Chapter 384: Set off

"Is he really believable?"

"This is the seventh time you have asked me, and I have answered it seven times. Of course he can be trusted!"

"The problem is, it's incredible, your illusion is really okay? Also, who is he from the Uchiha clan?"

"This matter needs the approval of Captain Watergate before I can say it, because his identity is too sensitive, don't ask, you just need to know that he is our man."

Uchiha Obito suddenly appeared, but Uchiha Kai didn't have much thought.

After all, this kid Obitu has been recognized by all aspects.

Now I just want to show myself a little in front of the patriarch Uchiha Fuyue through some small means.

Although Uchiha Qi felt that this approach was silly, but also very naive.

But if there is nothing outsiders can see, he will not object to his approach, Uchiha Kai.

Uchiha Obito now urgently needs a sense of identity, a sense of identity in all aspects.

If we talk about the big aspects of the village, he has already done it with the assistance of Uchiha Kai.

In the family, he also hopes that he will be recognized to a certain extent.

This recognition is not only from the recognition of Uchiha Kai, but more recognized by the Uchiha clan, such as the patriarch of Uchiha Fuyue.

Therefore, although Uchiha Kai shook his head in his heart, Uchiha Kai didn't bother to say anything about him.

Of course, doing this caused Kai Uchiha some trouble.

For example, Uchiha Fugaku is asking repeatedly there.

But no matter how Uchiha Fuyue asked, Uchiha Kai now got what he needed.

That's why Uchiha Obito came this time and brought him the information he needed!

He discovered that in the kingdom of fire, someone in the so-called Twelve Ninjas was indeed collecting nine-tailed chakras!

It's just that the information he gave was not the same as the intermittent and incomplete memory of Uchiha Kai.

That is, Kazuma has just started to act, and the amount he has collected is also very small.

But anyway, it's no big deal if Kei Uchiha is wrong.

It's enough to get what you want anyway.

Although Kai Uchiha was a little disappointed in his heart, the number of nine-tailed chakras collected by Kazuma was too small because of the reason he just started.

Uchiha Kaito was a little worried, whether this could accomplish what he thought and wished.

But whether he could or not, he felt the need to meet the guy.

As for the outcome of the meeting, it is hard to say.

But no matter what, you have to get the things he has collected, and use him to make a fuss about doing something well.

"Okay, I won't ask, you just need to be sure." Uchiha Fuyue sighed, but he was not sure whether he was still thinking.

"Don't worry, this guy respects you very much and hopes to get your approval, otherwise he won't appear in front of you."

Uchiha Kai shook his head, and then said seriously: "But for some 'necessary reasons' he can't be exposed. This matter involves too many things. If you don't pay attention to our failure of arrangement, his exposure is also It will cause a huge storm."

"Don't worry, I have some considerations." Uchiha Fuyue saw that Uchiha Kai was so serious, and realized that this matter might not be easy.

"However, when are you going to set off? You got the news. Also, are you sure what you're going to do?"

"It should start in these two days." Uchiha Qi thought for a while: "As for the grasp.... I can only say that when the news is good, if there is no accident, there should be some good news."


In the afternoon of the next day, in front of Konoha's gate.

Ai Uchiha, Aya Hyuga, and Kakashi, who had lost his Anbu attire, gathered.

Because this mission is also an investigation type mission, there is no need for a character like Anbe to appear in such a mission.

On the surface, they are still Konoha ninjas, but it is normal for Konoha ninjas to appear in the country of fire.

They may just be passing by, or they may have a mission to perform there.

Uchiha Kai glanced at the two who were already prepared, and nodded with satisfaction.

This morning, Uchiha Kai went to meet Minato Minato, and reported on Uchiha Obito's situation.

It was no surprise that Minato Minato appeared in Konoha, but he had the imprint of Minato Minato of Namikaze on his body, and he could detect it with a little sense.

Namikaze Minato just didn't expect that this thing actually happened.

Although it is a good thing to a certain extent, anyone who encounters this kind of thing will feel irritable and headache.

There was only one order that Namikaze Minato gave Uchiha Kai, and that was to handle this matter thoroughly.

As for the extent to which it was dealt with, Namikaze Minato did not say.

Obviously, this is leaving enough room for Uchiha Kai to operate.

How he does it depends on his performance.

