Chapter 421: frighten yourself

The latest website: "I have to say that Patriarch Hyuga is really interesting, and many details are captured so tightly, which really makes me admire."

Uchiha Kai said with a smile on his face, his appearance seemed unusually peaceful.

But as someone who knew him well, Hyuga Aya clearly felt the difference.

At this moment, Hyuga Aya was a little worried. She was really worried about what would happen to Uchiha Kai if he suddenly attacked.

But this wouldn't give her too much time to think about it at all, or she made a choice subconsciously.

Her white eyes opened for the first time, and she began to detect the situation of the people around her.

"Don't be so nervous, Aya."

At this moment, Uchiha Kai's hand gently rested on hers.

"I think the Sunfoot patriarch is just guessing, guessing, it's no big deal."

"It seems that Minister Qi has completely conquered the thorn roses in our Hyuga home."

Hyuga Hizu naturally understood the significance of Hyuga Aya's actions, but he had to say with a smile.

It's just that his heart is not very unhappy.

A member of the Hyuga family actually chose to stand beside a Uchiha in the shortest possible time.

And in the case of betraying their patriarch, anyone who does this kind of thing will be unhappy.

But he, who has never had a bad relationship with Hyuga, of course, knows in his heart that it is normal for a branch to make such a choice.

The Zong family's control and oppression of the separation can be known from his younger brother's attitude towards him, how cruel and desperate it is.

Hyuga Aya is also a branch, and he can think of the key to getting it.

In fact, he himself did not pay much attention to the so-called clans and divisions.

But unfortunately, the Hinata clan is not his place to speak.

Sometimes he is also very envious of the Uchiha family. Those elders who talk a lot and get in the way are either dead or they don't dare to talk nonsense at all.

According to legend, there are many figures of Uchiha Kai inside.

What did he do, no one from the Uchiha family dares to discuss.

But Hyuga Hizu knew that there was a fire in the bamboo forest in the back mountain of the Uchiha family.

And that fire directly defined the death of some people.

And after the fire, the interior of the security department was purged, many people were disbanded on the spot, and some people were directly thrown into prison by Uchiha Qi and have not come out.

"Patriarch Sunfoot, I want to ask a question."

Just when Hyuga Hizu was thinking about it, Uchiha Kai's voice sounded in his ear.

"If I really did these things, what do you think you could do? Or, what would you do?"

"I'm not going to do anything, because whether it's Minister Qi or not, these things will be completely buried in my heart."

Hyuga Hizu quickly recovered, and he said with a smile: "I said these things just to express some goodwill of mine, and also to remind Minister Qi to be careful.

And, if I really wanted to say it, I wouldn't be here alone with you, but choose to tell some other people. "

"Then who will the patriarch of the sun foot tell?" Uchiha Kai showed a smile: "Is it the third generation of Hokage-sama?"

"Why not the fourth generation?" Hinata asked back.

Facing this question, Uchiha Kai kept smiling and looked at him without answering.

But his actions made Hyuga Hizu seem to understand something.

Although Hyuga Sunzu was restrained by various elders in the clan, this also tempered him well.

He immediately deciphered a lot of things from Uchiha Qi's words and his expression.

Uchiha Kai's attitude can basically be regarded as his admission, and those things are what he did!

And this matter, I am afraid that the fourth generation of Hokage also knows about it!

Because Uchiha Kai asked him first, and he said it was the third generation of Hokage, not the fourth.

The information revealed here is very obscure, but Hyuga Hizu had to think deeply.

That is, whether these things are known to the fourth generation of Hokage.

It was an extremely scary answer, and now he seemed to recall something else.

Just like that Yamanaka Masato, Hyuga Hizu explained in Hyuga Aya's mission report.

This Yamanaka family member, who is currently a team leader of the perception class, was rescued by Uchiha Qi from Iwanin.

And on the night of the "mysterious incident", Uchiha Kai and Namikaze Minato faced this guy together.

It's hard to say whether this guy will be under pressure, but because of human affection, so help him hide it?

"Minister Qi, I think I understand." Hyuga Hizu nodded, and he immediately said: "Please rest assured, Minister Qi, in the Hyuga clan, apart from me and Aya, no one will know about it. "

"Do you know?" Uchiha raised his brows, and his index finger tapped on the table again: "Chief Sunzu, you are a sensible person, you can't think, guess and talk about some things. ."

"I see." Hyuga Hizu nodded quickly: "We never talked about any of these things."

Uchiha Kai's attitude really has nothing to do with friendliness, but Hyuga Hizu has no dissatisfaction at all.

