Chapter 321: Closing show (2)

"Then... what is that!"

When Terumi Mei was about to gather with the Kirin Force, suddenly there was a roaring sound all day long behind her.

After she said goodbye to Ao, she walked all the way towards the Kiriyin Great Army.

Although she was very strange, why didn't that **** mysterious person come after him.

But when she thought that this was Qing using her life as a cover, her heart was full of resentment.

This kind of resentment made her, after encountering the Fourth Megumi Mizukage, just quickly tell the information she already knew, and hurriedly went to join the large army.

She didn't even notice that something was wrong with Shidai Me Mizukage.

Just as she looked at the wall of fire that was constantly being sealed in the distance, she planned to take a step forward and join the main force completely, and then gather all the mist ninjas to kill this **** guy.

Not far away, the earth-shaking roar and the violent shaking of the earth suddenly made Terumi Mei feel extremely uneasy!

Turning his head to look, sure enough, at some point, a body covered with thorns appeared like a tortoise with three tails.

The huge and terrifying Chakra made everyone feel suffocated!

The mist ninjas who were sealing the flames of Amaterasu were also stunned. They were still happy that the black flames that were blocking their way had begun to dissipate.

The sealing class can solve these problems without much effort.

But with this loud roar, all the ninjas stared blankly at the incomparably huge gray-black turtle!

With such an ominous Chakra and such an evil aura, the name of this monster appeared subconsciously in their minds.

This is, Isata Mio!

Tailed beasts, wherever they are, at any time, they are symbols of disaster and fear.

But they are also a manifestation of the strongest fighting power of every ninja village.

There are two tailed beasts in their Wuyin Village, one is a six-tailed beast sealed in a kid's body, which can't show any fighting power at all.

And the other one is Sanwei, but Sanwei is sealed on Mizuyage's body!

Now that the three tails have been released, does it mean that their water shadow has failed?

Who are they facing?

What kind of enemy can be so terrifying, to defeat the fourth Megumi so quickly?

And they actually released Sanwei, how are they going to deal with such a terrifying enemy?

Hui Ye Chongming's whole body trembled a little when he saw this scene. He knew that he was probably on a pirate ship.

That Uchiha kid who seems to be the same is really terrifying to the extreme!

No wonder he dared to go to Wuyin Village alone, no wonder he dared to come to see him alone, no wonder he could become the top of Konoha!

It turns out that all this is the guarantee of strength, it turns out that he himself is the strongest guarantee of strength!

Not only Kaguya Shigeaki, but many of the blood family patriarchs who were forced to meet by Uchiha Qi, felt uncomfortable at this moment.

They both resented what this guy Uchiha Kei did, and they were afraid of this guy's strength.

But they know one thing, that is, what they have met with him must not be said.

This guy's destruction of Kiriyin has reached an extreme, no matter what reason he is in to meet him.

At that time, their entire group will be torn apart by the angry mist ninjas!

This kind of thing can only be rotten in their minds. Even if they knew who attacked them, they would not dare to say it.

Imai Kenta and Hinata Aya were also a little stunned. They had disguised as Kirin Shinobi and moved quickly towards this side.

Even for insurance, they turned Kimmaro into a scroll and carried it on his back.

They thought about what Uchiha Kai's retreat plan was, but they never expected Uchiha Kai to actually get the tailed beast out.

And it's the three tails that were sealed in the body of the fourth generation of Mezukage!

Did this guy have a plan?

Otherwise, why did this guy have been emphasizing before, looking for the biggest existence on the battlefield.

Obviously, this three tails is the biggest existence on the battlefield!

"This guy...."

Imai Kenta forcibly endured the shock in his heart, looking at the roaring Sanwei in the distance, he couldn't help but think of the nine tails a few months ago.

Is this guy Uchiha Kai, is it the first to give Kirin a "Tailed Beast Attacking the Village"?

"Don't forget, the previous nine tails were also controlled. He also has a kaleidoscope writing wheel eye. Controlling the three tails may not be a big deal."

Hyuga Aya shook her head, and then her eyes were fixed on Sanwei in the distance: "Speed ​​up, be careful not to accidentally get hurt by him, this guy is now controlling the tailed beast, I am afraid that in his eyes, anyone will be the target of attack."

"It's really a headache." Kenta Imai said a little depressed.

"Be careful of his attack. If you get out of the range of the mist ninja, you will immediately release the transformation technique. I think that guy may not be able to see us at all. If this happened in the past, he might kill him."

"Well, indeed."

Hyuga Aya nodded, but she turned her head and glanced at the scroll behind Imai Kenta: "Pay attention to this kid, if something goes wrong with him, we'll be in vain."

