Chapter 328: negotiate

"Since Minister Lu Jiu has already made a decision, why are you still looking for me?"

In Uchiha Ki's own home, Nara Shikahisa and Uchiha Ki sat opposite each other, while Uchiha Ki looked at the guy in front of him with some doubts.

At noon, Uchiha Kei, who was lazy at home, felt that he really had nothing to do.

He intends to find a training ground for a little exercise, or to get in touch with the group of 'Konoha Mirai' who are in the same class as him.

It's just that before he could go out, Nara Shikahisa appeared at his door.

This guy's sudden visit was somewhat unexpected to Kai Uchiha.

And looking at the time, it seems that he came over after work at noon.

This made Kei Uchiha somewhat baffled, but fortunately there is no one in his family now.

Uchiha Keisuke went to take care of his small shop, and Uchiha Ryoko, who resigned from the security department, also accompanied Keisuke to take care of the shop.

This little guy, Iori, seems to have gone back to the orphanage to help, so Kei Uchiha was the only one left at home.

After welcoming Nara Shikahisa into the room, after some conversation, he realized what the purpose of this guy was here.

What made him a little dumbfounded was that his feelings for Shikahisa Nara came over because what he had done in Kiriyin Village was passed on.

To be honest, Kei Uchiha actually doesn't know how much destructive power his actions in Kiriyin Village have caused.

Although the battle at that time was not that complicated, it definitely didn't give Uchiha Kei time to count how many people he killed and injured.

But now, Shikahisa Nara came over with the information that Anbu passed back.

It was the first time that Kei Uchiha knew what he had done.

Although he knew that what he had done was not bad, he was also taken aback when he actually saw the document.

Such casualties are really outrageous.

Of course, this is not the most important thing. What Nara Shikahisa can think of, as a modern person, Uchiha Kei can't think of it.

His hidden damage to Wuyin Village is far greater than their actual casualties!

Maybe Uchiha Kei was disdainful of attacking civilians, or maybe he could only attack ninjas at that time.

But after this battle, Kirin's prestige was almost destroyed!

The Konoha incident, although some information was passed on.

But in fact, most people still think that Konoha's time was just an accident, an accident during the operation.

Ren Zhuli is a woman, so she must admit the accidents that may occur when they give birth.

Nine tails came out of the cage and severely damaged Konoha, whether intentionally or not, the message Konoha sent was like this.

Even Konoha's ninjas thought it was an accident.

Except for those who really stand at the upper level of Konoha, as well as those at the core level.

This is a man-made and long-planned action.

But Kirikin is different, Uchiha Kai and others are doing these things in broad daylight.

This is an unimaginable blow to the image of the entire Kirin Village.

This caused a series of shocks, which is reasonable.

For example, those who originally planned to submit the mission would have a feeling of 'distrust' to Kiriyuki after this incident.

Similarly, those caravans and the like would also think that Kirin had an 'insecure' emotion.

Especially in the surrounding countries, it is hard to say that there will be an idea of ​​'Mizuki is nothing more than that'.

It can be said that this is a major blow to Kirigakushi's political, economic and ninja image.

Even Uchiha Kei, who took the shot, probably didn't expect these things. He only thought of these things after seeing the information submitted by Anbu.

This made Kei Uchiha don't know what to say.

He really did not expect that his actions this time would bring about such a chain reaction.

But from Konoha's point of view, this is a good thing.

"This time, the stakes are very important, and I have to come to see Minister Qi."

Nara Shikahisa's voice was very low: "How many people know about Minister Kai's specific abilities?"

"Specific abilities?" Uchiha Qi tilted his head, he seemed to understand what Nara Shikahisa meant.

"My specific abilities and specific fighting methods are probably not a secret to Konoha.

And this time, I also used the ninja sword, and I also used 'Arashiki', Chidori, and Susanoo in my memory, if they are really right about the color..."

"Is that so?" Nara Shikahisa rubbed his eyebrows: "Then I'm afraid that the next job of arresting the spy of Kirigakura is also on the agenda."

"I was careless." Uchiha Kei nodded: "Nara Shikahisa, please rest assured, the security department will put the elimination of Kirin spies in the first order of work."

Uchiha Kei didn't deny his mistakes, but he didn't care that much either.

I'm afraid the only thing exposed is Lanqie, but so what?

Lanqie is a way of using chakra, and Chidori is also. Could it be that he must be Kai Uchiha for such a technique?

Just kidding, isn't Kakashi also using this move?

In addition, the person who attacked them was a Uchiha identity, so it wasn't a big deal to learn these ninjutsu secretly.