What Namikaze Minato only wants is an answer, a qualified answer that can completely handle this matter and use everything that can be used.

"Okay, since everything is here, it's time for me to set off." Uchiha Kai didn't waste any time, he said directly: "Is the mission clear?"

"Yes!" Kakashi and Hyuga Aya replied at the same time.

This type of mission is also considered a Hokage designated mission, and it is still led by people like Uchiha Kai.

Therefore, the task is issued directly from the Hokage office, which can be regarded as saving Uchiha Kai a lot of things, at least he can save some saliva and explain to them.

Maybe Kakashi still has a lot of doubts, but he is not stupid.

Such a task falls into his own hands, and obviously there are many problems in it.

And the source of these problems is obviously his friend.

Such an opportunity quietly fell into his hands, I am afraid that my friend really put a lot of effort into it.

Kakashi is very grateful to this Uchiha Kai, although he may not miss the position of Minister of Anbu too much.

But his teacher wanted him to take this position, and Uchiha Kei wanted him to take this position.

There is also Uchibo Lin, who has only just met but has a feeling of 'acquaintance for a long time', also hopes to succeed.

Then Kakashi has to fight no matter what, and he is now very happy to strengthen his voice in Konoha.

He has a wish in his heart, that is, not only to surpass his father in strength, but also to surpass his father in terms of voice!

It's hard, in every way.

But Kakashi is confident that he can do it, he has already walked a path of his own, all he needs is time.

The three quickly left the village, and Kakashi suddenly asked curiously, "Qi, has Lin already left Konoha?"

"Lin? Oh, he." Uchiha Qi turned his head to look at Kakashi: "Yes, he left, he was originally a secret ninja outside Konoha, to a certain extent, similar to you."

"Then he really is..." Kakashi hesitated.

"To be precise, he is actually Obito's older brother." Uchiha Qi directly came to a conclusion.

"Did you not expect it? Obito dare not say that because his identity is completely secret. To some extent, he does not exist at all. If I hadn't become the Minister of the Security Department now, I'm afraid I wouldn't even know his existence."

"Is that so?" Kakashi nodded, then fell silent.

Obviously, the existence of such people is very necessary for Konoha.

Although it's a little strange to see a member of the Uchiha family here, Kakashi's doubts are doubts, and he won't think about these things too much.

After all, such a list is basically in the hands of Naruto, and it is normal for Kakashi to find it and not know it.

Kakashi was just worried, did he know that such a guy would have any problems?

"What are you worried about?" Uchiha Kai noticed Kakashi's worried look, and after thinking about it, he understood.

"I know, you don't need to worry too much, just keep your mouth shut. Can't you do what Obito can do? Besides, your target is Minister Anbu."

"I understand, Qijun." Kakashi nodded seriously: "I will work hard, and I will do my best for this mission."

"Of course you have to do your best." Uchiha Kai said as a matter of course: "Do you know the source of this information?"

"The source?" Kakashi froze for a moment, then his expression changed slightly: "Could it be Lin..."

Uchiha Kai nodded with a smile, and Kakashi fell silent.

But from the look in his eyes, this guy is more energetic now.

Hyuga Aya has not spoken, but has been observing the conversation between the two.

After she heard Uchiha Kai's bullshit, she couldn't help rolling her eyes.

Fortunately, she belongs to the Hyuga clan, so others can't see it very much.

But when she found out that Kakashi believed and became full of energy because of it, she could only shake her head helplessly.

This guy Uchiha Kai is only good at playing with people's hearts.

And what the **** is going on with this kid Kakashi, he is actually related to that guy named Uchiha Obito?

However, considering that Uchiha Obito gave Kakashi his eyes before he died, she felt that it was better for her to keep her mouth shut.

The guy Imai Kenta didn't follow him because he couldn't get away, but Hyuga Aya had no way to refuse.

Although he prefers to stay in Konoha to do experiments, since Uchiha Kai needs her to follow, she can only follow.

The big deal is to go back and do it again.

The boy of Junma Lu, Uchiha Qi has already greeted the fourth generation of Hokage, so it will become a lot easier for her to have needs in the future.

Besides, now is the time to look at your level of improvement.

Hyuga Aya has indeed transformed to some extent, but in her mind, she has always been a fighting ninja...


Whether Hyuga Aya continues to want to be a fighting ninja, Uchiha Kai won't care too much.

