he successfully entered the Shenwei space, he had already been slashed!

Shocked, dumbfounded, in disbelief.

Such emotional madness roamed Uchiha Obito's mind, but he was still holding on to it, and he was now out of temper.

It's not only Uchiha Obito, so the black peek at this time is similar to Uchiha Obito.

He really didn't figure out what was going on with this **** fellow Uchiha Kai.

To be fair, what exactly is this kid's pupil technique?

Isn't it Susanoo?

The state of the three hook jade made Susanoo appear, doesn't this mean that his pupil technique is to enhance Susanoo?

But what about this strangely extreme speed?

Hei Jue, who couldn't figure it out, also noticed that something was wrong. Even if he used a secret technique to increase his speed, why was there no pressure on this kid's body?

"Also, what's the situation with this guy's pupil power?"

Kurojue still couldn't figure it out, and that was why he used Susanoo to that extent.

Does this guy seem like nothing?

To be fair, Susanoo in the third state is almost the limit of a kaleidoscope, right?

Without more advanced eyes and more pupil power support, Susanoh can really be said to be the limit to reach this state.

But this kid not only used it, but also used it for so long.

But so far there seems to be no response, which is too abnormal, right?

If it weren't for the fierce battle, and Hei Jue's hiding was deep enough.

He wanted to go up and have the Bai Jue he was attached to to check if this guy had cells in his body!

Don't say it, Hei Jue thinks it's really possible.

Didn't this kid attack Orochimaru's research base, and wasn't that base really researching this thing?

If this kid is also greedy for Mu Dun...

Hei never dared to think about it any longer, he felt that all this was too terrifying.

Uchiha Qi didn't know what Hei Jue, who was hiding in the depths of the ground, was thinking. At this time, he only felt that his eyes were not feeling well.

After letting go of his hands and feet, he first used Susanoo in the third state, and then started using his left and right eyes with high intensity.

It can be said that this battle is the most enjoyable one he has ever played.

He could feel that his understanding of his pupil technique seemed to be getting deeper and deeper, and his tacit understanding of his own kaleidoscope was getting better and better.

Eyes are his weapon, but daring to use these eyes will inevitably lead to insufficient 'tacit understanding' when using them.

But now he feels that his running-in with this weapon has gotten better.

Just like the gears of a car, after constant friction, it becomes more and more appropriate and tight.

It's just that his eyes are not eternal eyes after all, and it is normal for his eyes to feel uncomfortable after playing for so long.

Glancing around, the burning forest and the cracked earth.

There is also Uchiha Obito who is covered in wounds not far away, but completely healed.

Uchiha Qi felt that his battle today was almost over.

I am afraid he will not encounter many battles of this intensity. His battle today is already relatively happy and comfortable, but this battle should end here.

"Although I still want to continue fighting, Uchiha Obito's pupil technique is basically restrained by me, and his other abilities are really not that good."

Uchiha Kai thought silently: "I really understand more and more the feeling of excitement in Uchiha Madara's mouth. This kind of battle is really the best way to improve yourself and run yourself in."

It's just a pity that this is all coming to an end.

Uchiha Kai has more important things to do, he is really worried that he will confiscate his hand, or Uchiha Obito is careless.

As a result, this guy died before he did what he wanted to do.

Wouldn't that be a pity?

With his eyes slightly empty, Uchiha Kai rushed in front of Uchiha Obito again.

His ninja slashed through Uchiha Obito's body, then turned and stabbed again.

Uchiha Obito directly used Shenwei to avoid these two swords. When Uchiha Kai's body was a little stiff, he cautiously launched an attack, and at this moment Uchiha Kai has been waiting for a long time!

I saw the kaleidoscope in his eyes spinning rapidly, and the next moment it seemed that everything stopped...


Standing in time.

This Uchiha Kai has the most powerful pupil technique hidden in his eyes since he has a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye.

And it is also the pupil technique he uses the least, at this moment it blooms with its own brilliance!

Time seems to be frozen.

Uchiha Obito's movements were also frozen at this moment!

The hegemony of time is always the most difficult to imagine and ponder. No matter how strong you are to face the impact of time, you cannot escape.

Of course, people who jump out of the long river of time through some methods are not excluded.

Or there are people who are powerful enough to ignore the long river of time, but these people have nothing to do with Uchiha Kai, the person he is dealing with now is Uchiha Obito!