Of course, there is also a relatively critical factor, that even if these information are passed back, they may not necessarily be made public.

Don't forget, the one who really controls Kiriyin Village is Uchiha Obito.

Kai Uchiha tried so hard to turn him back, but the purpose was not to make him take the blame at critical moments and do things that Kai Uchiha couldn't do.

Also, do you want to be in charge, to help Uchiha Ki do the finishing touches?

In the current situation, it is obvious that Uchiha Obito needs to do the finishing work.

But he couldn't be careless, the dark part of Kirigakushi became two parts.

Kei Uchiha wants to pay attention to those who are the masters. The ghost knows who the spy hidden in Konoha belongs to.

Therefore, no matter who they belong to, they are the guys who can never be let go.

As long as they are caught, unless necessary interrogation, their end will only be death.

"One more thing, Minister Qi."

Nara Shikahisa didn't care too much, Uchiha Kai planned to use the security department to leave to capture the spy.

This was originally the job of the Security Department, but for some reason, it was replaced by Anbu.

Uchiha Kai took this right at this point in time, as long as Naruto agrees, it's no big deal.

Nara Shikahisa is more concerned about the situation of Uchiha Kai, or the situation of Konoha represented by Uchiha Kai.

"Minister Lu Jiu wants me to keep a low profile in the future, right?" Uchiha Qi smiled: "Don't worry, I don't plan to leave the village, and there's nothing worthy of requiring me to leave the village, right? "

"Yes." Nara Shikaku nodded.

"Minister Qi is also the core figure of Konoha now, if it's not necessary, it's better to stay out of the village less.

Of course, if it's possible to open the Minister to take less shots during this period, at least until Kiriyin is completely closed, or before we sweep out his spies. "

"Of course." Uchiha Ki nodded: "I understand what Minister Shikahisa means."

After causing such a big thing, if you don't keep a low profile and wait for the limelight to pass, then Uchiha Keisai is really stupid.

What's more, at this stage, Uchiha Kei doesn't seem to have much that he deserves to do or to pay attention to.

Recalling that over the past year, he has made a lot of shots.

Whether it's Orochimaru or Kyuubi, Shimura Danzo or Obito, he hasn't missed it once.

And this time, for Hyuga Aya's sake, he ran away to Kirigakushi, but he turned the world upside down.

It can be said that Kai Uchiha has done almost enough now, and he also needs to think for a while, the feedback from these battles, big and small.

Especially this time in the battle of the fog hidden, he clearly felt that his eyes seemed to have a further omen.

And in the past two days of his vacation, after he completely relaxed, he also clearly felt that his chakra seemed to have increased again.

Combat is indeed an important means to continuously improve oneself, but the immediate perception after the battle is also very important.

He is not quite sure what his current degree of fusion is, but he thinks that this battle should have improved his degree of fusion a lot.

As for the specific situation, I still need a woman like Aya Hyuga to check it out.

But in any case, at this stage, it is also the time for him to digest the results of this battle, instead of continuing to make trouble.

"Also, Minister Qi, which families have you contacted specifically this time?"

After Nara Shikahisa finished talking about the important things, he also began to ask Uchiha Kai the second question.

"And if you think those families are more likely, I can make arrangements earlier."

"I visited a lot of families, but I don't know the specific effect." Uchiha Qi touched his chin and thought for a while, and then he said.

"Specifically, it feels better to me, and the possibility is relatively high, maybe it's the Yuzu clan?

Of course, as far as I am concerned, I would also like them to come over, because they give me a good feeling. "

Uchiha Kei really didn't know which of the blood family he visited would finally choose to come to Konoha.

But as far as Kei Uchiha is concerned, he has a relatively good impression, that is, the Yuzu clan.

The other families are not saying no, but either Uchiha is enabled to make up the number.

Either he was loyal to Kiriyin, and was finally shut up by Uchiha Kai directly through some special means.

Personal senses take up a lot of his impressions, so he can't make a relatively objective judgment.

Besides, he himself doesn't care, whether they are willing to come to Konoha or not.

"Is that so?" Nara Shikahisa nodded, and then he said.

"Whether they want it or not, we have to plan ahead.

After they came over, we didn't have a specific solution, which caused them to feel left out..."

"I think it would be better for them to feel left out."

Kei Uchiha suddenly interrupted Shikahisa Nara's words: "Too preferential treatment can indeed attract a lot of people, but it also gives them a different sense of superiority in their hearts."

"I think we should let them build their own homes and give them the rights to belong to the Konoha residents, and the rest have to rely on them to struggle.

