Chapter 410: Probe results

The latest website: "Three generations of Hokage-sama, this is the place."

The moonlight was cold, and the three generations of Hokage, accompanied by the root ninja, quickly rushed towards their previous gathering place.

They are already slow, because I heard that when the first Konoha earthquake occurred, there were already ninjas to find out what happened.

As for the result, it seemed very scary, and the perception class also sent them the report, which made them realize that something was wrong, so they rushed over quickly.

Not only them, but also all kinds of ninjas are constantly sprinting from all directions.

But their destinations all point to one place, and that is the collapsed canyon at the very edge of Konoha.

When the three generations of Hokage and others arrived, more than a hundred ninjas had gathered here.

They are trying hard to put out the fire here again.

It's just that the scope of the flames here is too large, and it's unbelievable!

"Water Escape, Water Bomb!"

"Water escape, water formation wall!"

"Water Escape, Water Dragon Art!"

All kinds of water escape ninjutsu are used under the control of these ninjas.

The vast majority of them are members of the security department, who endured thick smoke in their throats, trying to put out the wildfires burning here.

However, it was soon discovered that there was a unique dark flame in the wildfire.

This pitch-black flame is not conspicuous under the shroud of the night, but it is very violent.

Ordinary water escape ninjutsu, there is no way to extinguish it.

Fortunately, these dark flames are gradually withering for some reason, so it saves everyone a lot of trouble.

These flames are naturally the flames of Amaterasu, even if Uchiha Qi and Uchiha Fuyue have disconnected the control of their power and let them go out quickly.

But unfortunately, there will always be some that slip through the net.

In particular, Uchiha Fuyue also used "Huo Zhaoming", this pupil technique to increase the scope of Amaterasu's flames, making these flames difficult to control.

The three generations of Hokage slowly walked to the unscathed valley, looking at the mess below.

With a pipe in his hand, his face was gloomy, and he didn't know what was in his mind.

why is it here again

Why is he where he met Uchiha Shisui again?

Soon he ignored the obstacles and jumped directly down the valley.

His approach naturally caused those who had no way to do anything at all, and they jumped down one by one.

He walked towards Nara Shikahisa and Hinata Hizu, who were squatting in front of a huge ravine, thinking.

"Minister Lujiu, Chief Nisashi, how did you observe?" The three generations of Hokage asked directly.

"Lord Three Hokage." The two immediately stood up when they heard the voice of Three Hokage.

"You don't need to be polite, what are the results of your observation for so long?" The three generations of Hokage nodded, and his eyes turned to the huge ravine.

"Lord Hokage, this... seems to be the trace of a sword." Hinata Hizu and Nara Shikaku glanced at each other, and then Nara Shikaku took a step forward and said.

knife marks

After hearing the words, the three generations of Hokage quickly put the pipe in his mouth. He did not refute but fell into contemplation.

Obviously, he also noticed that this huge ravine is the trace caused by the knife.

But what kind of knife can do this?

For ninjas, the longest sword seems to be only a few meters.

The traces here, no matter how you look at it, do not look like ordinary blades.

This kind of trace is obviously not like a human ninja can cause!

"Did he come back?"

Sandai or also secretly thought to himself that he naturally knew about Jiraiya's psychics.

That giant toad named Wentai can use a ninja sword, and its ninja sword is the kind of giant blade that is dozens of meters long.

The three generations of Hokage have seen the traces left on the ground after the huge toad waved the ninja sword.

And the flames around him seem to be more in line with Jiraiya's fighting style.

Because Jiraiya will use the oil spit out by Toad Bunta, and then use the fire escape to burn a large area.

But soon he shook his head, because the chakra left here is obviously different from that of Toad Wentai and Jiraiya.

That kind of gloomy chakra, he seems to have felt it.

It seems that the chakra left behind when Orochimaru fought that **** Uchiha Kai was like this.

Is it that **** kid Uchiha Kei?

Three generations of Hokage frowned, he thought it shouldn't.

Because of such a big battle, this little devil is bound to be affected.

But that guy was not far from that guy Namikaze Minato.

Judging from the breath on his body, he doesn't seem to have any problems at all, and from the outside, he doesn't seem to have any injuries.

Fortunately, the people from the perception class also seemed to be here, and he naturally knew the leader, whose name seemed to be Masato Yamanaka.

Yamanaka Masato noticed the third Hokage and the fourth Hokage and others, and he hesitated and embarrassed all of a sudden.

Because the location of the two people is really far away, and the appearance that there is no communication at all, also gives Yamanaka Masato a very headache.