The ability of time is indeed domineering, there is no doubt about this, but it is time, not Uchiha Kai, that is domineering.

Although Uchiha Kai's eyes have surpassed the average kaleidoscope, in essence, it has not completely reached the point of eternal eyes.

And Uchiha Obito's chakra is really scary.

Probably because of his half-body white cells, Uchiha Kai felt endless pressure at the moment when the station of time fell on him!

Blood had overflowed from the corners of his eyes, and he felt that the chakra in his body was rapidly passing.

This kind of feeling is even more terrifying than the consumption of using this pupil technique on Uchiha Yong!

Uchiha Qi is very clear that he has not carefully felt the other changes in this technique at all, and he has to speed up to complete what he should do.

If he succeeds, maybe he can get a lot of good things here in Uchiha Obito!

"In that case..."

Thinking of this, the ninja sword in Uchiha Kai's hand rudely slashed towards Uchiha Obito's half-length arm.

The blade cut open Uchiha Obito's right hand, but his right hand was suspended in the air except for the obvious wound.

And he himself didn't have any feeling, still standing still and motionless.

After doing all this, Uchiha Kai's ninja knife slightly lifted, and after finding the right angle, he stabbed Uchiha Obito's right chest fiercely!

Time, at this moment, resumed its operation.

Uchiha Obito was completely unaware of what was going on. He suddenly felt a slight tingling pain in his right hand and right chest.

Glancing slightly, he was stunned to find that his right hand had been cut off, and Uchiha Kai's ninja sword had pierced his chest!

At this moment, Uchiha Obito finally realized what had happened to him.

Also at this moment, that slight stinging pain has turned into a severe pain that penetrates deep into the bone marrow.

Uchiha Obito opened his mouth slightly, but he didn't say anything, and the blood just poured out.

"It seems that you are at this level." Uchiha Qi now feels very uncomfortable, but he still has a very calm tone.

"You think..." Uchiha Obito said suddenly, enduring the severe pain, "Are you sure to win?"

Suddenly, Uchiha Obito's right eye emitted a strange chakra.

Uchiha Qi knows that this guy has so much time to prepare, and the battle just now has shown that he has no blind spot weakness.

Then, I am afraid that he has already placed a writing wheel in there.

At this moment, what he is afraid to do is to use the hidden writing wheel to use the forbidden technique of the Uchiha family, Izanagi!

But how could Kai Uchiha let him do this?

He has been preparing for so long, not to let this guy run away again!

The weird kaleidoscope slowly revolved in Uchiha Kai's eye sockets, and at the moment when Uchiha Obito's right eye burst out with power, his illusion has been completed!

The next moment, Uchiha Obito suddenly felt a trance in his mind.

When he looked carefully, he found himself in a green field.

Uchiha Obito frowned, and he suddenly realized that he was probably in a phantom.

If he doesn't get rid of this illusion quickly, I'm afraid he will suffer!

"Let's follow, Obito!"

But just when Uchiha Obito was about to lift the illusion, a soft voice suddenly sounded, very flat and very warm.

It was just this soft voice, but it rang in his ears like a bell, hitting his heart directly.

He almost felt that his heart was about to shatter!

Turning around slowly, Uchiha Obito's body was a little stiff, and he subconsciously stopped the seal in his hand.

What caught the eye was a short brown hair with purple painted face, gentle eyes and a warm smile.

All of this makes Uchiha Obito absent-minded.

He stretched out his hand slightly, wanting to touch the figure that was sleeping forever hidden in the deepest ravine in his heart.

It's just that the next moment the girl passed directly through his body, as if she didn't see him at all.

The only one she was holding, the boy with gauze on his face and goggles on his head looked back at him.

That unfamiliar yet familiar look made Uchiha Obito's heart tremble.

He found that he seemed to be so different from himself in the past, so big that he felt unfamiliar and fearful!

At this moment, he suddenly realized that he might no longer be who he used to be.

This is not a difference in the superficial sense, and he himself is aware of some changes in himself.

But deeper, deeper, the change that penetrates the soul.

At this moment, he clearly realized that he was no longer who he used to be.

He is now 'Uchiha Madara'.

A real name is Uchiha Obito, but he bears the name of Uchiha Madara, his dreams, and everything he has!

