Chapter 394: Stage 4

"The conditions you gave are too harsh, aren't they?"

On the way to leave the capital of the Land of Fire, Aya Hyuga couldn't help but look at Kai Uchiha.

Uchiha Kai's naked threatening voice still haunts Hyuga Aya's ears to this day.

Although for Hyuga Aya, it is not the first time she has seen Uchiha Kai's strong performance.

However, such a strong political position can even be said to be unreasonably strong.

This was something Hyuga Aya didn't expect, and it was something she had never seen before.

But it is undeniable that such a strong and tough attitude brings benefits and benefits that are unimaginable.

The four basic points proposed by Uchiha can be said to be a lion's mouth.

It completely stripped the daimyo of its own right to protect itself, and ruthlessly caused the daimyo to suffer 'stigmatization' in terms of public opinion orientation.

It is conceivable that such a blow will completely and completely turn the title of daimyo into a so-called 'title'.

Whether it's the daimyo's lax control over his subordinates, or the daimyo's poor understanding of people, these are all solidifications of the public's perception of the daimyo.

This kind of cognition is very deadly. Once it is solidified to the daimyo, I am afraid that it will be difficult for them to be recognized by the public.

No more ninjas will even identify with them!

Over time, the 'stigmatization' of daimyo will turn daimyo into a 'mascot that pays money'.

And this is also the purpose of Uchiha Kai!

In addition, Uchiha Qi also slaughtered the big name.

Not only did he ask for a generous remuneration for himself, but he also added a large sum of money to Konoha's annual financial support!

The amount of money that the daimyo needs to give Konoha every year is not a small amount.

Even if Konoha is completely self-sufficient, the name is to reflect his status and to highlight his 'leadership' in his relationship with Konoha.

Every year, he allocates money to Konoha to make the Ninja Village better.

However, now Uchiha has raised it by 30% on the original basis.

This 30% is almost catching up with the one-year allocation of the Wind Country Sandyin Village.

One can imagine how terrifying this number is and how huge this number is.

If Kazekage of Sandyin Village knew, Uchiha Ki would move his hands and move his mouth like this.

Just robbed them of a year's worth of daimyo funding, the ghosts knew how jealous they would be.

However, such harsh conditions cannot be tolerated by anyone.

Even the daimyo of the Land of Fire would never agree to it under normal circumstances.

However, Uchiha Kai's most lethal words were placed at the end.

That sentence 'Send a child of yours to Konoha to negotiate' is simply a death threat!

If you agree, go directly. If you disagree, I will help you choose a child to go.

Whether you are dead or alive, this command is issued by you, there is no difference!

The lethality of this sentence is too great, so big that Daimyo made a decision on the spot - he will go to Konoha to complete the talks in person!

"It's alright, at least the goal has been achieved." Uchiha Qi smiled slightly and said indifferently.

"And the plan went well. As the rumors continued to spread, Kakashi escorted the daimyo back to Konoha for the talks, and he also got huge benefits. This time the operation can be said to be a perfect end."

Kakashi was left in the capital of the Land of Fire by Uchiha Kai.

In addition to letting him find a way to convince the guard ninjas to join the Konoha camp during this period, he was also tasked with monitoring the daimyo.

This action, on the surface, is to create a storm of public opinion for Kakashi, so that he can get the most benefit.

Therefore, this task is naturally the most suitable for him to handle.

In addition, Uchiha Kai also left Kakashi a secret mission.

That is, once these people have no idea of ​​joining Konoha, then get rid of them!

The country of fire does not need so many wandering ninjas, and no one can tell what kind of trouble these guys will cause if they leave the country of fire.

After all, they used to be daimyo's guards, and they only knew that there were definitely more things than ordinary ninjas.

So they don't have much power to choose.

Then stay and die, there is no dispute, unless they collectively become monks.

In fact, Uchiha Qi didn't even want to give them the power to choose.

But considering that he has done enough, and the world has a high level of belief in Buddha, it is scary.

Especially among ordinary people, so he is not easy to start.

In the eyes of people like Kai Uchiha, what should the so-called belief be?

Shouldn't it be that when the test is the most severe, you can still believe that you can persevere to the end?

If you don't even believe in yourself, why can the gods and Buddhas you believe in bless you?

"Actually, your purpose should be those nine-tailed chakras, right?"

Hyuga Aya knew Uchiha Kai too well, she shook her head with a smile: "Seriously, I really didn't expect those three-tailed chakras to be used for experiments, and those chakras should be absorbed by you, right? "

"So sharp?" Uchiha Kai was a little surprised: "How did you notice it?"

