Chapter 298: Yin 2 and the black heart

After leaving such a sentence to Aya Hyuga, Kai Uchiha didn't say anything more.

A woman as smart as Aya Hyuga couldn't be unaware of Kai Uchiha's meaning.

To put it bluntly, Uchiha Qi just disliked those so-called powerful guys who didn't have any experience in displaying them.

It is also disliked, similar to people like Hyuga Sora with eyes above the top.

What's more, this kid once provoked Hyuga Aya, and then he was educated by Hyuga Aya in the end.

But no matter what the purpose is, Uchiha Kai will not allow this guy to enter the security department.

Not to mention let him be parachuted into the squad leader of the security department.

This time the training basically ends here, and they each have their own work to do.

Such testing opportunities are really not many, but Kai Uchiha has learned about the specific strength of Kenta Imai at present.

Although it's a little regrettable, this guy doesn't seem to have opened the ninjutsu of Mu Dun.

But it's not a big deal if it's not turned on.

As far as his current level is concerned, I am afraid that it is not necessarily the case that he has opened the wooden escape, which is much better than the future Yamato.

However, Uchiha Qi feels that this kid is probably much stronger than Yamato in terms of potential.

If he can really master Mu Dun in the future, he will cooperate with his current fighting mode.

Is it understandable that this guy will be a combination of the first and second generation?

But thinking about it carefully, Uchiha Kai feels that he thinks too much.

The speed of the first generation is really no worse than that of the second generation. He and guys like Uchiha Madara are not at a disadvantage in the battle of taijutsu.

I am afraid that his reaction speed and the like have also reached an extremely terrifying level.

To put it bluntly, this guy completely felt that there was no need to use Fei Lei Shen, so he did not practice.

When encountering something or any trouble, just open the wooden tunnel and sweep everything away.

Even if he didn't use Mu Dun, he directly turned on the immortal mode, and the speed probably wouldn't have to be much slower than Flying Thor.

It can be said that the omnipotence of the original purpose is really unmatched, and Uchiha Madara lost to him.

Imai Kenta now doesn't know if he can try to learn the fairy mode like Hyuga Aya.

Whether he can or not, his potential is terrifying.

"But you are still strengthening unilaterally, and I want to improve in all aspects!"

Sitting in the office, Uchiha Kai thought silently while resting his head on one hand.

Imai Kenta has potential, and it is definitely a good thing to improve.

In particular, this kid's actual right to speak in their Qianshou clan now exceeds that of his so-called elders.

It is true that in the eyes of the Qianshou clan, there are not many of his so-called elders.

But it is not too easy to control the minds and mouths of those young people.

The kid has done it now, and it's doing well.

It can be seen that in addition to his training in the security department, I am afraid that he also has such a talent.

It's just that Aya Hyuga seems to be a little behind in this regard. The identity of the Hyuga branch is really too restrictive.

It's not a big deal, though.

If this woman can unite the vast majority of people in the separated family, and really find the technique to drive out the caged bird.

Then the value she can play is even higher than Imai Kenta.

"But this woman, at this stage, let's study medical ninjutsu well."

Uchiha Qi casually threw a report aside: "Just, why do I feel that after the security department moved here, I am even more busy?"

Uchiha Kai is indeed busier now.

I don't know if Minato Namikaze guessed some of his thoughts, and he also felt that it was very realistic.

The scope of the security department's expansion is really invisibly growing.

Especially before the three sub-commanders settled in other areas, Uchiha Kai quietly told them.

In the future, regardless of the size of the matter in the village, even if it is a conflict between neighbors, they must learn to adjust such disputes.

Although Uchihagawa and Uchiha Ryukage were puzzled, they both said they would do the same.

Only Uchiha Jun seemed to have noticed something, so the woman carefully asked the question of 'the scale of handling these things'.

Uchiha Kai also gave his own explanation for this.

That is, as long as the problem is not very big, the focus is on adjustment, and the analysis is also carried out according to the specific problems of both sides of the conflict.

This is a very tiring thing, but it can further enhance the influence of the Security Department.

After Uchiha Kai also made some requests based on some experiences in previous lives, he asked them to follow them.

Except they didn't quite get used to it at first, but with a few months of getting used to it, they're doing pretty well now.

Even Uchiha Jun, a smart woman, took the lead in splitting up a team dedicated to dealing with this type of incident.

The detachment she controls has received extremely high praise.

