Chapter 381: Foresight

"A chance for Kakashi?"

Namikaze Minato looked at Uchiha Kai, and finally he showed a helpless smile.

This guy is really interesting.

Uchiha Kaito said so, if Minato Namifeng still can't comprehend what he means, then he is not qualified!

Secretly collecting nine-tailed chakra, this kind of thing can be big or small.

But generally speaking, this kind of thing is to be counted in the big.

After all, there is a plan for Nine-Tailed Chakra, what the specific plan is, and who the other party is, is worth considering.

Uchiha Kai's proposal is actually very obvious.

That is, once Obito proves that this matter is true, then absolutely deal with this matter in a general direction!

Once this kind of thing is stereotyped as a 'big event', then let Kakashi participate and deal with it.

This will give him a great advantage in his competition in Anbu.

Even if this matter is handled well, it can completely help Kakashi and push him to a higher position.

It is also the position that Minato Namikaze and Kei Uchiha hoped for.

But how to operate this matter is worth thinking about, because I am afraid that this matter requires a person to do the actual operation on the spot.

After thinking about it, Minato Namikaze suddenly realized that only Uchiha Qi can go to this matter, right?

Namikaze Minato unconsciously turned his gaze to Uchiha Kai, is this kid planning to take this opportunity to completely push Kakashi to the position of Anbu Minister?

"Aren't you in a hurry?" Minato Minato rubbed his chin: "And can you control this matter to the extent that we need it?"

"I think it should be fine." Uchiha Ki nodded.

"If it's somewhere else, maybe I have to think about it, but if it's in the country of fire, will it be those people?"

"That group of people?" Minato Namikaze was stunned for a moment, although his face became serious: "The Twelve Guardians? Is this....will it be too much trouble?"

The twelve guardian ninjas are a group of so-called 'justice' who directly protect the lord of a country.

Although to some extent, they are self-organized.

But without the consent of some people, I am afraid that such an organization would not exist.

What's more, some things are not inoperable, such as announcing that they are self-organized, but only they themselves know how it will actually be.

And the object they guard is somewhat embarrassing, that is, the so-called lord of a country.

However, in the ninja world, these so-called lords of a country are not really powerful.

In the Five Great Ninja Villages, there may be no shadows that are afraid of big names except for the country of the wind.

After all, the real military power is in the hands of Ying, it is enough to give them enough respect, and if necessary, give them some 'protection'.

However, such protection of basic daimyo will not be accepted, and they prefer to let some ninjas who 'voluntarily' protect them perform this task.

If it's really what these people did, then this thing is really interesting.

The relationship between Daimyo and Shadow may not have been harmonious since the establishment of one country and one village.

Because the daimyo has no rights at all, all they have is money.

The country of the wind is too poor, coupled with geographical factors and other reasons, this is limited by the control of the daimyo.

Of course, this special case may have also aroused some thoughts of other big names.

But it is really unclear whether they dare to do or not.

"Isn't it still uncertain?" Uchiha Kai smiled indifferently.

"Before getting specific feedback from Obito, we still quietly wait for a while.

However, once it's true, then I think I can totally "handle" this. "

"Ki-kun, of course I believe in your ability." Minato Namikaze said seriously: "Just as you know, if you fight those guys, I'm afraid you have some ability..."

"It doesn't matter. Does Captain Watergate think that I need to use such exaggerated power to deal with people?"

Uchiha Kai chuckled: "Even if it really gets to that point, I can summon the captain to go there, right?

And if this is true, in fact, the captain is not easy to come forward, and it would be best for me to meet the daimyo. "

Hearing Uchiha Kai's answer, Minato Minato subconsciously nodded.

Indeed, after all, Uchiha Kai's exaggerated power manifested in the Land of Water.

It was because he was surrounded by nearly a thousand ninjas by himself, which made such a big thing happen.

And what's in the Kingdom of Fire?

Twelve ninjas who might be pretty good, and a bunch of samurai who probably don't even have chakra.

For Uchiha Kai, this kind of intensity may really be solved without much effort.

"I understand, if it's them, then please go to Qijun."

After Namikaze Minato thought about this, his eyes instantly became sharp: "If it wasn't for them, then let Kakashi lead the team to deal with it. However, I hope that nothing like this happens."

"Of course, the current peace is hard-won, and no one wants to destroy it..." Uchiha Kai nodded as a matter of course.

