Chapter 310: change angle

Nara Shikahisa now finally understands why Naikaze Minato, the fourth-generation Hokage, has such an expression.

Because at this moment, he also showed a similar expression.

Nara Shikahisa really didn't expect that the head of the security department was so powerful.

How long has he been in the country of water, and he discovered the country of water, something that no one dares to imagine, right?

Although it was a bit unexpected, the reason was because he wanted to leave a deep impression on the patriarch of the Kaguya clan.

But if he himself hadn't gone to the Land of Water, no one would have discovered such a thing!

It's just that Shikahisa Nara was a little puzzled that the decision made by the Minister of Security was a bit strange.

He actually chose to trade with this Kaguya clan.

If it was just an ordinary transaction, it would be fine, but the transaction he made was to do something to the water shadow!

Such a transaction is obviously not a wise move.

In particular, they also signed some treaties, which are all real things!

Nara Shikahisa couldn't understand why Uchiha Kai did this.

But he couldn't figure it out, but he clearly remembered the expression on Minato Namimo's face when he left.

Although a little inexplicable, it can be seen that he seems to approve of Uchiha Kai's approach.

In combination with Uchiha Kai's letter, the Kaguya clan was extremely disliked, and even gave them a conclusion that they would "will inevitably fail".

In this case, Uchiha Kai also left some evidence.

So does it mean that the Minister of the Security Department actually has a plan for it?

Nara Shikahisa burned the letters in his hand while watching them turn to ashes, and he was still thinking over and over in his mind.

Obviously, the fourth generation of Hokage has agreed with Uchiha Kai's approach.

Then it means that Uchiha Kai must have a backhand, and this backhand is probably his and the four generations of Hokage, the chess pieces buried deeper in the country of water!

And this **** saves their trust and can help them deal with many things that are inconvenient for them to deal with.

For example, when the Kaguya clan failed, he could help them get back the documents signed by the head of the Konoha Security Department, Uchiha Kai!

Thinking of this, Nara Shikahisa's thinking became clearer.

He didn't care at all why Minato Namikawa and Kai Uchiha had people in the land of water.

It doesn't matter who this person is, what work he is responsible for, or why he can get the trust of these two people.

What Nara Shikahisa cared about was the meaning of the document itself.

After eliminating all the factors that are unfavorable to Konoha and Uchiha Kai, how much this document can bring them.

"It seems that Minister Qi really didn't take the Kaguya clan to heart."

After thinking about these things, Nara Shikahisa couldn't help laughing: "Since I don't like the Kaguya clan at all, I signed an agreement with them.

The purpose is to make Wuyin Village more chaotic, to strengthen the seeds sown in the hearts of other Xueji families, and at the same time, let Konoha earn a fortune! "

Nara Shikahisa has thoroughly thought about what Uchiha Kai wants to do.

I have to say that this guy's IQ is indeed one of the representatives of the strongest family in the entire Hokage series.

He clings to a document, a kind of understanding of Namikaze Minato.

And Minato Minato's subtle expression when he left, it's almost restored the whole thing!

If he is not mistaken, then Konoha will probably become an invisible ghost in this incident.

No one will know that Konoha is also involved - the person who knows is his own or a dead person, so no one will know?

However, Nara Shikahisa was still relatively stable, and he was a little worried that he had guessed wrong.

Then the impact of this incident on Konoha will be very large.

This will affect the political interests of Konoha in the small countries near the land of water, so he has to make three-handed preparations.

One is to go to Konoha's armament warehouse and inform them in advance. At the same time, this matter needs to be kept secret.

The first thing is to communicate with Namikaze Minato to see the true intentions of Namikaze Minato, and at the same time to see if his guess is accurate.

And the last song is to find a way, in case Uchiha Kai and the four generations of Hokage's backhand fail, how can he erase the traces.

Or how to do it, so as to suppress such influence to a minimum.

When all the letters turned to ashes, Shikahisa Nara opened the window of Hokage's office.

The breeze slowly blew into the office, and even blew up the ashes.

Nara Shikahisa looked at these ashes quietly, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help showing a slight smile.

This thing is really interesting...


"I feel that the people of this Snow Clan are relatively rational."

In a small room in Wuyin Village, the three of Uchiha Kai sat together.

In front of them there was a small fire grill with a snow rabbit on it, Ken Imai said as he rolled over the grill in a bored way.

They had just returned from a visit from the Yuzu clan, the clan that Uchiha Kai had always mistaken for Suizuki.

This family feels good to Uchiha Kai.

It's not that they talked about what substantive results they got, but the patriarch of the Snow Clan is very rational.