"The nine-tailed chakra you released in the daimyo's palace." Hyuga Aya said calmly.

"Maybe it's because I've been with you for too long, or maybe I've studied immortality.

Although it was not successful, it also improved my perception ability to some extent. I found your chakra among those tailed beast chakras. "

"And..." Saying this, Hyuga Aya paused, and then she said.

"According to your character, you don't need to waste such things as evidence.

The most likely is that you find them to be evidence of your exposure, so you destroy them.

Speak, I discovered your secret, you won't shut up, will you? "

Uchiha Kai looked at Aya Hyuga, who pretended to be terrified, dumbfounded. When did she become so interesting?

To be honest, this joke is really not funny at all.

If Kai Uchiha wanted to silence her, she would have done it long ago, and the importance of this woman to him is really self-evident.

The secrets she knows are even more frightening, and Uchiha Kai would never do such a stupid thing.

It's just that this woman wants to play, and he is also happy to play with this woman.

"What's the point of saying that now?"

Uchiha Kai's face suddenly became extremely cold, his eyes became scarlet and even black chakra appeared on his body.

"Knowing so many secrets, it really reassures me that you are still dead."

"Is that so?"

Aya Hyuga didn't seem to be surprised, but then she sighed boredly: "It looks scary, but there is no killing intent at all. This is not the Uchiha Kai I know who wants to do it."

"Really, it seems that my acting skills are a little unqualified."

Uchiha Qi smiled slightly, and the black chakra on his body disappeared completely: "Actually, you are also very boring, and I just cooperate with your performance."

"Should I thank you?" Hyuga Aya shook her head: "However, I wonder if you can let me know, is your purpose for collecting the tailed beast Chakra? After all, you are doing something extremely dangerous."

Collecting tailed beast Chakra is indeed an extremely dangerous thing.

What Kazuma did was caught by Konoha, and what Uchiha Kai himself did to the daimyo has proved all of this.

But now Uchiha Kai himself has begun to collect the chakra of the tailed beast, which obviously will bring great pressure to Hyuga Aya.

She now wants to figure out what Uchiha Kai is going to do.

This also allows her to be mentally prepared, and can also do some coping measures.

Although Uchiha Kai may do this kind of thing himself, but one more person has more power.

It can also make up for some things that Uchiha Qi could not have imagined.

Human energy is limited, no matter how powerful and comprehensive Uchiha Kai is, he can't be comprehensive.

He will always have loopholes that he can't detect, and Hyuga Aya is the person who knows him best.

Nature helps him see things he can't.

"Actually don't need to worry so much, because unless I expose myself, no one will find out."

Uchiha Qi knew the good intentions of Hyuga Aya, but he really didn't worry about this kind of thing: "Because these chakras are in my body."

"Your body?" Hyuga Aya was a little stunned: "Are you planning to be a Zhuli?"

"If I want to be a Zhuli, when the nine tails are released, I can consider forcing a fight."

Uchiha Kai shook his head, and black chakra appeared on his body again.

"Actually, all I need is chakra. I will not accept an intelligent life in my body, especially through chakra to see everything outside and see everything I do. It makes me feel very uncomfortable. It's uncomfortable and makes me feel very uncomfortable, so..."

Having said that, the black chakra on Uchiha Kai's body suddenly increased sharply.

As his control of Susanoo suddenly began to strengthen, the half-armored Susanoo appeared on him!

Aya Hyuga stared blankly at Susanoo in front of her. This chakra monster was the key to Kiyoshi Uchiha's single-handed fight against Kirigakushi.

I don't know how many Mist Ninjas fell into the hands of this Chakra monster.

Looking at this monster so closely, that gloomy feeling seems to be swallowing her up.

"So I only need the chakra of the tailed beast, and these chakras are not stored in my body, but in my Susanoo."

Uchiha Kai felt the powerful power of Susanoo, and his voice came over calmly.

"The essence is chakra, so Susanoo can store the chakra of those tailed beasts, and can also 'feed' those chakras by 'supplying', so as to achieve the effect of continuous 'self-sufficiency', and... .."

"Those tailed beasts Chakra will also feed your Susanoo, right?" Hyuga Aya seemed to understand something, she asked softly.


Uchiha Qi nodded, and then he continued to speak while silently mobilizing the chakra of the tailed beast.

"As I said before, the essence is chakra, so the chakra of the tail beast is also an element that can improve Susanoo. Although it is unexpected, the effect is still good..."

