Chapter 308: you have to think about it

Suddenly seeing three mysterious guys, Kaguya Chongming didn't panic at all.

Instead, there was a little frenzy in his eyes.

He wasn't worried about his safety because he didn't feel he was in any danger.

The guards outside the door are just a kind of 'decoration', and he never thought that those guards could really play any value.

Of course, he didn't have any intention of underestimating these guards.

They are all members of the Kaguya clan, and they are all important combat powers in the future.

Since the three people in front of them can escape their probe and come here, it has already shown that the three of them have excellent abilities.

It can even be said to be awesome!

Kaguya Shigeaki is a guy who is extremely passionate about fighting.

He despises those who play tricks and tricks all day long, although it is very helpless that those guys are also very strong.

He was so strong that he didn't dare to act rashly, but if he didn't like it, he didn't like it.

Now suddenly there are three such guys in front of him, although he doesn't know what happened.

Possibly breaking through many defenses to come to this position, it has already shown that the strength of these three guys is probably not weak.

"Who are you?" Hui Ye Chongming's mouth grinned, seemingly very interested.

But soon he shook his head, and he felt that he didn't need to ask this question at all.

Since they came to them, they definitely wanted to see themselves, and they would also explain their identities at that time.

But before that, Kaguya Chongming felt a little itchy.

Being able to come here and his strength is absolutely strong, he likes to compete with these strong guys very much.

Thinking of this, Hui Ye Chongming did not give the three people a chance to speak at all.

Just a dodge, he rushed in front of the three, and the fist in his hand slammed it hard!

The three of Uchiha Kai really didn't expect that the figure in front of him looked quite strong, with a weird hairstyle, and there were these two red guys on the eyebrows, similar to cinnabar.

Just like a neuropathy, you just asked a question, and you will do it directly the next moment?

But the three of them are also battle-hardened ninjas.

Faced with such a situation, although they were surprised, it would not cause them any trouble at all.

Uchiha Qi took a slight step forward, and in an instant, his Sharinyan had captured this guy's attack route.

No matter how fast this guy's attack speed is, in his eyes, that's what happened.

Turning slightly to the side, Uchiha Kai avoided this guy's attack.

Of course, he wouldn't let this guy go any further.

Chieyu unsheathed instantly, the blade turned slightly in his hand, and the blade was deflected.

The next moment, Uchiha Qi directly hit his arm with the back of the knife!


This terrifying punch caused a huge deviation directly under the control of Uchiha Kai.

It slammed on the ground abruptly, the floor was smashed with a big hole, and even the house shook.

Uchiha Kai didn't expect this guy's power to be so great. Could it be that this guy has also opened the bloodline limit?

Although he thought so mentally, Kai Uchiha's movements were not slow at all.

He raised his foot, and then stepped directly on the guy's arm.

At the same time, the cut jade in his right hand was buckled on the back of this guy's neck, and a strange arc appeared in his left hand!

Hui Ye Chongming did not expect that he would be settled by one of these three people in an instant?

Although he is not completely serious at all, using his strongest strength to deal with all this.

But even if he makes a casual move, the damage caused is definitely not something that ordinary people can handle!

This time, Kaguya Chongming became alert.

Although it seems that he is in danger now, he knows that the knife that is buckled around his neck is upside down, and the back of the knife is facing him.

Although the thunder light in the hands of this guy in front of him is terrifying, I am afraid that this technique is not so simple to penetrate his body.

He will be injured when hit by this spell, but he will not die due to insufficient penetration and impact.

He has already felt that the guy in front of him is stepping on his hands and feet, and he does not have such strong strength.

Maybe the guy in front of you and this guy didn't plan to kill?

But this gave Kaguya Chongming a chance to fight back. He is a ninja, not a samurai. Since he wants to fight, he will naturally fight in the way of a ninja.

That's all there is to it!

Unfortunately, when he was just about to fight back.

He suddenly noticed that the guy with the mask in front of him, the scarlet eyes that showed through the mask, suddenly made him realize something!

These eyes are writing round eyes!

No wonder this guy can react so quickly and subdue himself directly.

It turned out that he had a wheel-shaking eye, and only with a terrible pupil technique like the wheel-shaking eye, could he see his attack route clearly at the first time, and then make the most effective countermeasures.


Although Kaguya Chongming was controlled, there was no fear on his face, and even further frenzy appeared.

"The ninja of Konoha, to be precise, the ninja of the Uchiha clan, I really didn't expect to see Sharotan in the country of water."

