Chapter 292: hope you live

"It's probably like this, you prepare yourself."

Uchiha Kai crossed his hands and supported his chin, looking at the three people who were in deep thought in front of him, a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Uchiha Kai just gave them a relatively shocking news, that is, the new change of the security department.

To be honest, the security department has quietly undergone tremendous changes since Uchiha Qi was only a deputy minister when he moved in.

It's just that such changes are too big and too frequent.

If it was okay at the beginning, it just standardized the behavior of the members of the security department.

Then the next step is to directly bring the entire security department into his own hands.

If this is nothing, then all the follow-up operations of Uchiha Kai made them a little stunned.

The most typical is to expand the fourth unit!

You must know that the three detachments have served in the Security Department for so many years without any problem, and even formed a complete set of patrol rules and systems.

The most important thing is that the Ministry of Guards can be regarded as combatants.

There are so many ninjas suddenly appearing in a combat department, and there are also expansions, which will be a little worrying for anyone who changes it.

But this matter was done lightly by Uchiha Kai.

It can be seen from this that Uchiha Kai is recognized by the fourth generation of Hokage.

This recognition has now been pulled to an unbelievable height.

After the Nine Tails Incident, the village was re-planned, and Uchiha Kai actually expanded his sphere of influence so blatantly.

Even more incredible, he succeeded.

Not only did he succeed, but he had the support of everyone?

If Uchiha Chuan and Uchiha Ryukage are simply thinking about how they should deal with their own division.

And how to do it well is more recognized by Uchiha Kai.

Then Uchiha's pure thoughts have become more complicated.

She has been with the Guard for so long, although she is still a division leader.

But she knew that she had never gained the trust of Uchiha Kai.

It's fine if it's just like that, but she and he seem to be forgotten.

Because of the relationship between Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Fuyue, it seems that they are getting closer without her.

Uchiha Chun didn't know what to do now, although she still gave Uchiha Fuyue some information at regular intervals.

But she could feel that Uchiha Fuyue didn't seem to pay much attention to many things here.

The most important thing is that she wants to win over Uchiha Kai and touch the depth of his relationship with Uchiha Fuyue, and it seems that there is no room for her to use it.

This kid just treats her as a tool person and doesn't pay much attention at all.

Except when it is necessary to meet, she can't even see Uchiha Kai at other times.

This made Uchiha Jun a little at a loss, and she really didn't know whether she should continue to follow up.

In other words, she should go to meet Uchiha Fuyue and see what specific arrangements the patriarch has made.

The current Uchiha Kai not only has incredible power, but his strength is even more unpredictable.

After further reforms of the Guard Department, if she continues to serve as the sub-commander, she may leave the headquarters.

As a result, her plan could not be implemented at all.

"We understand, Your Excellency."

Uchiha Chuan and Uchiha Ryuying didn't think too much, they nodded directly, but it was obvious that they were very excited.

"Do it well, and prepare your Shangnin application materials as soon as possible. It is better to solve some things as soon as possible." Uchiha Qi said calmly.

"Also, after the division, you will be assessed. I allow you to split equally, but the one who has received the most complaints and has the worst assessment, you can do it yourself, don't embarrass me, you know?"

"Yes, Mr. Minister!" At this moment, even Uchihagawa, who had a lot of distractions in his mind, immediately followed the other two and responded loudly.

She knew that if she didn't agree directly, I'm afraid Uchiha Kai's next move might be to kick her out completely.

Uchiha Jun was not reconciled, and he failed the first time he performed such a task.

Therefore, even if she is sent out, she has to agree, but she needs to think of some ways now.

"Sir, I have a question." As if thinking of something, Uchiha Jun suddenly asked, "If we all leave the headquarters, then..."

"At least one meeting a week, of course, if there may be more," Uchiha interrupted before she could finish.

"Of course I need you to report on your own work, and it's impossible for me to become blind and cause the Guard's reputation to be ruined. So don't let me down."

"Master Minister, what are your plans for the security work at the headquarters?" Uchiha Chuan seemed to be a little puzzled, and he was more concerned about Uchiha Kai's situation.

"Don't worry, Hokage-sama has allowed me to expand." Uchiha Kai smiled.

"But I would prefer to recruit some administrative ninjas rather than combat ninjas.

