Chapter 375: Don't take yourself too seriously

Uchiha Shisui felt a pain in his head, as if he had been punched.

However, Uchiha Shisui is a ninja after all, but after a little recovery, he immediately recalled what happened.

Kei Uchiha, he was attacked by Kei Uchiha, the head of the security department!

Uchiha Shisui had only heard of how powerful the head of the security department was, but he never thought about how big the gap would be.

This gap refers to the gap between the writing wheels.

Uchiha Zhishui is also a writing wheel eye of Shuanggouyu, but he was brought down by Uchiha Kai, without any struggle at all!

"Wake up?"

Uchiha Shisui closed his eyes tightly, thinking about what he should do in his heart, but at this moment, a cold voice sounded in his ear.

This voice no longer had the softness it had before, nor the irresistible power it had before.

But this voice still made Uchiha Shisui open his eyes consciously.

With a slight sigh in his heart, Uchiha Shisui knew that he was probably of no use in 'playing dead' here.

Because what he faced was Kai Uchiha!

"Ah, Lord Kai..." Uchiha Shisui's voice was a little low.

However, the moment he opened his eyes, he quickly and seriously observed everything around him.

It is a forest, but there are many forests of Konoha, and I am not sure which Uchiha Shisui is.

But looking at the sky, he should not have been unconscious for more than an hour.

According to the location of the Uchiha clan, Uchiha Shisui began to quickly guess where he was when he was in a coma.

Uchiha Shisui's actions also completely fell into Uchiha Kai's eyes, which made him shake his head.

"Don't bother so much, this is the forest behind the clan." Uchiha Qi said coldly, "As for bringing you here, that's because you really attracted me, boy."

"Is Master Kai because of Captain Tomohisa?" Uchiha Shisui touched his swollen head.

He didn't forget that Kei Uchiha planned to directly extort a confession.

If he hadn't uttered Fujiu Hangping's name, he might be dead by now.

The art of eliminating the bane of the tongue is on his tongue, and the three generations of Hokage have left words that he cannot say according to the rules of action of the root.

Once he is forced to confess by Uchiha Kai, I am afraid that he will already be dead.

The word death has always been very erratic and illusory, but he really felt it before, that kind of indescribable feeling.

"Almost, Fujiu Hangping is my former supervisor and captain, and I know him well, so you are here now instead of being thrown into the security department by me."

Uchiha Qi calmly looked at Uchiha Shisui in front of him, and suddenly he said, "It's just that I didn't expect you to join the roots, and I didn't even expect you to be planted with the art of eliminating tongues.

This technique was once used by Danzo to control his subordinates, but Danzo died, and it was used again by someone with a heart. "

"The art of eliminating tongue scourge? Danzo?" Uchiha Shisui obviously didn't know much about these things.

He knew about the technique, but he really didn't know who Danzo was.

"Danzo was a close friend of three generations, but he died at my hands."

Uchiha Kai smiled disdainfully: "I'm afraid you'll never know what the three generations of Hokage, the stalwart in your mind, did.

Although Danzo died in my hands, to a certain extent he was killed by the three generations of Hokage-sama. You can ask Makoto Uchiha about this kind of thing. "

Uchiha Shisui was a little silent, he didn't know how to answer at all.

Uchiha Kei personally killed the best friend of Hokage III, and he was fine. This has already explained some problems.

Could it be that the three generations of Hokage really killed his best friend?

Uchiha Shisui really couldn't figure it out, what little-known things happened here.

Why through the tone of Uchiha Kai, he can feel so dark and evil inside.

"Don't you understand?" Uchiha Kai looked a little playful.

"I once said a word to Itachi Uchiha, and now I give you this sentence.

The level you are at determines your perspective and how far you can see.

Obviously, what you can see from your current state of mind and perspective..."

Speaking of which, Uchiha Kai shook his head, while Uchiha Shisui stood there silently.

The level he is in determines his perspective, and his perspective and mentality make him unable to see many things?

It was the first time he heard such words, but these words penetrated his heart.

He did find that he seemed to be unable to see and understand a lot of things.

In other words, the high-level people in Konoha seem to have too many secrets.

"So, kid."

Kei Uchiha patted his shoulder lightly: "Don't take yourself too seriously, because you don't even know what you're facing.

And what's even more stupid is that you are too self-righteous and involve yourself in such a confrontation of political interests. "


Uchiha Shisui remained silent, but his eyes had become a little flustered.

It seems so complicated, it seems so puzzled.

"This confrontation is a confrontation within Hokage, and it is also a confrontation between the village and the Uchiha clan, or in other words, a confrontation between the village and all the Xueji clan."