What do you think, Minister Shikahisa? "


Although Kei Uchiha doesn't care about it.

But since he has sown the seeds, and Nara Shikahisa also came to him to ask about it, he still has a great say.

It is true that it is necessary to prepare and plan in advance.

But absolutely not, everything is properly arranged for them.

Doing this will give the other blood step-family some memories, but it also has a big drawback.

That is to create a special sense of 'preferential treatment'.

This is not what Kai Uchiha hopes, and there is absolutely no need for Konoha to give them such a big favor!

Konoha's own secret family and blood family are quite numerous, and their presence can indeed enhance Konoha's strength.

But their arrival will cause some other reactions, which is to deepen some special competition among the blood step family within Konoha.

This is a relative balance, and Kai Uchiha doesn't want these things to be broken.

Even if this matter is, to some extent, born out of his dominance.

According to the meaning of Uchiha Kai, that is to give them a piece of land that is neither near nor far, so that they can build their own homes.

At the same time, give them the rights that Konoha ninjas should have, and let them find a way to fight for it.

Only in this way can they be more integrated into Konoha's circle of power.

And doing so is also in line with Uchiha Kai and wave Fengshui, the reform plan that will be implemented in the future.

As long as their ninja qualities reach and pass the assessment, they will have a way to rise.

Various departments will also open doors for them. As for how far they can mix, it depends on their own abilities.

Nara Shikahisa looked at Uchiha Kei with a bit of astonishment, but after he explained what he could say, Nara Shikahisa also agreed with this idea.

Indeed, Konoha's current balance is better to continue, whether they come or not.

It's natural to come here. Although Konoha won't treat them favorably, he will give them an equal opportunity.

They can only rise through their own struggle and truly integrate into Konoha's circle.

But these things still need to go back and prepare well.

Nara Shikahisa and Uchiha Kei chatted for about an hour before choosing to leave.

After all, the noon time is relatively short, and he still has work to do in the afternoon.

Naturally, I can't continue here, chatting with Uchiha Kai.

Even if he himself prefers to stay here, he can also see that the Minister of the Security Department is probably impatient.

Naturally, Nara Shikahisa would not make people unhappy.

However, when he left, he still did not forget to express the idea of ​​'hope to get together sometime'.

I am afraid that this exchange with Uchiha Kai has made him refresh his views on Uchiha Kai once again.

Such a young man with strength, ability and wisdom is very worthy of deep friendship.

Nara Shikahisa seems to understand now, why Minato Namikaze relies so much on this young man, because he is indeed worth relying on.

"I really didn't expect such a big mistake."

After Kei Uchiha sent Nara Shikahisa out, he couldn't help but sigh.

"Arakiri, Chidori, and Susanoo, these ninjutsu almost exposed me.

It seems that in order to do things in the future, I have to avoid some of the ninjutsu I am good at. "

Indeed, Uchiha Qi was negligent, or in other words, he had no good way to avoid it.

His fighting method is now the pursuit of dexterity, precision, and the effect of one-shot kill.

And the rapid bursts of Lanqie and Chidori are very suitable for him.

This thing, Susanoo, is a super defense, and these moves have almost become his instinct.

Because they are practical and convenient, he doesn't need to pursue too many fancy things.

After thinking about it carefully, Uchiha Kai seemed to use Chidori when he dealt with Ao and Terumi Mei.

It's just that when he met them in the Country of Grass a year ago, he didn't remember so much whether Chidori was useful or not.

However, it is certain that he did not use Lanqi on these two.

He is more likely to cover the flame of Amaterasu from Susanoo's weapon on his cut jade.

This not only enhances the power of the weapon, but also further enhances the lethality.

As for attaching chakra to a weapon, it's not a big deal at all.

Almost all weapons can be attached to chakra, but because of the material, they have great differences in the transmission of chakra.

At the same time, it will also make them unable to exert their full power after the chakra attachment effect.

Of course, there is another important problem, that is, these materials cannot withstand the resonance of Chakra, and it is easy to break during battle.

So Uchiha Kei doesn't think there is any problem with attaching chakra to his weapon, that is, those escape techniques need to be paid attention to.

"Forget it, it's useless to think so much. If you want to bring the soil, these troubles will be solved."

Uchiha Kei shook his head, thought for a moment and then walked outside.

Originally, he didn't want to stay at home any longer, but he was only held back by Nara Shikahisa.

Now that he's out, he won't go back at all.

As for going to the training ground to look for old classmates or something, Uchiha Qi thought about it and he would forget it. He planned to go to the laboratory to have a look.