"You are Kaguya Chongming?" Uchiha Qiyu said coldly: "It's not a good habit to do things at will. You make it very difficult for us to do it."

"Let go, you won't feel better if I die." Hui Ye Chongming smiled indifferently, but the enthusiasm on his face still did not dissipate.

"Besides, you definitely didn't want to kill me when you came to me."

"If you were more rational, I'm afraid it would be better." Uchiha Qi said indifferently, as for whether he was telling the truth or not, no one knew.

He lifted up the leg that Kaguya had mastered, and took away the Qiyu that was on his neck.

Uchiha Qi looked at him quietly, and at the same time the Chidori in his hand dissipated.

The sound of rapid footsteps had already sounded outside the door, and I thought it was attracted by Chidori's sharp chirping.

However, Uchiha Qi didn't care too much. He originally wanted to give Kaguya a deep memory.

Now that he has done it and even taught him a lesson, then he doesn't have to hide.

Kaguya Chongming stood up, of course he noticed the footsteps outside the door, he just smiled casually and didn't say anything.

Uchiha Qi looked at him calmly, and suddenly he found that the footsteps outside the door had all stopped.

Obviously, those guys didn't mean to come in at all.

This can't help but surprise him, but he seems to understand after just a little thought.

I'm afraid these people will not necessarily save their patriarch.

They evaded all defenses and entered here, and they have already demonstrated their abilities.

With such power and to face their patriarch, then it is naturally a fair fight.

It can even be understood as a battle to show the power of the patriarch.

If the patriarch fails, it means that the patriarch does not have enough power.

For the Kaguya clan, you naturally lose the ability to lead them without power.

If the patriarch died in battle, they could also choose a more powerful patriarch.

"It seems that your family is much more interesting than I thought."

Uchiha Qi's voice was still silent: "But your luck is very good. It seems that you don't need to fight anymore, and you don't have to worry about your position being challenged."

"Don't say it so roundly. Although you are very powerful, you are only relying on the writing wheel."

Kaguya Chongming was not angry at all: "Although there are not many Uchihas who died in my hands, it is not that I have not encountered them.

Say your name and why you came to me. "

"Just something to talk to you about, something important."

Uchiha Kai said softly, and then he took off his mask: "Introduce yourself, my dear Uchiha Kai."

"Uchiha Kai?" Kaguya Shigeaki's pupils dilated slightly, obviously he had heard of this name.

He glanced at the guy Uchiha Kai, and then looked at the two people behind him who followed him and took off the mask.

Kaguya Chongming was basically certain that this guy was the war hero.

Uchiha Kai's name is actually recorded in every major Shinobi village.

In fact, after he completed the task of raiding Iwanin's back line and blowing up the Kamabashi Bridge——

After this task that can be said to be impossible, his name has already been passed out.

After that, this guy became the youngest minister in the Konoha Ninja Village.

It can be said that he is deeply trusted by Hokage.

And this guy also has two teammates, one is a civilian ninja, and he completes the impossible task together.

The other, a member of the Hinata branch, is said to have been injured while they were on that mission, and so quit the mission.

In fact, if the information is just like this, the shock of Uchiha Kai's name to Kaguya Shigeaki is not so great.

The main reason is that about a year ago, this guy had a serious conflict with Anbu in their Hidden Mist Village!

The low-level ninja may not know about this matter, but as the patriarch of the Kaguya clan, even if he is not welcome, he also knows it!

It's just that this matter has not been rumored at all for some special reasons, and even the general wind has not flowed out.

It is conceivable how much is involved here, or how much impact this matter has.

"Looks like you know me, and you know who we are."

Uchiha Qi noticed the change in his expression, he nodded slightly: "That's much more convenient, and I can save a lot of trouble."

"I didn't expect it to be the head of the Konoha Security Department, the famous Uchiha Kai."

The smile on Kaguya Chongming's face became even more prosperous, but his enthusiasm began to dissipate slightly.

"I don't know if your Excellency is looking for me, what's the matter, or I don't think you would take such a big risk to find me."

"Indeed, finding you is a great risk." Uchiha Kai smiled.

"But when the benefits outweigh the risks, and I can get more than ten times the benefits, then it's worth the risk."

"What do you think, Kaguya Patriarch, or the Kaguya Patriarch who wants to be Shuiying."



Hui Ye Chongming's pupils instantly widened a lot. He really didn't expect this guy in front of him to suddenly say such a sentence!