After thinking for a while, Masato Yamanaka walked over to the third Hokage helplessly, and then greeted him very respectfully.

Then he planned to lead people towards Hokage, but soon his footsteps froze because he saw Kai Uchiha!

"Oh, it's a man, you are here."

Seemingly noticing the arrival of the perception class, Minato Namikaze, who was standing with Kei Uchiha, turned his head and said with a smile.

"It's really hard for you, I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

"Long time no see, Masato-kun." Uchiha Qi also walked over with a smile, he didn't seem to see Yamanaka Masato's somewhat strange face at all.

"I heard that you have become the team captain. It's a pity that I haven't had the opportunity to congratulate you."

"Hmph, the fourth generation, Minister Qi, it seems that there are more important things now." The third generation Hokage snorted coldly.

Uchiha Ki and Namikaze Minato are ignoring him indistinctly, making him feel very uncomfortable.

"Yes...Yes, Lord Hokage for the fourth generation, Lord Hokage for the third generation, and Minister Qi." Masato Yamanaka seemed vaguely relieved.

He didn't dare to participate in such an invisible battle, and it was also the battle of Konoha's most core power circle.

He is very self-aware, and if a person of his level participates in it, I am afraid that the slightest carelessness will be shattered.

Even if his cousin, the patriarch of the Yamanaka clan, Yamanaka Haiyi, participated, it would end well!

He had heard of it, although their three clans had established some connections with Uchiha Kai.

But now, they have begun to distance themselves on the bright side.

This is also impossible, this is their real way to survive in the cracks.

He squatted on the ground quickly, then pressed one hand to the ground, and then he closed it.

In just a moment, cold sweat appeared on his forehead.

He has already noticed how terrifying the power here is.

At the same time, he also noticed who the user of these terrifying powers was!

Not only that, he also noticed some other, extremely obscure Chakras here, and also knew the owners of these Chakras.

This can't help but make him swallow his saliva, especially when he thinks of the master who has two strands of chakra....

No, the owner of the four-strand chakra is here, and he knows that he is facing a huge choice now.

"These extremely obscure chakras, one is the chakra of the future mission minister Imai Kenta, and the other is the branch of the Hyuga clan."

Masato Yamanaka felt that his brain was about to explode: "And there is an extremely obscure chakra, it's Hokage-sama!"

"What's wrong"

Just when Masato Yamanaka felt that his head was about to explode, a gentle voice rang in his ear, it was Minato Namikaze.

"Have you found anything, Captain Masato?"

"Yes... I found something..." Masato Yamanaka was startled when he heard this voice.

However, as soon as he opened his mouth, he wanted to slap himself.

"If you have a discovery, let's talk about it." Uchiha Keiya said in a soft voice, "I believe that Captain Masato will make a satisfying discovery."

Satisfying the hell!

You **** bastard, what you did, don't you know what's going on?

Masato Yamanaka roared in anger, and then he didn't dare to show anything at all.

He thought for a while, raised his head and looked at Minato Minato, Uchiha, and the third Hokage who was smoking a pipe and staring at him, and he seemed to have made a decision in his heart.

"I found two chakras here, and these two chakras are the ultimate in the world of ninja. I'm afraid no one will be their opponent."

Masato Yamanaka took a deep breath, and then said slowly: "I have experienced many kinds of chakras, and this is the first time I have encountered such a situation, but I think I can never be wrong."

Hyuga Hizu, who has never spoken, said incredulously: "When did such people appear in the ninja world, who are they?"

"The Crown of Ninja World"

The third generation Hokage frowned, and he glanced at Uchiha Kai, and then looked at Yamanaka Masato again.

"And then, is there any information other than that?"

"Sorry, because there is no blood, there is no way to judge more things, but these two chakras are fighting, one is extremely cold, and the other is extremely hot.

And judging from the traces on the scene, the fighting styles of the two are also completely different, one is extremely good at taijutsu, and the other is extremely good at ninjutsu.

And...their size is at least...very huge, I'm afraid..."

Masato Yamanaka said here, paused for a while and then said, "I'm afraid the two sides of the war are not human at all!"

not human

The answer made Hokage Sandai frown, and the answer was too vague.

But look at the terrain that has been completely changed, and the divided land.

He almost subconsciously agreed with this reason.

Indeed, no human being can do this, how can this be achieved by a human being, this is not a human at all!

Not only him, but Nara Shikahisa and Hinata Hizu also seem to agree with this statement.

It's just that Uchiha Kai and Namikaze Minato looked a little weird.

While Namikaze Minato heaved a sigh of relief, he also looked at Uchiha Kai with some amusing.

At this moment, Uchiha Kai's face has turned black.