Having said that, Uchiha Kai suddenly began to bless the chakra of the tail beast on Susanoo, but this time his face changed...


Uchiha Kai really didn't expect that the situation would become so weird and bad when he demonstrated his income in front of Hyuga Aya.

He didn't even think that his Susanoo would be so stable when he didn't actively bless the power of the two tailed beasts.

But once he blessed the power of the tailed beast, he suddenly found that his Susanoo suddenly became uncontrollable.

The chakra that was originally condensed and solidified fell apart at this moment, and he couldn't even keep his Susanoo!

Such a terrifying scene made his face extremely ugly, but there was not much he could do now.

"Are you OK?"

Hyuga Aya also noticed that Kai Uchiha's current situation seemed not right, she immediately stepped back some distance and asked loudly.

"Not sure." Uchiha Qi frowned. He felt the increasingly scattered Chakra and finally said, "Stay away, help me monitor the surroundings, and don't let anyone approach."

"I see, be careful yourself."

Hyuga Aya nodded, and after taking a serious look at Uchiha Kai, she immediately ran towards the distance.

Uchiha Kai ignored Hyuga Aya's actions, and he was very confused now.

Although it was because of him that this happened.

But in such a situation, it's really frustrating.

He must now find out whether such a situation is bound to happen, or because of the blessing of the tailed beast Chakra.

If it is because of the chakra of the tailed beast, then why did he not use the chakra of the three tails before.

But now the chakras of the three tails and nine tails are mixed together to bless, and they have encountered such an accident.

"Do these Chakras need to be blessed one by one, can't the two forces be mixed?"

Uchiha Kai thought to himself, but soon he shook his head.

"Although I'm not sure, but how strange, the power of these tailed beasts is essentially chakra, there is no difference, this should not happen."

Indeed, the essence of chakra is all the same.

In particular, the chakra of the tail beast is divided from the same source of power, and there is no such thing as mutual opposition.

Don't look at those tailed beasts that seem to be unhappy looking at each other, it is based on their own will.

And this independent will naturally has various personality differences.

Look at the future Naruto, look at the future Sasuke, which one of them in the late stage does not have the power of nine tailed beasts in his body?

Even Obito this guy is the same.

Don't look at the jubilation of the tailed beasts in his body, to put it bluntly, it is still a matter of will.

Therefore, Uchiha Kai doesn't feel at all that whether these chakras are used together or separately, it will have any effect.

In fact, these chakras have no difference at all.

Does he think that it is because of the problem with the strength of his control that he cannot control this power?

However, this idea was quickly rejected by him.

His eyes are beyond kaleidoscope-level eyes!

Even if it does not completely reach that level, it can be said that it is easy to control the tailed beast Chakra without self-will.

Taking a deep breath, Uchiha Kai really didn't have any specific clues.

Seeing that Susanoo, who was originally attached to him and protected him at all times, has almost completely collapsed,

Although these chakras still form a certain degree of protection around themselves, it is obvious that such protection is useless at all.

"Why this is happening is a real headache."

Uchiha Kai shook his head, and the next moment he closed his eyes.

It's just that his eyes have turned into a kaleidoscope in an instant, and at this moment he can clearly see those Chakras that originally belonged to the tailed beast.

The chakras of those tailed beasts really blend with each other, and there are traces and breaths of his own chakra inside.

It's just weird that these tailed beast Chakras are completely scattered with Susanoh's Chakras.

From the outside, it is impossible to notice it at all.

But it is precisely because of the Chakra of these tailed beasts that his Susanoo is in a state of collapse.

Their quality is too high, and his Susanoo doesn't seem to be able to carry their power at all.

This is the first time Uchiha Kai has seen and experienced such a situation.

In this state, Uchiha Kai is almost certain, if he collects all these chakras and then releases them again.

Then Susanoo can definitely maintain normal!

But this is always a hidden danger, because in case he is using the tailed beast Chakra blessing.

Especially when you turn into this ghost in battle, how can you fight?

"It seems that the problem is a bit big." Uchiha Qi sighed: "If you accidentally activate these chakras every time you fight, then you must re-release.... wait, re... release..."

Uchiha Kai was stunned, he suddenly realized a problem.

That is the Susanoo in the third stage, and the Susanoo in the fourth stage, completely different concepts!

Although only the lower body is added, but with the lower body, it also has high-intensity mobility.

What's more, Susanoo in that state is much bigger than the current one, I don't know how many times!

Even if it does not reach the level of a complete body, the fourth stage can also be called a mature body.

