Chapter 419: shut up you bastard

Latest URL: Really amazing.

No matter how Kei Uchiha thought about it, he felt that this matter was too, too incredible and too remarkable.

However, Uchiha Kai still has too many questions, that is, how did Aya Hyuga do it, and what is her current storage capacity of immortality.

There are other issues that he also wants to figure out, such as her current stability and the actual use of this immortal technique, which are also things he is very concerned about.

Hyuga Aya obviously also knows that Uchiha Kai has many questions.

Therefore, after she stabilized her situation, she directly maintained the current immortal mode to face this Uchiha Kai.

In such a state, Uchiha Kai is a little unnatural.

Because he has not forgotten that in this state of Chakra mode, the user's perception ability will be greatly improved.

To put it more mysteriously, the user can even feel the 'evil' of human nature.

Uchiha Kei never thought he was a good person, and he was also curious sometimes.

If the future Naruto learns the immortal mode and combines the nine-tailed chakra mode, what can he perceive when facing himself.

This kind of thing is really likely to happen, after all, strictly speaking, he is also his uncle.

Uchiha Kai is not a disciple of Minato Namikaze, and his relationship with Minato Minato Namikaze is a collaborator, and also a relationship of friends.

The ghost knows what kind of expression he will show when he perceives that he has such an uncle.

"Qijun, your breath is really evil, no, it shouldn't be called evil, it should be..."

Hyuga Aya didn't know what Uchiha Kai was thinking, but she was obviously doing what Uchiha Kai guessed.

"Dark and cold, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't seem like a good person."

"Really?" Uchiha Qi raised his eyebrows: "I'm really sorry for making you feel like this, but I never said that I was a good person."

"Ordinary bad people don't have the aura of you." Hyuga Aya shook her head: "I really believe that gentle Kai can be such a dark person. Such an aura is like a terrifying poisonous snake."

"Really, it's not the first time I heard such a statement." Uchiha Kai smiled indifferently: "I remember that many people said that I was despicable and shameless, a cold poisonous snake, maybe this is my enemy. Best comment for me?"

The more vicious the enemy evaluates himself, the stronger your ability.

But these things, Uchiha Kai has no way to change.

Even as his status in the family and village got higher and higher, he began to look more and more kind, and even more and more like to laugh.

But there is no way to erase the darkness hidden in his soul and blood.

He is different from Naruto Uzumaki, when the woman named Xiangling felt Naruto.

But I noticed that Naruto's chakra was full of sunshine and a warm atmosphere.

But under this sunny and warm chakra, it is the extremely dark chakra of the nine tails.

Uchiha Kai's Chakra may be similar to Uchiha Sasuke who was completely caught in the vortex of revenge.

The difference is that the kid's Chakra is getting darker step by step.

And his chakra is probably very dark from beginning to end.

Even Uchiha Kai thinks that his chakra is more terrifying and terrifying than Uchiha Sasuke, right?

"Don't talk about these things, I'm very curious about your situation." Uchiha Qi shook his head, and he asked directly: "Is your immortal art practiced? What's going on?"

"It should be considered a success." Hyuga Aya nodded, and she turned her head to look at the mirror that was also placed on the table.

In the mirror, her face was reflected.

The somewhat pale, pretty face has two shades of purple eyeshadow that show up under her white eyes.

And it was obvious to the naked eye that her temperament seemed to have undergone tremendous changes.

It's a little strange, but it seems a little unusual...


Inexplicably, looking at herself in the mirror, she suddenly felt this way.

After thinking for a moment, Hyuga Aya took off the forehead guard on her forehead.

She was stunned to find that the caged bird curse marks on her forehead seemed to have dimmed!


Hyuga Aya put aside the scattered bangs and touched the curse mark on her forehead, she looked a little incredible.

"It seems that this fairy spell also has a certain inhibitory effect on your caged bird."

Uchiha Qi frowned and said, he really didn't expect that immortality would have such an effect.

"Indeed, I didn't think about it, but I think it may have something to do with my genes being activated."

Hyuga Aya looked at herself in the mirror silently, then she turned to look at Uchiha Kai: "Thank you, Kai."

"Eh?" Uchiha Kai didn't react for a while.

Especially looking at this woman's expression, this situation.

But soon he nodded, he knew what Hyuga Aya probably meant.