Kaguya Chongming did have such an idea, but his idea was only vaguely spread within the clan.

Although the clansmen are more or less aware of what he means, these clansmen are all qualified ninjas.

Even if they are belligerent, even if their character is domineering, they will not talk nonsense about some things.

Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai also looked at Kai Uchiha unexpectedly, but their eyes were unusually concealed.

What is the purpose of Uchiha Kai's coming here, they are clear in their hearts.

On the one hand, it is to find a suitable candidate for exploration, and if the opportunity is suitable, it will be taken away directly.

The other side is to complete the task of Hokage.

That is to try to see if they can convince these people to leave Wuyin Village when necessary, and leave the Land of Water and enter Konoha.

These blood ninjas are the guarantee of combat effectiveness.

No matter which ninja village has them, they can greatly improve their own combat effectiveness.

Peace, this word is the pursuit of almost all ninjas in the ninja world.

But wanting peace is often not so easy.

Except for Konoha, there is no Shinobi village that does not have its own serious problems.

Such problems naturally lead to serious unevenness in the interests of each village.

It is basically useless to negotiate to break through and change, so the most direct way is to plunder.

Or, rely on war.

It has only been less than fifty years since the system of one country, one village has been developed, but three super wars have been fought in these fifty years.

Beyond that, the skirmishes never stopped.

Ninjas are war machines, there is absolutely nothing wrong with this sentence.

But ninjas are also human beings, and a strong ninja group is a deterrent in peacetime and a high-quality soldier in wartime.

However, the blood family is often bound to a country and village, and it is difficult for them to leave.

Seeing such an opportunity now, no one is willing to give up easily.

But what Uchiha Kai said seemed to have nothing to do with the mission he came here to do.

What do you mean by 'Hope to be the Kaguya Patriarch of Mizuying'?

Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya were a little puzzled, but neither of them was Uchiha Obito, the guy who reacted a beat or even two beats behind.

They almost immediately thought of something.

I'm afraid that Uchiha Kai just detected their memories through some special methods when he attacked the Kaguya clan's defense?

"No need to deny, otherwise what do you think I'm here for?"

Uchiha Qi looked at Kaguya Chongming indifferently, and his mouth couldn't help showing a sneer: "Don't doubt Konoha's intelligence gathering ability, Kaguya Patriarch."

"You Konoha are really interesting." Kaguya Shigeaki looked at Uchiha Kai, and he said slowly after a long time.

"It's no wonder that a person of your identity will appear in Wuyin Village, and you still use such a quiet way of touching. It's interesting, really interesting!"

Although Kaguya Shigeaki didn't affirm or deny, Hyuga Aya and Imai Kenta were able to determine almost immediately what this guy meant.

This guy has basically admitted the words of Uchiha Kai, he does have some bad ideas!

Thinking of this, these two people are basically determined, and this family probably has no chance to win over.

Such a ninja tribe who dares to judge the village, no matter how strong they are in value, other ninja villages would not dare to accept it!

What the Ninja Village wants is balance and stability, even if there are some families standing in Genting, but this is only a few.

A ninja who dares to launch a coup d'etat is a 'black sheep' in the eyes of any superior.

If it is forced to helplessness, then it is still reasonable.

Ninjas are not good-natured, everyone knows that.

And this group of people is simply taking the initiative to launch a coup, which has completely exceeded the bottom line of all those in power.

"Tell me, how did we leak the news."

The frenzy on Kaguya Chongming's face has gradually subsided, and he seems to be in some danger now.

"And you find me, it's not the only choice."

"of course not."

Uchiha Kai's brain was running frantically, but it was only a few minutes after he got the news.

But it was enough for him to think clearly, he said with a slight smile: "Actually, we have two options, the first is to tell Shuiying the information we have collected.

The second is to come to you, and then seek some cooperation. "

"Then why don't you look for Shuiying?" Kaguya Chongming's eyes became more and more dangerous.

"Those of you who like to play tricks and tricks should take some interests very seriously.

And the benefits that Shuiying can give you are probably far higher than mine, right? "

"Of course, you can't give political benefits, because you don't have the ability to do this at all."

Uchiha Qi smiled calmly and said slowly: "But we don't trust Mizukage, and we still remember the trouble the three generations of Mizukage brought to Konoha.

And the fourth generation of Mesuiying is the disciple of the third generation. We cannot trust such a relationship. "

Speaking of which, Uchiha paused.

He already had a clearer line in his mind.