That height is probably close to 100 meters, and the caster is no longer standing in Susanohu's torso.

It was on top of Susanohu's head!

"It seems that in the original book, Madara Uchiha also caused a large-scale chakra collapse when he used the complete Susanoo."

Uchiha Qi recalled carefully, and soon he was sure of one thing, that is, he probably guessed correctly.

Although the anime in the original book is not very detailed.

But Ohnogi succeeded in the transformation of Uchiha Madara's complete body Susanoo, and he said, "That huge chakra has completely stabilized."

Why be stable?

It is not because the chakra agitation leads to the collapse, and the reorganization of Susanoo will make the chakra 'stable'.

"So, I need to enhance Susanoo's Chakra..."

Kai Uchiha seemed to have a concept in his mind, his eyes were a little empty: "Then, guide Susanoo to reorganize and stabilize through his eyes."

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kai has already made a decision in his heart.

His hands were imprinted, and the kaleidoscope in his eyes began to slowly rotate.

With the introduction of Nine-tailed Chakra, he really felt the limit of Susanoo.

However, this limit change caused Susanoo to collapse.

This change did make him a little dazed, but now that he has guessed the reason with a high probability, he will naturally not miss this opportunity.

Since he wants to reorganize, since he wants to introduce a more powerful Chakra, then he must give it a try!

Slowly closing his eyes, the next moment Uchiha Kai seemed to be back in the space where he first saw Susanoo.

He stared at the huge, dark Susanoo that suffocated chakra all over his body.

Staring at the pair of scarlet eyes just like his own, Uchiha Kai slowly raised his right hand.

Following his movements, the dark and cold Susanoo also stretched out his hand.

When the two hands, one big and one small, touched each other, a chakra that shocked Kito Uchiha instantly passed to him!

This chakra is so strong and the quality is so high.

This kind of terrifying chakra makes Uchiha Kai have a feeling that he can't control it at all.

But this is just a feeling, because this chakra belongs to him!

Feeling this strong chakra, Kai Uchiha slowly retreated his consciousness.

When he opened his eyes, his whole body had gathered, an incredible chakra!

This huge chakra is completely attached to his body, and this black chakra does not know if it is too cold.

It actually caused the surrounding leaves to wither, and the earth was also eroded by this strong chakra, and cracks appeared!

Taking a deep breath, maintaining the state of the seal, the kaleidoscope in Uchiha Kai's eyes was spinning faster and faster.

These chakras seemed to feel something, and they began to quickly regroup according to the control of this Uchiha Kai.

These dark chakras quickly took on the state of skeletons, and soon these skeletons were covered with meridians and flesh and blood, but in the blink of an eye, these flesh and blood seemed to be covered with a coat.

After reaching this bottom, Uchiha Kai stopped.

Although he can totally continue and let it reach the higher third stage Susanoo.

But Uchiha Qi knew that this was enough.

Under the control of Kai Uchiha, Chakra continued to converge on Susanoo's lower body.

At this moment, it seemed to appear naturally in his mind, the huge giant in the consciousness space These chakras began to operate automatically, accompanied by the rotation of Uchiha Kai's kaleidoscope.

These chakras quickly gathered leg bones in the lower body of Susanoo, and also appeared meridians and flesh and blood!

Uchiha Kai's body slowly began to rise, and at some point a crystal-loaded trough appeared on top of Susanoo's head.

With Susanoo's legs slowly taking shape, Uchiha Kai has come to this crystal warehouse.

The chakra gathering is getting stronger and stronger, after the foundation of the fourth stage of Susanoo is formed.

These chakras began to continuously increase the size of Susanoo.

Getting bigger and higher, Uchiha Kai's position has also risen.

His ascent finally stopped when he reached the point where he was close to eighty meters.

However, at this time, Susanoo looked a little erratic and unstable.

However, Uchiha Kai didn't care, and his control continued.

The speed of his kaleidoscope's rotation began to slow down slowly, and when such rotation completely stopped, Kai Uchiha's own terrifying chakra erupted!

At this moment, Susanoo seemed to feel something, and the Chakra who gathered Susanoo burst into a strong vibration.

This kind of vibration and the friction of the air made a violent sound, just like the roar of this terrifying giant.

The shaking became more and more violent, and the roar became stronger and stronger.

But at this time, the resonance between this power and Uchiha Kai's own chakra is becoming more and more synchronized!

Finally, when the roar stopped, the huge giant, nearly 80 meters high, opened his eyes.

Those scarlet eyes looked so terrifying...



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