He's here to make sure of something, and he's got the answer he wants.

At the same time he also knew something more subtle and at the same time more terrifying.

Besides, what if he was dissatisfied?

At the beginning of the night of the Nine Tails, Uchiha Kei alone used only physical techniques and simple three-body techniques plus instant body techniques, and he overturned a patrol including him and Hinata Nisashi.

It is rude to say that if Uchiha Qi had evil thoughts at that time, they would all be dead!

Although his heart was full of doubts, why did Kai Uchiha attack them, is it to avenge Hyuga Aya?

If it was that simple, then he would look down on Uchiha Kai...

Suddenly, Hyuga Hizu thought of something.

This guy seems to be pretending and framing the people who attacked Konoha.

And there seems to be some voices recently, that is, the rumors about Uchiha Kai that Susanoo.

In addition, when Kiriyuki was attacked, Uchiha Kai was not in Konoha...

Hyuga Hizu felt that the cold sweat had come out behind him, and the information spread by those messages was the color problem of Susanoo.

Uchiha Kei Susanoh is black, and this information has been passed through some dissemination, and there may be repetitions of Susanoh's color and so on.

Does this indicate some serious problems?

Does this mean....

Moreover, Hyuga Hizu also thought of something even more terrifying!

That is, Uchiha Kai pretended to be someone from a mysterious organization, but it broke out at the same time as the Nine-Tails Incident!

Hyuga Sunzu has completely dared not think about it. He only knows too many secrets, and it will only lead to a dead end.

Especially someone like Uchiha Kai, who is powerful and terrifying, can almost be called a monster.

The secrets of this kind of people are really best not to think about, not to guess, and not to talk nonsense.

Taking a deep breath, Hyuga made up her mind that the people who attacked them were the mysterious organizations that attacked Konoha, and it was some monsters who made such a big noise at the edge of Konoha.

He didn't dare to think about it too much, there were too many things involved.

So much that he has mastered these secrets, not for negotiating conditions with Uchiha, but for courting death!

That's right, he said some of his own guesses to Kai Uchiha, except for some kind reminders and closer relationships.

There is also hope to rely on this information as a trump card, and now he simply does not dare to think about these things.

Uchiha, Qianshou, and the fourth generation of Hokage, these figures are all flickering in them, and if they go too deep, they will cause trouble for themselves.

But he also figured out some things, that is, he must stand in line.

The person he is going to stand for is not Uchiha, but like Uchiha, he fully supports the four generations of Hokage!

Although he also supports the four generations of Hokage now, but to be precise, he has reserved support.

There are many elders in the clan who still prefer the three generations of Hokage, and he is fed up with those so-called elders now!

"Minister Kai." The same all this, Hyuga Hizu said quickly: "This time, our Hyuga clan will fully cooperate, whether it is a member of the security department, or..."

"It doesn't have to be, Sunfoot Patriarch."

Uchiha Qi is still a little baffling, the speed of this guy's attitude change is really fast enough.

He didn't realize that this guy had already thought so many things.

He just shook his head and said plainly: "There is no need for this. The members of the security department are elite enough, because they are all members of the battlefield, which is very important to me."

"Is that so?" Sun Xiang's self-cultivation is still very good, and he has quickly adjusted his mentality.

"In this case, then Minister Qi can arbitrarily deploy all members of the Hinata clan in the security department. As long as Minister Qi thinks it is suitable, they will participate in this mission."

The attitude of Hyuga Hizu really made Kei Uchiha a little confused.

At the beginning, I found myself, I am afraid I want to talk about these things.

But he took the initiative to talk about some secret things, and I am afraid there are some careful thoughts in his heart.

It's just that at this moment, he doesn't say those things at all, and his attitude has changed a little, so did he think or guess something?

Suddenly, Uchiha Qi seemed to think of something, and he seemed to understand the reason for the change of Hyuga and Hizu.

Feelings, this guy is scared!

"Then, I would like to thank the Sunzu Patriarch. With the support of the Sunxiang Clan, this mission will become easier and more convenient."

Uchiha Qi said calmly, and in order to avoid some trouble, he took the initiative to say: "By the way, I don't know if the Sunzu Patriarch knows, we go to the country of grass to search for the task of Kirin."

"Understand a little." Hyuga Hizu nodded, of course he knew the mission.

"Speaking of which, that mission was also very dangerous, because it was the first time I encountered any mysterious organization guys."

