Chapter 387: choose

Threat, this is a real threat!

What Uchiha Kai said was like a thunderbolt in the ears of Daimyo!

very troublesome?

What trouble?

Choose to protect yourself or protect your subordinates?

No matter how you choose it, it's life-threatening!

Protect himself, then he may never find anyone willing to serve him in the future.

And choose subordinates?

So probably kick him out of this position, or just kill him and find a prince to replace him?

As for finding a reasonable reason?

Is this a hassle?

Daimyo really felt a chill in his heart, and this kind of threat was the first time for him.

But from the side, he also seemed to feel the anger from Konoha.

His subordinates are secretly collecting nine-tailed chakras?

The name really doesn't know about this matter, but he does know about the fact that Nine Tails escaped in Konoha.

To be honest, when he knew about this, he really had some expectations in his heart, hoping that something really happened in Konoha.

But after thinking about it, if something happened to Konoha, the country of fire would be equivalent to losing its protection.

Although the war may not necessarily affect him, it will definitely affect his current interests.

So to some extent, he and Konoha are really interdependent.

There is no threat to his life, but there is a threat to economic interests.

Therefore, Konoha's stability is also good for him, although he really has some extravagant hopes in his heart.

I hope that I can be like the one from the Land of Winds, and hold the entire Ninja Village in my own hands.

But the ghost land of the Land of Winds has no ability to develop any economy at all, not even the ability to be self-sufficient.

Those ninjas can only rely on the wealthy daimyo, so that the daimyo of the land of wind can ask for anything.

What's going on in the country of fire?

The most fertile land in the entire ninja world is the country of fire!

And as the actual military force of the Fire Nation, Konoha really won't be swayed by a big name like that Shayin Village.

It can even be said that Konoha is definitely in an absolutely powerful position.

If the name of his name really shows thoughts that he shouldn't have and does things he shouldn't do, then his end will definitely be bad.

"Is there any misunderstanding here!" Da Ming asked with a pale face: "I really don't know, I swear, I have never heard of such a thing!"

"Then listen carefully and watch carefully." Uchiha Kai's scarlet eyes were still staring at the daimyo: "Your Excellency, as ninjas, we respect you very much, but I hope you understand one thing."

"Qi... Minister Qi, please speak." Daimyo's voice stuttered, his entire back was wet with cold sweat.

"Hokage and Daimyo are the same." Uchiha Kai's voice was very soft, and his face was even more inexplicable.

"Hokage can be re-elected, and the daimyo can also be done by someone else, as long as it belongs to your family."

If it was said that Uchiha Kai's words were still very vague, at this moment, it was like opening his fangs.

With those scarlet eyes, the fire country daimyo really feels like he has fallen into the abyss at this moment!

To narrate in such straightforward words is basically an ultimatum.

The Fire Nation's daimyo is definitely not an idiot, he seems to feel the anger from the entire Konoha.

The fact that his subordinates collected tailed beasts obviously angered Konoha!

Although he didn't know who was doing it, he also knew the thoughts of the ninjas under him.

When he recruited these ninjas, he also did some detailed research.

Those who are biased towards themselves and those who are biased towards Hokage naturally need a balance. Whether it is for others or for themselves, he must have a certain compromise.

Obviously, I am afraid that those guys who fully support themselves have caused such a big thing.

"Qi.... Minister Qi, I will take care of this matter." Almost gritted his teeth, the big name of the country of fire said.

"I don't need to trouble you, Your Excellency." To the surprise of Daimyo, Kai Uchiha shook his head slightly.

"I know you may be wondering, isn't it just some chakra? But there is one thing you need to understand, it's the chakra of the tailed beast, and it's still nine tails. And we've come over, let us handle this matter ourselves All right."

"I... I understand." Da Ming swallowed and finally nodded helplessly.

"Don't worry, Your Excellency." Uchiha opened and closed his writing wheel, and then showed a smile that made people feel the rain and the breeze.

"We have specific information, and we will put the evidence in front of you. It's up to you how you want to deal with it."

After saying this, Uchiha Kai slowly retreated from Daimyo's side.

And finally took Aya Hyuga, bowed slightly to the daimyo to show his respect, and then left the daimyo's palace.

Daimyo watched the two leave, and he breathed a sigh of relief until the door was closed.

But then he collapsed directly into his seat.

There was a touch of resentment on his face, but this resentment was replaced by a strong fear.

He needs to calm down now, and he also thinks about how to deal with this in the end.

If it is even possible, how to take revenge on this little devil!


