Chapter 408: Collision of Eternal Eyes (2)

The latest website: "Boom..."

With a loud bang, three fireballs hit Kai Uchiha's body, causing a terrifying explosion!

Uchiha Kai stood in it, unaffected at all, as if it did not exist.

It's just that black chakras have appeared on his body, and these chakras have turned into huge ribs to protect him tightly.

Seeing this scene, Uchiha Fuyue was also secretly surprised.

However, he was only a little surprised, but he knew about Susanoo's technique.

"Exactly, let me see how your Susanoo's defense is!"

Thinking about it, Uchiha Fuyue immediately sealed the seal.

The Susanoo that Uchiha Kai is using now is just a prototype, and he knows that this is the Susanoo in the initial stage.

However, Uchiha Kai has not yet used his own kaleidoscope. Even if such a battle has begun to go beyond the scope of ordinary ninjas, he is not an ordinary ninja.

Uchiha Fuyue is also thinking about expanding the scale of the battle!

"Huo Dun, Fire Dragon Flame Bomb! Earth Dun, Earth Dragon Bomb! Wind Dun, continuous waves of vacuum!"

At this moment, Uchiha Fugaku has completed the three kinds of ninjutsu in three seconds.

The suffocating fire dragon, the terrifying sphere of light, and the large continuous vacuum jade poured out towards Uchiha Kai.

Uchiha Kei was still standing there, but at this moment his Susanoo had turned into a flesh-and-blood giant.

The pitch-black Susanoo waved his long sword, and the huge fire dragon was directly divided into two by him.

Moreover, his ninja sword also burst into terrifying dark flames, and these flames rushed directly to Uchiha Fugaku!

A large area of ​​dark flames appeared, swallowing the remaining earth and wind, and rushing towards Uchiha Fugaku unabated.

Wherever they passed, large tracts of trees lit up, and the fire gradually spread.

Even the river water was ignited by this dark flame.

For a time, this valley was as suffocating as purgatory!

"It's a terrifying power." Hyuga Aya has been watching this battle with open eyes.

Of course, she can see clearly even if she doesn't turn it on, but she is also responsible for monitoring the surrounding situation, so she does this.

"It's really scary." Imai Kenta nodded: "But this level is just the beginning for him, isn't it? Back then... ahem, I really can't forget his performance."

"Indeed, I just hope they don't go too far. After all, you have to be careful with those people in the perception class." Hyuga Aya sighed: "I don't know if I will have such power in the future."

"Shouldn't this be up to you to explore?" Imai Ken tilted his head too much.

"After all, what you've done has never been done by any Hinata, so it's up to you.

But after all, you are the owner of the 'eye', so it's hard to say that you also have such terrifying power. "

Hyuga Aya glanced at Imai Kenta, but her eyes were always on Uchiha Kai and Uchiha Fugaku.

The battle between the two has been completely escalated, and she really needs to see more of this higher-level battle now.

Uchiha Fuyue quickly avoided the dark flames and stood on a tree. His face is really wonderful now.

He has already recognized what these dark flames are, this is the power of Amaterasu!

Uchiha Kai has never revealed what his pupil technique is,

But at this moment, Uchiha Fuyue seemed to feel that he knew some information.

And it just so happened that this technique Uchiha Fuyue wouldn't be afraid!

He himself has the power of Amaterasu, and he also has the power to control Amaterasu!

Although these eyes are not his, but after more than a year of fusion and adaptation, he has mastered the power of these eyes, so he also uses such power.

"The power of this Amaterasu will not do me any harm, Qijun!"

Uchiha Fuyue smiled slightly, and the three hook jade in his eyes began to spin quickly.

The three hooks are joined together to form a kaleidoscope of bizarre double patterns.

This bizarre double kaleidoscope rotates rapidly, and those dark flames seem to be under control, and the next moment they burst out with incredible power!

This huge flame spread wildly towards Uchiha Kai, as if these flames were released by Uchiha Fugaku.

"Qijun, don't you know the power of these eyes?"

Uchiha Fuyue stood on the spot with his arms around his chest, he felt very strange.

Uchiha Kai usually doesn't make such mistakes, he definitely has his own reasons for doing so.

But no matter what the reason is, he has to be careful.

Uchiha Kai is definitely a terrifying opponent he has never met before.

Even if this is a competition, not a life-and-death battle.

But he didn't want to lose either, even if he might lose, he definitely couldn't lose too ugly.