It's just that halfway through his words, he felt that something was wrong, and the matter of Wuyin was still vivid in his mind. Once he was found out, it would be really troublesome.

So Kai Uchiha shook his head decisively, changed the subject and said, "However, Captain Minato, you still need to pay attention to some other movements around you, especially the recovery after the war."

"Recovery after the war?" Minato Namikaze paused for a moment, then sighed slightly: "It seems that Kai has also noticed something, and I can only say that it is indeed Kai, and Lu Jiu-kun has been telling me to pay attention to this. "

Nara Shikahisa noticed it?

Although Uchiha Kai was a little surprised, he also felt that everything was reasonable.

After all, as Konoha, as a smart person, I am afraid he really noticed it, and maybe there are some different things.

It's just how much he perceives and whether anyone responds to his judgment, all of which determine the development of subsequent events.

What happened in the original book, Uchiha Qi can't guess, but now he can try it.

"Are you worried about Yun Yin like me?" Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi asked directly.

"Sure enough, Kai and you, Lu Jiu-kun, thought the same, they were worried about Yunyin." Minato Namikaze sighed.

"They have the least loss and the fastest recovery. They plan to come to us to show off their power and step on us, and finally win more mission shares, right?"

"Yes, it seems that Minister Shikahisa has already thought of everything I can think of." Uchiha Kai was really amazed at this, and Nara Shikahisa is indeed one of the smartest people in Hokage.

The reason why Uchiha Qi "perceived" this was because he knew what would happen in the future.

And Nara Shikahisa didn't know this at all, but obviously he also noticed what Yun Yin might do.

Even specific ideas are guessed.

But I'm afraid he didn't expect how big Yunyin Village's ambitions were, and how exaggerated their actions were.

If it is in the original book, that Konoha lost the fourth generation of Hokage because of the night of the nine tails, I am afraid everything will develop as usual.

But the current Konoha is not what it used to be, not to mention that Namikaze Minato is not dead, there are guys like Uchiha Kai hidden in it.

Even if Uchiha Qi can't take action, is Uchiha Fuyue playing with you?

Uchiha Kaido hasn't met Uchiha Fuyue much for a while, just because this guy is busy getting those eyes right now?

If they do come looking for trouble, I'm afraid they'll be in huge trouble themselves.

"However, I really hope they will come to trouble." Uchiha Kai suddenly continued: "Because this is an opportunity for them, and a rare opportunity for us."

"To be honest, I really don't want them to come." Minato Namifeng sighed: "Of course if they do come, then we'll just follow. I don't believe they really dare to start a war."

"If you think this way, then you are very wrong." Uchiha Qi shook his head: "This is not a matter of protecting Konoha's face, on the contrary, the opportunity hidden in this crisis is also rare! "


Namikaze Minato suddenly changed his face when he heard Uchiha Qi's words: "Ki-kun, although you say that your thoughts can bring peace to the ninja world.

But it's incalculable how many lives will be lost before peace, so Qijun should not talk about it anymore. "

Uchiha Kai was stunned, and he looked at Namikaze Minato with a resolute look on his face.

Then he seemed to think of something, and then smiled at himself.

Emotions have trapped themselves.

At this moment, he recalled the method he once told Minato Namikaze about how the ninja world could be peaceful.

It was obvious that Minato Namikaze was thinking crookedly, this guy obviously felt that he wanted that Yunyin to open the knife.

But Uchiha Kai had no such idea at all.

"Did you misunderstand something?" Uchiha Kai said helplessly.

"I mean, if Yunyin comes to trouble this time, you can make a strong enough gesture to win a wave of public opinion, and then you can take this opportunity to promote the reform of the 'Junin Plan'!"

"Huh?" Minato Namikaze was stunned for a moment, and the next moment he also realized what Uchiha Kai meant: "You mean...would you be in a hurry?"

"How long do you think Yun Yin's recovery speed will take?" Uchiha Kai did not answer directly, but asked rhetorically.

"If you want to reach a peak, I'm afraid it will take at least a few years." Namifeng Minato conservatively estimated.

"Then we count it as two years. If they come to cause trouble after two years, but we have completely completed the system reform of the Genin and Chunin, and comprehensively promoted the welfare system. Do you think the time has come?"


"Are you planning to let me attack a Ninja village again, so as to achieve the perfect distraction effect?"




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