Uchiha Kai let go of the hand on his shoulder, then slowly took a few steps forward with his back to him before continuing.

"I'm afraid Uchiha could see these things clearly before, but he didn't have a choice.

He can only hope that the three generations of Hokage will give him, or the Uchiha clan, some forgiveness.

But at that time his power was not very good in the family, Uchiha Shin controlled most of the family's power.

If it hadn't been for me and the patriarch to join forces, according to Uchiha Shin's actions, the Uchiha clan might have been preparing to turn against Konoha at this moment. "

"However, why does the fourth-generation Hokage-sama have such a big conflict of interest with the third-generation Hokage-sama?" Uchiha Shisui was a little confused, and he was completely confused.

The fourth generation of Mehokage was chosen by everyone, and the third generation of Mehokage is the ancestor of the fourth generation of Mehokage.

Why did the two of them have such a conflict, and why did such a thing happen?

And what exactly did Hokage-sama Sandaime do?

Will it appear that he killed his best friend, or was he killed by Kei Uchiha as the head of the security department?

At this moment, Uchiha Shisui really felt that his beliefs and beliefs were shaken.

He found that he was really stupid. He really couldn't understand too many things, and couldn't see clearly.

"Because, ah, the thinking of the third generation of Hokage is different from that of the fourth generation of Hokage."

Uchiha Qi turned around and looked at the boy in front of him plainly: "The third generation of Hokage inherits the wish of the second generation of Hokage, and at the same time improves the foundation to maintain his right and rule. The fourth generation is different, he did not inherit the second generation. That set, and even in some ways the opposite."

"So, Mr. Hokage III doesn't like Mr. Hokage IV?" Shisui Uchiha's body trembled a little: "But Mr. Hokage IV is the result of the election!"

"Who told you that whoever gets elected will definitely be Hokage?"

Uchiha Ki looked at the kid in front of him with disdain: "You are so naive, the election is just for people to see.

Who is the first to reach out to the results of the election? Is it hard to modify some results from it?

It can only be said that the three generations of Hokage have misunderstood. He thinks that Orochimaru is difficult to control, so he chooses a more junior person to be his agent.

Otherwise, why do you think that a person with such high reputation as Orochimaru, which is almost equivalent to a default decision, will fail?

Is it just because of those studies? Don't be kidding, how would those studies work if they weren't supported by anyone?

It's just that he made a decision without saying hello to his teacher, and Hokage's reputation can't stand such stimulation. "

Subversion, complete subversion!

Orochimaru's failure wasn't because of those studies?

It was true that Konoha said that Orochimaru researched human experiments, but there were countless ninjas defending Orochimaru.

Although there is a lot of trouble, Orochimaru doesn't seem to be affected in any way!

It seems that apart from the security department at the time, Osamu Uchiha and Isamu Uchiha, who were investigating the disappearance, approached Orochimaru, and the others had no influence.

Is it really that dark?

At this moment, Uchiha Shisui felt that his beliefs had really collapsed. That Konoha 'under the sun's rays' was so unbearable?

No, the living standards and quality of Konoha's residents are not bad, and they are not so terrible.

However, Uchiha Shisui did not refute Uchiha Kai, he seemed to have thought of something.

Is it because you are not skilled enough to see the darkness hidden beneath the light?

"Little devil, don't think that you are a savior. In our eyes, you are just a **** at best."

Kai Uchiha said that he had turned around and planned to leave: "But because of your special identity, you are a Uchiha.

You can silently do some damage to our family that you can't even imagine yourself.

People should see themselves clearly, you obviously do not have this qualification Lord Kai..." Uchiha Shisui clenched his fists: "I..."

"Okay, shut up." Uchiha Qi interrupted him directly: "If you are not from the Uchiha clan, and if your guide is not Tomohisa Kopei, you may be dead, or in the prison of the security department. waiting for us to dig out what we want.”

"Come on, we haven't met today, forget about it.

By the way, I wasn't in Konoha when Kiriyuki had a huge problem, but so what?

I'm on a secret mission, why don't I tell you I can't do it?

Konoha Nine-Tails Night, Lord Hokage, I, Fuyue Patriarch, and the entire Konoha Xueji family all know what happened.

But this can be used by people with a heart, and there are also fools who write to them, which is really interesting. "

"Finally, I'll give you a choice, shut up, and then honestly observe the current relationship between Konoha and Uchiha, and the relationship between Konoha's residents and Uchiha.

Think about it, what will happen to what your master asks you to do.

Maybe, you will have the result..."



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