Because in his opinion, research-type or medical-type ninjas can't have the ability to fight?

Look at Orochimaru, look at Tsunade, and look at the legendary second-generation Hokage, aren't these typical?

Especially the second-generation Hokage, this guy's fighting ability is beyond the table.

His forbidden technique is simply dazzling!

And he also has super high research literacy, and none of the forbidden techniques he came up with are simple.

Whether it's attacking or supporting, it's incredible stuff.

Among them, there is even more, one person is comparable to an army's 'reincarnation' technique!

In fact, Uchiha Qi has been thinking, whether the reincarnation of the dirty earth is a foreshadowing of the second generation Hokage intentionally left behind?

For example, when the three generations of Hokage took over, they encountered many problems that could not be solved.

He can use the reincarnation of dirty soil to summon the second Hokage?

After all, during the war, the sacrifices required for such ninjutsu had no cost at all.

Prisoners of war really weren't such a big deal during the war.

To put it nicely, it is a thing used to show the "demeanor of a great country".

Or, it was used as a 'chip' for post-war interest replacement.

To put it harshly, these captives are, to some extent, a waste of resources.

Responsible for their food and drink, as well as the treatment of injuries, in the case of a shortage of resources, it may lead to no one to use.

Therefore, the attitude of ninjas towards these captives is generally not good.

Even the high-ranking people will consider their actual value when deciding on the disposal.

Therefore, it is not difficult at all to get some people out of them and use them as sacrifices for the reincarnation of the filth.

But the second generation was summoned for the first time, and it was not used to deal with other people at all, nor was it used to help the third generation Hokage stabilize the interior of Konoha.

Rather, it was used against Konoha.

If it is the same as the malicious conjecture like Uchiha Kai, then the second generation of Hokage is definitely a sad reminder.

However, whether he thinks so or not, it has nothing to do with Kai Uchiha.

Uchiha Qi only knew that this guy's combat ability and his research and development ability did not cause any conflict.

The capital of the Land of Fire is not far from Konoha, even an ordinary person can get there in three to five days.

It's different for the ninjas. If they are on their way at full speed, it may only take a day to arrive.

The three of them received this task is not so urgent.

Or maybe this guy Uchiha Kei doesn't think that this matter needs to be done urgently, so that those people who are thinking about things have noticed something.

So they're really not that fast.

"By the way, how far are you going to make things happen this time?" As he moved forward, Hyuga Aya asked curiously.

"Even if you want to help your friend, but there is a bottom line. I'm very curious about how far you plan to do it, or how far we want to push this matter."

Kakashi couldn't help but look over at Aya Hyuga's words.

After all, this matter needs to be made clear, especially the guy Uchiha Kai is the captain of this operation.

And his status is also the highest in the entire team, so every decision he makes, Aya Hyuga and Kakashi must execute.

Perhaps the aftermath of the battlefield, but the most direct and effective mission action guidelines.

Aya Hyuga and Kakashi are comfortable, but there are a few things they also need to know before executing.

"To what extent?"

Uchiha paused for a while, then said with a smile: "I thought we had a tacit understanding. Guess what I think, I remember that I said some of my thoughts before this incident was exposed."

"Who knows how big your ambitions are." Hyuga Aya glanced at Uchiha Kai with contempt, and then she began to think seriously.

Uchiha Kai has always been very ambitious, and he has a very purposeful purpose in everything he does.

In Hyuga Aya's view, this action was an action against the daimyo.

In the eyes of ordinary Konoha ninjas, the daimyo is just an object worthy of respect.

But such a worthy object, compared with their own shadow, is still a lot worse.

If you follow this impression, then it can be completely understood that Uchiha Kai doesn't care about the daimyo at all.

Indeed, how could an ordinary person really attract the attention of a group of ninjas who have mastered great power?

Probably the only thing worthy of attention by ninjas is the money in his pocket, as well as his location and identity?

However, after the big name from the Land of Wind gave Feng Ying a slap in the face, it seemed that some things became subtle.

If Uchiha Kai plans to do something at this time, it is likely to do something more interesting!

"Are you planning to use this incident to give this daimyo a slap in the face, and make this slap hurt?"

Thinking of this, Hyuga Aya said directly: "Also, Hokage and Daimyo are two pieces of 'jade', and we don't have much to say about which piece of 'jade' we should choose.