He is not like the guy who met the Kaguya clan before the three of them, giving him a sense of arrogance and domineering.

The name of the patriarch of the Xuezhi clan is Minato, and none of their clan seems to have a relatively strict surname.

But this is not a big deal, this guy named Minato is a relatively feminine looking guy, but has a very good temperament.

Although he was very surprised and stunned, Uchiha Kai and these Konoha ninjas came.

And it appeared in his study in a slightly intimidating way.

But through the conversation with Uchiha Kai, he has always maintained his demeanor.

The most important thing is that this guy is a person who is extremely opposed to the sea closure measures.

This has been confirmed by Uchiha Kai in Orochimaru.

This can be regarded as a hope for cooperation and a signal that the goal of Uchiha Kai's mission can be achieved.

Whether he succeeds in the future has nothing to do with him.

He is only the one who came to plant the seeds, not the work after the seeds have taken root and sprouted.

"It's really rational. It's never a good thing to seal the sea, especially now that it's not just sealing the sea, but also madly targeting outsiders."

Hyuga Aya glanced at Imai Kenta, and said slowly: "Also, move lightly, I haven't eaten well these days, I don't want such good food to be wasted by you like this."

"Then why don't you do it yourself?"

Imai Ken glanced at Hyuga Aya unhappily: "Let's forget the captain, so are you, do you really think you were on the battlefield a year ago?"

"It's no different now than it is on the battlefield."

Sitting aside, Uchiha Qi said indifferently: "Besides, you are used to eating on the battlefield before, so it's normal for you to continue this job."

Imai Kenta suddenly lost his temper when he heard Uchiha Kai's words.

He had been concealing his identity on the battlefield before, and what he showed in front of the world was an ordinary civilian ninja who could no longer be ordinary.

And he was unlucky. The last teammates were Uchiha and Hinata.

It also resulted in him having to take on a lot of chores.

For example, they usually rely on Imai Kenta to handle all the game they catch after they finish eating food on the battlefield.

Over time, they all seem to get used to it.

"Captain, now we have visited a few families, what's next?" Hyuga Aya didn't bother to pay attention to Imai Kenta, she turned her head to look at Uchiha Kai.

"Enough is enough, it doesn't make sense for other families to visit."

Uchiha Kai said without hesitation at all: "I don't want everyone to know that we are here.

And we are here for only one purpose, the others are just incidental. "

Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai nodded in satisfaction when they heard this.

Imai Kenta didn't want to continue such a task, although it was no big deal for them.

But it's a waste of time, Imai Kenta's position in the mission department is not so stable now.

And Hyuga Aya was worried that they would be involved in too many experiences by other tasks, causing their real task to be delayed for too long.

This is not good news.

"By the way, is there any news from Orochimaru?"

Looking at the golden snow rabbit that had been roasted in front of him, Uchiha Qi smelled the aroma and asked, "Also, did he say he wanted to make a roster for us?"

"There is no information for the time being. As you know, it is difficult for us to find him."

Imai Kenta shook his head: "However, I don't think he will regret it, right?

As for the rest of Anbu, it seems that they haven't contacted us yet, and we don't know what happened to them. "

"Forget it, leave him alone." Uchiha Qi finally shook his head.

"I'm afraid Orochimaru still can't do things like breaking their promises.

But no matter what the outcome is, we do our own thing.

Aya, did you find anything over Kaguya's side? "

"Hey, I still haven't found anything." Hyuga Aya sighed.

"After you asked us last time, I have already begun to seriously monitor the situation of the Kaguya clan.

Although they practice each other at a fixed time every day, unfortunately, I haven't found any one that has the blood succession limit. "

Hinata Aya looked a little distressed, after all, no matter who encountered such a thing, it would be unhappy.

These books are equivalent to telling her that the mission target she was looking for does not exist.

Although she felt that she might be out of luck, or that the Kaguya clan generally did not use the blood limit when they were training against each other.

But if you don't find it, you don't find it, and this kind of thing can't be denied.

Therefore, she is also secretly making some extreme preparations, such as if she can't do it, she just randomly grabs some teenagers from the Kaguya clan to go back.

Doing so may have many consequences, but Hyuga Aya doesn't want to worry about such consequences.

"Actually, I feel that you are heading in the wrong direction." Uchiha Kai shook his head with a smile.

"I remember that we learned some information before we came, that is, the current Hui Ye family doesn't seem to have opened the bloodline limit. Do you remember the last time we faced Hui Ye Chongming?"

"Remember." Hyuga Aya nodded: "He doesn't have the limit of blood, otherwise, when you step on his hand, your foot may have been pierced by a bone spur."

"Since you remember, why don't you think in the other direction?"