"Of course I know, I've used those eyes too."

Uchiha Qi raised his head and looked at Uchiha Fugaku standing on the top of the tree, the flames of Amaterasu did not spread in that direction.

"Just treat it as adding some fun. After all, I can use this kind of flame."

"Increase the fun?" Uchiha Fuyue tilted his head and looked at Uchiha Kai with some doubts: "It's not a good thing to increase the fun like this, because no matter how you look at it, it is more beneficial to me."

"That might be the case." Uchiha Kai showed a slight smile: "Are you ready? My warm-up is almost done."

"Ah, so do I." Uchiha Fuyue also showed a smile: "I have to say, this is the first time I have experienced the fun of fighting, so I have to be serious."


The conversation between the two of them was naturally heard clearly by those watching the battle from a distance.

Especially for Uchiha Itachi, such an impact is unbelievable!

The terrifying collision of Taijutsu collided with the large-scale escape technique that almost evaporated the drinking water.

Is it just a warm-up test?

To what extent do these two have to fight to be considered serious fighting?

Uchiha Itachi felt that if he played their warm-up state, he could solve most of the ninjas, right?

Could this be the true power of the Uchiha clan?

"Ki-kun, I used to envy your Susanoo, after all, that's the power that can suppress the Nine-Tails head-on."

While Uchiha Fuyue was talking, pale golden chakra appeared on his body.

"So after thinking about it for a while, I also began to seriously explore and test this kind of power. I have also researched some interesting things during this year's adaptation time."

"Oh?" Uchiha Qi looked at the pale golden chakra on his body, and he could almost tell what kind of power it was: "Susanoh? It seems that Lord Fuyue has indeed come up with some good techniques."

Susanoh of Uchiha Fugaku?

Uchiha Kaixin sighed secretly.

Sure enough, after this 10,000-year-old Voldemort broke free from his shackles, he also began to erupt with power he had never had before.

Susanoo didn't have this skill at all, or he never showed it, so he just chose to die.

And now that terrifying and depressing environment is gone, plus he's exposed his kaleidoscope.

There has also been a huge change in mentality, and naturally he has also allowed his power to evolve, or develop and manifest.

Watching the golden chakras continue to condense, a skeleton giant appeared on Uchiha Fugaku in the blink of an eye.

Uchiha didn't move, he wanted to see what stage Uchiha Fuyue had developed this technique to.

As these pale golden chakras continued to condense, the meridians and flesh and blood of the skeleton giant soon appeared.

And what's very interesting is that this giant is very big and has four arms!


Uchiha Fuyue's hands were tied together, and he suddenly let out a violent scream, and the sudden eruption on his body became even more terrifying!

The pale-gold giant followed his movements, growing in size again, and armor appeared on its body.

These armors tightly wrapped this Susanoo, and the golden eyes also burst into brilliance at this moment!

Susanoh in the third stage?

Uchiha Qi nodded slightly, this Susanoo looks really good.

The third stage, but the strongest stage he used when the fog was hidden.

"How is it, Qi-jun." Uchiha Fuyue breathed slightly, but his face was full of smiles: "Susanoh at this stage, can Qi-jun be satisfied?"

"As expected of Mr. Fuyue, it seems that you have put in a lot of effort." Uchiha Ki nodded, and then he asked curiously, "Just, why doesn't your Susanoo have a weapon?"

Uchiha Kai is indeed a little curious. Normally, in the second stage, Susanoo already has weapons.

But what made him feel strange was that Uchiha Fugaku's Susanoo didn't have any weapons at all.

And his Susanoo seems to be a bit similar to Uchiha Madara.

Such a Susanoo...  

Uchiha Kai seems to have a certain degree of judgment, but it is really hard to say how.

"Maybe it has something to do with my fighting style, so I may not necessarily need any weapons."

Uchiha Fugaku shook his head with a smile: "Of course, if I really need it, I think Susanoo will also have the weapon I need."

"Ah, yes." Uchiha Ki nodded: "But it's really amazing."

"Okay, Qi-jun, I'm ready." Uchiha Fuyue clenched his fists: "I feel that the blood in my whole body is boiling now, and then I think we can start and fight with all our strength."

"Is the blood boiling?" Uchiha Qi suddenly showed a weird smile: "Ah, it's really a good thing to be boiling, and I'm going to do my best."

"However, I think it would be better to let you cool down a little..."


Susanoo in the third stage is very strong. To put it bluntly, very few people can penetrate it directly at this stage, and then kill the caster!