If people on the other side plan to make a fuss about this matter, I am afraid that no one in Konoha will agree. "

"Not bad." Uchiha Qi nodded with a smile: "Go ahead and see how much you can think of."

"Those so-called so-called Twelve Endurances should be completely eliminated by you, as long as you find evidence."

Hyuga Aya showed a sneer: "Then you will use this evidence to make things worse, and you will choose to confront that daimyo, right?"

"Almost, after all, there are not many opportunities like this." Uchiha Ki nodded, and then his eyes looked forward.

"For us, it is true that only one piece of 'jade' is enough, as for the other piece, it is best to recognize our own position and do what we should do.

I have heard that their family is quite prosperous, and it is not difficult to change someone if necessary. After all, this piece of 'jade' is a symbol. "

The daimyo is a symbol, and this symbol is enough as long as you do what you should do.

Then enjoy the respect and admiration of others with peace of mind, and cooperate with the real 'jade' who holds real power to complete various tasks.

If there are too many ideas, there will obviously be a lot of unexpected troubles.

Although Uchiha Qi came here for the Nine-Tails Chakra, it would be better if he solved the trouble easily.

"It seems that this poor daimyo will not only lose a lot of money to protect himself, but also his loyal subordinates."

When Hyuga Aya heard Uchiha Kai couldn't help but smile and said, "If he refuses, there may be many hopes for his family to replace him. What are your plans for Kai-kun?"

"Are you planning? Not for the time being, just take a look at it when the time comes." Uchiha Qi said flatly.

"Although the position of daimyo has no actual power, it is also a supreme honor. I believe that many people are watching, looking forward, and waiting."

"Yes, simple coercion and inducement is enough." Hyuga Aya nodded: "I am afraid that in their minds, they are also expecting such a thing to happen."

Uchiha Kai and Hyuga Aya were talking quickly, while Kakashi on the side was a little silent.

To be precise, he found that he couldn't get in at all, and the more he listened, the more he found himself dumbfounded.

It was the first time he realized that his good friend, the head of the Konoha Guard Department, Uchiha Kai, actually had such a dark side!

But thinking about it carefully, what Uchiha Kai said and what he planned to do seemed unusually in Konoha's interest.

Also abnormally in Kakashi's own interests?

The two 'jades' of Hokage and Daimyo, if Kakashi chooses, he will choose Hokage without hesitation.

The daimyo is indeed a title worthy of respect, but it is only a title.

To put it a bit ugly, they are just a group of rich people who can help Konoha Village.

According to Uchiha Kai, changing such a person is no big deal.

But, is it really okay to say it so straightforwardly?

At this moment, Kakashi felt that he had better not intervene.

Uchiha Kai made such a decision, obviously with the permission of his teacher.

Although I am surprised at the black-hearted side of Uchiha, but when I think of Uchiha's current status and the total performance on the battlefield that year.

Kakashi knew that this was probably Uchiha Kai's attitude towards the enemy.

And with such a deep consideration and such a ruthless approach, this may be the reason why he can become the Minister of the Security Department, right?

Kakashi has also heard some things about Kai Uchiha, but this is the first time he has come into contact with Kai Uchiha.

"However, this guy, the big name, can be ignored, and even his so-called twelve tolerances can be ignored."

At this moment, Uchiha Qi suddenly said again: "But the necessary caution and caution still need to be done well. Those twelve guys are a little famous, and I'm afraid they are not easy opponents."

"Don't worry, I'm also worried that Qijun will look down on them, which will lead to some unexpected accidents."

Hyuga Aya tilted her head slightly and glanced at Uchiha Kai: "After all, I know Kai-kun's strength."

"Thank you for your concern, I wouldn't do such a stupid thing." Uchiha Qi smiled slightly.

underestimate them?

Although Kai Uchiha didn't think from the bottom of his heart, what kind of threat these guys could pose to him.

But the profession of ninja is so full of uncertainty.

You can look down on them, but you must always be vigilant when fighting. This is the consistent style of Uchiha Kai when facing the enemy.

The rabbit will bite in a hurry, even if Uchiha Kai looked beautiful when he was in the fog, but in fact he was cautious.

The warning left by Madara Uchiha, his predecessor, is profound enough...



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