This guy, was it intentional?

Do you want to take revenge on yourself by saying this...


"Looks like this is basically all right."

In the middle of the night, Uchiha Kai invited all the members of the security department who participated in this firefighting operation to come to a pub to enjoy a late night snack.

At this point in time, the fire caused by the battle between him and Uchiha Fuyue has been completely controlled.

It has to be said that the profession of ninja is not only extremely destructive.

If they transform their destructive power into thinking, they can take more responsibility.

Of course, there is also a relationship between Uchiha Qi and Uchiha Fuyue to extinguish the flame of Amaterasu.

Otherwise they couldn't do it at all.

When Namikaze Minato heard Uchiha Kai's words, he couldn't help but glared at him. This guy is too embarrassed to say this.

If it hadn't been for him and Uchiha Fuyue fighting to the end, he had already started to take action with all his strength, how could it have attracted so many people's attention?

In the end, Minato Naikaze had to find a way to cover him and help him let Masato Yamanaka resolutely not say something that he couldn't say.

Although after watching this battle, Minato Namikaze himself was a little emotional.

And because of this battle, he also has enough confidence in the not-so-good things that may happen in the future.

But now, he has enough headaches.

"You're too embarrassed to say this, if the two of you restrained a little bit, it wouldn't be like this." Minato Namikaze said helplessly.

"I'm afraid this matter can't be hidden from some people, although they won't know who did it, and those who know it won't dare to say it easily.

But such destruction will also make some people with ulterior motives more certain of what they think about."

"That's not right." Uchiha Qi tilted his head, and at the same time picked up the cup with tea on the table and put it to his mouth.

"If it is handled well, Konoha will have at least ten years of peace or even longer. Only if he is strong enough, he will not cause others to peep."

"But you seem to have overlooked one thing." Kenta Imai was sitting next to Minato Namikaze, and he would not miss such a party.

"That is, you don't seem to be able to shoot at will. If it attracts the attention of those people in the fog, wouldn't what you have done before have been exposed?"

"I think so too." Hyuga Aya sat beside Uchiha Kai, she tilted her head and glanced at Uchiha Kai.

"To be honest, maybe we are not afraid of high-end power, but we may not be able to do mid-range and low-end power.

And your strength can determine the direction of the battlefield, but it's a pity that you can't take action, and it won't make them stop similar thoughts."

Aya Hyuga and Kenta Imai's words are very reasonable. After all, what Kei Uchiha did in Kiriyin Village is still being discussed on the security and defense issues of various countries.

One person resisting is almost equal to the number of ninjas on the scale of a battle, and still wins a big victory.

Also defeated the water shadow to control the tail beast, such a person is definitely a huge threat!

No Shinobi Village would be happy that such a person is hostile to Shinobu Village, and when he started, he let Uchiha take the soil and their backs.

If Uchiha Kai is exposed at this moment, this is simply hitting Konoha in the face.

This will make the entire ninja world have a huge distrust of them.

Not only that, those spies hiding in the country of fire are afraid that they will also take action.

And because he dealt with the fire country daimyo, but made all the daimyo hate him.

It is conceivable how terrifying the pressure Uchiha Kai and Konoha will face at that time.

Coupled with the nine-tailed attack on Konoha, Uchiha Kai can also control the tailed beast. These things have been publicized to a certain extent.

I am afraid that he will have no place to stand in Konoha!

Although the rumors stop at the wise, these so-called wise men will do things that are not in line with their wisdom because of their interests.

The orientation of public opinion has made ordinary people and ordinary ninjas the most deadly weapons.

But these things all have a premise, that is, Uchiha Kai himself exposed himself.

"Actually, even if I'm exposed, I'm afraid there are not many people who are my opponents." Uchiha Qi sighed slightly.

"Of course, I don't think I've reached the point where I can run wild. Actually, it's not that I can't make a move, but it depends on whether the other party will cooperate or not."

"Oh" Minato Minato was stunned when he heard the words, and then he said thoughtfully: "You mean, wait for them to dispatch the tailed beast, right?"

Obviously, Namikaze Minato thought of the information left by Uchiha Obito, the mysterious organization he is now in, which is acting for the tail beast.

Of course, these things they have to show they don't know.

But the existence of tailed beasts has people in those mysterious organizations, which seems to have some connection no matter how you look at it.

It's okay to remind him of Shinobi Village, or to blame the mysterious organization Uchiha Obito once again.

Anyway, as long as they use the tail beast, Uchiha Kai seems to be able to really make a move.

It is not difficult to pretend to be a member of those mysterious organizations. Everyone knows that there are members of Uchiha in that mysterious organization.