Probably talking about what he did for her, right?

Thinking of this, Uchiha Kaixin sighed secretly.

This woman doesn't need to say this at all, because what she has achieved can be said to be well deserved.

Her dedication is completely proportional to what she gets, and Uchiha Kai never felt that there was anything wrong with her getting these.

Since it is cooperation, everyone has something to gain, which is only natural.

"It seems that Kai doesn't quite agree with my idea." For some reason, Hyuga Aya suddenly laughed.

"You're thinking, I got all this for granted? I have to say, Kai, your behavior is really confusing, and your thinking is not the same as many people."

"Don't perceive my thoughts, it's rude." Uchiha Kai shook his head.

"My idea is very simple, subordinates can cultivate motivated subordinates to become helpers.

A 'friend' who has reason to value, a person whose relationship deepens and can become an ordinary friend, and a friend who truly knows each other's true colors.

Finally, there are partners, everyone has common interests, even if they have different ideas, they can work together, but they must be careful partners..."

"Since it is a partner, then everyone has shown enough value, then everyone can get enough return, right?"

Aya Hyuga said before Uchiha Kai: "I have to say, although this way of thinking is extremely utilitarian, it really makes me feel very comfortable. I have to say that Kai-kun has given me a respect I have never had before. what....."

"Really?" Uchiha was taken aback.

He really did not expect that some of the thinking habits brought about by mixing the workplace in his previous life would have such a strange effect.

To give a person normal respect is what he does subconsciously.

Before Yuchiha was about to die, he told this guy the truth about what happened.

Although Osamu Uchiha was driven mad by his own hands, before he was deprived of consciousness, he also said everything.

There is also this guy Uchiha Shin, Uchiha Kai also gave him enough respect before his death.

Even Ao of Kiriyin Village, Uchiha Kai told him a lot no matter what the purpose was.

These are all part of the portrayal of his preservation of his own humanity, whether it is good or malicious, it is just a true portrayal of a part of human nature.

Human nature is inherently intertwined with good and evil, and it is normal for him to respect his own people.

He probably didn't realize how strange his approach was in this world.

But it is this kind of heterogeneity that makes his relationship with Namikaze Minato and Uchiha Fuyake so good?

"No matter how you look at it, I have to thank you." Hyuga Aya showed a smile, her smile looked very real.

"Because you have given me enough respect for this Hyuga branch, I finally know that I hated you so much before, but now I can cooperate with you... a good reason.

There are also tips you gave, for which I need to thank you. "

"You are my partner, and more importantly, you are also my friend." Uchiha Qi shook his head: "By the way, you said a reminder just now, could it be..."

"Well, it's the blood of the Kaguya clan." Hyuga Aya said without any concealment.

"You know, I've tried those white cells, and it all worked but the negative reaction was huge.

Probably that experience gave me a little experience. After you used your special ability to explode the serum in my body, I could perceive these special chakras more clearly.

Although I haven't fully recovered yet, I seem to be able to condense these chakras. "

"Is that so?" Uchiha Qi nodded silently: "It's incredible..."

It's really incredible, the ghost knows why the gene fusion of the Kaguya clan and the Hyuga clan has such an effect!

He really did not expect this point anyway, he can only say that Uchiha Kai guessed right.

And he didn't even think that this method of restoring Otsutsuki's bloodline could actually make her closer to the natural chakra.

The bloodline of the Sun Xiang family is really cheating!

Although the route of the Hinata clan is more difficult, it seems that the effect is really good and scary so far.

This woman is really lucky to step on shit!

"Kai Why do I feel like you're thinking about something..." At this moment, Hyuga Aya suddenly frowned and looked at him: "Something very rude?"

"How is that possible? I just feel that you are incredible." Uchiha Kai shook his head decisively, and then he immediately changed the subject: "By the way, how long can you last in this state?"

"If you don't fight, I'm afraid it can last for a long time." Although Hyuga Aya was very confused about what Uchiha Kai was thinking, she didn't bother to think too much: "However, if you are in actual combat, I'm afraid it will be difficult to maintain for a minute. ."

"Is that so?" Uchiha Qi sighed: "It's really... disappointing."

"How do I feel that it's not that I can't actually fight what you are disappointed about?"

"How is it possible, you think too much, and you are really beautiful like this, a bit like I like the type."

" shut up, you bastard!"