Suddenly, cold sweat fell on Uchiha Obito's forehead.

He suddenly felt that something was not right. He was indeed carrying Madara Uchiha's dream, but wasn't it his own dream?

He wanted to build a world with Rin, Kakashi, and everything he had ever known.

A clean world without hatred and without war!


Is such a world real?

Raising his head and looking into the distance, there is a young Kakashi and Minato Namikaze with a kind smile on his face.

There was also Lin who looked at her young self with a puzzled look, but didn't turn her head to look at her now.

Uchiha Obito suddenly discovered that all this seemed to be such a harmonious and peaceful world.

It's just that unreal feeling, the feeling that "the world is being manipulated" has been wandering in his mind.

"I....Is it still the same me?" Uchiha Obito muttered to himself, and his hands were slowly put down.

"Do you think you're still the same you used to be?"

At this moment, a voice suddenly appeared beside Uchiha Obito, and this voice immediately woke him up from his thoughts!

"Uchiha Kai." Uchiha took the lead and turned his head, his originally sloppy eyes became extremely alert.

"Save it, I'm going to kill you, I've pierced your heart before."

Uchiha Kai had taken off his mask, and he looked at Uchiha Obito calmly.

"It seems that my guess is correct. You are Obito, but why did you become like this?"

Why did it become like this?

Not to mention it's okay, as soon as I mentioned this Uchiha Obito's anger began to appear faintly.

There was no way he could forget that day, when Kakashi's ninja sword pierced through Lin's body.

That shadow with a calm and gentle expression lying in a pool of blood, that **** night that he still remembers fresh!

Uchiha Kai looked at the guy's clenched fist, he suddenly felt that he had said something wrong?

But he didn't care, wouldn't it be better to bring back memories of Uchiha Obito?

"Forget it, I seem to have known why you were held down by the boulder and didn't die, and what you are doing now makes me very puzzled."

Uchiha Kai went on to say: "You who dreamed of becoming Hokage, and the person who loves Rin in your heart, have destroyed the home you once had, and the home that Rin would rather die to protect. Do you think Rin will be in the pure land? how to think?"

"It's not enough, it's not enough!"

Suddenly, Uchiha Obito pulled out his mask and revealed his true face.

He roared angrily, shouting hysterically: "I'm going to destroy all this, I'm going to destroy this whole hell! This is just the beginning, and Konoha is just the beginning!"

"Really? Do you think you won't die in the future?" Uchiha Kai didn't care about Uchiha Obito's words, but he smiled disdainfully.

"When you die, step into the Pure Land and look at the disgusting gaze of the goddess in your dreams, always forcing you, always avoiding you.

Forever forever, endlessly, you are really absolute, are you right? "

It is an irrefutable fact that the world after death is pure land.

No one can escape the Pure Land, at least in Obito's consciousness, no one has been able to do this until now!

Silence, Uchiha Obito was silent, his body trembled a little, it seemed that he was caught in an endless tangle and struggle.

Uchiha Qi watched this scene quietly, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

This guy really deserves to be the existence of 'Xian Er', and this is also an excellent opportunity to break the ice in his heart.

"There's something I think I should tell you about."

Uchiha Kai suddenly said calmly at this time.

"I recognized you as Uchiha Obito, probably after the last battle.

At that time, you were crying with Lin's body tightly wrapped, and you had a writing wheel. I guess you were some immortal or Uchiha left behind.

Among the Uchihas left behind, the one who has the best relationship with Nohara Rin seems to be the only one who used to be a teammate.

So I brought Lynn's body back, but after examining it, I found something interesting.

The chakra in her body is a bit confusing, which means that she was stunned by illusion before she died, and the chakra with three tails in her body means that she was stuffed into a tailed beast before her death.

She is actively asking for her death, which is actually very inappropriate, because your teacher, Minato Namikaze, has the ability to seal tailed beasts.

And his wife Kushina herself is a pillar of strength, and her sealing technique can be imagined as a vortex family.

The key is...."

Having said that, Uchiha Kai paused for a while, looking at Uchiha Obito who seemed a little numb and puzzled.

He smiled slightly: "The most important thing is that I found that there is a curse mark on her heart, one that can control her and make her unable to live to Konoha at all, constantly exuding the curse mark of Chakra activating illusion! "

"That is to say, her death can be arranged by someone!"


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