"What's the meaning?"

"The meaning is very simple, if in the Hyuga clan, you gave birth to someone who did not open your eyes, what would you do?

Then on the other hand, in the Hui Ye family, if the opening of the blood follower limit has become an anomaly, how will they deal with it? "


When a person's cognition and vision are all fixed, then what he can "see" will only be the direction he identifies.

This is a kind of inherent thinking, and it is also a kind of 'lessons learned'.

But Kaguya's family really can't look at some problems from a specific and inherent perspective.

Just like the bloodline boundary.

The Junma Lu in the original book is obviously the only one of the Kaguya clan who opened the blood-successor limit.

But he didn't get the treatment of the 'only blood follower's limit opener'.

What is even jaw-dropping is that he is completely treated as an alien, and he has lived a life like a beast since he was a child.

Uchiha Qi seems to remember that when he was a child, he was chained and lived in an iron cage.

It is also instilled in the idea of ​​'tools', it can be said that such an encounter is really puzzling.

It is really difficult for Uchiha Kai to agree with such behavior, but from another angle he seems to be able to understand such behavior.

Since there is no way for everyone to use the blood follower limit, this is also a special balance, and there is no such thing as saying that who is superior.

But once there are people who upset the balance, it affects all of them.

Then those fragile balances before, I am afraid that will be broken.

From the perspective of Kaguya's renaming, there is nothing wrong with such a choice.

After all, as the patriarch, this guy has not opened his own bloodline limit.

Not only him, but even the vast majority of their clan did not turn it on.

Therefore, this guy does not want unfavorable factors in his rule, and does not want that special balance relationship to be broken.

That being the case, as a 'genius' and the only one who opened the bloodline limit, he became the biggest outlier.

From this perspective, the tragic fate of Junmalu's childhood can actually be said to be doomed.

Neither Hyuga Aya nor Imai Kenta thought that Uchiha Kai put forward such a shocking angle to look at the problem.

But neither of them seemed to have any good reason to refute him.

And think about Uchiha Kai's words carefully, as a patriarch, if this is really the case...

Then it seems reasonable to do so.

"Do you think so?" Hyuga Aya said in disbelief, "But thinking about it carefully, I found that it seems like this is really possible."

"Indeed, Hui Ye Chongming himself has no blood succession limit, and as the patriarch, he probably doesn't want anyone to challenge his position."

Imai Kenta thought for a while and said, "Or, he is not afraid of challenges.

But since everyone doesn't have it, why should the opener have so much power and give up his position? "

"So, you should also take this direction into consideration." Uchiha Ki nodded.

"This guy Hui Ye Chongming is not a good person, let alone an upright person.

Therefore, the most important thing is to make various preparations. Don't be locked in by fixed thinking and perspective, and you will not be a qualified superior. "

"I'm afraid you are the only one who can be considered a superior person here." Hyuga Aya frowned.

"If that's the case, I seem to remember it. It seems that there is a family that is strictly controlled, and that family I almost regard them as the family of the patriarch."

Hyuga Aya really remembered something. When they entered the territory of the Kaguya clan, they relied on her white eyes to search for their prey.

At that time, she did find out that there was a family that was strictly monitored.

It's just that she has seen the portrait of Hui Ye Chongming, and she knows how this guy Hui Ye Chongming came to power.

Therefore, she guessed that the family was probably the home of the former patriarch candidate of the Kaguya clan, so she didn't care too much.

Now it seems that no matter what the identity of which company is, it seems that it is a good opportunity to start from them.

"And in that house, there is a kid."

Hyuga Aya continued: "The age is only about two or three years old. Even if they are not our target, the kid of this age will be a good experimental target."

"Two or three years old?" Uchiha Qi touched his chin: "Then, let's go take a look."

In Uchiha Kai's memory, it seems that this guy Junmarou was born in Konoha's forty-sixth year.

And now is the forty-ninth year of Konoha, so the age of this kid seems to be right.

It's not clear whether it is Uchiha Kai, but it doesn't matter if you look at it in the past.

It's really not possible, he can get the information he wants through some means.

Exploring memories he can indeed do.

But what he can do is probably not as good as the people of the mountain family, nor can he compare with the later Uchiha Sasuke.

The Yamanaka clan was originally good at such secret techniques, which others could not envy.

And Uchiha Qi is not interested in getting their secret techniques.

As for Sasuke Uchiha, that guy has evolved to the extreme with Sharinyan, so that he can detect a person's memory through illusion.

Uchiha Kai's writing wheel eye has not reached the extreme, but he can also do it in exploring memory.

It's just that he has no way to precisely control the memory he wants.