Uchiha Chuan and Uchiha Ryuying saw this situation and started to form similar teams one after another.

It can be said that this small action has accelerated and reversed the mess that the Ministry of Guards once left behind.

Although there are still many people who are skeptical, and many people are still afraid of the security department, they obey the arrangement honestly.

But among these people who obeyed the arrangement, they unexpectedly discovered that the attitude of the security department had changed too much.

It can be said that it has become too good, and they have become completely unimaginable.

And the Ministry of Guards handles their affairs fairly.

While such an unusual justice made them feel incredible, it was also quietly passed through their mouths.

Namikaze Minato apparently heard similar news, and after some investigation and research, he finally made this decision.

But what to say, although the security department has no official hand, it has spread to every corner of the village.

But over time, it will surely do.

However, the power of the Security Department has become greater, and things have become busy for Uchiha Kai.

Fortunately, he had foresight and brought in a lot of administrative talents to help, but he had to read a lot of materials every day.

"Looks like I'm here at the wrong time."

Just as Uchiha Kai was flipping through the information with a distressed look, a voice suddenly sounded in his ear.

Uchiha Qi was stunned when he heard this voice, and then his heart was slightly shaken.

However, after identifying the owner of this voice, he didn't make any drastic reaction, and even his face didn't change in the slightest.

He still held his head with a distressed face, and then said in a casual tone: "It doesn't count. It just feels a little annoying for a fighter like me to handle these things."

Having said that, Uchiha Keicai raised his head slightly and looked at the guy in a black robe and a whirlpool mask in front of him.

That's right, the person who came is Uchiha Obito.

Uchiha Kai has been thinking, when will this guy come to find him.

If he doesn't come, what should he do with his future deployment.

Fortunately, this guy didn't let him down too much. Although he didn't appear until nearly two months later, he still came anyway.


Uchiha Obito's voice could not be concealed, and it did not sound as deep and hoarse as before.

"However, you don't seem so calm, do you?"

"What do you think?" Uchiha Kai shook his head, then stood up and walked to the window.

Looking at the Hokage Building not far from the window, and the bustling crowd downstairs, he suddenly smiled.

"But I'm very peaceful. By the way, I'm very curious. Have you ever thought about how you plan to return to Konoha after the mission is completed?"

"I didn't think that far, and I'm not going to think that far. Do you think someone like me can go back to Konoha?"

Uchiha Obito shook his head and sighed: "Even if I come back, there will be no more..."

"You're just like Kakashi, you feel so stupid and tangled." Uchiha Ki interrupted him, then walked back to the table.

He opened the bottom cabinet and took out a scroll from it. After unsealing it, a document appeared in his hand.

Handing over this document to Uchiha Obito, Uchiha Keicai said, "Take it, this is probably the purpose of your visit this time.

Also, take off your mask, I don't like the way you look. "

Uchiha Obito said nothing, but after taking the document, he silently raised a hand and took off the mask on his face.

His attitude made Kai Uchiha very satisfied, which is also a manifestation of trust.

Although the attitude he showed when he came in from the beginning was not very trusting, but now he listened to Uchiha Kai and did so.

This is a positive sign.

Uchiha Kai sat back in his seat, poured two cups of tea, and then quietly waited for Uchiha Obito to read these documents.

"Why are there two documents?" Suddenly, Uchiha Obito raised his head inexplicably: "And the signature method seems to be different, right?"

"Of course." Uchiha Ki pushed a teacup in front of him, then picked up the teacup and blew his breath: "One is for you, and one for me, isn't that normal?"

"Although it's true." Uchiha Obito frowned: "But in extreme cases, shouldn't I be holding the document, and you don't keep the problem? As long as you're still alive, you can prove me? "

"Of course it's to guard against you." Uchiha Kai looked at this guy like an idiot.

"Please, in case you have a neurotic attack, wouldn't I have bad luck?

Don't act like you trust me so much, don't expect me to trust you completely.

Isn't it normal to guard against each other until there is practical effect? "

"Your's really black!"

"I have a black heart? It's better than your 'Xian'er', right?"


Uchiha Obito was really irritated by Uchiha Kai's sentence "Xianji".

But he just didn't know how to vent.

Regardless of the words "Xianji", what Uchiha Kai said really makes sense.

Although they have some taste of cooperation in it now, their mutual situation and position are simply mortal enemies!

Uchiha Obito brought the fire of war into Konoha Village for the first time.