Uchiha Qi smiled slightly: "My mission report is very clear about this matter, and Hokage-sama also knows this report. Coincidentally, I couldn't kill them at first, but I didn't expect that they would attack Konoha in the future. what."

"This..." Hyuga was stunned for a moment, and he understood what Uchiha Kai meant.

"So, Sunzu Patriarch. Speculation and blind thinking are not a good investment method, nor are they a good political method. Don't frighten yourself.

Finally, thank you for your support, Chief Sunfoot.

Let's go, Aya..."


Sometimes, Kai Uchiha has to admire the logical thinking and judgment ability of some people.

Just like Hyuga Hizu, without any source of intelligence.

Just relying on his own observations, associations and judgments, he can restore a lot of frightening things.

Perhaps, it has something to do with him being a Hinata Ninja.

Because Hinata ninjas are originally reconnaissance ninjas, their logical thinking and judgment skills are essential elements.

As for how much he has judged, Uchiha Kai can only make conjectures based on the conditions he gave.

But there is one thing Uchiha Kai can be sure of, that is, the man in black who attacked Hyuga Hizu that day, he probably already thought it was himself.

Although this conjecture is not robust, and Uchiha Kai categorically denies it, there will never be any problems.

But after some thought, Uchiha Kai intends to give him some information.

Although the tone is still unfriendly, it even has a taste of 'the boss teaches the subordinates'.

But in some specific cases, this can be seen as one of the means to bring the relationship closer.

After all, to explain something in person, the meaning here is more profound and long-term.

Hyuga Hizu obviously understands it well, even if he thinks that Uchiha Kai's tone is not right, but what Kai said is enough to make him alert and relieved.

To be honest, he actually really envied Uchiha Kai in his heart.

I envy his reckless behavior at the time, envy his standing team, and even envy his current right to speak.

But envy is envy, how to turn envy into motivation, and have enough action goals and plans, this is the most critical.

With Hyuga's promise, Hyuga's daily difference was almost the next morning when he handed in the list he had drawn up.

Except for a few members of the Thousand Hands Clan, the vast majority of them belong to the Hyuga Clan.

It can be said that all the members of the Hyuga clan in the security department are within the range that Uchiha Kai can choose, even if it includes Hyuga Risei himself!

But the interesting thing is that there is no Hyuga Aya's name in it.

Obviously these people seem to have pushed some misunderstandings to a deeper level.

"It seems that I should have explained it in the first place..."

Uchiha Kai also sighed a little, but after sighing, he didn't bother to pay attention to these messes.

Now that he had such a huge number of 'real-time radars' to choose from, he immediately summoned the sub-captains of the four sub-teams, and began to let them contact and combine them.

And Uchiha Kai also gave them a request, a request that is absolutely tough and does not allow them to have any refutation.

"My request is very simple, every team must have enough attacking ability, which Uchiha can do.

And I demand that you have a strong enough detection ability. You can look at the matching of Hyuga, Inuzuka and even Yuru. As for the final choice, it is up to you to make arrangements.

This mission is very difficult, but I hope that this time, the people who take the mission can come back as safely as possible, understand? "

"Yes, Mr. Minister!"

In the face of Uchiha Kai's request, all four of them, without exception, agreed loudly and firmly.

And the four of them are probably the ones who most recognize Uchiha Kai's decision.

After all, in the strict sense, those who dispatched are their direct subordinates, and the deeper the relationship is, they can be counted as clansmen.

With such a relationship based, how could they hope that their subordinates and clansmen would lose their lives because of such a task?

With enough complete staffing, the rest becomes easier.

In order to cooperate with the work of the Security Department, Konoha quietly began to shrink his task process.

There was nothing they could do except those ninjas who had gone out on a mission.

And other people who are preparing to do the task, they will be notified after receiving the task, and the task must be delayed slightly.

Even a lot of tasks were suppressed and postponed.

These things are basically done by the mission department. There are four generations of Hokage's orders, plus the relationship between Imai Kenta and Uchiha Kai, all this is done quietly.

Of course, doing this is also a relatively large financial burden for Konoha, but it is very worthwhile for all this.

Although it is impossible to find the person who issued the task and ask for a higher task reward, Konoha can fully afford these financial expenses.

Even the three generations of Hokage, who are the worst to deal with Uchiha Kai, have to admit that he did a good thing.

The money drawn from the daimyo is really too important.

If there is no such money, I am afraid it will be a catastrophic blow for Konoha.

According to normal logic, he is absolutely unwilling to have such a conflict with Yun Yin.

But the situation is different now. Yun Yin not only deceives people too much, but it seems that they Konoha can't fight.