It was just to see the situation of that kid, Junmarou, and at the same time, it was just a good time to ask Aya Hinata about the situation in the Hinata clan.

Three days, today is the last day, the answer will be handed over tomorrow.

"I thought you wouldn't come over today."

When she came to the laboratory, she pushed open the room where Aya Hyuga was resident. Sure enough, Aya Hyuga was inside, and she looked at Kai Uchiha in surprise.

After all, Kai Uchiha didn't even report to the security department these days. I could see that this guy really planned to take a break, but he didn't expect him to come here.

"Ah, I really didn't plan to come here, but I found that I couldn't seem to be idle at all."

Uchiha Kei nodded, then his eyes turned to Kim Maro, who was sitting silently beside him, and he asked curiously.

"He woke up?"

"Well, it's time for him to wake up."

Hyuga Aya nodded, and then she said with a strange expression: "I expected what he would be like when he woke up, whether he was crying, angry, or looking for his mother.

But this little guy woke up very quiet and very silent, he just sat there without saying a word. "

"Is that so?" Uchiha Kei walked over curiously and looked down at the kid.

This kid still didn't say a word, his expression was neither happy nor sad, which made Uchiha Kai a little curious.

He knew that the little ghosts in the world of Hokage seemed to have a very strange characteristic.

Maybe because of the frequent wars, they all mature very early.

Just like Kakashi, a kid who can go on the battlefield with a knife at the age of five and chop people.

It would be fine if he was a transmigrator, but he was an aboriginal.

"Little guy, what's wrong with you?" Uchiha Ki, who couldn't figure out the state of this guy, simply lowered his body and looked directly at him: "What's your name?"

"Kaguya-kun Maro." The voice was a little clear, but it was very indifferent, Jun Maro quietly looked at Uchiha Kai and said.

"Okay, Junmalu, what are you doing?" Uchiha Kei continued to ask. Although this kid doesn't seem to be in a good state, it's a good thing to be able to speak.

"Let's see what you guys are going to do with me." To Uchiha Kai's surprise, this kid actually said such a sentence.

How to deal with him?

Obviously, this kid probably knows that his situation is not good, right?

Kai Uchiha and Aya Hyuga couldn't help but look at each other. Does this kid seem interesting?

Turning his head, Uchiha Kai continued to look at the kid.

The corners of his mouth couldn't help showing a slight smile. He wanted to see what the kid was thinking.

"Do you know why you are here?" Uchiha Kai asked directly.

"You guys caught me." Jun Malu's voice was still full of sadness and joy: "I remember you, you caught me..."

"But do you know why no one saves you?" Uchiha Ki interrupted him, his voice seemed a little weird.

"Because your patriarch asked me to take you away, whether you accept it or not, because you have to start a new life here."

After the words were closed, Uchiha Kai's eyes suddenly turned into a pair of scarlet writing wheel eyes.

The three gouyu slowly spun in his eyes, and in just a moment, the little devil Junma Lu fainted.

Uchiha Kei stood up, looked at the kid in front of him and finally shook his head.

He wouldn't take pity on this little devil, just as he said.

Accept it or not, this little guy must start a new life in Konoha.

"This kid seems to need guidance." Uchiha Kai turned off the writing wheel and turned to look at Aya Hyuga.

"But it doesn't matter, I will find a place to live for this kid as soon as possible."

"Well, I understand." Hyuga Aya nodded: "This matter can only depend on Qi-jun, and I found that Qi-jun's prophecy seems to be somewhat interesting."

"Oh?" Uchiha was stunned for a moment Could this kid open the bloodline limit?

"The cells in this little ghost are abnormally active, and it seems that some characteristic elements are particularly prominent."

Hyuga Aya said directly: "And those elements also carry some special chakra-like power, which makes me have to doubt..."

Having said that, Aya Hyuga stopped.

Obviously she really didn't expect it. Uchiha Qi took the person she caught, and actually actually opened the Kaguya clan, and it was possible that the blood after the limit that did not appear for a long time was not known.

Uchiha Kei was also a little surprised. He knew that this kid would definitely open the bloodline limit, but he didn't know exactly when.

Unexpectedly, is there any sign now?

If so, then this is good news.

"Then congratulations, I'm afraid it won't be long before you can try the experiment."

Uchiha Kai said with a smile: "By the way, how is the discussion with the Hyuga clan? Tomorrow, the answer will be handed over."

"I don't know for now." Hyuga Aya shook her head: "However, it is said that it may be a member of a separate family."



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