Although to a certain extent, it was a warning to Konoha, which forced Konoha to come up with many plans to deal with the attack on the village.

In the future, when Orochimaru leads Yinnin Village and Shayin to attack Konoha, Konoha can make such a quick disposal plan, I am afraid that the shadow of this incident of Kuo is really indispensable.

As for Liudao Payne's attack on the village?

Forget it, that guy flew up a Shen Luo Tianzheng and directly leveled the entire village.

Any solution plan, to put it bluntly, is useless.

In the end, Uchiha Obito had no choice but to press his handprint on the two-part document and signed his name according to Uchiha Kai's request.

Although there was too much unhappiness in his heart, at this moment he suddenly felt that he had a belief again.

This is a belief that has long been discarded by him, a belief that he has long forgotten to a corner.

But this belief is so heavy, because in this belief he seems to have seen the shadow of Lin, Kakashi, and the shadow of Konoha Ten Thousand Ninjas!

Silently watching Uchiha Kai seal up another document, Uchiha Obito also put this document of his own into the Shenwei space.

At this moment, he felt that he was a Konoha ninja again.

"By the way, this is for you, take it."

Suddenly, Uchiha Kai pulled out another Konoha's forehead from nowhere.

"Although it's not the one you used to be, this forehead protector belongs to Rin. It will be yours in the future. Welcome back, Uchiha Obito."

"I..." Uchiha Obito hesitated, but he finally took the forehead protection from Uchiha Qi: "Thank you...Lin's body..."

"It has not been dealt with for the time being, nor has it been buried."

Uchiha Qi said directly, and continued without waiting for Obito to say anything.

"Her body has been completely restored by Aya Hyuga, and has been placed in a special life-sustaining capsule in order to stay alive. She is Hero Konoha, and..."

Having said that, Uchiha Kai paused for a while.

Then he walked to Uchiha Obito's side and patted his shoulder lightly: "And I think her funeral should be done by you. Wouldn't you like it?"

"I just want her to rest in peace..." Uchiha Obito's face was a little tangled, but in the end he nodded: "I understand, although I really want her to rest in peace, but I found that I..."

Uchiha Obito was indeed very entangled, and he hoped that Lin could rest in peace, instead of the body not being buried like now.

But on the other hand, he hoped that he could give Lin a ride.

With the identity of a hero, a penitent and a redeemed Konoha ninja identity.

Instead of destroying Konoha Anning's traitorous identity as he is now, and a betrayer.

With a sigh, Uchiha Obito knew that he was really not as cold as he thought.

He is much better than this guy Uchiha Kai.

"Okay, let's get down to business, if you come to me, you should investigate some things clearly."

Uchiha Qi looked at him curiously: "Otherwise, according to your character, I am afraid that you will not come."

"It's true that a lot of things have been investigated."

When it came to this topic, Uchiha Obito's face became a little angry.

The endless hatred seemed to distort his face: "In the documents of the Shuiying office, there is a secret circulating.

That is, the three generations of Mizukage took the three tails out of the body of the human column, and used it for an experiment. "

"If it was before, I don't think I would have suspected this, I would only take revenge for Lin." Uchiha Obito said bitterly.

"But after your prompt, I tried to investigate the matter.

I have to say they did a perfect job, all relevant information was destroyed.

But one person appeared in my eyes, and I got the information he wanted from him! "

"Master Yuan?" Uchiha Qi asked very cooperatively: "On which day did the group of Hidden Mist that attacked us right?"

"That's right!" Uchiha Obito nodded solemnly.

"It's them. Through their information, I learned that the Master Yuan realized that their third-generation Mesquite might be under control.

And the troops he sent were also in action. In the action report, it was also pointed out that those Anbu seemed to be intentionally searching for a Konoha ninja.

And this Konoha ninja..."

"It's Rin." Uchiha Qi sighed: "It's my fault, we were misled at the time, and we found the wrong person..."

"Don't say it anymore, you were carrying out such a severe mission at the time, and the intelligence was insufficient, so it is normal to find the wrong person.

The most important thing is that not many people will know the inside story of Kiriyin. "

Uchiha Obito clenched his fists tightly, and he could see the grief and anger in his heart, but he really didn't mean to blame Uchiha Kai.

Although Uchiha Kai made a mistake in decision-making, the ghost knows that this is actually the case in the fog.

And it was Uchiha Kai who discovered Lin's problem and told him to pull him back from the abyss.