After all, no one has such a powerful ability to penetrate Susanoo.

And looking at the current level of Uchiha Fuyue's use, it may be because of the ability of those eternal eyes.

It could also be the effect of his Susanoo itself, which looks really big.

Even if it is only the third stage, it is almost thirty meters away.

Uchiha Kai's original third stage, Susanoo, did not have such a height.

And Uchiha Fuyue seems to know about this, and he can see clearly Uchiha Kai's obscure smug look now.

However, Uchiha Keiko is no longer the third stage.

His Susanoo has entered a brand new state, no longer a pure fortress.

It just so happened that since his Susanoo was activated by him, there has been no chance of any actual combat.

After all, he can't find any opponents who can withstand his outbreak.

But it seems to be different now.

The defense of Susanoo in the third stage may be stronger than that in the fourth stage, after all, he has armor to protect him.

This is an excellent opponent!

"cool down?"

Uchiha Fuyue didn't seem to understand Uchiha Kai's words, but he still kept a smile: "Then, let me appreciate the power of Qijun."

"Ah, yes." Uchiha Qi nodded slightly, and then the three hook jade in his eyes began to condense.

After a while, a pair of kaleidoscope writing wheels appeared in his eyes.

The pair of kaleidoscopes began to rotate slowly, and the dark chakras on his body suddenly burst out with unimaginable momentum!

Aya Hyuga looked at the scene in front of her with her arms around her chest, but she did not forget how she was frightened by Susanoo in the fourth stage of Kai Uchiha.

The scene of destroying the sky and destroying the earth is really terrifying, and Uchiha Kai's power has also been significantly improved during this time!

"Hey, do you think Qi can deal with his patriarch?"

Suddenly, Kenta Imai asked in a low voice, "Their patriarch's Susanoo looks much bigger than Kaizen."

"You haven't seen Qi's full power. If you let him go to Wuyin Village now, I'm afraid..."

Hyuga Aya shook her head: "Take a good look, how did your first-generation Hokage deal with the ancestor of the Qi family?"

"What do you mean?" Imai Kenta was a little baffled: "Of course it's using a wooden escape... Hold on, don't you mean..."

"Ah." Hyuga Aya nodded, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "So there is nothing to worry about, just let him cool down his patriarch."

Imai Kenta's face became a little dignified, and his workload was relatively heavy during this period of time.

Therefore, he is really not so clear as to how far Uchiha Kai's strength has reached.

In addition to the necessary meetings, he almost devoted all his energy to work and training.

Of course, he wouldn't let their relationship become estranged.

Because of the importance of this relationship, Mrs. Imai Ken knew.

It can be said that he can ignore other people in Konoha, but he must not be unfamiliar with the line of Uchiha Kai, and...

In a sense, they are also like-minded friends.

The chakra that erupted from Uchiha Kai became more and more terrifying, and the dark chakra was completely condensed on him.

As the number of these chakras became larger and larger, the Susanoo on Uchiha Kai also began to show its prototype.

Uchiha Fuyue's face was fine at first, although such Chakra is very scary, but all this is within the range he can bear.

After all, Uchiha Qi has used Susanoo for much longer than him, and has a wealth of practical experience.

However, as this chakra continued to erupt, Uchiha Fuyue's face became a little ugly.

Kai Uchiha's Susanoo is constantly changing, and in the blink of an eye he has turned into a half-sized giant.

However, the next changes began to develop in the direction unknown to Uchiha Fuyake!

Kai Uchiha's Susanoo did not appear in the armor after completing the second stage.

Those terrifying chakras began to condense to Susanoo's lower body, and this Susanoo's body size had undergone a huge change.

Susanoo, who could only be regarded as a half-sized giant, now had his lower body.

With the continuous control of Uchiha Kai, this dark Susanoo continued to expand.

The terrifying chakra caused a huge shock in the surrounding valleys!

When Uchiha Kai's huge chakra completely solidified, a Susanoo with a height of 100 meters stood in front of Uchiha Fugaku!

Uchiha Fuyue stared blankly at the giant in front of him, this Susanoo is the real giant!

And Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sect, at this moment, their brains are blank.

The two of them had already felt that Uchiha Fugaku's Susanoo could be regarded as Uchiha's strongest power.

But now they find that things don't seem right, because the Susanoo shown by Kai Uchiha has completely subverted their imagination!

This is nearly 100 meters high, and because of the complete body.