"Qijun, I am afraid that Daimyo and his twelve guardian ninjas have already hated you so much, right?"

Walking out of the palace of the daimyo, Hyuga Aya looked at Uchiha Kai with an inexplicable smile on her face: "I'm afraid he won't give up so easily, what is Kai-kun going to do?"

"It's no big deal, I'm afraid it's just to fan the flames and make some rumors that he won't admit at all."

Uchiha Qi said indifferently: "So, to be strong first, you must be prepared to be strong first.

I'm really looking forward to what he thinks when he sends people to spread rumors and finds that the public opinion has already taken the lead. "

Since Uchiha Kai has agreed to Hyuga Aya's request, naturally he will also take all aspects into consideration.

For example, if he is so tough, what kind of rebound will he lead to?

There is only one possibility Uchiha can think of, and that is to discredit himself through the means of public opinion.

Let the twelve ninjas attack him?

To a certain extent, this is an admission, and he leads the collection of nine-tailed chakras.

Daimyo is not that stupid, so naturally it is impossible to do it.

And his status is also very high in the country of fire. If he uses his status to make a fuss, the effect will be much greater.

But Uchiha Kei's original intention was to make a big deal, although the big name probably thought that Konoha would definitely use this kind of thing.

But now there is no wind, this may be a signal that Konoha intends to deal with in a low-key manner.

Since he is so famous, it is not an opportunity that he did not take advantage of, but it is a pity that he definitely thought of Konoha and Uchiha Kai wrong.

"Okay, let's not talk about this." Uchiha Kai shook his head: "Now we still need to see Kakashi's performance, how about you? After observing for so long, I finally found something, right?"

"Actually, didn't Qi-Jun see it too?" Hyuga Aya tilted her head.

"It seems that the team that He Ma is in is all loyal to Daimyo, and Dilu is alone in another team. The composition of that team is unclear, but I think that's the team I want to deal with. In the end, the four Thunder Dunn ninjas are there. A family, this is what Kakashi needs to deal with."

"Luck seems to be good, at least Dilu and that what and horses are not together." Uchiha Kai smiled casually: "This saves a lot of trouble, after all, if you let me persuade people, forget it."

"I always remember that your eloquence seemed to be good." Hyuga Aya gave Uchiha Kai a strange look: "When did you start to lose confidence?"

Uchiha Kai's eloquence indeed left a little impression on Hyuga Aya.

Although he said some words to some people alone, such as Kakashi, for example, at a certain class reunion, he said some words to his fellow students.

However, there is communication between people, and Uchiha Kai's words are not a secret thing.

Therefore, "chicken soup" such as "living is harder than dying" and "strong ninjas are not based on strength, but because they can carry the will of their dead comrades and keep moving forward" have also been circulated.

Don't say it, this is really touching.

I don't know how many Konoha ninjas are used as mottos or life mottos.

Whenever they tell others about something, they will say something like "Master Qi once said".

These things are also clear to Uchiha Kai himself.

Although he himself felt very funny, he didn't care about it, and he was happy to see this kind of influence.

"It's not that I'm not confident, I just think there's no need to waste my saliva." Uchiha Kai shook his head indifferently This kind of thing can be left to you and Kakashi. As for me, I'd better focus on it. Just deal with that **** horse. "

"Speaking, are you searching for his memory by using illusion just now?" Hyuga Aya seemed to remember something, and she asked directly, "I remember that in the Land of Water, you can already do this, right?"

"That's right." Uchiha Kai nodded: "It's true, although there is a lot of uncertainty, but I'm lucky and saw what I wanted to see."

Since returning from the Land of Water, Kai Uchiha has been improving his writing wheel.

Although the progress is not very good, there are still some effects.

Although it is still passive, it can only see the most important memory in the heart of the caster.

But for Kazuma, his most important thing is obviously those nine-tailed chakras.

Although through his memory, Uchiha Kai knows that he has no collective plans right now.

But it is a fact that the nine-tailed chakra is collected, and Uchiha Kai also knows where this thing is!

"When are you going to start?" Hyuga Aya asked simply: "After all, they can transfer some things."

"It's true, but I think I'll have to wait a bit before I start."

Uchiha Kai said with a smile: "After all, I gave Kakashi two days, but before that, I plan to get the 'evidence' and talk about it."

"Aren't you afraid of the guilty conscience called Hippo, will you check his things carefully?"

"Let's not say that I don't think the daimyo will tell them about this, and secondly, even if the hippo is suspicious, I will do enough disguise..."



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