He knew what he should say, how to say it, in order for this guy to settle down.

The only thing to guard against is that this guy's brain is full of muscles.

Once sick, I'm afraid he will be more troublesome than Uchiha Obito.

To be honest, Uchiha Kai doesn't like to communicate with such people.

If there is no stake in it, just being friends is fine.

But once they are enemies, such guys will not care about interests at all, they only care about their own problems.

"Not enough, this reason."

Fortunately, Kaguya Chongming's personality looks weird, but his brain is still so ill that there is no cure.

He can continue to talk to Uchiha Kai, which has explained everything.

"Of course not enough, the second point is the issue of geopolitics.

The country of water is far away from the country of fire. Even if he promises to give us some benefits to neighboring countries, it will be dangerous if he loses his trust. "

Uchiha Qi said indifferently: "What I hate most is returning without success. Although the promised benefits look good, when you don't trust a person, these benefits are just castles in the air."

"So, you chose me?" Hui Ye Zhongming frowned: "Give me a reason."

"It's very simple, because I see practical benefits in you."

Uchiha Kai showed a slight smile at this time: "What you are preparing to do is very dangerous, and there are a lot of preliminary preparations.

On the one hand, it is the mobilization of the clan, and on the other hand, it is the purchase of equipment.

In terms of mobilization, I think you should be fine, but in terms of equipment....

I'm afraid you don't have a channel to buy those equipment, right? "

Uchiha Kai really didn't believe that Kaguya Shigeaki had the equipment needed for the coup.

Otherwise, he would have found the traces of the Hui Ye clan's mobilization now, but in his memory, the Hui Ye clan was wiped cleanly, and it seems to be a few years later.

This can only show one thing, that is, there is a big problem in his preparation.

Mobilization is not a problem, then there is a problem at the level of equipment.

Considering Uchiha's actions to block the land of water, coupled with the arrogant and domineering character of the Kaguya clan.

As a result, I am afraid that few weapons dealers will come in, or they will not dare to trade with them if they come in.

But Uchiha Kai is different, he represents Konoha.

From the perspective of identity, he can completely force the Kaguya clan to pay with one hand and deliver with one hand.

Thus cut off the idea of ​​them taking things and not giving money.

Secondly, he is holding the lifeline of the Kaguya clan. If you have the ability, you can kill me now, or I will hold your lifeline.

Once you go back and forth, I am afraid that within a few hours, the Anbu of Wuyin Village will surround your clan.

Kaguya Shigeaki's silence again basically confirmed Uchiha Kai's thoughts.

He really couldn't get weapons, to be precise, a huge number of weapons that could be used to support their coup d'etat.

This matter has been worrying him for a long time, there is no weapons and equipment, and there is no necessary logistical supplies.

Even if their clansmen are brave and fearless, I am afraid they will not be able to fight in the end, those well-equipped Kirigaze ninjas, right?

Thinking of this, Kaguya Shigeaki's eyes changed a little when he looked at Uchiha Kei and the others.

"What do you want?" After a long time, Hui Ye Chongming asked.

"Say your request at once, and don't say half of it and let me guess, you people are the most annoying!"

"We can provide equipment, but it's higher than the market price, but not so high that you can't accept it, and it has to be paid for and delivered."

Uchiha Qi said directly: "After all, you can't even buy weapons and equipment now, so if we give up the vested interests, then we will be too stupid.

In addition, after you come to power, you must sign an alliance treaty with us and be exempt from customs duties.

The last condition is that we want one-third of the total number of tasks on the three surrounding islands. "

"As long as these three conditions are met." Uchiha Kai glanced at the ugly Kaguya Shigeaki, paused for a while before continuing.

"We will give you enough excellent and sophisticated equipment. With this batch of equipment and your previous mobilization What do you think?"

"I think you are too greedy!" Kaguya Chongming almost gritted his teeth and said these words.

"You just sold me equipment and tried to get so much? Do you really think I'm a fool? Kai Uchiha!"

"The conditions are negotiable, Kaguya Patriarch." Uchiha Qi said flatly.

"Also, Patriarch Kaguya, you have to remember one sentence, that is, no one will help you in vain.

Believe it or not, once those bloodthirsty merchants noticed that you were buying equipment on a large scale, they would immediately become more ruthless than me?

Selling Kunai to you at a price that you can buy a detonating talisman in one hand, and selling their findings to the Wuyin intelligence department at the same time, then you will be empty of money and manpower. "

"You have to think hard, Kaguya Patriarch."


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