No matter how you look at it, this Susanoo seems to have already possessed the mobility.

This is definitely stronger than a fortress!

"Is this, Qi Jun's full strength..." A little cold sweat fell on Uchiha Fuyue's forehead: "It's really scary!"

"It's my full strength, at least this is my strongest posture at the moment, Susanoo." Uchiha Qi nodded slightly.

Then, under his control, Susanoo pulled out his ninja sword, and the dark flames were instantly ignited on the ninja sword!


Uchiha Fuyue looked at the huge Susanoo, and the expression on his face suddenly became a little excited.

"I understand, thank you, Qijun. But I'm sorry, I didn't feel my blood being cooled. On the contrary, I wanted to be even more excited. It's hard to imagine that I would have such a strong feeling."

"Is that so?" Uchiha Qi nodded slightly: "Then... let's start."

As soon as the words fell, Uchiha Kai's Susanoo suddenly slashed out under his control!

The terrifying blade directly cut off the earth with incredible power, and the terrifying power continued to spread towards Uchiha Fuyake!

What is even more terrifying is that this knife came down with the flames of Amaterasu.

The blade full of destructive aura smashed through the air, like the anger of the God of Fire against the world, and the punishment from the heavens personally cut off everything in the world.

Uchiha Fuyue took a deep breath, this kind of power is really beyond imagination.

But he really felt excited at this time. As the patriarch of a family, it was really difficult for him to get excited because of the battle.

Because battles generally have nothing to do with him, the high-level clan and Konoha will not allow the chief of the clan to participate in the battle.

Coupled with the fact that he is generally calm, it is difficult for him to feel the joy of fighting, let alone the excitement.

But now facing Kai Uchiha, facing the huge suffocating Susanoo, he really felt excited!

"Perhaps in Uchiha's blood, there is a desire to fight."

Uchiha Fuyue looked at the terrifying blade, and the next moment his hands began to form seals.

The scary thing is that not only did he start to form seals, but even Susanoh's four arms began to form seals!

Uchiha Fugaku's Susanoo is already huge enough, and it has four hands, and the chakra that burst out at this moment is even more incredible!

His seal was fast, and Susanoh, who he controlled, completed the seal almost at the same time as him.

At this moment, the terrifying Chakra directly caused the earth to crack around!

"Tu Dun·Tulu returns!"

A simple C-rank ninjutsu, it doesn't even take a second to create a seal in his hand.

But the power of this low-level ninjutsu at this moment is unbelievable!

A huge earth wall like a mountain appeared directly in front of him.

The mountain-like earth wall completely blocked Uchiha Fugaku Susanoo.

The huge size made Uchiha Itachi, Hyuga Aya and the others a little terrified.

And at this moment, Uchiha Kai's blade just came.


The huge explosion sound was deafening, and the earth was swaying wildly at this moment.

Such a terrifying vibration was even transmitted to the Konoha residential area!

This made many residents of Konoha think that there was an earthquake in the country of fire or something, otherwise such a situation would not have occurred.

However, the perception class completely fell into sluggishness, confusion and confusion at this moment, because they clearly perceive that this is what they thought was caused!

Even if they haven't had time to report the situation to Minato Namikaze, Minato Namikaze has already noticed that something is wrong.

"As expected of Qijun!"

Uchiha Fuyue looked at the 'Tushan' that was completely destroyed, and he couldn't help but sigh.

But his movements didn't mean to stop at all, and his hands quickly knotted again.

Some blood was already overflowing from the corners of his eyes: "Huo Dun · Huo Huo Extinguished!"

Susanoo cooperated with him to quickly complete the seal, and in the blink of an eye, a sea of ​​fire spewed out of the pale golden Susanoo's mouth!

This flame spreads extremely fast and the coverage area is so huge that almost the entire valley is completely covered by it.

Fortunately, Uchiha Itachi, Hyuga Aya and others were all above the valley. They only felt the terrifying heat, but they were not directly attacked by such flames.

Otherwise, Uchiha Fuyue would not dare to be so unscrupulous!

The terrifying flames not only covered Uchiha Kai's Susanoo, but also Uchiha Fugaku's Susanoo.

What is even more terrifying is that those flames with normal colors immediately became the nourishment for the Amaterasu flames left by Uchiha Kai.

In an instant, the entire valley turned into a purgatory-like existence, and the dark flames were swallowing everything.

At this moment, Hyuga Aya's face suddenly changed, because she found that someone appeared nearby...