"Don't worry, I'm not stupid. And even if there is a problem with this guy, it would be better for the captain to visit Orochimaru. What are you worried about?"

"It's best not to use this alternative. If it doesn't work, I think the captain will consider it."


"Is this what it feels like to control a tailed beast?"

Uchiha Kei stood quietly on top of Sano's head. Uchiha Kei felt Sano's thoughts, and he also felt the thoughts of Yutachi Yakura who was fighting against Sano.

However, Uchiha Kai doesn't care about these things, and he doesn't even care about the chakra that controls the chakra that covers them, which is hidden in these two thoughts.

All he has to do is finish the stage.

He didn't know the specific situation on Obito's side, but he felt that even if Obito went through his own reminder, he would know what to do.

And this guy did a very good job, so good almost Uchiha Kaito suffered.

In addition to this, it is to shut up the families who have been in contact with him.

As long as the more damage he caused, the less they dared to speak.

Whether they were worried that Kirikin would tear them to shreds, or that Kai Uchiha would tear them to shreds, they could only choose to shut up.

And the most crucial point is that Kai Uchiha's performance is so strong.

In the future, they really encountered that irreversible trouble, and they might seriously consider Uchiha Kai's words.

Of course, it is also possible that Kei Uchiha was too strong, so even if they encountered such trouble, they would not dare to think about Konoha easily.

Shaking his head, Kai Uchiha stared straight ahead, and the next moment he made a seal with one hand: "Then, let's begin. The final curtain call performance, I don't know if Minato Namikaze is coming soon."

The voice fell, and a strong chakra began to gather in Isao's mouth.

In the blink of an eye, a huge, high-density black chakra energy bomb was formed.

As for the tailed beast jade, I am afraid that all the other tailed beasts can easily use the tailed beast jade except one that does not use the tailed beast jade.

This kind of terrifying power suddenly deepened the despair in the hearts of those Mist Ninja troops who were almost conscious of mortal death.

It's terrifying, this terrifying chakra is so terrifying, it's simply not a dimensional existence!

But they had to act.

Because of letting this guy who wantonly slaughtered so many Kirin, he left so easily.

Then it's hard to imagine how their Wuyin Village will be hit.

Although it is embarrassing enough to say that their misty village is enough, because their water shadows were directly subdued and the three tails were released.

But they have to find a way to restore everything they lost.

They must save their own water shadow and solve the big trouble this time!

"Hurry up! Hurry up!"

Seeing the terrifying tailed beast jade, the master with the snake head scepter immediately shouted: "Don't be attacked by this tailed beast jade, spread out and approach the three tails!"

After all, Master Yuan is the most powerful elder in Wu Nin Village, and even Shuiying was dispatched in this incident, how could he still be able to sit still?

Only with him in command can he be able to hold down all the ninjas in Kirigakushi, whether it's his subordinates or the fourth-generation Mezukage.

To be honest, he didn't expect that the one he was going to meet would actually be a monster like a tailed beast.

He didn't even think that the Fourth Megumi would be defeated so quickly, and he was even directly controlled and released the tailed beast!

This made him a little bit alert, but he didn't forget that a similar thing happened to Konoha a few months ago.

It's just that it was solved by the head of the Uchiha clan and the fourth-generation Hokage Naruto Feng Minato.

The background of Konoha is really unparalleled, and Yuan Shi also knows this, otherwise they would not be able to seal the nine tails so quickly.

But on second thought, Konoha encountered such a thing, and they also encountered it, so is someone doing something?

"You have to save the fourth generation of Mezukage before you can figure out what happened!"

Master Yuan thought silently while commanding.

But at this moment the terrifying tailed beast jade of the three tails suddenly came out.

The huge chakra energy ball was extremely fast, and an extremely strong hurricane suddenly blew up.

Countless surrounding rocks and trees were instantly turned into ruins, and the huge tailed beast jade was even carved into a deep ravine on the ground!

Even though the Master Yuan had already given orders, there were too many of them.

There are still dozens of ninjas who were too late to dodge, but were directly hit by the huge tailed beast jade, and the powerful explosion blew them to pieces!

The bombed ground was more than a deep pit, and the shock wave of the tailed beast jade explosion covered dozens of ninjas.

The powerful force directly blew them away, and after they landed, there was no longer any breath of life.

However, Uchiha Kai's movements did not stop, and under his control, the three tails once again condensed chakra.

The tailed beast jade cannot be used unlimitedly, but its water escape has no problems at all!

Under the control of Mitsuo, the terrifying current spread directly towards Kirinin's large army.

At this time, the entire Mist Ninja army was almost cut open, and countless screams and screams continued to sound...



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