All he can see is the person who is shrouded in his wheel-eye, the most important and longing thing hidden in his heart.

For example, he could see the heart of the Kaguya clan who was attacked by him.

This guy thinks in his heart to overthrow the regime of the water country, overthrow the water shadows, and make them the actual rulers of the water country.

This can be seen as a manifestation of Kaguya Chongming's mobilization.

This kind of belief has become the most important and most desired thing for almost all the Kaguya clan members?

But Uchiha Kai doesn't necessarily rely on exploring memory to get the information he wants.

His Sharinyan, combined with his illusion, can still achieve the effect of torture.

On the battlefield, even if he didn't use a wheel eye, he could force some captured ninjas to give the information he wanted.

And now he writes that the wheel eye is beyond the kaleidoscope. Although it has not reached the level of the eternal eye, it has surpassed the imagination of ordinary people.

What kind of information he wants is really not difficult.

"By the way, there is something else I need to tell you."

Uchiha Qi seemed to have thought of something, and he said directly: "But before that, let's explore the surrounding situation first, what I want to say is very important."

"Yes." Although Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai didn't know what Kei Uchiha was going to say, they both did so immediately.

Uchiha Kai's order was very effective, Hyuga Aya immediately opened her eyes and began to explore the surroundings, especially underground, she would not let it go.

Imai Kenta did the same. He closed his eyes and began to seriously perceive the movement around him.

Like Hyuga Aya, he is even more serious about the underground situation.

Uchiha Kai has been reminding them that there is a problem underground.

Although they have never caught the guy hidden underground, they will still carry out the order of Uchiha Kai seriously.

After a long time, the two of them nodded to Uchiha Kai to indicate that there was no problem.

And Uchiha Qi didn't hesitate, he said directly: "Since this is the case, I will say it directly, I am afraid we have to expose ourselves."

"Expose yourself?" Hyuga Aya and Imai Kenta were stunned for a moment.

Imai Kenta looked at Uchiha Kai inexplicably: "Why, isn't it good for us to come quietly and walk quietly?"

"Could it be... that your informant provided you with information, are you worried that he will be discovered?" Hyuga Aya thought for a while before slowly asking.

"Almost." Uchiha Qi nodded: "Actually, we have been discovered since we came here. It's not that you can't investigate, but those Anbu exposed us."

"Anbu? Those Anbu killed by Orochimaru?" Imai Kenta also reacted at this moment: "I understand, but there is something I want to ask you."

"Say it directly."

"Are your people hidden among those who attacked Konoha last time? And they are in the fog?"

Facing Imai Kenta's question, Uchiha Kei nodded simply.

He was still thinking about how long this guy was going to hold back.

Now it looks like this guy can't hold back.

Uchiha Kai never intended to expose the guy Uchiha Obito, and he was reluctant to expose that he was in the organization of Obito.

But the abilities of Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya really need to be relied on by Uchiha Kai.

The key is that these two guys are not stupid. After Uchiha Kai came to Wuyin Village, it was not the first time that he emphasized the need to "pay attention to the underground".

The last time I emphasized this was when the Nine Tails attacked Konoha.

If there is no way to think of this, then it only means that there is something wrong with their brains.

In fact, Uchiha Kai thinks that they may have already thought of it, but they didn't ask for it for various reasons.

But now I'm afraid it can't be delayed anymore.

"So..." Hyuga Aya had such an expression as she expected, and then she asked calmly, "When was it, and who did you know?"

Aya Hyuga didn't ask who it was, apparently she also knew that Kei Uchiha couldn't say it.

So she won't ask questions that are of no use.

Uchiha Qi glanced at the two of them calmly, and then he said softly: "On the night of the Nine Tails, only the four generations of Hokage knew before."

This sentence was enough, and the faces of Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai suddenly became serious.

Before that, only the fourth generation of Hokage knew, which has already explained the degree of secrecy of this matter, and what level it has reached.

Putting such a person or being controlled by Uchiha Kai, he cannot be exposed no matter what.

Dare to release the nine tails to destroy the existence of Konoha, these lunatics will know what the future actions will be.

It is really necessary to find out if they will come to deal with Konoha!

"Damn, that group of Anbu really deserved to be killed." Imai Ken Tai rubbed his head in distress: "It brought us such a big trouble."

"Captain, do you have any plans?" Hyuga Aya's face was not good-looking, but she looked at Uchiha Kai calmly.

"Arrangement, of course there is." Uchiha Qi said with a smile: "But I can't say too much, I can only say that we can go back safely."

"As for the rest..." Said here, Uchiha Kai's eyes suddenly turned scarlet: "Just cooperate with me."


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