In fact, what the three generations of Hokage didn't know at all was that even if he was not coerced by Uchiha Kai and had to raise the name of his support for Konoha, Konoha could bear it.

That is, during this period of time, Konoha has begun to quietly pass some special methods to hand over the batch of weapons and materials that have been stored for a long time but not outdated to the Kaguya clan.

This kind of transaction is completely hand-in-hand and hand-delivery, and for convenience, they are directly settled in gold.

As for transportation, there are no problems.

Obito knew about this a long time ago, so he deliberately created some gaps in the patrol distribution, allowing these materials to enter the country of water.

Although the water shadow he controlled is not very good now, because he lost to the mysterious man of Uchiha and was also controlled by the three tails.

But his right to speak did not fall. After all, the three generations of water shadows are also working hard for the village, but some people will doubt him.

With this money coming in, Konoha's situation will naturally get better and better.

Even in new weapons and material reserves, a lot of money needs to be spent.

But all of this money is within Konoha's budget, so the extra money is purely extra.

After a period of intense preparation, these selected ninjas basically had the basic ability to cooperate, and Uchiha Kai also took time to meet them.

There were no exciting speeches or too many promises.

It's just a simple statement of what they have to face and what to do.

After all, they are all ninjas of a big family, more or less they also know something.

What's more, even if Kai Uchiha doesn't promise them anything, I'm afraid their family will promise them a lot of benefits.

After this matter was dealt with, all Uchiha Qi had to do was to wait quietly, and it was enough to wait for the result to come back.

It was just something he didn't expect, during this period he received a summons from a small snake.

At first, he thought it was Orochimaru. Although Orochimaru has never been in Konoha, he is still stranded in the country of fire.

Uchiha Qi gave him Junmalu's blood through these psychic snakes, basically finishing the first part of the transaction.

And the second part of the transaction is still going on, Uchiha Qi has already given him the remuneration, and now he is waiting for him to give him the result.

However, something unexpected from Uchiha Kai was that the person looking for him was not Orochimaru.

It was the pharmacist No Naiyu who disappeared without a trace after meeting him once.

Through the information she passed over, Uchiha Kai also basically figured out her current situation.

The three generations of Hokage are still cautious, but his caution is basically based on the point of view of 'whether Yakushi No Naiyu has defected to Yaoshitou'.

After all, according to Danzo's literature report, the two should have a sense of strangeness.

But the pharmacist Ye Naiyu is now back with the pharmacist pocket, which will obviously attract the attention of the three generations of Hokage.

Fortunately, Pharmacist Ye Naiyu has very rich experience, and although Pharmacist Tou is young, his level of intelligence is no weaker than that of adults.

What's more, they have only been separated for a few years now, and even if they want to cheat, there is a certain overlap.

Therefore, after some performances and talks, the two of them temporarily gained the trust of the three generations of Hokage.

But this is only temporary, and they have to face a lot of trust audits.

Therefore, neither she nor the pharmacist remained silent after returning to the root.

"I have to say, Orochimaru is really ruthless, and even found a way to restrain the secret technique in the mountains."

Uchiha Qi quietly looked at the report in his hand, and couldn't help sighing in his heart: "And the three generations of Hokage seem to be too nervous, to let the members of the root in the mountain probe the brains of other subordinates, tsk tsk... ."

There are people from the mountain family at the root, there is no doubt that this is the legacy of Danzo left to the three generations of Hokage.

And the three generations of Hokage seem to use these heritages very well, but the way he uses it is to use it for his subordinates who don't trust him so much.

But how to use it is also his business, and has nothing to do with Uchiha Kai.

After carefully looking at the follow-up information, Uchiha Qi has basically learned what he should know.

"It's really interesting."

Uchiha Qi blandly burned the letter directly. It contained the information that the three generations of Hokage met with the Yun Ninja but this information is a little outdated, because the three generations of Hokage finally chose Publish these things.

But anyway, it's also very interesting to see these things from another angle.

What's more, this is not the point, the most important thing is that the nail of the pharmacist Ye Naiyu has been pierced into the heart of the three generations of Hokage.

"In addition to Uchiha Shisui, there are also Yakushi Ye Naiyu and Yakushidou, but I have already planted three mines in your 'body'."

Uchiha Qi stood up and walked to the window, looking at the huge statue standing on the top of the mountain not far away, a sneer appeared on the corner of Uchiha's mouth.

"Although it's a pity, your choice this time is beyond my expectations, and even I have to admire you, but some things are really determined by position."

"I'm waiting for your move..."