The significance of the headquarters is more to deal with administrative issues, and of course the rest is left to you. "

Uchiha Kai's words made Uchiha's eyes light up, but she quickly hid it.

Because she knew that she probably wouldn't get permission to bring it up, at least she didn't need to think about it now.

As for the future, there may be opportunities, and before that, she needs to train a successor.

A successor who can be honest and obedient, and does a good job in the duties of the squad leader.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Chun has a certain plan in his heart.

"Okay, that's all for the specifics."

Uchiha Qi saw that what should be explained was almost the same, so he stood up.

"By the way, those people in the fourth team continue to train and don't rush to put them on duty, at least until their team leader is elected."

"We understand." The three of Uchihagawa nodded immediately and said.

"Liuying stay, you go out and do your own business first." Uchiha Qi said softly.

Uchiha Liuying was stunned for a moment, and soon he realized something.

What Uchiha Kai said on the night of the Nine Tails seemed to come to his mind at this moment, how could it not make him excited?

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Ryukage nodded and stood still.

And Uchiha Chuan left the minister's office with Jun Uchiha, who was a little puzzled.

Uchiha Qi quietly looked at the slightly embarrassed young man in front of him, and patted him on the shoulder indifferently.

I am afraid that no one of Uchiha's clansmen will maintain a calm look after knowing that they may use some special methods to open the writing wheel eye, which symbolizes the power of the family.

After the success of Uchiha Kai, he still remembers the excitement of his excitement.

And after the success of Uchihagawa, the truth is not much better.

Although Uchiha Ryuying has not officially tried it yet, after he is basically sure that Uchiha Chuan is so successful, it is really difficult for him to calm down.

"Are you nervous?" Uchiha Kei asked with a smile.

"It's actually good for you to be nervous right now, because you need to keep your mind active.

Once your mind is paralyzed or numb, it's not good news. "

Uchiha Ryukage nodded slightly, he didn't quite understand what the words of his minister meant.

But he only knows one thing, and that is that he doesn't seem to be in a good state now, and seems to be in a good state in front of this minister.

He is also now thinking about what the minister intends to do.

No one knows the way to turn on Sharinyan, and Uchihagawa, the only one who has participated in this matter, never said it.

It always seemed so bizarre and so incomprehensible.

"Okay, before I do my work, there is something I need to ask." Uchiha Qi smiled, and his face became slightly serious.

"Some time ago, I asked you and Uchihagawa to do something, create something, something secret and important, how are you preparing?"

"It's done, Mr. Minister." Uchiha Ryukage lowered his voice subconsciously.

"Part of those documents are in Captain Chuan's office, and some are in my office. They are locked in a warehouse, and the key is on me."

"Very good." Uchiha Kai nodded.

Looking at Uchiha Ryukage who took out a key from his body, he said, "Apart from you and Uchihagawa, does anyone else know?

Also, do you make sure you make something without any problems and no traces? "

"Yes, Master Kai." Uchiha Ryuying even changed his title this time.

"We can make sure that no one finds unnecessary traces in this matter.

At the same time, it will not be discovered, these things have traces of artificial processing. "

Uchiha Liuying's expression and tone are so serious, it can be seen that this guy is really serious now, and this attitude also makes Uchiha Qi relieved a lot.

These things were taken to show this woman, Hyuga Aya.

If we say Uchiha Chuan and Uchiha Ryukage, they are currently the most trusted subordinates of Uchiha Kai.

Then Aya Hyuga is one of his most important collaborators.

There are many people he can use, but not many people he can trust.

So he didn't want any problems in any of the links.

But these can be ignored for the time being. After he has done all this, he still has time to check these things carefully.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai is no longer wasting time His eyes suddenly turned into scarlet three hook jade.

The whole Konoha knows that Uchiha Fuyue has a kaleidoscope, I am afraid it is not a small number.

It's just that they don't have many other intuitive feelings about the kaleidoscope.

And Uchiha Kai, some people speculate that he has, but most people still don't think he has this power.

In addition to Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Fuyake, there are also some specific groups of people.

To perform such an illusion, he really never thought of using a kaleidoscope, especially when he was facing a person who had not opened the writing wheel.

"Keep your emotions, don't be numb, and hope you're alive and awake."



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