The only problem, I am afraid, is the technique of Susanoo.

But when he thinks that Uchiha Kai can use his shadow clone to perform, then maybe he can be completely separated from that "mysterious Uchiha" this time.

The only trouble, I am afraid, is Uchiha Kai's shadow clone, how far can Susanohu's technique be performed.

After all, when he was in Hidden Kiri Village, that Susanoo was extremely terrifying!

"Yes, if they send tailed beasts, maybe I can become that 'mysterious organization' again."

After Uchiha Qi glanced around, his voice was extremely low: "Not to mention this is a chance for me to wash my whites."

"Is the color of your Uchiha's Susanoo unique?" Minato Namikaze and the others heard the words, and immediately lowered their voices a lot.

He even asked what everyone wanted to know in their hearts.

"It's hard to say, because there are not many people who have opened the kaleidoscope writing wheel." Uchiha Qi thought for a while and said.

"And as far as I know, it seems that there are only three Susanoos. One is mine, the other is from the patriarch Fugaku, and it was Uchiha Madara a long time ago, but the colors of our three Susanoos are not the same. Same."

"Don't you even know it yourself?" Minato Namikaze touched his head, and finally he could only sigh.

"It seems that you need to be cautious in your whitewashing, or do some preliminary work first, and you can't do too much or too little.

At least let people know what your spell is, the color is completely random and can be the same..."

If he still doesn't understand the words to such a degree, then he simply doesn't mess around.

Having Hokage help him cover and give him a chance to escape, this kind of treatment is really not something everyone can enjoy.

But he does need to make a series of preparations.

Excessive force will make people realize that they are doing some guidance.

But if the force is too small, then naturally it is of little use.

Thinking of this, Uchiha Qi knew what to do.

Although his time is not much, it is really not difficult to deal with these things well.

Especially in his hands, but there is a department of the security department.

"Okay, it's very late now." Minato Namifeng took a cup of tea and took a sip, then stood up: "Kushina and Naruto are still waiting for me to go back, the time is for you young people. ."

"You're not old, even though you are said to have become a father." Uchiha Kai shook his head, but then he also stood up, as did Imai Kenta and Hyuga Aya.

The three of them bowed slightly to Minato Namikaze, and then Uchiha Keicai said with a smile: "Then, we will send it away soon."

Minato Namikaze nodded, and he glanced at the members of the security department who were still enjoying late-night snacks.

Then he directly launched the technique of Flying Thunder God and disappeared in front of everyone.

If Namikaze Minato had children and a wife, it was natural for him to leave early.

Although it will make everyone present feel a little bit, it will be more or less less flavorful, but Uchiha Kai and the others are still enough.

And Uchiha Qi obviously didn't plan to go back so early, and invited the members of the entire security department to come out for dinner, which he had never done before.


"Is it really a monster, not a human?"

At the other end of Konoha, Nara Shikaku followed Yamanaka Masato and walked towards their clan.

The Nara clan and the Yamanaka clan are very close, so Nara Shikahisa also had the opportunity to have a good chat with the brother of this friend who works in the perception team.

However, Nara Shikahisa was also very careful, and when he was about to enter their clan, he asked.

After all, I am afraid that there will be ears on the outside, which will also cause the person beside me to dare not tell the truth.

Although he may not dare to tell the truth now, it is definitely easier to judge what he said than on the outside.

"This matter...." Masato Yamanaka hesitated for a while, and he finally looked at Shikahisa Nara helplessly.

"Lu Jiu, don't ask, there are too many people involved in this matter, and the situation is very serious, and for our own safety, this matter is done by monsters."

"There are too many people involved in this matter, and the situation is very serious." Nara Shikahisa frowned, he obviously felt that this matter seemed very unusual.

Looking at Masato Yamanaka's expression that he was completely reluctant to mention it, Nara Shikahisa knew that it would be really difficult for him to ask something.

He knew Masato Yamanaka very well and knew the character of this guy.

Since he doesn't want to say , then he probably won't say it.

When he was on the battlefield, he was once captured by Yannin.

He was tortured and interrogated for many days without revealing any information. If it weren't for Uchiha Kai, he...

Suddenly, Nara Shikahisa was stunned, why is it Uchiha Kai again?

In this matter, is it because of Uchiha Kai

Nara Shikahisa touched his chin, and he felt more than that.

There are too many people involved in the matter, and the gaffe is very serious, so will this person have more terrifying characters in it?

And how serious is this gaffe?

Suddenly, Nara Shikahisa thought of something, and a cold sweat immediately appeared on his back...