It will not let him step into the abyss step by step and become an existence that both gods and men are angry with.


. Uchiha Obito always felt that Uchiha Kai brought Lin's body back, maybe for another purpose.

Just like...

Three-tailed chakra?

Shaking his head fiercely, Uchiha Obito made himself stop thinking about these messes.

Moreover, if Uchiha Qi really wanted the Chakra of the tailed beast to save Lin, then Obito would probably have to thank these Chakras.

Otherwise, according to Uchiha Qi's past performance, I am afraid that Lin will not even have a place to be buried.

At this point, I am afraid that they have been 'turned to ashes'.

This guy Uchiha Kai has never brought a corpse back, he always burns all traces with a torch!

"Okay, let's not talk about this topic."

Uchiha Kai noticed that Uchiha Obito looked a little weird, and he thought this guy was thinking about Nohara Rin again.

So he interrupted directly: "How is the inside of Wuyin now? I don't think you will let them go, right?"

"Of course!" Uchiha Obito came back to his senses and nodded seriously: "They killed Rin, even if I know the reason, but they are also participants! But I will control it..."

"No need." Uchiha Qi interrupted him directly: "You don't need to do it deliberately, then you will only be exposed faster. Act according to your original idea, understand?"

"But..." Uchiha Obito frowned, and then he nodded seriously: "I understand, I won't expose myself."

Seeing Uchiha Obito's expression, Uchiha Kai was relieved.

It is true that after Uchiha Obito recovered a little, his kind nature also began to erupt.

But Uchiha Obito is a qualified ninja who has been on the battlefield and killed an unknown number of enemies with his own hands.

To a certain extent, he is indeed very similar to Naruto, and it can even be said to be exactly the same!

But there are also huge differences between them.

That is, one has been tempered on the battlefield, and the other has grown up in a relatively peaceful environment.

Therefore, although Uchiha Obito still has a kind factor in his heart.

But in the face of hostile countries, he can completely control such kindness from erupting.

And he can make indifference to the most favorable decision in line with his current situation.

He really can't be exposed now, especially since he has decided to destroy all of Uchiha Madara's plans and retaliate against Uchiha Madara, so he can't be exposed even more.

Even Uchiha Obito noticed that, I am afraid that Uchiha Kai, this guy, wants to do something to Kirigakura through himself?

"Are you trying to do something to Kiriyuki....?"

When he thought of it, he asked directly, and Uchiha Obito began to think seriously: "Speaking of, now the war is over, if it's too much..."

"The war is over, but some conflicts and disputes will not stop." Uchiha Kai shook his head with a smile.

"Don't be so naive, and have time to study hard in the future.

Your evaluation and assessment materials are still with me. You don't want to be a 'Xianer' for a lifetime, do you? "

"Shut up!" Uchiha Obito scolded: "It's like you are talking."

"It's better than your crane tail." Uchiha Qi spread his hands.

"Besides, even if I didn't behave very well back then, I'm also the head of the security department now, and strictly speaking, you're still my subordinate.

Obito Chunin, is this how you face your superiors? "

Uchiha Obito is really annoyed, this guy Uchiha Kai is really hateful.

But for some reason, Uchiha Obito found that he seemed to like this feeling very much.

He felt as if he had really found it again, the feeling he used to be in Konoha.

Yes, after signing the document, I am indeed this guy's subordinate now, and am I also a member of the security department?

This feeling is really good!

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Although he was a little happy in his heart, he was a little unhappy when he saw Kai Uchiha's face: "Or, how do you want me to cooperate with you."

"Write a report on the plan you know, and I will submit it to Hokage 4." Uchiha Kai said.

"I told him that I used a kaleidoscope to control a man and I lied to him.

You don't have to worry about anything else, there will be no problem with this document in your identity I will also submit this document together with the report you wrote.

Also, I need to know what you're going to do in Kirikin. "

"Well, let the teacher.... know of my existence?" Uchiha Obito hesitated, and finally he sighed.

"It's better to take it easy, I'm afraid... After all, the Nine-Tails incident has just ended, and what I'm going to do in Kiriyin..."

"As expected of 'Xian'er', don't you know what someone else is going to do, and you got the information?"

Uchiha rolled his eyes: "Let Captain Minato decide how to benefit Konoha through this incident, which is also your credit.

. Seriously, how did Uchiha get out of you idiot! "

"Shut up! You black-hearted fellow!"


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